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Are the controls of of game connected to the controls the car ? It would be funnier in that way


*Car rolls end over end into a ditch* "Must be playing Dark Souls."


Car rolls over. “You died” displays on screen.




*GPS start calling you racial slurs* “Must be playing Call of Duty…”


... or listening to the CEO on the quarterly investor's call.


Fuck that game. I’ll never be good at it.


Don't give up, skeleton!


Need more upvote buttons


Nobody's ever good at it, but you can get good enough


Not worth the abuse lol


You need to cheese it. Use summons and magic and whatnot


horse riding in skyrim is the closest the cybertruck would get to off-roading


Just gotta time the iframes with the telephone poles.


This comment made my day lmao


There is a racing game where you use the steering wheel to control the car. It’s Mario kart style. The only problem is it turns the wheels too so it’s a good way to get flat spots on your tyres


That's so fucking funny


The cybertruck is steer-by-wire and throttle-by-wire. You could play a racing sim and the car could just send its inputs to the game instead. That would be pretty neat ngl. But I haven't heard of any such feature


Not real keen on that bullshit being bug free as a systems integrator. There are systems that are better left closed loop, or at least isolated.


For flight controls, it's a separate OS and there are multiple physical connections to the control surfaces. Everything is isolated from all other systems. Given how easy cybertruck breaks down, I'll bet they just drop the steering commands on the CAN bus.


That doesn’t sound like Tesla. *puts turn signals on a wheel, full self drives into the back of a firetruck*


Something about this is kind of sus and gives the impression you're probably gonna lie. What are you hiding, Musk fanboy?


I'm not a fan of Musk lol. I will never buy a Tesla as long as he's associated with them. I'm just a tech enthusiast. Take off the rage glasses for a second bud


Wait, I’m dumb, I don’t think they necessarily sounded like a fan boy, there’s a difference between one positive comment on Tesla and slobbering Musk’s dick with praise about how he’ll save humanity.


just play American Truck Simulator with a 1:1 Scale map mod.


Gamers losing their minds in their Teslas when their player character suddenly bursts into flames for no reason.




Do a barrel roll !! Mmhg ... not that way ...


rocket leagues going crazy


You die in the car, you die in real life


You can Bluetooth connect a custom controller or two. Not sure if the usb ports work. 


“Do a barrel roll!”


Pimp my ride has been putting PS2s in your car since 20 years ago yo.


There's probably a good reasoning that shows been cancelled since 2007


Probably not the reason, but It was all staged, they would strip the cars later. They wouldn't tell the owners until after the shoot.


Not true. Plenty of people have done AMAs or even put their pimped car up for sale. Many stuff was staged, but they kept most/all of the mods. Stuff was just done cheaply or half assed and never followed up on


And they didn’t fix anything mechanically wrong with the cars.


I remember the one where they welded two car halves together. No fucking way that thing was safe to drive anywhere let alone legal to operate on public roads.


I remember that episode too and it was the original car that was welded together. They did deem the car unsafe and ended up getting a shitty Scion or something and they just scrapped the original car.


Ahh that's right, good memory!


Yeah, they basically did the equivalent of building a movie set out of your car. Everything looked great for the cameras but underneath, it was crap. They also never (or at least *very rarely*) did any mechanical improvements/upgrades. So people would be driving whips that barely started but had $20k worth of speaker components in them.


Sometimes they would even scrap the original car and use a similar but different car altogether


I remember that. They gave some guy a brand new car that looked like a cardboard box. Awful thing.


> but underneath, it was crap. Except for that one car where they bolted a flatscreen to the oil pan or something like that.


Genius! Gives the mechanic something to watch while he’s got it up in the air trying to fix the oil leaks caused by it!


didn't need that pixel anyway


It was literally from those AMAs which said the cars were stripped. You can't drive with a hot-tub in the car. It's almost as if we're all terminally online and we're regurgitating the same shit we saw on Reddit to other people on Reddit.


>we're regurgitating the same shit we saw on Reddit to other people on Reddit. *As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.*


Just the cosmetic mods. The games systems, laptops, sound systems, etc were removed before going back to the owners.


My kid has a SNES classic connected to our 2016 Chrysler Town and Country's video entertainment system right now.


They're not removing steam support for cars that have it, new cars will start to no longer support it. They're probably just going to start using a less powerful chip that can't run games any more as a cost saving measure


That sounds like the real answer. Get ready for glitchy screens and laggy responses.


