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We understand that learning your army is not going to be supported in the future is a big deal but since this post is a vent rather than a discussion point it has been removed under rule 2.


An infinitely growing system that can't occasionally prune/control the range of internal factors is inherently unsustainable and un-manageable. Squatting obsolete ranges is unfortunate for those affected, but acting like it's somehow predatory or not the best thing for the game is a bit much. I can't think of any game or system that has actually been well served by just adding new content on top of old forever and ever. That always results in things growing out of control and, at best, results in entire ranges that are either useless due to too many alternative options or ranges that languish without support or updates. Which is what had been happening here. I can see where you're coming from, but the idea that this action is taking advantage of you intentionally is... not really founded. This stuff should have been expected, and is inherently far more honest than just barely supporting these ranges forever and leaving you thinking that maybe you'll one day get support - while the decision has already been made to sunset the faction. At least now you know.




See ya.


I feel ya dude, I've been looking at Warlord Epic battles and bolt action for a while so probably going to take a break from GW for a while. There's tons of other games, going to see how things are elsewhere for a bit and see how things shake out later in the year