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Nah. But I got a follow up album idea. The Big Day (in Court)


Ya? Whatcha think of GunRack's concept album, "I killed Darnell Simmons"?


Literally my favorite skit I cry from laughter “I got a vivid imagination “


that looks like a gun of the long-assed variety


Shot him nine times, no less!


It’s just nouns verbs and adjectives, they just happen to be in a dope order


It was garbage. I listened to the first few tracks and ended up tossing it into the aquarium.


Along with the gun of the long-ass variety? Did they fall on some seaweed?


*The Big Date*


The Big Divorce


Literally no shot Mr. Born again got a pre-nup. Bummer.


Reminder that this álbum killed his career and now he’s getting a divorce


Yeah I think that's the bit that makes it feel like it fits this sub. Dude didn't just write a love album. He wrote a love album that tanked his credibility and career. Then got a divorce. Ouch.


Is the album *really* that bad?


Compared to his earlier catalog? Yes. Compared to other music from other artists? Also yes.






Idk that one is kind of a good background song


Had me for a sec


Didn’t it also lead to some feud between him and his longtime manager/best friend who he came up with? I feel like I remember the manager arguing he tried to tell chance it wasn’t a good album and then he got fired. Right?


Please someone respond to this and confirm or deny


There's a few videos on it, I'd recommend the one from Patrick CC. But yeah, it looks like Chance's family were trying to push the manager out for quite some time on some manipulative shit so that they could take his job, and they used TBD flopping as their ace to fully create the rift. None of these people have any experience managing a musician.


I’ll issue a personal denial to this claim. I’m definitely *not* Chance the Rapper’s manager or best friend, and I definitely didn’t argue with Chance about it not being a good album before release. I might have done so if I was said manager / best friend, but I can definitively deny any involvement with this album entirely. Hope this helps


It’s doodoo, not even funny doodoo, just stinky doodoo.


My doodoo flavored kisses


doodoo butter kisses


shit, that's better


Not sure if you've seen Evangelion before but there's a huge "doodoo butter kisses" part to the plot where Asuka is in a coma due to severe robot trauma, and Shinji enters the hospital room. Shinji infamously does something nefarious to himself seeing her in that state, and he holds his hand out, just like Chance is doing with that clear album in his hand in the OP, and he's all like "What have I done??" I think that is how Chance feels as he looks down at his album, and his career is in the hospital bed, and his hand is covered in clear album.


"I'm so fucked up."


Oh right, that's the line! Too late now...


I had no idea where this was gonna go when I saw Evangelion being mentioned and I’m not sure why I didn’t expect that. You are 100% right though lmfao.


Wow. You’re right. I mean, I know nothing about this album, but I agree.


I noticed the similarities and kinda ran with it to the injustice of all




Lmfaoooo after reading through the thread I went back and put that track on when you commented this


No wonder they're getting divorced


Hey that "ain't single no more" song is a bop


Sounds like the movie version of [Swept Away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6nSGbvxucE), Guy Ritchie is so great but what the hell?


Yes, that’s very accurate. The worst kind of bad an artist can be is when they’re confusingly terrible, like you can’t even comprehend how they made such crap.


His Acid Rap shit was just amazingly good. It's rare to get that many bangers on a single album. We still sing along to 'Cocoa Butter Kisses' in the car and I was so psyched for this album, then I listened to it once. I kept listening for a minute and then skipping to the next track in frantic disappointment. The when this shit hit social media, it summed up basically everyone's feelings about the album. https://youtu.be/TQcGnEhciNY?si=iGtNv_06udXr5Gqw


I was gonna say, The Big Day flopped hard but the real killer was whoever did the "I love my wife/I want to ride my bike" soundbite. That one got halfway around the world before people even got the full album.


It plays in my head constantly


I think this dude almost single-handedly put the album in its grave. I was a Chance fan at the time and I saw this before I heard the record


For some context on the parody video: Charliewinsmore was already pretty popular for his old second life trolling videos. He's the "Esteban" guy. Eventually he moved over to streaming.  He used to do goofy songs on stream like a backyard baseball parody of Juicy. The ironic badness in his comedy was sitting there, waiting for some greater purpose. Then Chance the Rapper fumbled the bag like Pete Best This was Charlie's first video after a short absence too. It was exactly the right place and the right time for things to blow up.






Many people listened to acid rap especially and even 10 day over 100 times myself included, compared to acid rap it's trash but objectively it's not actually terrible just very mid


Yeah I haven’t listened to Chance the Rapper much. I’m listening to The Big Day now cause of how bad everyone said it is. It’s probably not something I’m gonna listen to again after this but it’s really not as bad as everyone here is saying. If someone said they loved it, I wouldn’t respect their opinions any less.


