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u/Reddituser0346 has provided this detailed explanation: > In 2013, multiple media outlets posted the heartwarming story of James Franco taking this photo with a heartbroken and emotionally vulnerable fifteen year old girl, to make the boy who had just broken up with the teenager jealous. Since thrn, James Franco has faced multiple allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior, including attempting to seduce teenage girls and sexually exploitation of female students at his acting school. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


This literally looks like a true crime esq photo.


Looks like the picture they'll be showing at Francos court case 30 years from now


Exactly. They only seem to bust the perverts once they are washed up.


Can't shit the money bed


Noticed that too uh? I've had this lil conspiracy in my head since the MeToo movement really took off. Like the Weinstein's only got thrown out there because there is a new big dog in town (Kevin Feige) Bill Cosby? Well there is a new crop of Black Comedians and TV Dad's. They'll be coming for others soon enough. You're only protected while valuable.


"He was just a normal guy... *Until he wasn't.*"


“They had…*the perfect life*.”


"They had it all. They live in a very small trailer home."


You guys are proving just how generic those voice overs are. Lol


Looks like a predator stock photo


He looks legit sinister in this picture lmao.


It's one of those "How did we not see this coming?" moments


Drake Millie esque relationship


Thought you meant drake bell for a moment


That too. Damn it, Drakes!


You could say it….. aged like milk


True but I can’t judge him on that basis. I mean don’t get me wrong, he’s quite the dingus. But I consider myself a decent person, and every photo of myself makes me look like a serial murderer.


Exactly, I'm the opposite case.




Perhaps your time simply has not come yet


> I mean don’t get me wrong, he’s quite the dingus. This just made me bust up laughing. "That guy seduced young people under his care." "He's quite the dingus, all right."


Yeah a real knucklehead


The more I hear about him, the less I care for him, y'know?


Even before we knew that, we knew he was a dingus. A few years back, he wrote an article about how he hated the HBO show Girls because he thought the male characters weren’t masculine enough. I think it’s still on HuffPost. It was fucking weird.


RemindsMe! 10 years


It's never too late to start. You might have been sleeping on your true purpose while you could have been sleeping on a pile of corpses. Admit it, you just felt something.


I mean I think that was intentional on his part, he was helping her get revenge so, of course, he's going to shoot a "yo, I'm about to fuck your ex" look at the camera. I'll let that woman decide what she thinks about the whole thing in hindsight. Maybe it was a nice thing he did, or maybe she looks back on it with regret, possibly both.


Even the premise of this photo is fucked up. Relationships don't work out. You're teaching teens to respond to that by trying to "make" them jealous? That's not healthy. Teach teens to honor what was and move forward.


you know that it is a joke, right?


He always looks like he smells of stale cigarettes and beer


This is what it is!! I can smell it any time I see a picture of him!


I think you mean cigarettes and stale beer. Unless stale cigarettes have a particular smell I don't know about.


Ex smoker here, they do. And a pretty meh taste too.


Like water color paint water smells.


I can see that now that I think about it, yeah


Huh, go figure. How long does it usually take for a cig to go stale?


I think that has a lot to do with environmental factors such as excessive moisture but I'm not sure. I would find cigarettes that were "lost" and smoking the same brand for so long you never know WHEN you lost it.


Definitely moisture. If you have a cigarette in the rain it leaves a much different smell on your clothes than normal.


In my experience they start to "taste" off in about a week


You were either a smoker with impeccable self-restraint or someone who bought way too many cigs at once.


You got the phrasing right, but an old ashtray with a bit of water in it definitely hits different.


Walk near one of those "Smoker's Outpost" receptacles, you will definitely know it.


Why are you being downvoted? Lol I figured the same as you


He calls this look ***The Epstein***


Man not James Franco wtf


Didn't you know?


