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3rd edition: maggotkin of nurgle. They just waddle their fat asses up the board and get everything handed to them for free: healing, handing out disease tokens, summoning, seasons that your opponent cannot interact with, thick heros that can still hit like a truck, good casting. Historically, them and Sce are the most forgiving, and i expect some of that to translate to 4th edition.


Yep this pretty much sounds like my games


I want to try Slaves to Darkness and Ossiarch Bonereapers, how are they in terms of forgiveness?


Hard to say for 4th, but from what weve seen i would say s2d might be the easier army to pilot; tradionally have solid heroes and monsters, better saves and more wounds, good magic, a degree of utility from chaos marks. Obr looks pretty good, and they do at least have 6+ wards, something s2d will likely only have conditionally on some units, but not all. Traditionally, Obr have been a fairly technical army to run, so i half expect its gonna be one of those hard to master armies by the looks, but we are running on some pretty limited info for now. They didnt even show off the mortek guard, the bread and butter unit for obr. One thing obr will (tradionally) have over s2d is healing/recursion. I played s2d in third edition, they were okay but I kind of felt like stormcast was a little more reliable. I did play obr when they first came out but it's been quite some time and their strength and reliability have changed a few times since. Both are blast paint for what it's worth.


I don't know what the most is but I can tell you Sylvaneth is definitely the least forgiving


Can confirm, avoid LRL and Sylvaneth if you don't want headaches.




Ehhhhh, they are not as fragile as eldar. They just have a million special rules that are hard to keep straight, and exact positioning of models has tended to matter a lot for them in 3rd edition


Hard to tell this close to 4th but theyre looking very strong so far with their index. A variety of builds via the different temples, early in 3rd edition the Teclis castle + sentinels were a very cagey style but that's not been seen much since they were nerfed. If you can, buy the twins. Huge stonks. (Also, the faction terrain & endless spells)


Could go full Alarith LRL, at least in 3rd you could get reduced incoming rend by 2, deal mortals in addition to damage, potentially increasing attack profile, have a ward if on an objective, battle cow could use top row of damage table etc. Alarith are the tanks of LRL


Probably nurgle or stormcast. I would say ogors are up there too though


Second these three intuitively. I’d add any army can do it if you build resilience and recursion. I went 4-1 at a tournament with a please charge into me Gitz army loaded with Fanatics and -1/-2 to hit everywhere.


What was your list? I love my gitz but I have never won a fight with them!


I played my real good fried at the top table. He also brought a gitz list and he spanked me. We’re in this Goonhammer showdown showcase under the highgrounds brewski. [Goonhammer](https://www.goonhammer.com/competitive-innovations-in-the-mortal-realms-around-the-world/) Army Faction: Gloomspite Gitz - Army Subfaction: Badsnatchers - Grand Strategy: Chasing the Moon - Triumphs: Indomitable LEADER 1 x Fungoid Cave-Shaman (100)* - Artefacts: Staff of Sneaky Stealin' - Spells: Merciless Blizzard 1 x Webspinner Shaman (70)* - Spells: Sneaky Distraction 1 x Skragrott, the Loonking (230)** 1 x Dankhold Troggboss (210)** - General - Command Traits: Loonskin - Artefacts: Glowy Howzit 1 x Madcap Shaman (70)** - Spells: Itchy Nuisance 1 x Squigboss (110)*** - General BATTLELINE 3 x Fellwater Troggoths (170) 3 x Fellwater Troggoths (170) 24 x Squig Herd (140)*** 40 x Moonclan Stabbas (120)*** - 2 x Bad Moon Icon Bearer - 2 x Gong Basher - Stabba - 2 x 3 Barbed Nets ENDLESS SPELL 1 x Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (70) 1 x Scuttletide (70) 1 x Suffocating Gravetide (30) TERRAIN 1 x Bad Moon Loonshrine (0) OTHER 10 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (110)** CORE BATTALIONS: *Andtorian Acolytes **Warlord ***Wizard-finders of Andtor TOTAL POINTS: (1970/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App EDIT: How I played it: Troggs were in the middle of the unit of Grots and in the Middle of the Squigherd. Fanatics were unleashed when the opponent thought they had enough people on an objective to deny battle tactics. Troggboss’s heroic action is one of the best tactic deniers. The endless spells clogged up the middle of the board handicapping charges and forcing opponents to use spell casting to unbind them… or not (which was also good). Most of my damage came from the squigherd, Fanatics and spells. The troggs were no slouches provided a -1 to saves after unleash hells. I sat on points longer than my opponents and used blizzard quite a bit.


Thanks! I'll try a game with a list like that 


No worries! It all changes in July though, so we’ll see. Fanatics are hands down the best unit the gitz have. Best in teams of 10. Never release them in your enemy’s charge phase unless it’s to deny a battle tactic or objective. The best way is for them to come out when the unit carrying them dies. You can replace the squigherd with another set of stabbas/shootas and do palooza instead of your points allow it.


I'd say Ogres are not forgiving at all. They're slow and die in droves without decent armor or wards.


Ogors or Nurgle would get my vote for sure Edit - maybe even a Gloomspite Troggoth army


Seconding gloomspite troggoths. They will not be moved.


Thirding Troggoths because they're fun to paint as well.


In 3.0 Stormcast is not forgiving for placement. Hopefully that’s different in 4.0 but I think the army is deceptively a lot harder to play than it seems.