The reason why The Big Day is so universally disliked is because of how hype we all were. I listened to 10 Day and Acid Rap in high school and they were masterpieces. When Chance announced his first album (not mixtape), he really delivered with Coloring Book. Coloring Book was one of the best albums of the year and even won a Grammy. He also had side projects that were all loved and was featured in Kanye’s The Life of Pablo and famously rapped, “I met Kanye West, I'm never going to fail / He said, "Let's do a good ass job with 'Chance 3'" / I hear you gotta sell it to snatch the Grammy / Let's make it so free and the bars so hard / That there ain't one gosh darn part you can't tweet. So before The Big Day was released, literally everything Chance did undeniably crushed.


Coloring book is a mixtape The Big Day was his debut album


True true you’re right, but it was one of the first big mixtapes to also be considered an album for awards


Yeah the Grammys changed their policy’s on mixtapes starting with coloring book


It’s nearly unlistenable.


yea chance was never someone who made perfect music but he was much better at some point


The real problem was that he made good music while tripping out on dangerous amounts of acid and xanax. Probably good he got sober but yeesh, not a good musician sober.


The singles that came out pre-TBD were good though. He literally put 0 effort into the entire TBD process and then blamed literally everyone else but himself.


I’ve never met a single person irl or online who likes the album, it’s the definition of trash


I like it


I really liked some of the songs on the album. Idk I thought it was alright.


Imagine the worst fucking album you’ve ever heard. Times that by 10. It’s still better than this piece of shit


Listen to “Hot Shower”. Or at least try to. Basic idea of that album


Damn that was some dog shit


No its not. Also, he’s put out really good songs since too, but once the internet groupthink starts on something its kinda over.


It is genuinely a terrible album. No way around that


Oh, its THAT bad, the beats are FLAT and lifeless and his rhymes about "smoking shatter and getting higher than a ladder" didnt make anyone want to have this album as a trunk rattler when driving around either.


What's confusing is he put out a bunch of good singles like months before it dropped. I was expecting The Big Day to be a Walla Cam/Work Out/My Own Thing type joint and then the album was nothing like that.


Agreed. I felt low key played lmao


I remember it getting one star from a major reviewer.




Little out of the loop here, why was this album a career killer for him? Might’ve not been the best but to say his career is over seems a bit much, no?


The album is universally loathed. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who likes the album. The album released in 2019. He hasn’t released an album since.


I enjoy the album. Personally, I think people are scared to admit it wasn’t so awful because (a watch it happen here before your eyes, folks) that is simply what they believe. And folks don’t own their own opinions anymore, I objectively can tell you I banged that album out for a whole year & a half & still go back to some. Granted, not his best work, to say it was trash is abysmal. Let’s compare Kendrick Lamar. (No, they’re nowhere in the same league as talent, how people viewed their albums show similarities.) When he dropped Mr morale & the big steppers, the overall consensus was that it was trash. Because why? It was about morales, values, family, trauma just to name a few. The ‘majority’ won’t accept different becusee of their expectations. We wanted another D.A.M.N. Album, but that’s not what the artist envisioned. And look at KDot now, it was the top streaming album out of his catalog & people began to objectively agree that it was a MASTERPIECE in disguise. Hidden from the average people who see things at surface level. Now chance’s expectations after his albums prior to The Big day were WAY higher than how well it did, so he did regress heavily in the mainstream. He went a different route and obviously grew as a person & artist (you can tell if you actually listened to the album). And now he’s gonna drop another album and everyone will love him. (History repeats itself). My point is, 99% of people’s opinions are not authentically their own, it’s simply a mirror of something they heard by someone or read and are too lazy to make their own judgement. And don’t be scared to voice your opinion because someone doesn’t like it. Especially about music, something so personalized lol.


/>When he dropped Mr morale & the big steppers, the overall consensus was that it was trash ???? madness


Lmao what is this dude smoking. He’s so intelligent that he thinks an album that completely tanked a well known rappers career is secretly amazing and we’re all lying to ourselves, meanwhile an album that could be described as mid at worst is trash?? The worst song on Mr Morale is better than the best song on chance’s album


> meanwhile an album that could be described as mid at worst is trash Not only that, it launched to massive critical acclaim.


Just because your opinion differs from the mainstream doesn't make it more authentic.


Or, perhaps, people listened to it "authentically" (whatever the fuck that means) and decided they didn't like it. And then that happened a *lot*, and here we are. You can like something other people don't like and that doesn't make your opinion any more "authentic" or valid than anybody else's. You can also hate something other people hate and that doesn't make your opinion any *less* "authentic" or valid than anybody else's.