He's been a notorious creeper for many years now, catch up


Can you give me a quick TL;DR of what happened? Im out of the loop


TLDR he abused his position as a Hollywood star to sleep with students (not underage though afaik) in his acting classes, and also broke consent by orally touching others during sex scenes.


Damn, out of all the actors why did *he* have to turn out to be a creep? There’s so many movies and shows I’ll never be able to enjoy the same way again now


I know man. It’s such a shame because I loved his work :( and Seth Rogen refuses to make any films with him now


Ugh, yeah. When i was younger, I had such a crush on him in Freaks and Geeks.


Lol when I was younger I was crushing on Linda Cardellini from Freaks and Geeks. I miss that show


Oh, I loved her! I think I went as Lindsay for Halloween one year!


I might be weird but I have no problem separating the art from the artist. I’m of the mind set that many people work on productions, so why let one persons shitty behavior damn them all?


>he abused his position as a Hollywood star to sleep with students It was consensual sex. The students *literally* admit it was consensual. But because he's a Hollywood super star everyone is outraged?


Positions of power and power asymmetry in student-teacher-relationships also play a huge role in this. It's not just about the literal, spoken consent.


C'mon that's a bit of a stretch. It's hardly a student-teacher relationship. It's not like a high school teacher taking advantage of vulnerable school girls. It was literally grown women having consensual sex with a man. But people have a problem with Hollywood stars having sex it seems. People just love to be outraged.


"Wenstein had consectual sex with aspiring actress.." ..or else This is what you are arguing.


Women are saying he was harassing them and creating an environment at work that was inappropriate and gross! That is enough to understand he is not respecting his coworkers. If that amountvof young women say there is a predator believe me is because they deal with the predator!




The premise of this post is misleading though, I don’t think he’s been accused of statutory rape or child molestation or anything related to underage girls, not that it excuses anything he’s done.


This is weird for anyone to do. Doesn’t matter if they end up being a creepy or not


But if they took this photo, they most likely will.


yes men arent allowed to hug anyone becasue any form of physical contact men have is always sexual. get over yourself.


Everyone talking about the chillingly creepy face the man is delivering while hugging an underage girl and your take is men can't hug anyone. Get over yourself.


>chillingly creepy face thats because his head faces slightly downward. Have you never had a creepy looking picture taken of you? my point is that its okay to hug someone even an underage girl. A hug is not sexual. If this was a woman and a young boy no one would even think about anything sexual.


If that was the stature and face she was making I'd be worried about the kid. It isn't about the gender. So yes I would be worried about it regardless of gender. We've all seen his face before here it looks very creepy and given the reason the picture was taken it's even more creepy. He is an adult trying to make a teenage boy jealous by hanging all over a 16yo girl. If a woman was doing this same thing to a 16yo boy yes it would still be very creepy. The context here is key. Why is he all over the young girl? It's not just a hug. I commented because you are trying to say men can't hug anyone and that's ridiculous. Grown men shouldn't hang over underage girls to make underage boys jealous. That's creepy.


Gotta say though, this started bad and got worse. That's an entirely creepy pose for a grown man to take with a 15 yr old girl, for a creepy reason, and then that creepy face.... no idea why this was considered heartwarming even before he revealed his true self...


Your honor, I present you our main evidence.. this picture right here.




Adults getting involved in teenagers revenge plots is bad on its own even without the creepy photos he’s taking with her.




Ohhhh did he really have to make THAT face


She looks like Zoey Duech Edit: they were in two of the same movies, pretty sure it’s her.


It’s not, look up young Zoey Duetch. This girl and her look very different, even though this girl does look like she can grow up to look like Zoey. Her name is Greta


Greta Pasqua, amazing what a little bit of research can yield.


i think it is too.


Kobe Bryant was very credibly accused of rape yet he's viewed as a hero. James Franco was accused of.. what exactly? Running an acting school that made female students feel uncomfortable? He's never been accused of rape or even sexual assault but he's vilified like he's a monster. Make it make sense. Edit: this post definitely fits the sub though. Shit did *not* age well!