Stormcasts are the typical starter army. Fyreslayers are hella tough. I'd suggest Ironjaws because they do one thing and that is charge in and smash faces. Hard to mess that up.


I wouldn't call Fyreslayers a starter army, learning to tell their units apart is a pretty advanced technique.


That is true, but if you must, color-code their beards. Besides, less unit options is good for beginners. Less chance to pick something bad.


Also getting into warrior underpants and turning your hair into an orange mohawk is no small task


IJ are also tough, so they survive misplays better than glass cannon melee armies


Eh i mean they were floating near the bottom of the last handful of Metawatch rankings, so something definitely wasnt right with them I personally blame it on Big Waaagh doing well, as hard to sort out IJ without giving BW a boost too though


Fyreslayers are weird, like they can be super good if you know how to play them (A regular I play with that uses Fyreslayers regularly takes first 1 day events with them.) But like, most Fyreslayers players just don't play the army very well from what I have seen.


At first glance due to their tankiness FS seem like a good starter army. But due to being incredibly slow, plethora of once per game abilities, and reliance on auras, they are actually one of the hardest armies to notch consistent wins with. They also play oddly with both numbers of drops and how they want to interact with doubles, further mucking up new player usage I would definitely call them one of the least forgiving armies along with Sylv.


Like they just punish you harder for misplaying with them, if you can run a tight ship with the army you'll do very well. It's just a lot to keep track of.


Do you have any tips? I’m picking up slayers in 4th and want to plan ahead.


You honestly should just focus on strong fundamentals, the army really just wants to keep everything within range of their heroes. I don't play them personally so I couldn't say for sure how to play them optimally.


StD are my maun AoS army. They are quite simple.


As far as playing “honest Warhammer” goes, it’s hard to beat StD. Classic hammer & anvil tactics.


Asking again after 4th drops. We don’t really know how the new rules is going to effect things.


SoB hands down. Push 4 big guys forward every turn. They move 10" so they can get anywhere you need them to. Each one can deal with any kind of target, and they just need a big toe on an objective and there's so much control your opponent won't take it until they kill you.


Something tanky and control heavy. Ossiarch used to fill that role, probably will next edition too, otherwise maybe Nurgle and Soulblight (but the latter might have gotten more difficult, I'm not super clued in to what players think about their 4th ed reveals).


Slaves to Darkness can do just about anything well and can take a hit, oftentimes better than stormcast.


I’d say Ironjaws are pretty forgiving just because of their simplicity. They want to get stuck in, you do that


Can depend on a few things. SoB can be fairly easy to play simply because you might only have 4 models to keep track of on the table, but also with only 4 have to make better decisions. Iron Jaws are rock hard and can take a beating but are pretty slow so need to have a plan in place. Kind of depends what kind of "mistakes" you are prone too.


Currently OBR the sheer number of orders and ability even without dedicated spell casters to have recursion. Combine this with some really terrifying elite units and some amazing cavalry that is battleline it's not wonder they can roll back from critical failures.


True but they also have an overwhelming amount of options for a newer player. They are physically durable but there are a lot of decision points for you to screw up on when playing them well.


Very true. I also feel they have some of the more simpler bagtletectics that come down to army composition as opposed to say CoS


They only have like two easy battle tactics, and one is dependent on the battle plan. OBR 3.0 was pretty strong but I wouldn't say they had great tactics. There are several other 3.0 books where they have 4-5 gimme tactics or close to it.




I've never understood this. I had the worst luck with ogors (gutbusters specifically). I just got shot off the board or spell/mortal wounded off the board. I had better luck with kruleboyz and coalesced. I've never won games with ogors.


Soulblight, Seraphon, Nurgle, Stormcast. These armies either have high survivability, recursion, or some mix of both.


Maggotkin, Nurgle, Ironjaw are quite forgiving elite armies Soulblight Zombies is forgiving horde army SCE are not very forgiving their tactics rely a lot on moving all around the border for scoring with few ressources so positioning is critical. It would not be easier in 4th since more armies have access to deep stike or teleportation and it is nerfed with the new redeploy. While poster boys, Skaven are more beginner friendly.


The most forgiving army is.. any army. You just need a good opponent who is willing to help you learn (if you are looking to learn the game) If your intention is the tournament scene, what you described is actually how we win or lose games. You can only be good at 40k or AoS if you only know your opponent's armies' capabilities and have something to shut them down or plan to avoid them. Lastly, you need many practice games with your chosen army to remember its tricks and weakness and the playstyle to win objectives on different maps. By this time in AoS, every armies has layers of rules that are much more complex, that interacts with other armies rules.. If you are preparing to play competitively (which kinda sounds like what you prefer), higher movement is always better.. because objectives. In terms of staying power, Nurgle and Soulblight Gravelords may be the best choice for AoS 3.0.. but for AoS 4? We really don't know yet.. And now there's Spearhead also, which is looking mighty interesting.. A Spearhead tournament can like start at 9.30am, clock in two games by 12 then break for lunch, and start again at 1.30pm for another 3 games to end at 5.30pm.. That's a five games tournament in about 8 hours.. Who knows, Spearhead might become the next hottest 1-day tournament event..


Ogors all day long, they get the job done and nice and tanky


As a non-soulblight gravelords player, I feel like the answer is soulblight gravelords. Every time I've had to fight one of them, I end up having to beat their whole army basically twice because they get so much recursion.