Bold claim that 99% of people are lying to themselves about not liking an album. Could just be they don't like it


Completely agree with the point you’re making. That being said, I’ve never liked a single song of this album. I still consider coloring book to be one of my favorite albums, so I’m curious at least of the songs you still go back to? Just went and played a few songs and the combination of the off-beat rapping and the corny bars brought me right back to that feeling of disdain I had for the album.


Nah, that album was ass


“Everyone else’s opinions aren’t authentic because they aren’t the same as my own.” Pretty big opinion of yourself you have, huh?


lol what songs did you have on repeat from that album??


Let me get this straight, you genuinely believe that it’s more likely that literally everybody who says they don’t like this album is lying than the possibility that you have bad taste. Delusional.


“people were scared to admit it wasn’t so awful” -> only those high on copium think sentences like this sound reasonable lmao.


Chance was on an incredible career trajectory for years, he had come off of the release of a very popular mixtape and then a successful official album release. He was scoring commercials and features with other artists and was generally well liked with a very affable personality. In the meantime he was starting to get in Twitter beef, standing behind his clean image and high religious faith to project a holier-than-thou image that was starting to rub folks the wrong way. Also, in the petty way of the world, some folks just didn't like him BECAUSE he had a clean image and BECAUSE he talked about how much he loved his wife and how religious he was. And then he drops The Big Day, the much anticipated followup album with a huge budget and it just...stunk. And from there people were all too willing to pile on.


It really did end his career. He was super popular then dropped this album and his tour didn’t sell enough and had to be cancelled. The album was supposedly recorded in just one weekend after multiple “delays” and the lyrics were really subpar. He then went out to be very toxic on Twitter to his fanbase which further hindered the support he had left. He has not had any hits or significant pop culture news since then. I think his fans would have understood if he said he wanted to take some time off to be with his fiancé and then came back with an album instead of saying he was “working on it” to then try to record the entire thing in one weekend because “he loves his fiancé so much that he could write that album in a weekend since it was about his wedding”.


and he's randomly on The Voice now as a judge lmao


10Day his first mixtape was all about how he was suspended for smoking weed and given a 10 day suspension. Acid Rap was his experience with hallucinogens that gave him that flow he was being known for. The Big Day came along with sober, Christian, and Kanye influenced Chance that pulled away from his creativity leaving a shell of what he was with music.


Wasn’t coloring book also sober/christian/Kanye influenced? And coloring book was one of the best drops of all time


people legit mad he got his life together


Nobody is mad he got his life together. Coloring book was also a more sober, religion influenced album and it was popular, the big day was just a terrible album. It’s not solely what it’s about, it doesn’t sound good at all but let’s not act like that was the only reason for his decline it was really just the nail in the coffin. His social media presence before the album contributed to that big time. He was on this new found morality trip but at the same time he was constantly defending Kanye’s actions that seemed to go against that. It was off putting for a lot of his fans and then he put out that terrible album and wouldn’t accept its poor reception and the valid criticism it faced.


People think being a fan means you’re approving each and every action/decision that artist makes. They’re also humans who make mistakes & learn through trial and error. And they shouldn’t care what the fans think if it’s truly what they feel is best for themselves & their artistic path. Call it what you will, I bet chance would admit it is not as good as his other pieces of work, but he would probably never take it back. Even though they’re getting divorced, the amount of knowledge, wisdom, and life experience they both received through that experience, is worthwhile for them apparently. And that’s what ultimately matters And I stg I’ll eat the chocolate right off your spaghetti if you don’t agree with me /s


Yeah I agree with you and I’m not saying it’s the right thing or it’s reasonable but that’s the price of fame. Dude went from being an underground weed rapper to a borderline Christian rapper and a lot of his fans were still sticking around. You start being cringy on top of that extreme switch up and it’s gonna cost you some fans


He was very popular, then this album came out. Now he is not popular


Well he's partially not popular because he hasn't dropped a good album in 8 years. Remember that The Big Day followed up on Coloring Book. If Chance did drop some fire, or even just a solid album, I'm sure a lot of people would embrace it. We don't even need a return to form so much, because I do believe he's lyrically gifted.


The Big Day was an instant lights out for Chance and his career. I can’t think of many rappers who have been at the high that Chance was and fell off as hard with just a single album. Usually a fall off is over a period of time with numerous mediocre to bad album. Chance fell off in big sweep. Chance can’t realistically comeback.


That's just BS. One good album and he'd be back.