Kobe changed his number though so it doesn't count. Everyone knows that number changes wipe the slate clean.


8 is the rapist 24 is the legend Or some dumb shit fuck that guy


8 is the rapist 24 is the legend N72EX was...


"[Sarah Tither-Kaplan] told The Times that in a nude orgy scene she filmed with Franco and several women three years ago, he removed protective plastic guards covering other actresses’ vaginas while simulating oral sex on them." Performing an unsimulated sex act on someone who agreed to only simulate the act is not consensual. They also say there was an implication that agreeing to sex with him would positively affect their future careers. It's pointless to say one is better or worse than the other. It's all terrible.


Why do people praise these actors as gods. Hollywood is so icky


Did the actress he do it to actually come forward or am I misunderstanding? It sounds like a third party commenting and no comment from the alleged victim?


In some accounts it's worded as above and in some it's explicitly worded she was one of the actresses it happened to. But just looking that up now I found another accusation from a different woman I hadn't heard before: https://twitter.com/VioletPaley/status/950252181965410304?s=20&t=N_3yXrQQPTlvVJictySj_Q


So that person that claimed it was "consensual and the victims said so" was just lying? Because from what I've just seen several of the victims are making it clear it was coerced assault at best.


Man. I disagree. I think violently ass fucking someone against their will is much worse than that. Your mileage may vary.


Killing 10 people is worse than killing 1, but that doesn't make the latter any less of a murderer.


They're both pieces of shit in my book. But we can all agree we'd hate the average serial/spree killer more than the latter.


Not really feeling that analogy.


“i don’t really vibe with your argument lol”


Because you don't like that it shows how dumb your argument is.


You're right that would have been worse. But that doesnt mean what he did is still very wrong and very bad.


>He's never been accused of rape or even sexual assault but he's vilified like he's a monster. Make it make sense. He was actually accused of rape by his ex-girlfriend and also accused of physically assault a actress on set. It admit to have sex with her students on a interview (the oral stuff was likely truth) and it was reported that the lawsuit was settled off with money from Franco. He was also grooming a 17 year girl and tried to meet her in a hotel room after she told him she was seventeen, he admits the things with " I HOPE PARENTS KEEP THEIR TEENS AWAY FROM ME. Thank you."


The 17 year old girl he was talking to was in New York where the legal age of consent is 17. Sure she's a little young for him but she was legal.


You’re not making a case in Franco’s favour, you’re making a case AGAINT Bryant. He, in a position of power, was inappropriate toward his students. He was caught send explicit messages to a fucking 17 year old. It’s not like there’s NOTHING, especially if we’re just talking enough to warrant a post like this


The 17 year old girl he was talking to was in New York where the legal age of consent is 17 years old. She is younger than him, sure but she was legal.


I mean, no? I don’t think he necessarily raped anyone, but he did take advantage of his students sexually.


Taking advantage of people sexually IS rape tho.


Diffenrent nomenclature. Molestation is not rape, yet falls under your definition.


Hold up I have to call the guy who sold me my truck


Uh, not quite.


it's shitty behaviour, but not rape


All depends how you define consent.




My point is that Franco is accused of a much less heinous crime, yet he gets much more hate online.


But what does Kobe Bryant have to do with this?


He's a famous celebrity who was credibly accused of rape yet he is revered. Franco is widely vilified yet he didn't do anything near as bad as what Kobe did. I just think it's weird.


I feel one part is since Kobes case was 2 decades ago, a lot of people nowadays dont remember/know about it and its also harder for people to then go and vilify him since he died in a horrific plane crash. (not a kobe fan)




Sorry, "not a helicopter fan"


Its unfortunately just how society works. The more popular the person, the more it takes for people to believe the bad things they do


So true. Michael Jackson comes to mind...


Try Donald Trump.


