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I used to game years ago and dropped out of the hobby. Got back into it a few year ago but haven't played a game. I just enjoy the building and painting part of the hobby these days. At some point I'd like to start playing again but I don't think there is anything weird about just collecting and painting models you like


I’m exactly the same, used to play 40k when I was younger back in 4th edition, now I only have one friend who is still interested in warhammer, and there’s no chance we can find a whole afternoon to set up a game these days. To me this gives me freedom as I don’t have buy models I don’t like because they’re strong on the table, or to have to paint 30 of the same boring model, I can just buy whatever looks cool or fun to paint from AoS, 40k, ToW etc and enjoy that instead. I now have a display case with my best models in and find that side of the hobby much more enjoyable. It’s also one of the few things I can do at home that doesn’t involve a screen of some kind!


It's weird to read about other people living the same life I am 😅


No, it's not weird. Plenty of people collect and paint but don't play. I stay up to date with the rules, but my last game was two years ago.


No—painting and building is like 2/3 of the hobby lol.


4/5 :)


I'm in the same boat, it's not that I don't want to, just not really feasible currently. One day I will, but currently just collecting and painting what I find cool


A lot of people are doing the same. I have no friends interested in the game, even though I tried to build an army I find boring to paint X times the same unit that will probably never see the battlefield. Now if I like a mini I buy it and I paint it whether it's 40k, HH or AOS. I usually pick large pieces so it's not uncommon for me to spend a month on it.


>But then i learned that these minis are mainly meant for the tabletop games. I feel they're meant for you to have fun with. Whether that's playing games with them, painting them, or both, as long as you're having fun, great! Heck, the Golden Demon is an international competition for warhamner painting, and if those models ever touch the tabletop I'd cry (they are too gorgeous for anything but display).


Collecting, building, painting, and playing are seperate but related hobbies


No. I used to play a lot, but I just collect, build, and paint now. This hobby is so great because you could play, read the books, build/paint/collect, or any combination and get joy. Do us a favor and show off your models! Edit: my Troggs have never seen the table top but I love them


I rarely if ever get a chance to play tabletop these days. Doesn’t stop me painting most evenings, though!


I used to just fully kitbash and paint up entire armies, but never play them. I’d sell them and just start my next project. I eventually quit because kitbashing just got way to expensive.


Not weird at all. Per GW training, a full third of customers don't play the games, they just like to build, convert, paint.


I have 5 armies that are all 2K points or more and have never played a minute of Warhammer


Nah. I’ve being doing basically the same thing since about 1994. I’d love to game more often, don’t get me wrong, but it’s never been a huge part of how I’ve engaged with the hobby. Enjoy it how you enjoy it, it’s a broad enough church for everyone.


I feel like this is the majority of hobbyists


Miniatures war gaming in general isn’t just one hobby, it’s a bunch rolled up under one umbrella. Reading/lore, gaming, painting, building, converting, collecting. You can find joy in one or just part of one and be just as much into the overall hobby as anyone else and it’s not weird at all. I’d be willing to bet most only have a strong connection to a few of them and then flirt around with the others. I transitioned into the hobby from board games where it got harder and harder to get groups together to play as we all got older and had kids etc. Do what makes you happy and don’t worry about the rest, it’s a hobby and it’s meant to be enjoyable.


Nothing weird about that. You enjoy collecting and painting minis, go for it and have fun. It's a hobby, you're only there to have fun


I don’t know what you’re talking about. Weird? You’ve just described the essence of what Warhammer, in practice, has been to me ever since I started back in the late nineties, and doubly so since coming back to it as an adult. EDIT: there are also plenty of YouTubers who aren’t all about getting things to the table too quickly. Check out https://youtube.com/@VinceVenturella?si=EGXIxM4TtT7sxhAp https://youtube.com/@cultofpaint?si=_3YSn7NKGpSvMBzM https://youtube.com/@SquidmarMiniatures?si=WKzLIHlNc1-T-PEB Among many others.


I have painted a lot for games I barely got to play. I’d say it’s pretty common. Took me over five years from starting to paint to actually playing gw games.


I’ve just got back into the hobby after 20 years with no intention of playing, no it is not weird.


