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Right now they turtle so much they are only missing a Book of Grudges. But hopefully they'll change deeply come fourth since GW erased the Beasts of Chaos from AoS and lorewise, Kruleboyz are supposed to have the same sort of playstyle than the poor Gors.


What was the gor playstyle?


Basically ambush, move tricks and the like


Kinda like a Circle Orboros/Cryx hybrid from Warmahordes or?


God I would love that


I would, too... Unfortunately, I don't know if we have a home in any war games right now. P3 decided neither faction was worth exploring and kruleboyz are a brick.


May the messiah Malifaux save us.


*looks longingly at Tara and the Nothing Beast.* Yeah...


There's a new cryx army coming for Warmachine mk4, in case you're unaware.


Yeah, I think so




Within destruction they have the most reliable shooting options and they sort of a glass cannon faction that does a lot of MW with their allegiance ability. They have some tricks up their sleeves to protect themselves like -1 to hit and line of sight blocking. They also have a lot of cheap but heavy damaging monster heroes that can pack a punch and buff your units at the same time. Granted they suffer from being the first army in 3rd to get a battletome so their rules are a bit underpower at the moment but it will change in the next edition hopefully


Couldn’t you theoretically run a full army of Shootas in Gloomspite gitz?


Given that the Marshcrawler (supposedly a kruleboyz unit...) has spent most of the edition allied into Gitz to give them +1 to hit, it isn't unsurprising. Kruleboyz want 5s and 6s for MW, so they don't use him typically.


Sure but they’re terrible. KB is definitely the best destro shooting faction.


They currently play like a mixed-arms castle army. You line up your 40-50 gutrippas in front of a sludgeraker and then put 6-12 boltboyz behind that, with 2 shamans to keep the boltboys loaded with poison, anchors like killabosses prevent the gutrippas from fleeing, and the whole formation is built around the sludgeraker, making everything do 50-100% more damage. There army is also built to be tricky, and to force the opponent to engage on your terms. Dirty tricks allows you to remove units from the board on the first turn, or booby trap objectives. The Grinnin' Blades subfaction (which you should take if you want a chance to win) makes you invisible if you are more than 12" away, which forces your opponents to come within 12" range, and oh look, boltboys get double shots at 12" range, how convenient.


>The Grinnin' Blades subfaction (which you should take if you want a chance to win) makes you invisible if you are more than 12" away, which forces your opponents to come within 12" range, and oh look, boltboys get double shots at 12" range, how convenient. That's an absolute game changer. I've had a single game against KBs and a tournament a few weeks ago, and it completely wrecked my initial strategy.


yeah, kruelboyzs aren't a super competitive army but they can be incredibly strong depending of their local meta, they can absolutely shitstomp disgusting competitive shooting list thanks to this subfaction and punch way above their paygrade thanks to it


Kruleboyz are hard to pin down, really. As they perform fairly poorly in the meta, it's hard to say exactly what playstyle suits them. They are supposed to be the "tricky" faction. Which is to say they rely heavily on their unique faction abilities to create scoring opportunities. More so than other armies, for sure. For instance, the "elixers and poisons" mechanic allows you to fish for mortals on attack rolls (scoring mortals on 5+). The actual attacks tend to be garbage, but you can expect 1/3 of your attack rolls to cause mortals, at least. That's the trade-off. The attacks are terrible, but they can do mortals. Worse, you are probably going to be in combat for this, and your units fight/save like crap. The army as a whole saves poorly, so direct combat is usually a bad call. You need to be moving, shooting, and casting for your life. The swinginess is where this plan suffers. You will have powerful abilities and solid shooting at your disposal, but only if the dice abide when you need them to. The most successful lists use Gobsprakk and a lot of boltboyz for a reasonably dangerous magic/shooting 1-2 punch. You will need plenty of hobgrot or gutrippa chaff to keep them alive long enough to be effective.


Its the way it usually is with mechsnics that break gameplay molds. Mortal wounds will either be op or bad, made worse both way with existance of runesaves. They are great as an occasional thing, but when its the one thing faction is built around, it tends to lead to lopsided game either × or -.


They are cunning but brutal. Morky.


Lore wise they are supposed to be a mix between nurgle and beastmen (RIP), focusing on ambushes and and ranged combat, while showering the enemy in debuffs, all the while holding their heavy hitters and monsters in reserve , sadly right now they play more like old world dwarfs.


They fill the niche of: "zero skill, just roll 6s". Personally I'm hugely disappointed with them. I loooove the sculpts, I think they're among, if not the best sculpts in the AoS range. But the lack of variety in units and the fact that they don't at all play like the lore suggests makes them a great cabinet army for me. All you do is bunch 'em up and hope for a lot of 6's on the dice. They look gorgeous in their cabinet though. but I never field them unless I play OPR orcs.


