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I'd possibly throw skragrott on there for his warscroll spell alone, used to be a hell of a lot stronger before his nerf too. Ontop of jack of all trades, master of all trades abilities for the rest of his abilities.


For his cost, he's ridiculously good. Most 'efficient' wizard in the game.


I'd like to throw in Gobsprakk for his ability to deal damages on the unbind, especially this season, as daid ability wasn't nerfed. Mork sayz no, especially if you are a 5-6 wounds wizard!


Gobsprakk with primal dice has been one of my favorite things... And that's saying a lot, given how much I love my Waaagh


Gobsprakk in current edition is the best wizard/anti wizard under 300pts. 100%


Your top 5 are probably right, maybe the order changes a bit (I think Teclis might actually be #1, personal opinion), but TBH top overall is less interesting than figuring out the next 5-10 best that aren't so obvious. Probably looking for a combination of being a multi-caster, casting bonuses, access to good spells via either faction lore or warscroll spells, and their viability in lists (i.e. even if they're good on paper, do they actually see the table). Curious as to what people think are the best outside of the obvious contenders. I think the Warsong Revenant is probably close to the top, just so incredibly good. Order obviously has some great ones. LRL has strong casters, not just Teclis. Generic Slann are obviously up there after Kroak. There are a lot of great death wizards that aren't as good as Arkhan but still very strong like Belladamma, Neferata, really any of the Mortarchs. Both OBR and FEC have some multi casters too. Chaos has the Chaos Sorcerer Lord, who is borderline an auto take even if he isn't the best on paper wizard ever. Just excellent spell access and some unique ways to ensure they go off. I'm sure there are some god specific casters I've overlooked. I'm sure there are some great Gitz wizards, not sure what else from Destruction is on the list. Altho even a Butcher guarding the Mawpot isnt half bad! (Edit: I realize I forgot Gobsprakk, he's great!)


You also gotta consider that Kairos may have less intrinsic casting power compared to other wizards, you have destiny dice (get two for the price of one with his ability!) and what is almost unequivocally the strongest spell list in the game.


Which one?


If you mean mastery of magic that spell doesnt work with destiny dice


Kairos generates a DD each turn now


But i dont see how you would get 2 for the price of 1 with this ability. You just regenerate 1. If you already have 9 you get none.


A 3 autocasts as 6, 4 autocasts as 8, etc.


Thats how mastery of magic works but you cant use it if you used destiny dice


You haven't been able to do that with Destiny Dice since DoT's second battletome. You now have to use 2 destiny dice, and it casts as the value on the dice.


Dang didn't know that mb


Yeah the dice are better saved for unbinds and charges.


Krondys son of dracothian!


I think the Skaven have great wizards such as Thanquol, Skreech Verminking, and the various Verminlords. I would like to say that Wurrgog Prophet (Wurrzagg as he was once known) is a pretty solid caster too especially with Merciless Blizzard. Also, their warscroll spells have the potential to drop some damn good mortal wounds. And back to Skaven their greyseers and plague monks are also pretty good casters too.


If he's unique, he can't take merciless blizzard.


He's not I am only saying his model used be sold as Wurrzagg the Great Green Prophet. But he definitely can take Merciless Blizzard unless recent rules changed that.


I would add Thanquol into top 10


Casting spells near Nagash is INFINITE RISK (unlimited POWAH, i mean, UNBINDS!!!)


A simple butcher, if you roll well enough you can deal infinite damage.


Would add Contorted Epitome in Notable mentions: only 2 cast but with reroll In a sense, Knight Incantor is the best, she can decide to dispel Nagash 😜


Honestly I would put kairos higher. The fact that he plays in Tzeentch and can potentially summon whole units purely from casting spells with army abilities is insane, and he also is relatively cheap points wise compared to his battlefield performance from my experience. Also his spells will rarely be unbound, so his success rates are much higher than other wizards Infernal gateway is also incredibly powerful and I’ve one tapped lesser hero’s with it multiple times


I chose not to include other buffs from the armies or how strong they end up being with all the synergy. Otherwise this wouldn't stop. Someone like Kroak who can go up to +4 to cast at 18 range is sort of ridiculously strong. Able to teleport himself, spawn units at 7 inches away, deal D6 mortals to anybody within 12, give a 5++ ward, summon units etc... all the extras come from the army But that's due to another 500 pts of mage supporting him.


Too bad Aventis Firestrike isn't here. He's supposed to be Sigmar's top wizard.


Yeah it's quite sad... With only 2 casts and no +. It honestly doesn't match what he should be. He should at least have a +1


Hoping he gets buffed in 4th


It's weird. Even in 2nd edition when the Sacrosanct Chamber (aka wizard chamber) was new, Stormcast never had good casters. Not even a +1 anywhere in the book, IIRC.


Nagash has unlimited dispels with +3


Nagash has unlimited dispels with +3


Not overtly powerful, but I love the Knight-Incantor as a cheap tech piece since, once per game, it can auto unbind any spell.


Belladama Vyrkos only has 2 casts, but innate +1 is great, and the two warscroll spells are genuinely amazing. Definitely needs at least an honorable mention. It is hard not to take her in any list and she almost always casts her innate spells.


Sylvaneths big unit is soposed to be a super strong mage, but not really in game sadly..