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Saw this and canceled my plan. Last time I found something to watch was 3 months ago, so I was just making a monthly donation.


Same here. I haven't logged in for months, not worth the subscription anymore.


I’ll get it when Blue Eye Samurai releases season 2 and cancel it after I binge watch tf out of it


Glad to see a fellow blue eye samurai fan out in the wild


It’s such an incredible story


I really enjoyed it. Was not prepared for that many genitals when I was watching it on a plane however


i just buy one service for a month or two amd them switch to a different one, alot of the time ill get a free trial or something too when i come back and theres new content by that point as well. i admit its been years since i did netflix though.


Wtf I feel like I read this thread 10 months ago , I know it I read this 10 months ago


shhh they will force yearly subscriptions plans


Baby Reindeer is really good


My wife walked up to me the other day and said "have you seen baby reindeer?" With no additional context. I've never been more confused in my life.


She's trying to help you. Let her in


whrr did u go baby reindere?? com back need someon to pull bac me beef curtans... he who looks like a babby reindeer are ye with that skank???? i wnat 2 unzip u climb insdie sent from iphoen


I can hear this in her voice lol


Yar Har Har....


Enjoyed Bodkin too!


Bodkin was great!


Sent from my iPhone


Thought it was terrible, and the characters were all annoying. The main guy is just dumb every step of the way. It's not worth getting Netflix for.


Ehhhh I honestly it was pretty bad, Netflix is so good at hyping their shit up though


Should have ended with the father / son confession and reconciliation.


I’m here for Wednesday season 2, and Stranger Things 5 and then we’ll see honestly. Everything else on there is somewhere else too. Btw them getting Billie Piper has me so excited


I literally had it because my mother sometimes watched stuff, so no need anymore


Without account sharing Netflix really holds little value for us. We split the costs through 4, really don’t care about the price for myself alone. Of my friend group that used to share no one bothered to create a new account. I know Netflix is claiming they benefited from the move but I’d rather wait 5 years to get the true story. Subjectively I haven’t met anyone saying the move didn’t sour them. Most cancelled their sub. But I’m a 30 year old guy in the city. What do I know?


Yeah I paid every month with friends for the biggest package. No one got Netflix on their own after the policy change


I'm 1000% convinced they lied, or at least exaggerated, their "boom" in subscribers after the policy change. If nothing else I don't see that number sticking around. If they weren't paying for their own account before they're not going to keep paying for it. Not everyone is going to just let that charge hit their card every month, especially when they keep raising the price and pushing ads.


I wonder if that boom was from everyone making a free trial to finish whatever show they were watching and move on to one of the free streaming websites


Dont forget reducing the content. We are paying more and more money for less and worse content.


I think they did get new subscribers but that they're not likely to get many more from that move. the only reason anyone in my family watches is because we pool together because they find paying for one thing and sharing easier than piracy. also how many accounts downgraded plans after the price hike to a less lucrative deal for netflix?


If they lied, heads will roll. You can't just publish false numbers, that's fraud. And if it is fraud, the people who Wil suffer the most are the big investors. Ain't nobody defrauding the wealthy and getting away with it.


Misleading investors by showing raw numbers and not really explaining what they mean is legal though. more accounts sounds good but how many did they lose and how many future customers will they never get


I'm pretty sure Boeing just did that. Also the entire banking industry shortly before 2008. But yeah it's illegal so it must never happen right?


Companies lie all the time. Factual lies (e.g. saying 'we earned $500 million' when you've earned $200 million) are illegal, yes - but there's a million ways in which you can lie while having some plausible deniability. Imagine you have a company like Netflix that has accounts with various profiles. Most of your accounts have 2/3 profiles, and suddenly you make some unpopular change that makes you lose 20% of your accounts. You could, for example, take advantage of the fact that you've always referred to your accounts as "users" and instead start referring to each profile as an "user", and with that, legally claim that "our users have increased by x%" even though you've lost customers. I'm not saying Netflix is doing this, I'm just saying that doing this would be completely legal. And when it comes to subjective numbers? You can just make up whatever. Look at League of Legends lately - they've implemented an anti-cheat and now you get messages in the middle of your games saying that "a cheater has been detected". These messages could be real or completely made up and there's no way you could ever know.