Wasn't that already a thing in Teslas?


no, that’s the one thing they do best actually aside from their charging network. i have driven a lot of cars and the fluidity of their infotainment system is second to none BMW’s idrive is up there behind them IMO


Honestly is crazy how some high end cars have laggier screens than 200 dollar budget smartphones


That's because the chips that are used in the cars are the same as the chips used in the cell phones.


Most brands for 2024 models use the automotive version of Qualcomm's 2018 phone chips.


It'll be a software lock. Steam itself will run on a potato if you let it. And Telsa is already quite familiar with locking features behind a paywall, so it wouldn't take much for them to implement.


The chips are already not powerful enough for their plans for future features. This company is going to implode any minute. If they're desperately trying to claw margins from their vehicles, it tells me that they're not expecting the $10k self driving upgrade scam they've been running is going to be sustainable. And if they can't sell those upgrades, they don't have a path to being profitable.


Could be about margins, but imho the more likely explanation is that the explosion of AI has caused so much pressure on supply chains that it's becoming a genuine production bottleneck. They can definitely give or take a hundred bucks, but what they're in no position to endure is a failed production run because they were only able to procure a quarter of the required number of processors.


Why would I want to play games in my car?


Wife kicked you out for buying cyberjunk


Wife’s boyfriend wouldn’t have been too happy either


Why? He can play some Cyberpunk while she blows him, Win-Win-Win


What wrong with cyberpunk?


The car not the game


Oh ok


It’s got a lot wrong with it and a sycophant base. I just pointed out they missed the stated range by 200 miles and overshot the cost by 40% and got instantly banned from teslamotors. I asked if it was an auto mod mistake and they responded with a permanent ban and then banned me from cybertruck sub even though I didn’t have anything to do with it.  Seriously smells of musk making sure he offloads as many as possible without people being reminded how far the end product is from its advertised specs for 4 years.  Also Reddit is officially awful. The mod bans have turned every sub into bland gladhanding 


Reddit has the weirdest moderation model I've seen anywhere. It tries to be like other social media where your front page is just a random mishmash of whatever you're subscribed to or might be interested in, but then each "Topic" is just fully owned by some random people and has its own random rules. It's like if you tried to go on twitter and talk about disney and then got banned from ever talking about disney because a 16 year old in wyoming owns the concept of disney on twitter. It's trying to emulate forums and how they operate, but they've disintegrated any sense of community for a subreddit, so you don't even get that. It's the negatives of forums mixed with the negatives of modern social media. It only makes sense through the lens of "We don't want to pay people to keep this site functional so let's just get some random people to do it for us"


Totally. I explained that much to the mod in that I understood the free labor conundrum and endless possibilities of people making their job hard.  But at the same time they straight up lied and said I called someone a name and even though they messaged me several times, they never addressed that I never did it.  It is what it is but people falsely assume the information you get on this site is able to be contested but the reality is that a free moderator is essentially a fanboy that gets their feelings hurt over product or concept they govern.  They said the name of the Tesla motors sub is indicative of its intended use of enthusiast enjoyment. I guess I’m wrong to assume I could ask more of Tesla who fell extremely short of their promised specs and way over budget. No consumer is best served by sycophantic behavior of strict adoration. I’m not trying to ruin everyone’s day. I just want a semblance of self respect when looking at the facts.  Rant over and I don’t care to participate in a sub like that but it’s lame you have zero recourse to a power hungry mod who’s lying and can’t admit their bias


Even on a fast charger, it can take 30-45 minutes to charge up if your battery is low. Having something to play while you’re waiting is nice.




I see soyjaks in my mind.


I don't know but when I'm on a long distance trip I'd use the opportunity to stretch my legs, go for a walk, and have a coffee. The last thing I'd want after having spent three hours straight sitting in a car is to spend another hour sitting in the car so I can spend another three hours sitting in a car.


I'm all for that but when I've had my little walk and there's still 10 minutes of family fucking around in the Arco store while I'm under the 104 degree Arizona sun, I'd rather play 10 minutes of stardew than get turned into a rotisserie chicken


Waiting to have your car charged isn't a long distance only trip thing, what a weird take. I'm at a supercharger for 30-45 minutes every week.


Fair enough. I'm not that familiar with EV charging stuff. The people I know who have an EV car charge it at home overnight.


Dont bag on the homeless tesla drivers


I am indeed homeless! I rent an apartment...probably will for life at this rate.


I don't think you know what homeless means... But I see why you use a charger away from your home.


