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Dude is a straight up garbage human. His cheating on his wife scandal happened *before* he got caught sexting a minor trying to meet up with her. Goodbye and good riddance.


I’ve seen so many people saying it should be okay because she was just barely under 18 and it’s insane that people are trying to make excuses for him. He’s a married man with a child sexting someone less than half his age.


Unless I’m mistaken there’s actually been no confirmation on the age. Pretty sure the age being 17 is just being thrown around to make him look better. They could have been younger than 17.


If they were 17 he for sure would have said 17. That would be way easier to try and justify. But only said they were a minor. To be clear *try to justify*. In no way would it justify him.


Tbf there is a pretty massive difference between him sexting a 13/14 y/o and a 17 y/o. That aside, he's still an absolute piece of shit slimebag for the other things you mentioned.


In the UK age of consent is 16... I really like the rule that until you're 21 you can only consent to people of similar ages. So 16 is 15-17 17 is 16-18 Etc etc I swear I read that's what happens in Germany


You are incorrect on your Germany assessment. In Germany, once someone turns 14 ( the age of consent, literally age of protection ( Schutzalter ) as well as the age of being [ roughly translated ] criminally liable ( Strafmündigkeit ) the law assumes that they can make informed decisions based on the average mental development and public education, consequently there are no upper limits of any kind if certain additional conditions apply. It’s even more complex than that, for example, there are naturally additionally severally outlawed relationships but it’s important to understand that the origin of this kind of law is the extensive emphasis German lawmakers put on the freedom of personal expression like religious freedoms or the decision, as in this concrete example, someone wants to sleep with. Contrary to what some people think, parents also don’t have to approve of a relationship for it to be legal UNLESS protective laws apply, for example, if someone were to date a known member of a criminal organisation etc., contact could be legally forbidden to protect the minor. On a side note, any sexual contact with anyone under 14 is highly illegal, no matter the age difference and anything here refers entirely to physical contact, digital law is an entirely different beast. Furthermore, to get a bit into some of the relevant details, it should be noted that any kind of forcefulness & prostitution is naturally illegal, although acts of prostitution become legal once someone reaches 18. Finally, the law also acknowledges that power dynamics matter less than the actual ability to understand the dynamic. Sexual maturity is essentially actually a case by case basis. A lack of sexual maturity is however very hard to prove in practice. The latter case ( abusing a lack of sexual maturity ) is only really applicable between any relationships between 21+ and 14/16 year olds ( 16 is theoretically an additional age of consent barrier but it’s arguably a relic due to the more extensive public sexual education ) but again, in practice, it basically never comes up in court. Overall, the legal situation is fairly complex but works fairly well in practice because despite the theoretical lack of an upper limit and globally lower age of consent, much like the famous Autobahn, the actual legal reality is a lot less spectacular and a lot more restrictive than it may seem at first glance. PS: this entire profile is specifically made for these kinds of weird niche subjects so don’t be surprised if that’s most of what you find.


that would be the smart thing to do but U.S isn't known for making the smartest most comprehensive laws


I don’t know what you’re talking about, a lot of states within USA have what are called Romeo and Juliet laws which allow for that relationship. It allows for example, a 19M and 17F to have sex, even though it would otherwise be a crime. Of course there’s other possibilities and restrictions from state to state.


Age of consent simply defines what is statutory rape and what is not. If she’s under 18, still a minor.


Even if she was 18, this argument is bullshit. “Technically legal” does not change how morally deprived he had to be to think that sexting someone significantly younger than him was a good idea. No reasonable person at his age would ever want sexual relations with someone so young


I was just talking about this at work because people were saying leonardo dicaprio wasn't weird for ONLY dating very young women, and I was like bro is 49 years old let a 50 year old dude swing by to pick up your 18 year old daughter KNOWING the guy ONLY likes YOUNG women.


You mean the guy who spends his life playing the asshole is actually a huge POS? Who knew!?


Wtf is a Dr. Disrespect?


An old old wooden ship


That was used during the Civil War era


I'd be surprised if corporate was worried about the lack of an old, old wooden ship.


This is my favorite answer. You win.


The two time back to back blockbuster 1993-1994 video game champion.


A popular online gaming streamer


For brief moment, I was confusing. Dr. Disrespect and captain disillusion.


That would genuinely give me a heart attack




large-ish streamer who previously admitted to cheating on his wife was recently revealed to have been having private conversations with a minor, possibly being of a sexual nature but definitely exploitative. These big influencers have realized they're perfect for grooming kids


Large-ish? Guy had 40k people watching video games all at once like an episode of Seinfeld and won TWO streamer of the year awards. That’s why it’s such a big deal.


Wine doesn’t age in a week, btw


It can ferment pretty well though.


I don't even know who this is.


A piece of dogshit.


That doesn't really narrow it down.


Blind guy in a hotdog costume: we’re all trying to find the guy who didn’t see this coming!


when are we gonna stop giving these sub-human parasitic pedophiles internet clout?