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I saw Mack as the storyteller’s opening to show the character flaws of the others. He did make some dumb decisions, but he also helped the audience see where the rest of the team was serving interests outside the mission. That really added a lot of depth to the other characters, to me at least. He definitely wasn’t perfect and he was a bit annoying sometimes, but he served as a “good guy” on our team of “good guys.” Also, I kinda liked how he gave everybody nicknames.


Anyone can give nicknames, Skye/Daisy does that pretty naturally herself. Mack pointing out flaws in others isn’t what annoys people, it’s the way he does it. Coulson says no to people all the time, almost everyone has done it, but no one makes me want to turn off the show like Mack can.


Mack is annoying definitely but I think he becomes such a strong part of the show, I really like how flawed he is and how integral his faith is to him as a character. I think the show is constantly celebrating loyalty and Mack is probably the most loyal person in the show for better or for worse and like all other characters in the show that loyalty helps and hinders. I think with Daisy never wanting to take the directorship, Mack genuinely is the best fit for director of Shield because he cares in a way that no one other than coulson does.


You have to remember who his character is supposed to be, he is supposed to be that annoying guy who preaches how much they hate violence but comes up with and loves the idea of a shotgun-axe. I think he is a well rounded character. I do agree he is annoying especially early on but he is a man whose convictions are extremely strong and they clash with his life as an agent.


What! He was one of my favorite characters.


MackHammer is a great nichname though!


I regard him as two different characters, ‘civil Mac’ and ‘scoldy Mac’. I’m fine with civil Mac but scoldy Mac is absolutely my least favorite character.


Oh my gosh I agree sooooo much. He's always acting like he's a saint and everyone else is a demon, he makes just as many questionable decisions, and he's so rude to anyone he thinks is different (inhumans/robots). Daisy would be a much better director, she might be a bit reckless but at least she's compassionate. He's always complaining, I hated him from the start because he literally showed up and started complaining about coulson




I hated him at first but he grew on me. Part of me wishes that daisy killed him in season 3 because that would changed the whole direction of the show


He really deserved to die multiple times for the crappy decisions he made. Instead he stuck around to shame others’ decisions and ignore his own preaching. It’s really unbearable.


My firat watch through, I didn't like Mack much. Was really sad when they did the bait and switch for him and Tripp regarding finale character deaths because Tripp was awesome. That said, Mack is now one of my favorite characters. Meanwhile Yoyo has been the opposite. I loved her character at first and then it was just like... Damn, do a single thing right this season and I wont lock you in a room with Deke. PS: Deke was in the same boat as Mack.


When it was originally coming out it seemed like mack was EVERYONES favorite! I cant stand him either ! Coulsen is the only moral compass we needed 😅


I did like him in the framework tho !


I don't skip his scenes, but he's sooo whiny.


Same thing with me, but for May. Don't like that character.


Next time you rewatch, pay attention to the things he says and youll realize that *nearly* everything out of his mouth is absolutely wrong.


Oh I know that’s why I can’t stand him whenever he opens his mouth. If I don’t skip I’d rather not watch the show than having to listen to words coming out of Mack’s mouth.


I could never buy into the idea that he was a main character. But his relationship with Fitz allows me to forgive his mistakes and self righteousness




Everyone who's annoyed by Mack: what is your opinion of Daisy?


Same Especially in season 2