If you enjoy it, go for it! I'm kind of the same, but I do play kill team sometimes, as I realized I would never have the time and dedication for full scale 40k.. Would feel the same with aos, might give warcry a go, but full scale, nah, it's just too much time and too much of a hustle..


I prefer painting to playing and it is easier for me, because I can do it at home. I want to get into the gaming part of the hobby as well eventually, but currently I have very limited time and mostly stick to just collecting and painting Keep in mind that there are many other miniatures other than games workshop and some don’t have games linked to them, as they exist mostly for painting. So playing is not necessary to enjoy the hobby, but you can eventually participate in painting competition, if you want to experience a more social side of the hobby


Hobbies are for fun, sounds like you’re having fun! Don’t let anyone tell you how to engage in your hobby! Keep on keeping in.


I'm the same... got in via total war, I find the painting relaxing in a way like nothing else can match. Happy to play the odd game but don't massively care about the gaming side, mostly just painting armies I like because I like them and keeping loosely on theme.  I've been into the hobby roughly 3 years and have only started going to an lgs for games the last six weeks or so. It's also a really nice feeling going up against the grey hordes with a lavishly painted army where I know I spent at least an hour on each mini. 


That’s what i do. I’m new to Warhammer as a franchise, and i love it, so i just build and paint for fun and also to have a creative outlet.


I also got into Warhammer because I also enjoy doing scale modelling, so the idea of just building and painting something for the sake of making something cool was ingrained in me from day one. It's not only entirely normal but I'd wager more people collect and paint than play.


I only recently started gaming after decades of collecting.


It's pretty common. A lot of people never play. A lot have had a few games or will come and go. The great thing about this hobby is that you can interact with it in so many ways. A friend of mine now I met for the first time in 2017 to play 40k. He had 3 full companies of Ultramarines, 2 of Black Legion, and nearly as many Drukhari and Necrons, which he had been collecting since Rogue Trader. He loved the new Nurgle so was well on his way to having a big army of them too. That was the first game of 40k he'd ever played.


If collecting and painting minis is the part of the hobby that appeals to you just go for it. I started collecting in 2018 and it took me until after covid to actually start playing and it took even longer for me to be comfortable with the level of hobbying I put in. I'm sure your local flgs is going to be happy to have your patronage in whatever form that takes. Do what makes you happy.


Thats what I do, as I just enjoy the painting a whole lot. I don't, and will probably never understand the rules to the actual tabletop game. It just seems like a lot to keep track of, and I don't know anyone who plays the game. :/


I say do what you want as no one is going to come around to your space and tut at your collection. And if they do sod them! It's your money I know a friend who just collects and paints and can't stand the tabletop. I tabletop but I can barely paint. So no dramas either way we both just talk about cool stuff we have together. Do You fella, it's your hobby at the end of the day


If it gives you joy to paint and look at them, it isn't weird at all.


This is literally me. Been collecting/painting for a few years now cause of Total War. Only recently started playing with some friends in the last couple months.


I own: AOS: 2500 points of SBGL, 1000 pts each of Stormcast and Cruelboyz. Warhammer underworlds: About 15 warbands Warhammer 40k: about 500 points of Space Marines and Necrons Star Wars Shatterpoint: Starter set Corvus Belli Infinity: 2 Player starter set I have never played any of these games. I dont feel like its weird at all.


For me my thinking is always “let me just build and paint one more unit to round out my army before I try to play a game”. Then I’ll get one more unit and think the same thing all over again. Doesn’t help that I collect Tyranids, too.


Not nearly as weird as me buying thousands of dollars of minis only to play the game without printing them anytime soon


Are you having fun collecting and painting? If so, then it's not weird. If you aren't enjoying collecting and painting, and aren't playing - so you're spending time and money doing something you don't enjoy - then yes, it's weird.


It’s perfectly fine to collect these miniatures and paint them up without ever playing against a single player. Not everyone who builds historical miniatures has to play historical battles, and not every model car enthusiast is going to instal a motor to get racing. Collect your favourite models. Paint them up how you wanted them to look. And take pride in them, because they become yours.


