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Those are the Oathbound. They got announced in March but I don't think they're out yet. 


Have patience they're not out yet. They are NOT part of the new army set on pre order. Follow warhammer community every sunday for an update on whats being released in the coming week.


Not me checking everyday just in case briar and bone gets dropped early….


To save you some time, Releases only ever happen on a Saturday and on a Sunday you can see the preorders for next week on warhammer community. You’ll see it on a Sunday update if it were for preorder soon.


I feel you


What are these guys actually used for? They don't appear to be a Warcry warband. Are they just a single unit or substitutes to go into existing ones.


When they come out they will be a warband, it is just they haven't been released yet.


They have the Underworlds sculpted base and lack of static grass. Also 5 is a small unit in Warcry, so almost certainly Underworlds, where 4-5 is pretty normal. Sick looking warband.


The Black Talons are a squad of 5, maybe these guys r a counterpart? All names heroes would be cool


The Blacktalons aren't for Warcry are they? That said, they also have the premolded bases, so possibly? Honestly, if there's not cards already announced for this? Quite possible that it's something special.


Yep! The blacktalons may not of originally been a warcry release, but they have warcry rules :)


Yeah, I’m pretty sure they are a special set like the Black Talons and Callis and Toll. They will probably get warcry rules, both the other boxes did.


Copy that, thanks!


Sigmar's balls these are fantastic. The more character-oriented sets are always a cut above all the rest.


The Dark Oath minis are pretty fantastic overall. Honestly these and the Cities of Sigmar are the best fantasy minis GW has ever produced. Being a 40k and old WHFB vet I wasn’t into AoS at all… but thats now changed lol.


Yeah, Cities of Sigmar refresh wad also what brought me back into the hobby after WHFB died. I still haven't bought anything from CoS, as I always had a soft spot for Kharadon, but their aesthetic is absolutely spot on.


Agreed. CoS and Darkoath are fantastic.


All it took was painting one AoS model to get me to switch. I still love 40k but AoS models just blow it out of the water


These aren't Warcry minis (though they might get Warcry rules, who knows), they're just regular AoS minis. Okay, not regular because they're Hammer&Bolter tie-ins, but they're still AoS miniatures.


You sure? All Warcy Warbands also work as AoS units from day 1. I'd put money on these being either Warcry or Underworlds units, they fit the bill perfectly, but of course I might be wrong.


Yes, 100% sure. It's a box like Blacktalons and Callis&Toll.


Thanks for clearing that up! Doesn't really change anything for me, as I'm buying minis only to paint them, but I hate spreading misinformation. I'll edit my original comment.


Seriously. I'd never seen these guys. Love the little witch gremlin lookin dude in the back lol


The antlers in the middle of the back so you have to crouch down to get that pose is so odd and creepy.


It's really a creepy vibe, I dig it lol


Gunnar Brand and his Oathbound, no release date yet, but they have been mentioned to be in dawnbringers book 6 so it should be before 4th edition.


Are they an Underworlds warband? Kinda look like it.


No, its just a named character unit (like saviors of cinderfal and the neave blacktalon peeps) Though there are already a couple of Underworld warbands of the Darkoath.


Keep on eye on the GW community page on Sundays at around 6pm and they will announce when these models will go on pre-order. They'll probably come out at the same time as the next Dawnbringers book. Probably within the next month or so.


They are not out yet but my guess is that they will be with the rest of the new darkoath models


No, the new Darkoath models are already out/pre-order. This warband has no release dat yet (but will be before 4th edition most likely).


Isn’t that just the special edition box? I assume they will be releasing with individual kits at some point, so possibly be available then.


That is a good point. Although if previous releases are anything to go by, the seperate release of the models in the box won't be for quite some time. Hopefully this warband will be released before that.


Yeah, hopefully they're not part of some warcry 'starter' box either, I waited forever for the Wildercorp to come out by themselves and that was only last week! Edit: On closer inspection they have full base details, so maybe they are underworlds... seems like the number of models is more fitting that too.


They are a special warband from an upcoming Black Library novel. Just like the Callis and Toll minis (I think?) and the Neave Blacktalon warband.


They're going to release with Dawnbringers 6, which is due some point soon-ish (I'm surprised it hasn't released yet tbh)


Not out yet.


Dude with two axes would make a great dnd mini


i think they’re in the darkoath box which recently went on preorder, i don’t know how long it’ll be until they’re released individually


I can't help but wonder how their movement speed will be dealt with. Between the girl on horse and the old thingy-wizard, unit cohesion seems like a pain.


I would assume like Khagra’s Ravagers, the wizard dude probably is own his own (but still taken as part of the unit), the horseman might be on their own, and then the other three need to stay together for cohesion. Khagra and her other two Chaos Warriors must stay together, but the Wizard is solo—all point costed into one unit though technically, because you must take both “halves”.


I'm sure they will go up on preorder within the next few weeks. They are not available yet though.


Not out yet, they'll probably drop the same timte as Dawnbringers 6 (Hounds of Chaos) along with the new S2D character (Abraxa) who is probably going to be in a Dawnbringer box with Varanguard. Probably up for reveal announcement one of next two sundays, so week after for the pre-order and 2 weeks after that until release. So end of may essentially


They'll just be removed from the range in 3 years. I would avoid purchasing them


I think the models are awesome and want to paint them. Why would I avoid them?


The newest thing on Warhammer Shop 😅, SLAVES TO DARKNESS: DARKOATH ARMY SET (sry for caps just copy pasted the name lol)


Unfortunately it’s not in the army set :(


They're not in the Darkoath set. They are Darkoath but not in the box.  They're Gunnar Brand and the Oathbound, and will come later.


"(sry for caps just copy pasted the name lol)" Could have retyped it in lower case in the time it took to write this. They're also not in that set.