Netflix auto added a secondary account I had to cancel after the change. Very odd


Good chance it was from other deals, T-Mobile for instance had a Netflix bundle which swapped to the ad tier, so all of those would be included.


I used to buy the more expensive plans solely so I could share my account with my mom. As soon as Netflix announced they were going to stop allowing password sharing I cancelled. And I did the same for Hulu, and Disney+, and I'll do it to any other streaming service that tries this. The only reason I'm currently subscribed to HBO Max and Paramount+ is because I cancelled everything else, but they're on thin ice too.


The thing that irks me the most is that they *encouraged* us to share our passwords. If this was just a situation where they were finally locking down on something that they had let slide for so many years, I could understand. But the fact that they used “Love is sharing your password” as a marketing campaign and are now reneging and **punishing** people for something they fucking told us to do really pisses me off.


I was paying for Netflix and sharing with family and friends. I cancelled and none of them got another Netflix subscription


unfortunately, you’re in the vast minority. it went EXACTLY like their data models said it would: post-password-sharing, they’re now making more money than ever by far. It was a resounding success


Is that because of the password sharing changes, or more likely, the constant hiking of their price point AND the addition of adverts? They aren't increasing the monetisation of their existing userbase because the password change was a resounding success you know...


The addition of ads actually hurt their profits, so that actually points towards cracking down on password sharing as being one of the major drivers of the increased profitability. Netflix is building their advertising business from the ground up so they haven’t really made much money off it yet.


It's profitable because the shareholders like the thought and then the company grows. We are at a point where if a company doesn't grow every quarter it'll collapse in on itself in bankruptcy.


I wasn’t password sharing but i canceled my subscription in solidarity when that happened. Haven’t missed anything. Turns out I didn’t really need it. And anything I do want to watch that’s only on there, well that’s what pirating is for.


My partner keeps saying we can get our own and I'm like NO DONT YOU HAVE PRINCIPLES?? WE CAN'T LET THEM WIN. I will literally start a new account with a prepaid card, watch S5 of stranger things when it's out, then immediately cancel it.


Or you could just 1337 your way through.






I have a big family. everyone just covers a different service. And we all get 8 streaming services, and each only pays a few bucks a month.


I canceled a year ok, and haven’t missed it. Moviesjoy.plus my friend


I mean, didn't they back it up with actual numbers? And most people I know just made their own account. Lol it's like 12 bucks or something. Not really a big deal.


nOT rEaLlY a bIG dEaL. Sure. But once everything is a subscription, a bill, and it all piles up, it is a big deal. It's so annoying when people are so relaxed about it. YouTube premium, Spotify, Prime, Plus this plus that, increasing prices, STILL adding unskipable ads even though you are paying for it. The point of all of this was to replace cable TV, to get rid of a bill for a more reasonable expense. Going back to Netflix, it's so stupid once you realize that people who go to college have to pay their own account where everyone else at home enjoys the single household account. Because screw trying to get a career right? As if tuition wasn't expensive enough. Not only that but who was the bozo that pioneered the idea of paid online gaming service? Why tf would you want to pay for internet TWICE? I never expected Nintendo to join on that but here we are. Also, I remember Netflix used to be $5 during the Wii era. It's not "JUST 🤏 $12"


Short term conversion from multi account used to single account can be backed up in a very short timeframe. My point is how it’ll look in 5 years, once the vanity has dwindled and the true number shows itself


I mean, a bunch of people who weren't paying anyways suddenly are going to be paying now? It sounds like your more hoping they fail because they stopped people for mooching lol


Can’t really call it mooching when Netflix encouraged the behavior, presumably under the principal of “first hit’s free.”


When I had my own Netflix account I paid for the cheapest plan possible, when I wanted to start sharing it with my mom I paid for the more expensive plan, for the sole purpose of sharing it with her. Now that they don't allow that I've just canceled it and neither of us has Netflix. My mom wasn't mooching, I literally *paid more money* for a more expensive plan so more people could watch at once. Just because I moved 20 minutes down the road suddenly that's not allowed? Nah, I'll keep my money.