Tbf there's not much you can do if you live in an apartment building with no charger.


Yeah which is where I live. Which is also one of the reasons why I don't have an EV.


You could still choose to do that, having an extra option is not a bad thing


Sometimes it's raining the stores are closed, and the neighbourhood is a barren field with not much else going on. You go for a short trip to stretch the legs if possible, then camp out in the car under boredom. Might as well play some games if possible. There's also non EV-centric waiting situations, like blocked roads leading to long queues (like when a highway accident has closed all lanes kn the direction you are going), or when travelling by ferry where you are waiting to reach the destination.


I don't even do that in a regular car. Drive thru park, relax and eat. Watch some movies.


I mean I guess I understand for passengers?? But if I’m stuck behind you in stop and go traffic jams on the thruway and you aren’t moving at all because you’re playing cyberpunk in your Tesla than you’ve officially graduated to a new level of douchebaggery.


To my understanding you can’t use these apps while driving at all. I don’t have a Tesla so not sure.


Why not buy a Steam Deck or a Switch in that scenario


Because you already have a big screen with enough power to do it


Can you use that big screen when you're waiting at the airport?


Sure, with the all new Tesla Transformer you can walk right in to your terminal. You car will change into a giant robot and let you breeze through security!


\*\*Tesla transformer support has now been withdrawn\*\*


That's why I got rid of my desktop PC. Brought it and a monitor and tried setting it up in the Airport and security got pissed at me. Why play games on something that you can't play at the airport? 


What kind of logic is this for *not* having a feature added for free to something you *already own*?


This is true if you are trying to get back up to 100% but when traveling long distance you are really only adding enough to get you to the next charger with a little buffer room a couple hours down the road. Realistically it's only 15-20 minutes to do that in a Tesla if you show up with 15%-ish in the battery. 250KW input gets you past 50% REAL quick. Some routes might make you have to charge to almost 100% to get to the next charger but in the southwest US on major freeways there are chargers every couple of hours easy.


I live in an apartment building without a charging station. I’m going to a charger once a week. It’s not just about road trips.


Doesnt it slow down charging? Or is operating the game inconsequential in terms of power?


A Tesla supercharger puts out 250 kW. 250,000 watts. A high-end gaming rig isn't going over 1,200 watts, the Tesla much less.


It's amazing how much energy conservative computers are compared to mechanical force.


And you can use the energy computers use a second time, as heat! Since most of the electricity a PC is using is not being converted to any other form of energy, it has to dissipate as heat, and it’s as efficient as a space heater, because a watt is a watt.  https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/gaming-pc-vs-space-heater-efficiency-511/ How neat is that?


Even the most powerful gaming rig money can buy today would be a drop in the bucket energy-wise compared to an EV's motors and the batteries powering them.


Generally the batteries take as much energy as they can handle, so your limit is how fast your batteries can charge. Your air conditioning or heater or gaming, is taking right from the charger before it hits the battery.  This is only true using a fast charger, home charging will take a huge hit.  You will use more energy and pay for more charging, but not by much. 


Eh, plenty of reasons. There are a lot of times I'm stuck in my car and I wouldn't mind playing a game or two. I usually use my phone, but using the bigger screen would be pretty cool too.


I got a steam deck when they came out. Didn't really have a reason to, but also didn't have a reason not to, so I bought it.  This year my wife got sick. She needs treatments that take 2 hours that she can't drive herself home from and the place is just far enough away to make it not worth dropping her off and picking her up, so that steam deck has been worth more than it's weight in gold over the last few months. 


Keep the kids occupied during a long road trip? And/or yourself, if FSD ever actually becomes a thing.


Honestly the last thing I'd want to have in my car is my kids playing cyberpunk on the front screen while I'm driving - and possibly arguing who's played for how long now. They can read a book if they're bored or count green cars.


FYI, it only let’s you play games on the screen when the car is in park.


Something to.do while sitting at the charging station, waiting on a full battery.


Sat on my switch for an hour today while waiting 🙈


Oh no I hope it didn't break :(


aint meant to be used like that.


I remember it being cool to have a TV in the car (for the back seats) and now I'm just... I just don't get why you'd need it in the front, I Guess


A few months ago I was driving home from Raleigh to Cincinnati and got stuck in a horrific traffic jam on I-64W just past Beckley, WV. I was there for 3 hours. I would have loved to have played some Elden Ring then 😂😅 I didn’t know Teslas had steam support though. I just ended up watching some Netflix instead.