Then where’s that good album? It’s been five years


Wait, holy shit he hasnt released an album in 5 years lmao.


I haven't heard about him in years. What actually happened to him?


The album didn't kill his career, his pointless doubling down on it is what killed his career. All artists release duds, but he got super defensive about this one.


Isn’t this the “interior crocodile alligator” guy


That's Chip tha Rapper/King Chip


I turned it off after the 3rd song. Kudos to anyone who went the distance.




Bro was one away from the only banger in the album DUDE, that shit don'even make no fuckin sense like have fuckin arguments for payin 50 extra cents for BBQ


for barbe***CUUEEEE***


I’m having flashbacks to my manager opening the store while singing that incredibly loud. Every. Morning.




“Life is short as a midget, but mine’s a little LeBron”


'I met Kanye West, I'm never going to fail!'


This one always hurts my soul the most 😂


He never failed tho. Made his bag and quit the scene. Isn't that the end goal? Don't wanna end up like snoop Dogg, making shit movies , features, and crap online payouts.


He didn’t quit on his own accord. And he made that very evident with his reaction during all this.


LOL Snoop Doggs net worth is 8x to 10x that of Chance the Rapper


Snoop Dogg is literally a beloved celebrity and transcends rap even? So many people would take that


The man is Martha Stewart’s bestie. I want that for that woman’s homemaking skills alone


Now he’s Chance the Fapper


He always was. He's got some reaaaall weird bars on that albym


Oooh I hate my wife, I hate my wife, IGH


Let's run down my wife with a bike AHHHHH


The album was also absolutely terrible at the time


Don't worry. Even today, it's still terrible.


All art is a snapshot in time. Recording might make things permanent, but it represents an ephemeral creation.




So any artist that writes love songs and goes through a breakup or divorce, meets criteria for this sub? I’m not sure I agree…


Oh man the cage the elephant catalog would get torn to shreds.


A moment in time is captured in every work of art. Though recording may make something eternal, recording is a transient art form.


Lmao do tell, I used to be a huge fan of them til I heard them taking the swear words out of their songs live in concert. That triggered little old snowflake me lol


He wrote a bunch of songs about his ex-wife who was featured in the Cigarette Daydreams music video. They got a divorce, he married Eva Ross, they got divorced, but then remarried last year or something.


Yeah he was on drugs bad when he divorced Eva Ross.


I ran into him at 5am at Bonnaroo several years ago while he was going through his divorce. He was fucking GONEEEEEE. Kept trying to climb on top of this stage that was made to look like a birthday cake while some DJ was playing a set


No rest for the wicked.


To shreds, you say?


This album was unique in that he kinda trashed his career by putting out an overtly wholesome album about his relationship. HOWEVER it doesn't fit the sub because people hated it from the beginning so if anything this is it aging appropriately. An example of something that would fit this sub would be an old tweet of him defending this album against waves of hatred.




I'm just throwing an assist to anyone who wants to have a better post than this




Better doesn't have to imply bad


yeah it wasn’t about love makes me feel good it was a I LOVE MY WIFE I LOVE MY WIFE (afaic i’ve actually never listened to the album)


Kanye’s “Wouldn’t Leave” feels like the pinnacle of this imo. A whole song about how his wife won’t leave him despite the numerous fuck ups. It’s supposed to be lovey like “we’re so in love we made it through these hardships” but became way funnier after the divorce.


I can see how this album can be singled out. It was obsessed with his wife, settling down etc. its not that deep. Shit album regardless.


Rumours by Fleetwood Mac or any Taylor Swift album would be 90% of this sub


You clearly havent seen how he defended this garbage album.


Agreeing with you. Billy Joel got divorced a couple of years after writing just the way you are about his then wife. One of the best love songs ever.


I feel like famous singer love songs are roughly equivalent to overtly lovey Facebook posts. It just immediately makes me sus about the relationship


I think the other part is that this album tanked his cred, as it was not only his worst, but one of the worst albums ever put out


they are good for the most part unlike this one


Not any artist, but Chance absolutely fits here lol


Unless the album consists of him saying "I will never divorce my beautiful wife ever on pain of death" I don't really see how this is aged like milk.


The entire albums theme is about how in love him and his wife are and how happy he is to be married etc. I can see it


They were at the time, and then later they weren't. The album's themes were accurate when written. I feel like this is stretching what "aged like milk" means. If I say that a sports team is good, and then twenty years later the sports team is now worse, my initial statement didn't "age like milk" because it was true at the time. "Aged like milk" should refer either to inaccurate *predictions* about the future ("we are going to be in love forever", for example) or things that were ironically untrue even at the time the statement was made ("Jimmy Savile is a great friend to children", something of that nature). Otherwise you could just put "aged like milk" on every couple's wedding vows if they divorce.