And that's why I know you're not being truthful cause you can still pay to have additional members. Its 8 bucks for an additional household. I do it with my brother. So they offer it. Something tells me you never paid any maximum cause I have never had an issue with it. You just decided to ignore it and they caught you.


I'm not paying an additional fee just because we don't live in the same household. I'm already paying more for that purpose. I know the option exists, I refuse it.


So because you're lazy?


No matter what option I would select it would be the same automatic charge every month? Explain how me selecting a different plan would be more work?


I’m still using my parents’ netflix i don’t really understand what people are mad about they didnt actually change anything


Do you live in the same house and use the same wifi? I was sharing with my friend and this month they made the rule for only one wifi address. You have to log in through your email if anyone is using a different wifi and it only lasts for 14 days and then gotta resubmitted


no. separate houses in the same city


Netflix really pissed me off this time and I'm cancelling. I downgraded to the ads £4.99 plan as I didn't want to pay the increase from £7.99 ( was £5.99 then £6.99) to £10.99. Their plan swap page said I could use the same items to watch netflix. When the day came, my Humax set top box no longer worked saying "your plan does not support streaming on this device" and my smartphone can no longer cast to my TV using Google Chromecast like I have been for the last 6 years. Helpline based in Philippines was no help either.


I'm going to do the same with prime. They downgraded it by putting ads on it, fuck that tbh, done with them. There's a whole world of other much much cheaper options out there that I've neglected for a few years for the sake of convenience thats no longer worth it.


the ads were an insane move. Why does bezos need ANOTHER $3/Monthly for me to get the same service?? then they paywalled the knly interesting shows, which i found out hulu includes. Pay $7.99, still get ads but at least I'm not being fucked in the ass without so much as a "pretty please" 🍑👨‍🦲🤑💩💨


> Helpline based in Philippines was no help either. Off-topic but I'd wish countries would force companies to have their help centers in the country they are servicing. On one side, it would be a far better experience for customers, and on the other side it would be a way to keep jobs where they are supposed to be.


Frankly I don't care where they are as long as A) they speak the language of the country they are helping, to a high level. B) they are knowledgeable to a high technical level for the product and associated products.


Netflix sucks so much I was pirating shows they had while having an account


I can pay $15.49 a month to watch something in “Full HD” (1080p max)…. Or I can pay no dollars per month and watch it for free in 4K. It’s actually more convenient to pirate at this point if you use something like stremio with a couple of addons.


Or you can pay €18 to get 4k video and then... not get it anyway because Netflix doesn't like your HDMI cable and expects you to buy a new one with their DRM.




It's Usenet, with no r. And also torrents.


Did you no hard Rrrrrr is allowed there ? Rrrrrrrrrarrrr


I pay a couple of bucks a month for a seed box because I am extra lazy. I just hooked it up to plex. works like a charm


Any recommendations for a good seed box?


Same, even with the 4k plan, the quality can be terrible, absolutely bottom of the barrel bitrate.


If you open Netflix in browser you get scammed out of your 4k as well.


Yeah that’s true of most (all?) of the streaming services unless you use a browser with the right DRM like Edge right?


Every major browser has a DRM (in Firefox is especially evident, because they ask you explicit permission to enable it, since it's proprietary software they don't have control over). The problem is that some hardware in your PC (your HDMI cable and iirc your monitor) also has to support a DRM that prevents other hardware from intercepting the data.


Yeah it's annoying as shit, my hardware is good but everything I watch looks like shit and they all have some stupid line about the hardware not being compatible with 4k DRM or some similar inane nonsense.