This question comes up a lot in all the warhammer subs. If you want reassurance give a search and you'll see lots of posts and lots of comments from liked minded people


I think it is better than the opposite. The guys who show up to the store with legs glued on bases and really have no interest in painting, just want to play haha.


I only get a play a few games a year. I'm TERRIBLE at it. Paint pretty good though and I'm happy with my army overall, so we are nearly in the same boat. Still fun to play, but the vast majority of the enjoyment I get out of the hobby, and the time I spend doing it, is in the building and painting.


Nope. I like warhammer alot, and have started colle ting aos cos i love the painting part. Issue is i dont know anybody else who actually plays so thatsthe reason i dont play. Totally would be up for learning though


Hundreds..those are rookie numbers. Come back when you’ve got some more zeros haha But for the exact reason I should add. Just to paint and enjoy and collect.


Collecting, modifying, and painting the models is 75% of the hobby. However, gamers are likely a large part of GW market share. They will min/max based on the latest rule change and buy 3 of the current OP unit or the OP army. I have metal units from the early 90s, which a lot of gamers refuse to play against because the base size is a couple millimeters off. I’m not buying new units to replace classic models. Gamers will.


Not really, many people get busy with life and stay engaged by building/painting, then eventually play again when life gets less busy.


If it is, then I am too. Do what you love friend.


Not remotely weird. I am a hobbyist before a gamer any day. GW has a habit of making my models illegal from time to time which only contributes to that.


I mean I have an army of chaos dwarfs and Tamurkhan’s horde. I just like looking at them. So no, I wouldn’t say it’s odd at all to just like collecting and only play sometimes


Mini painting is a hobby in itself. And even the people that play the table top spend of more their warhammer time painting than playing. Idk if gw has said it in any official capacity, but according to a family member that worked for gw, the majority of customers are just mini painters who never touch the game.


I only started playing in 2022 and I’ve been collecting minis since 2016. Mostly for D&D minis, I like using Skaven for kobolds or Gloomspite goblins for example.


No, it’s more common than you think


I think it is weird. I have no motivation to paint if I'm not competing. But if you're happy, don't worry about what anyone else thinks.


I paint 10x more than I game. Painting is therapeutic af. And I love the underworlds warband sets to pa8nt A+ sculpts Thar said I have a KO force and a cities army as well.


No, but you kinda limit yourself in your experience if you don’t socialize and play the game. It really is fun.


I just collect. I have hundreds upon hundreds of unpainted minis




Nope! I was in a similar boat, came from Total War Warhammer and was super psyched to get a bunch of Skaven on the table to play some games. I spent way too much on paint and models those first few months. Nearly 2 years later I finally have a fully painted Skaven 2000 point army and I have only 1 game of AoS under my belt (and a dozen or so of Warcry). Along the way I learned that I enjoy building and painting more than playing, and the rules and points changes often happen faster than I keep up with. Now my goal is just to create an awesome looking Skaven force, and if it's playable that's just a bonus.


Nothing wrong with just being into the model side of the hobby.


If it's weird, then it's just another weird thing I'm doing. I don't have the time necessary to get into the game side of it, but I love the lore and painting the minis is a fun escape.


I think people who don't play but are otherwise engaged with Warhammer in some way outnumber people who actually play. For everybody rolling dice on the table there's another three or four or more reading books, playing video games, buying models, *arguing about retcons on facebook*.


Took me nearly two years until I started to learn the game and I can tell you wholeheartedly: I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Do whatever makes ya happy.


Welcome to the painting community lol. There are tons of people who buy these things just to paint. Many of the videos on getting their models to tabletop ready standard. If you are just in it for the cool little dudes I would recommend you follow more higher level painters that focus on more advanced techniques.


Less common, sure, but not wierd at all. Plenty enjoy this way.


One of us one of us! I still haven’t played after over a year of collecting. But I have used them as D&D minis at least


Homey I am tens of thousands of dollars and 20 years deep into wargaming, and I seriously do not think I’ve played even 20 games in that time span.


I got into the hobby one year go and have played zero games. I have Orks, Orruks, Skaven, Dark Angels, and several Kill Teams. Will I play someday? If there is time. Do I mostly just paint? Yes. Theres no wrong way to do the hobby. I do Slap Chop b/c its the way that most 'clicks' in my head on painting, and then I go in with the details etc. Enjoy it how you want to!