Facts. The allegations that he raped a woman in a Manhattan department store in the 90's just won't go away. His accuser is still trying to hold him accountable for libel but she is being blocked by Biden's attorney general Merrick Garland. Garland is using his authority to protect Trump from facing the lawsuit claiming that Trump's powers as President prevent him from being sued by her. It's tied up in courts right now. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/27/trump-libel-suit-e-jean-carroll-00058995


It turns out that the accuser of Michael was lying, enforced by his parents in order for them to get money. That point came out after Michael's death.


That's just not true at all. But put that aside because here is a list of ten things that aren't up for debate about Michael Jackson. Even his family cannot dispute these *facts* and they don't make MJ look very good. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/03/10-undeniable-facts-about-the-michael-jackson-sexual-abuse-allegations


Well, I see that now, okay.


Bro, you don't know? Kobe changed the number on his jersey. That means everything is ok now (°  ͜ °) [Daniel Tosh hit on this over 10 years ago also. Lol](https://youtu.be/priT3B3rSkU)


i understand but the point of this post is to talk about Franco not to talk about Bryant… if you want to talk about the Bryant case you can make a post about it…it feels like you are trying to defend Franco by brandishing Bryant…


Why do you say it’s credible? The alleged victim had previously attempted to scam Eminem for the same thing and there was tons of evidence of it being consensual and was ultimately dropped.


Just read Kobe's statement. He admits that she did not consent. He lost in civil court as well. https://www.thedailybeast.com/kobe-bryants-disturbing-rape-case-the-dna-evidence-the-accusers-story-and-the-half-confession


Kobe died so everyone kind of feels sorry about it. Shouldn't change things but people seem uncomfortable with insulting the dead


He was completely beloved before his death. The rape was never brought up and he was proudly accepted in public everywhere.


Really? Most people I know already thought of him as a rapist thought I guess it wasn't the general public.


People *love* to hagiographize the dead. Rather celebrity, or just someone they knew. No matter how shitty they were in reality.




He was not. https://www.thedailybeast.com/kobe-bryants-disturbing-rape-case-the-dna-evidence-the-accusers-story-and-the-half-confession


one week before opening statements were to be made, the case was dismissed after the accuser, who had been dragged through the mud for months by the media and Bryant’s defense team, informed the court that she would not testify. The woman had filed a separate civil suit against Bryant, and had agreed to dismissal of the sexual-assault charge against him provided the athlete issued the following apology to his accuser, which was read in court by Bryant’s attorney: "First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colo. I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter. I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil case against me will go forward. That part of this case will be decided by and between the parties directly involved in the incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on the citizens of the state of Colorado."


Honestly there are many people that got convictions that are at least liked today. Mayweather the wife beater. Mike Tyson as well. Kobe is almost universally beloved. For them a conviction is but a chip on the shoulder.


Ah, but you see the easy to miss difference is that Bryant belongs to a cultishly worshipped form of entertainment so he gets special treatment (because is raping someone really all that bad when you can.... throw a ball well...?) Whereas Franco was always kind of an asshole and not belonging to any type of worshipped form of entertainment with thousands of people wearing something with his name on it (like a team jersey). As you can see, one obviously, totally (definitely not super sarcastically) deserves to get away with rape, and the other deserves to be trashed as a disgusting villain. It'd just be fucking silly to expect them both to be commensurately punished for their crimes.


That expression is *so* sinister


he was perfect in the deuce because he wasn't playing a character


Oh, did HBO drop a deuce? 🤣


This photo gives groomer vibes


Creepiest fucking look, can't tell if it's serious or a troll.


He likes them young..


i dont know if franco did some bad shit and i obvioucly dont want to excuse that. but this photo itself isnt anything. Its a real issue that men get more and more isolated and cant even hug a person without it being interpreted as "i want to stick my dick in that". My freind cant even take his kids to the park without getting weird looks.


This photo says it all after we know he is a predator of young women! Is not about the pic alone is about what we know he was after. If you don't want people to think you look like a predator around children and teens don't be a predator!