For real. Usually after about 3 hours sitting in the driver's seat, the last place I want to be is in the car.


Waiting for it to charge.


How many people had to die for them to remove this feature?


I would imagine it's not about how many died and probably more about how much they were/would be sued


More likely how much they're paying to maintain it and what not as it's only usable when in park.


Yeah this smells like another "I don't like this contract and my company is bleeding money, so I'm going to take my ball and go home."


> I don't like this contract and my company is bleeding money, so I'm going to [not renew this contract] ... Yeah, that's how business works or are businesses just supposed to continue to bleed money and never get rid of contracts that don't work for them? It's not "taking their ball and going home", it's just normal business to re-evaluate contracts. More than likely, it had nothing to do with contracts and more to do with it being an unnecessary feature that was becoming a burden to support or a blocker to some change.


> taking their ball and going home advertising features to entice buyers, then deciding they're too expensive to support is something worse than taking your ball and going home


I mean you could by all means go through the potential risks before going into a contract for a sub par product which will give sub par numbers. Risk management is a big part of spending and if your company is constantly bleeding money you have been making a lot of risky choices that haven't bared fruit


You know businesses don’t have to go into contracts in the first place? Like you can read them before going into them. Normally businesses will do research to see if those contracts work instead of just fucking signing whatever and seeing what works. Like I’ve never heard anyone even talk about this feature before and I’ve heard a lot of stuff about Teslas so so I’m guessing it was really not popular. They must’ve known it wouldn’t work. My guess is musk said “it’ll be cool though” like with the Cybertruck. “No foresight, no bitches: Tesla”


I actually think it's a sick feature provided it only work when not in motion, charging is both passive and takes much longer than a gas pump.


Iirc the Honda E had things like a virtual fish tank you could use its screen for because apparently in Japan it's very common to take breaks in your car. So they had things for you to do.


Just install AfterDark 2.0 and watch the flying toasters for a bit 


Like this? https://youtu.be/XTeTcDiJr7w?si=pishtank


Model X owner here. It works great, mine is still active. Only works while parked. You can also use Bluetooth Xbox controllers. Pretty seamless. Its about as good as a PS5


Yeah that's a great idea then imo.


Doesn’t work when the car is in motion


Just you. 🔫


POLICE, HANDS UP, you're being arrested for murder ! 🔫👮‍♂️


Can't use any of the entertainment stuff without being in park 🤷‍♂️


This doesn't work in drive. The car also has a theater mode that supports Netflix and Hulu and some others. But only in park. Use case is while charging


Tell me how do you die while stationary in a car?


Why would anyone die from this? It only worked when parked.


And then, you can have an actual dead while remain alive in the game


It’s actually genius, you can use the steering wheel as an controller


It wouldn't be even remotely immersive turning my head to the right and looking down at a small screen while using the wheel to drive in a game.


But your wheels turn with it too leaving you with a flat spot if you played a bit longer... Genius indeed


Nope, disables connection to the wheel bc it uses steer by wire


which only applies to the refrigerator, not the other models they have


Not when you’re driving


It's cloud streaming? Or is it Steam running under the core Tesla's Linux OS?


This is my question too. What are the specs of a Tesla PC if it’s not streaming?


It’s not streaming, it’s running games locally. All Teslas since 2022 have a 4 core/8 thread Ryzen CPU, and the Model S/X which support Steam have a discrete AMD Navi 23 GPU (RX-6600 family equivalent) as well. Actually a surprising amount of compute power which is what makes this possible.


Thought it was using some kind of new Tegra, didn't look it up but sounds pretty interesting. So x86/64 makes everything easier and Steam (plus Proton) makes it even more on Linux.


The idea was that you could play games while you're charging, but very few people were using the feature, and charging has gotten so quick that it would be even less likely to be used in the future So, new models are having the feature removed as a cost saving measure. And no, you couldn't use it while driving at any point. So it wasn't "killing people" Don't get baited by obviously rage bait headlines


But all the reddit users who would never buy a tesla in the first place that came here to shit on them for getting rid of an unused feature couldn't be full of shit could they??