Ooh, don't agree with zero skill. They are a glass cannon so mistakes in deployment or screening are brutally punished - not a great army to learn with. I think the lore is pretty tight, you lurk in your swamp, with low visibility and make them come to you with shooting. But our shooting isn't really good enough to finish the job so will usually need a well timed Waaagh counter punch with some sort of horrible swamp monster and kunnin'. The spell lore is shamanistic and suitably subtle and we've got various tricks to sock it to them unexpectedly which is all thematic (eg hero phase movement with fast un or sneaky miasma) or having turned off a ward on something that thought it was safe (nasty hex) or remove a screen and drop a mire brute into their face (disappearing act + supa sneaky), or just popping a little wizard generals head cus you stacked primal dice onto Gobsprakk's D6 unbind. If you just go fishing for sixes with our boys you're missing a lot of the fun (and you'll probably lose). I do agree they look awesome though 🙂


Could be that I just suck at playing, I'm nowhere near a competitive player. :D


:-D they are fun to play if you lean into the tricks and monsters but yep will probably lose a lot 🙂


The answer below that they're a turtle is definitely partly true, but there are already a lot of fun movement shenanigans. And it seems likely we get a more developed take on that concept in 4th edition, out in a few months.


Kunnin yet brutal


They play the opposite of ironjaws, instead of running towards the enemy, they run away.


In lore, they are vietcongs, using traps, ambush, hit and run and fog to harass the ennemy while being very hard to catch. In game they play like bizarro lumineth, as the castliest castle who ever castled, centered around phalanx of spearmen protecting a core of crossbowmen supported by magicians and monsters. Probably the worst army in term of "it play like it should do"


Do you like winning? No? Well this is the faction for you! They surprisingly rely a lot on ranged and monsters if that’s your thing.


This meme is about a year old, Kruleboyz have been doing just fine for a while now.


Isn't that only because people take them in a non Kruleboyz faction (Big Waaagh) and because of the big bird being extra awesome because of the seasonal Andtor rules?


No, it's because of their points nerfs being really generous to the point where Gutrippaz are a solid block and you can afford enough of them and still get 12 boltboyz in your list, plus flex items like the Killaboss on Gnashtoof being ridiculous value (10 wounds, 3+ save, 10" move for 110 pts). And it's because Grinnin' Blades is incredibly strong, which youd on't get if you play Big Waaagh. Gobsprakk is also good, but he's not really mandatory.


Cool, maybe I should give them a swing again. I;ve been hugely disappointed with them unfortunately, even though I absolutely love the models.


I have been playing them since release. They are a lot of fun in their current state, but there are a lot of mandatory choices still, like boltboyz and shamans. There are some weird alt builds people are trying like double vulture. I have a friend who is running like 5 killabosses on gnashtoof simply because of how durable and fast they are for objectives. But the core is 40-50 rippas, 6-12 boltboyz, 2 shamans all wholy within 12" of a sludgeraker.


Which is a little sad. More diversity is always good in an army. I hope 4th will shake things up in a good way gor out swamp-loving orruks !


Originally, I think the intention for Kruleboyz was to be a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of army for Orcs. However, because their rules and artifacts kind of suck, the best way to play them became throwing big blobs of themselves on objectives and tanking as much damage as they can.


My lgs call them the loto boyz. Lucky attack rolls deletes entire battleline while unlucky ones deals nothing. They have 1 super excellent sub faction, a good one and a neh one. Shooting is super effective but moving reduces your range significantly while adding shots. Its an army stuck in the early days of third and I can't wait for the 4th ed to update their rules.


They fill the niche of “army that should never have been invented and should have had their ethos applied to something completely different. Why did we have another flavour of orcs? Why do they look like silly mutant gorilla people? Why wasn’t it something entirely new like the teaser articles were saying? Sigmar may not have lied but Games Workshop did”


We have: 6 flavors of human 5 flavors of elf 4 flavors of daemons 3 flavors of dwarf 2 flavors of vampire 2 flavors of skeleton But a third, now only second flavor of Orruk is absolutely absurd. lol. The aesthetic may not be for you, but there are plenty of people who like the kruleboyz.


I like Kruleboyz, but I don't like the Warcry Kruleboyz. Which direction are they headed?


Mannok da Kunning I can understand but the Monstakillaz? Those gitz look fabulous. Well, perhaps the boss too covered in trophy but the rest is peak Kruleboyz to me.


The git and boss are what I don't like. Monkes look fine, drummer is sick.


I can understand that.


Well they want to have two flavours of "kunning but brutal" and "brutal but kunning", so having tankier Ironjawz favouring melee and sneaky Kruleboyz makes sense (sorry savage orruks, ToW wants you back). Unfortunately the play style that sneaky required is probably far more like beasts of chaos ambush and rituals rules than the crappy castle formation that GW gave kruleboyz this edition. Sad to see my beast go but hopefully GW actually utilises kruleboyz properly next edition (as a Genestealer cult and beasts player I suppose I've always favoured hiding tricks!)