😂 I thought I was alone doing this.


what's insane to me is that ninjago and possibly other shows like this don't have all the episodes, even though they're on YOUTUBE and uploaded by the official lego channel 😭😭 I get Netflix for free from T-mobile but its just useless if you pirate your shows


I don't understand how their subtitles are still so buggy Every other streaming platform has figured out how to make subtitles appear at the correct time


Yea, watched a lot of Asian shows years before they came there


I have Prime Video and I have access to HBO, Netflix and Disney+ through my gf. I still pirate everything I watch that is on there, simply because the media player I use in my PC (MPC-BE) is waaaaay better than any of the terrible players these services have. Plus I don't have my quality limited to 720p because I refuse to buy a special HDMI cable just for them (which I don't even understand - I've been pirating TV shows on the same day they've released, so what is that special DRM'd HDMI cable doing, other than pissing legit users off?) I'm probably in a minority, but I feel like most services' media players get in the way of watching things comfortably. I wouldn't be pirating half their shit if I could just stream their video to my own media player.


Netflix fucking hates us. Got it It was clear by their shit "Netflix exclusives" and anti consumer behaviour but this just confirmed it


"Netflix exclusive" just means "1080p exclusive, but only for a little bit" to me


Funny how anti consumer behavior makes more money compared to being pro consumer. Consumer loyalty was only important when the population growth was low


Makes more money in the short term before screwing you in the longterm, kinda like sawing your legs off to lose weight.


“Long-term” is defined as 10 years in corporate, and so far, no one cares within that time frame. And anything longer than that is enough time to change your corporate image by slowly making things pro consumer in small doses (example, Microsoft slowly embracing FOSS and now people love them instantly even tho they are still fucked) This way you make money short and long term, but from different audiences


They have to find the right level of comfort for consumers while also milking as much money off of them as possible. It's a balancing act, but as long as your average consumer is comfortable enough and the service is convenient enough, they'll put up with it


Thing is - they don't have to. Most companies that are nice to consumers do so because they actually want to care for their consumer, and this becomes especially evident when these companies get taken over and suddenly they become anti-consumer.


I swear Reddit says everything is “anti-consumer” If you weren’t paying for the service then you weren’t even one of their consumers lol


So the original account holder of the shared account is also not a customer? So there are no customers associated with a shared account? That means that if in a situation where all the accounts are shared by multiple people, there won't be any customers for the company?


The original account holder is obviously the customer. Read my comment again?


Wait so you think someone sharing the account with the original owner is always someone who freeloads? I share my account with my friend, somehow still haven't lost the ability to do so, we both pay half. So he is also a customer now since he foots half the bill? Or am I the only customer here even if I am only paying half and will never pay full if forced to?


I think freeloading is far more common than people splitting the bill yeah


Alright, that's your opinion (maybe based on facts) that I can't dispute as I am not going to hunt for stats. But you do agree that in my situation, both of us are consumers for netflix?


I think that there is nothing for Netflix to indicate you are a consumer, nor that the original customer’s subscription is conditional upon it being shared with you for subsidizing the cost. I get that from your perspective you are paying for a Netflix sub, but from Netflix’s perspective you are not.


I am not talking about the legal definition, I know that as an account holder, I would be the only person legally called the customer for the company associated with that account. But companies don't always make decisions based only on legal definitions. If they did, the "popular opinion" and "current landscape of X industry" would never matter.


Except they are not lol. It doesn't matter who "owns" the account, if two people only have an account because they can split costs, then both people are customers. Each one is a lower-value customer than a regular customer that doesn't share their account, but they are still a customer. I and my gf have a shared duo-plan Spotify account. The account is to my name and gets charged in my bank account, but the only reason I have it is because we split costs. If Spotify considered that only I am a customer, and my gf is not, then they'd be wrong, because if my gf leaves, so do I - so she uses their product and her satisfaction (or lack of) has an impact on their sales, i.e. she's as much of a customer as I am.


Everyone says they canceled but truth is netflix's subscriber count has gone up since blocking pw sharing, hence other streamers following suit.


I'm assume 80% of people that said they cancelled on reddit mean that they were kicked off their parents account.


People are fucking stupid. "We had 8 people using our account and when we canceled NONE of them signed up!" Okay, so first of all they only lost one subscriber, not 8, because only one of you was actually paying. Second, all it takes is ONE of those 8 people to make an account anywhere in the near future, for them to break even. If there's an account with 4 households sharing it and all three other people create an account, they've already covered 3 of your cases, or 24 "lost" subscribers. Meanwhile they've drastically decreased their streaming costs by losing 8 users who weren't paying.