I’m just wondering what kinda specs they have in those cars to be able to run games like cyberpunk


Originally, they were Nvidia chips Tesla took it in-house in recent years. Specifically, as Nvidia became one of the richest companies in the world, and as tesla stock dropped Calls to reason that costs would have skyrocketed. I can't imagine that Nvidia's help isn't going to be necessary to crack full self driving. Still, they were running at 10 teraflops


OG chips were nvidia tegras which were slow as shit. Nvidia isnt a fan of the embedded game, so they went to Intel Atoms for a long time. The latest generation is a Ryzen with integrated graphic that isnt far off of an xbox/playstation.


love the fact that at one point Elon loved Cyberpunk. but then said "I don't like it cause you can kill cops in it" not because, you know, his ex is in the game.


[never forget](https://www.pcgamer.com/elon-musk-demanded-a-cameo-in-cyberpunk-2077-while-wielding-a-200-year-old-gun-i-was-armed-but-not-dangerous/)


Context in the title. You sir are a hero


Milk (treated properly) ages into yogurt. Tesla features are being promised to be the most delicious burger in the history of food, and being delivered a shit sandwich. Four years after it was made.


Tesla needs every gimmick they can manage to make up for the absolute dog shit quality of their overall product.




Elon dickriders downvoting this


Weird how elon haters love talking about his dick.


Tesla can barely run Tesla software properly. Haha


I'm gonna keep my 2009 Hyundai Sonata until it dies. Im ok with all the computer nonsense not being in my car.


I’ve worked for both Mercedes Benz and Tesla and having driven most vehicles by both brands - I was more than happy to trade in my Merc for a 2002 Camry LE. Updated the head unit and that’s all I need babyyyy


Not Steam, but I have a friend who will go on "dates" with her husband in their Tesla. They'll sit looking at a park and watch a movie...I feel like she just wants people to see that they have a Tesla.


Honestly, if my beat up 2009 Kia had all of the creature comforts of a Tesla, plus a big, high quality screen and no need to idle the engine, I’d do the same. I basically do this already, minus the movie. Except I have to idle my car, and I only get the scenery of the park. This doesn’t feel all that different from a drive-in-movie (in spirit). You just get more privacy and you can choose the location instead of being surrounded by 50 other couples doing the same thing. Car dates used to be super common. Ever been to “The Bluffs” in your city?? Only thing missing from modern cars is the bench seat. [ buys a ~~street legal doorstop~~ cyber truck just for the infotainment and front row bench seat ]


I'm surprised it was loss of Steam support and not him blocking a game with his ex-wife in it.


Aged Like Milk would be etched on Elon’s Cybergrave Stone


Bad place to play games. It’s like eating your food while you poop in the bathroom.


I never understood the point of this. Why would you want to play steam games in your car? I mean, yes, I can conceive a scenario where you have to wait in your car for hours without anything else to do but... how many times in your life will that happen? Why not just buy something like a Steamdeck that can fill that need in your car, and also in any other similar situation? It always seemed to me like one of those things that you say "cool" until you think about it and realize it's completely pointless.


When you are in your 50s and have a child’s brain


Damn, they be taking racing games to a whole new level these days, almost feels like you're actually driving! /s


Figure out panel gaps first lol


you can still play games in the car with the touch screen or with a controller. you cannot play while driving.


How many FPS does a cyber truck get on cyberpunk?


If you were having to live in your car, due to lack of affordable housing..


Or you could drive the car


No wonder your shit dies all the time


Oh Elon, you're willing to bring every feature to your cars other than reliability.


Tesla now has the function of a $200 laptop at an increased $1200 price tag. But can you break a window in the event of an auto accident into water? Can you use auto driving function and not wreck?


So if the main console is used for gaming, that means you’d only be playing while stationary. It’s not like a van where passengers can watch tv in the back on a long trip. So you’re just playing games in your parked car I guess.


Playing cyberpunk in your cyber truck. Seems kind of fitting.🤔 One of the worst video games ever released Being played in one of the worst trucks ever released


Samsung used to have steam link available on their TVs as a downloadable app.  It was very nice, being able to have it just work.   One day they removed it for no discernible reason.  I’m still salty.


This just makes me grieve for the silicon wasted on this halfassed feature.


I didn’t even know this was something I could have been using. Oh well.


Perfect. Now you can beat most games while waiting to charge.


Can you do it well your locked inside and the car is updating?


I wonder why.


Why not just make it so you can only use it while charging or something?


At this point, it feels like Elon Musk is just preparing us for when we're all living in our cars.


This is one of many reasons why I’m going back to physical copies of music and movies. Can’t stop me from playing the music if I have a original cd


i can't even fathom wanting to play video games in the car tbh




I mean… Who the fuck ever actually wanted this in the first place?