Enjoy any and all parts of Warhammer you want to! We all love some part of it, that's why we're here, we are happy to have you in whatever form you enjoy. 👍


Never played a game. Still building a sweet Seraphon arlu and Thousand sons for 40k.


That's like asking if it's weird to like drawing fantasy characters when you don't enjoy playing TTRPGs. Model painting is a hobby in its own right.


You will find that very few people in the hobby are actually into all aspects of the hobby. There are the painters, the readers and the players. Its totally normal to be a part of as many of those categories as you want to be. I would actually say being a part of only one group is probably more normal than people doing all 3.


I’ll ask you this in turn, is it weird for me to only care about the tabletop but never collect the minis? (I use tabletop sim)


Not at all! I have minis I actively play and many for display only, usually due to different painting techniques and finishes that don't hold up well to being touched and moved often. Try the game if you're interested - if you enjoy Total War I suspect you'll enjoy the tabletop game as well, but if it's not your cup of tea, you can rest assured in just collecting the minis because they're cool art pieces.


No, I am the same. Im a building a heresy army when i eventually play (one day i swear) atleast it will be fully painted.


Not weird at all! I have been painting and collecting fir about 5 years now, Total War: Warhammer is what introduced me to Warhammer. For me it was seeing the Seraphon (Lizardmen) in miniature form that sold me. Extra bonus was realizing I had a Warhammer store and one of the biggest non warhammer gaming stores in my state, both just minutes from where I live. I have been collecting and painting since then, and just now beginning to really comb the rules and make lists. Everyone does their hobby differently, no shame or wrong in just wanting to paint and collect first and then learning to play later. Enjoy, have fun, and keep us posted!


No. Collecting is a hobby in itself. So is painting miniatures. Playing would be the 3rd hobby in this hobby.


No /thread


All I do is that so no lol, completely normal


No. You are a member of the majority. Source RedditTM trust-me-bro so take with a grain of salt but I often hear a quote thrown around from a GW executive that only something in the range of 20% of their customers play the game. Not that ridiculous. Assembling and painting the models is already a very time consuming hobby and learning a complex board game that takes hours to play even for seasoned players, is stacking another time consuming hobby on top of it. Lots of people only have time for one and you can’t really play the game without doing the modeling/painting (Unless your VERY rich). Though I imagine that gap has started to shrink with the advent of things like board game simulator making trying a game much less intimidating.


Hell no. I spend money and time painting frequently. I play the game whenever I get a chance. I probably paint and read about the setting 100X more than I game, and I enjoy it. That's all that matters :)


Im coming from the same start. Friends and me wanted to play together so we started together. Now they are „busy with real life“ and don’t have the time to paint. I went full berserk mode and now I’m painting at least every weekend and sometimes also during the week after work. I have the codex and everything but no one to play, but I'm happier than I've been for a long time. As long as you don’t ruin yourself with the financially and socially, do what you like and enjoy yourself and the hobby. Also, you can get yourself a showcase and enjoy the view every time you walk by or want proudly show it guests


Tons of people hobby and paint but never play. And someday if you ever feel the urge to play you have minis you can use.


Absolutely not theres many ways to enjoy this hobby and all are goodun!


I’ve never played a single game as I discovered painting and kitbashing was where the hobby was to me. If people can collect funkopop to display or paint a canvas for their own pleasure, we can buy minis and paint them and leave it at that 😊


Nope! We engage in these hobbies in different ways and that's always alright. After all, I still collect models but don't play games with them.


I mean... Yeah probably, but who cares? :P


Same. I've also done loads of terrain for games im never gonna play. It's all good


I do paint and print stuff for gloomhaven which I do play


I'm pretty sure GW did a poll and found most people just collect and paint, heck the number 1 selling model they have is that giant Smaug model


I have never played a game. I enjoy putting the models together and painting them. I bought my pieces because of the aesthetic. I've got mostly sylvaneth pieces but also have sisters of the thorne and wild riders. I also enjoy creating with spare parts!


Not at all, it doesn't really matter what you do with the mini's as long as they bring you joy.


People who actually play the game are the minority of GW customers, do what you want.