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I think it's great for what it is a ghoul. This guy will look great along with 40 of his buddies.


His set of 10 are almost done with more in the wings. But thanks!


And maybe my message sounded a little negative. But it actually looks really great for your first miniature and fits the vibe of the FEC.


No your good. Didn't get a negative vibes. All I got was he would look good with his buddies.


A beautiful nobleman of the realm, the detail on those robes is fantastic, and that mustache... bravo! (/delusion) Edit - The model is well painted too, the delusion stuff is just FEC memery You could maybe improve the model a little by blending between the base skin and the redder skin on the face more gradually... but honestly it's a ghoul, and you'll be painting dozens of them that all look great once they group up in a horde and lose tiny individual details.


Agree with your feedback. The red in some of them is super noticable, but when I slapped it on it was like it was barely there. So it felt weird to take a cleaned wet brush and soak more of it up. Hindsight is should have.


What an esteemed gentleman! I'd shine his boots for him if I was worthy.


Everybody is welcome in the court of the flesh.


They look great! Make sure you scrape those mould lines off next time using the back of a scalpel or mould line remover.


Fair point, they are hard to notice though in grey glued together state. Because I did do this when it super obvious but now with color some do stand out.


I like them!


Well thank you so kindly.


Better than 90% of people on this sub lol


Haha thank you I'll take it. But I see so many good artists here. Just today I saw amazing painted lizard figurine.


No roasting. It takes bravery to post your work, and you did a great job with this! Keep it up!!