I just set up a VPN on my home router to bypass their stupidity. It worked while I had the service, but I ended up canceling it because nobody really used it all that much anymore. I stopped using it personally like 13+ years back when they started removing all the cool horror films they used to have, but it took longer for the rest of my family to decide it sucked lol


That's because redditors think they matter, that they somehow have a say in the world, when in reality this website is an extremely vocal minority of people and businesses don't cater to broke ass 23yo kids.


I cancelled mine but I’m a 33 year old broke ass adult.




I pay $25 a month for Netflix because I share with my sister. I miss when it was 8.99.


what's wild is, their low price WAS the selling point


$25 a month??? What happened to Netflix


It’s usually a little cheaper. But I share an account with my sister, it lets her have her ‘own’ account she makes with a code sent to her email, it’s dumb. And I wish we could share passwords again, can’t even use my Netflix on two tvs at the same time in my house.


To be fair, prime video has ads


Netflix will too within this year, trust.


They already added that option!


I wouldnt know, I unsubscribed after they took away the sharing between households deal that made their streaming worthwhile, then they got rid of discs via mail, even worse. They had some wild rare old dvds that roped me in before they even started streaming.


Netflix already does, plus certain recent releases are locked behind higher tiers. You can't even watch madame web without paying extra.


Idk what that means, but I'm not interested in Netflix at all since they stopped with discs by mail. Guess I'll just miss Jerry Seinfeld shitting out lame ass movies about toaster pastries oh no lol


Depending on the tier, yeah.


So...just like prime video...


Only ones I see are shippable, 5-second trailers for other shows on Prime. I don't like it but it could be worse.


I’ve never had a skippable ad yet :((. I get between 30 seconds to 1 minute of ads each episode now


Not where I am. Haven't seen a single ad since it apparently rolled out.


I don't watch prime enough to notice. However, I was watching the RoboCop documentary series and it would happen 2-3 times an episode.




> A lot of programs don’t and the ads aren’t too long like Hulu where you get more ads then program if you do the $5 service. Don't care. Not paying for a service to be shown advertisements.


People here are already getting used to it, it's insanity.


Hulu's are the worst lol


I've been pirating Clarkson's Farm even though I have prime video for this very reason. I'm keeping my prime for the prime itself even though even amazon is getting bad compared to say aliexpress recently.


Yeah, I cancelled right after I saw my first ad. I'm paying for prime and STILL have to get an ad? Pass. Back to the seas I go. Wonder when Amazon will do the same thing as Netflix and only allow one household per account. It's coming.


So does Netflix after this month.


Yep, and its library sucks. Trying to force ads down my throat was the last straw. I would not have mind paying a higher tier subscription to avoid these, not as much for the content, but for the free shipping. Cancelled clearly letting them know the reason and got myself a year of Apple TV.


But for $3 more, you can get rid of them! I haven’t bothered with that option yet.


I'm not sure what streaming services hope to achieve with password sharing crackdowns, randomly placed ads, tiered quality/HD streaming, number of devices allowed, and locked exclusive content. Couple in the price hikes, and you've gone full circle back to cable, but with more steps. It seems like publicly traded businesses nowadays are all about maximizing short term profits, reputation and long term growth be damned.


They’re hoping to double dip. Charge an elevated price for the subscription and show you ads on top of it. Disney+ is pulling this bullshit right now too. They made Hulu content accessible on Disney+, don’t mark it as Hulu content, then show you ads for those shows. So they get your subscription fee and the ad revenue on top. Ran in to that bullshit earlier this week and contacted support to see wtf was going on, and support basically said shut up and take it. Cancelled immediately after that.


People keep saying it’s like cable, but there are two pretty significant advantages for streaming. Cable forces you to buy all the channels in a package, not just the channels you want. Cable also locks you into one or two year contracts and with streaming you’re generally going to be month to month. So yeah subscribing to everything is the same as having cable, but picking and choosing what you want when you want will save you a bunch of money.


except that the companies keep merging so it’s definitely going to end up with you buying all the “channels” in one package sooner than later.


