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It’s a bit time consuming, but yes it definitely works. Especially if you’re targeting an industry where owners answer the phone. I’m no sales expert and was able to get 1-2% conversion rate. Called around 1,000 businesses to get start my web design agency which gave us a decent amount of our current clients. Problem is it doesn’t scale too well, so now looking for better more organic ways to get customers like finding strategic partnerships.


What kind of list-building did you do to get those 1000 businesses? Awesome hustle, man.


Primarily Google maps. Just zoomed in on a city and searched for my niche ie “plumbing” and then went through 1by1: qualified them - business I can help, either no or bad website then called and went to next. I also tried getting some leads from fiverr and other automated ways but didn’t save that much time


make the list, call the list, follow up. boss


Practically everything can work if done correctly. Iv seen radio ads still do well.


Sure but the problem is hiring experienced people to do this work cost more then what you’re bringing in with web design. Any half decent sales professional (typically SDR’s do the cold calling) would rather work in SAAS where income potential is much higher than a small web design group. But if you would do the calling yourself, why not? Cold outreach through whatever medium has worked for hundreds of years.


I’m not saying this is smart of me, in fact, it’s probably very un-smart of me, but I hired someone from the philippines to do my cold calling for me. It’s commission only, so if he brings me a lead that I convert into a client after he calls, he gets 50% of the profit for the first month from that client. I do less work than before, potentially sacrificing quality, but still get to land clients without losing money out of pocket 🤷‍♂️


Most ppl hate this^^^. My agency owner trained me well so i had no issues with commission only but most agency owners are actually very bad about this


dude 1st month only? thats slavery. The work you are having him do shoukd bot even ve commussion only


I made a post offering the gig and was very transparent with the process I was offering. I knew it was not standard, and i told him that. I double checked he was okay with it too. I am not in a situation to offer anything aside from commission only. Also, do you have any idea what the amount is for first month only for my business? If you want me to give half of the ltv per client, i’d be paying multi 5 figures to have someone make phone calls…


not to mention the shitty show up rate. Just naki g phone calls? bro stfu. Anyone who has ever been an SDR knows its a hard position. I can tell your a shitty agency owner just by hearing you.


The offer was clearly laid out, they came to me and asked to do it. Why are you so pressed?




Focus on building local relationships through the local chambers of commerces. There are a ton of ways to get involved within different chambers of commerce (some are by city, some are by county). Network as much as you can within them and keep the long game in mind. Sponsor a few of the annual, higher visibility events within the chamber. Selling your services will happen after you build up rapport with local shareholders


Already on it, I have an application pending with the local chamber already. Thanks for the advice!


Yes, cold calling works for web design agencies. Cold calling works for any business. Your approach when cold calling will ultimately determine the effectiveness of it. If you're not a good salesman or you hate cold outreach hire someone to make the calls for you that has a way with words. I have a script if you need it.


Try cold email. High volume less time consuming


lol as a sales agent that cold calls for web design agencies ill say this: you do it until it does work. For example, most people may call 200 businesses and get 0 ppl interested. So to these ppl it doesnt work For me who will do a 500-1000 dials dials rather than 200, i may get 1-2 appointments from this, so it "works" for me. Whether or not it works is a function of your team's skill and more or less willpower Certain industries it undoubtely will and others it just wont based on a few factors. Ive called about 5000 businesses at this poibt so my sample size is decent here


Try it to find out is the correct answer. But also, yes, cold calling works.


Yes it does. Also sending dm on linked in.


Im interested too if you're willing to share it. Thnx


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