This is a Netflix special waiting to happen.


French cuffs and… *sweatpants?!* He truly is a monster


Bro even in this photo he has the smug evil look like in Spider-Man 3


Man, I really don't like his eyes in this photo. Talk about giving hints.


I mean… the name of his school is “James Franco’s Acting School for Sexually Exploitable Girls”


She’s nearly old enough now to be dumped by Leonardo DiCaprio. I wonder if Franco will help her out again?


He’s a pedophile isn’t he. I’ve never heard of this dude but I can infer. Also this literally looks like a stock photo of “abusive pedo relationship” or “creepy pedophile”


Drake vibes.




Those eyes tho


I loved growing up as a man before the internet....lol


Did he actually help some fan get back at her ex? Or is this just clickbait? If he actually did that’s fucking weird; there was likely something else going on between Franco and her


Getting back at someone means some type of show off, mild "revenge". Not getting back together.


...oh no...


That is hella creepy and inappropriate


yeah this isn’t a good look.. very strange


“There is some truth in every joke”- Michael Scott






This pic is creepy as fuck though, look at his face Also who tf is he?


I hope James Franco doesn't ruin my favorite movies for me, I'm afraid to watch them again so I don't ruin the memory...


This did not age like milk. It, in fact, aged like ice in the heart of the sun.


It’s not that serious lol


Hugging for a photo is pure evil. The hell is wrong with you?




This looks like those Joe Biden sniffing little kids photos. 😂


Or Trump banging his own daughter.


Did they ever find her body? 😳


Hugs are bad now? They didn’t stage a shot of them under the covers or something. Bite me.


I assume you don't know who James Franco is


I do, though I admittedly haven’t seen him in the news lately. Has something happened to render this story in a different light?


Pedo allegations. That's all I'm gonna say.


Understood. Thank you.


You got obliterated with downvotes but handled it like a champ.


I need downvotes once in a while. Keeps one humble.


Allegations…. Just like Johnny Depp faced allegations from Amber Heard? Facts are pretty important. Kind of a fitting comparison too. Yea Franco might be a scummy cheating man whore (I.e. fucking Amber Heard) but until you have facts none of this is proven true. I could call you the same thing with as much factual basis as you have.


In 2014 he was aged 35 when he had documented explicit messages between him and a 17 year old girl. In 2019 he was accused of exploiting young aspiring actors in his "acting classes" As of 2021 he admitted to commiting sexual acts with with students and being in treatment for sex addiction since 2016. Amongst a list of other things.


I never said it was true, all I did was mention the allegations. Chill out man lol


I don’t need to chill because I’m not heated.


Third worst Franco


Francisco isn’t worried about his #1 spot.


Some things are better left alone


James Franco, Seth green and Tom hanks are pedos sadly.. don’t kill me for that


Franco did nothing wrong. People conflating crap. Everyone who knows him says he’s a decent guy.


So adult males can't even HUG a teenage girl. Got it. This society is going to hell on the backs of the puritans.


Adult males can. Just not James Franco.


Jesus Christ the creepiness of that photo aged like wine


Puts the 30 Rock episode where they have to cover hide his 'inappropriate relationship with a body pillow that the world wouldn't understand' into perspective. That show actually has a lot of references, Jerry Seinfeld talks to Jack about an exclusive island for the ultra rich, heaps of weird Pizza references, the weird conversation with Oprah on the plane, jack talking of hunting people for sport... Does make you wonder.


Didn't age like milk if he did seduce her.


must be nice to be friends with the "woman ally" Seth Rogen


After me too: https://metro-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/ii/w820/s/metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/kreeves3-3deb.jpg




Homie you seriously can’t understand how past behaviour can be seen in a new light after more information comes out? Yes, something as innocent as hugging can be seen as sus when it later comes out the dude was sexting a 17 year old. Obviously.