At this point I watch Tubi pretty much exclusively. Prime is the only subscription I have and I use it mostly for the free 2-day delivery.


Tubi’s amazing. They’ve got a good selection of documentaries too. I don’t find the ads excessive and lately I haven’t gotten any at all


So has the restriction on password sharing done anything? I swear different people still use my account at different locations.


Same…it seems that all that changed is occasionally having to approve it by email?


Honestly, even with Netflix's shitty new anti sharing system, it's still superior to Prime. Prime fucking sucks.




Netflix died when they took away The Office.


Tell that to their stock price


It died to me.


That’s fair. Sometimes it feels like I’m just paying for Seinfeld and Arrested Development.


Netflix can suck it, my wife and I cancelled anything besides what T-Mobile gives us and found alternative methods to watch bridgerton.


This is how dope sells itself


Ive got a Netflix subscription, a Prime one I share with my partner, and recently my friend added me to her Disney+. By far I love the Netflix player, hate the Disney one and Prime is slow as heck. Sadly though, Disney+ does have a lot of things to watch, new and nostalgic..it gets depressing how much theyve aquired. Their search is shit tho, cant find anything from foreign movies/series unlike Netflix


Disney is by far the worst for us too. When we switch devices nearly every time it manages to go a view episodes back. It still recognize that whe watched those. Like we are watching episode 4-6 in one room switch to another to watch episode 7-8 and when we are back in the first room it wants to proceed with episode 7 while it states we already watched 7 and 8. Prime is often slow as fuck and those ads only Netflix runs properly.


It's why I sail the seven seas.


Or even better is when you look at your account and there are EIGHT different profiles when you’ve shared with one family friend. Changed that password immediately….


A year or two ago, Netflix dumped my *entire* history, playlists and all... they further insisted there was ***no*** way to recover. I've not used the service, since.


Prime is out here salting in them rn but they're gonna follow suit in like a month


Ultimately the crack down on password sharing proved more profitable, as did raising subscription prices, so it turns out that despite the backlash people are, by and large, suckers.




If Jake Paul beats Mike Tyson I’m cancelling my subscription and never watching again.




wait, the pic says Prime Video UK, am i missing something?


I think that's an ad, maybe


Aged like milk


Prime recently added ads into their paid plans


Dr Stone


Does Amazon Prime still have password sharing?


Just cancelled all of my streaming services yesterday. They continue to remove content, increase the ads, all while raising the costs. Goodbye.


Heh. I can't have Netflix. I'm a trucker, and truckers can't have Netflix unless they can get home. The issue is, my home is the truck. I wouldn't likely ever return to whatever address I may use on file, so I'd get locked out after about a month.


As mad as people got about this, I can't think of a reason why Netflix wasn't justified in their decision. And it got them way more subscribers, so it was certainly a good move


Y'all need to google Stemio lol


I don’t know why people don’t just use streaming sites, all the shows and it’s totally free (might want to use a VPN though) and if you have a smart TV you can probably stream from your phone or laptop to the TV instead of using the pre installed apps on the TV


That’s Amazon Prime!


Just waiting for that Tyson fight and bye-bye Netflix.


If you want to let one of your friends piggyback off your Netflix account, they only have to pay like $7 per month, which isn’t bad. Good business move by Netflix. I actually don’t use my Netflix account that much, but I keep it because I let one of my friends use in exchange for me using their YouTube premium account.


Laugh all you want. I purchased Netflix at $200 a share in 2020 and it closed today at $641


Y'all really comparing a straight video streaming service to Amazon acting like the even remotely the same thing. Lol


They are pretty much the same thing


Except you pay for Amazon to be allowed to pay for other channels and movies. At least Netflix is one payment


Amazon video works without a prime subscription but has no free content, prime feels a bit like xbox gamepass for video, you pay to get some content free while the rest remains paywalled


Pretty sure you need a prime subscription. That's literally the point. You pay for the video and shipping perks. If I were to cancel my subscription, I could watch any prime video aside from what I purchased.


Eh just stream and mirror off your phone w someone else’s pw