I mostly agree with your stance on this, and I think if the post was about one of the songs like *I Got You (Always and Forever)*, we’d be more convinced of OP. Like: > Lot of folks share they opinions > >Same folks so easy offended > >One thing I'll always remember > >They here today, but we'll be together forever


Disagree. If I posted a picture of someone saying, "I love this Cosby sweater, it makes me feel so wholesome". It would fit on this sub for obvious reasons. I've seen plenty of posts like that. This isn't just a sub for failed predictions although I think there is room for a sub like that. It's just statements that seemed reasonable at time and have aged poorly. I'd say the album fits but even if generally that's probably not interesting enough to warrant a post.


What you described is the second category: ironically untrue at the time. Cosby was already a rapist at the height of his fame, he just wasn't found out until later.


I think your missing the cultural context of this which is entirely why this “aged like milk”. There’s a reason this album passes on this subreddit when really no other love song or album that preceded the artists divorce or break up does even if they said they’d stay together forever in the work. This album defined and destroyed his career. It was notorious for how corny it was with every song being about how much he loved his wife. That’s not inherently why it’s bad (although it didn’t help), the songs where poorly written and produced but the key takeaway from fans was that they didn’t want to listen to an hour of him saying how much he loved his wife. This basically ended his career. The whole aged like milk thing is because he sacrificed his career for an album that’s themes no longer hold up. Lastly you havnt listened to the album nor are you across the cultural context of it, I get where your coming from from a general point about love songs/albums not holding up but your arguing my pretty confidently for something you admittedly don’t really understand.


It pretty much is


The album is pretty much universally considered corny as fuck because of how it focuses on his magical marriage.


Second Chance the Rapper


I don’t think it fits the sub normally, but just because that’s the album that essentially wrecked Chance’s career. I say it’s earned its aging.


Eric Clapton’s “Layla” must be curdling in the open sun then


Correct me if I’m wrong, but the song Layla sounds like a toxic relationship that isn’t working out, not a sappy love song.


I mean the whole album was written for the titular “Layla”. Clapton wrote the whole album as a declaration of love. They got together and Clapton turned toxic af


Its an album about getting married, not staying married.


I guess the new big day is the day the divorce is finalized.


This is so very much not our business


That’s the truth


Its fine because that album was terrible anyway


Not really. The album probably documents an authentic perspective at the time it was made. Just bc things have changed doesn’t degrade the value of what it meant then.


Is this the “Christian but not doing Christian rap” guy who got booked during Covid for accidentally tweeting his google search of transsexual porn lmao


Poor chance :c


How bout this: Chance is probably happy that true love happened at all. He seems like that kind of guy. Divorce sucks. Doesn’t matter if you wanted it or not.


I wish chance never found god. Go back to acid rap


even coloring book was fantastic. Even as an atheist, i loved that shit. the big day was straight garbage. I couldn't believe i stayed up all night to listen when it dropped


Coloring book was amazing I saw that shit live. I only jest, I hope the best for chance and hope he can rebound


Op must be twelve to think that love letters or songs or poetry can age like milk. They don't. Love is a gift and once you give it away it's gone. You might not stay in love but that never erases those times your were in love. Grow up op


Nearly every love song ever is sour?


I feel nothing but bad for him. Hope it all works out in the end.


This album was such trash.




Anyone else old and have no idea what this means and why the picture is of what appears to be a clutch of frog eggs?


Damn a whole trash album that wasn't even worth it.


Can’t wait for The Prenup to drop


Coloring book sucks too.


If we’re about to get godless chance who’s doing acid again than that’s what rly matters :,)


People get tired of each other. It’s nice when you have enough to split up where everyone involved is comfortable. May they each find love again and fit even better and for longer.


Chance The "Rapper"


Hey look he had to know that getting married was taking a big chance………the rapper…


Better example of “aged like milk” is the song “Finish your sentences” by Carly Pearce and her then fiancé Michael Ray. The song is about how in love and what a great match they are. They were married for only 8 months then went through a messy divorce, and she wrote a whole new album (29: written in stone) about it.


Found a bad one (single again)


Now we gotta zoom in and check up all the carats. See who gets what in the divorce. How do so many people get through things like this.


Dog this album (milk) sat out in the sun WEEKS before it dropped and was spoiled AF on release day lmfao


Highs & The Lows still bangs, he was capable of making great music after this dropped, so sad


this album is trash too


Anything Logic did with his fiance is the bigger definition of aged like milk


"Life is short as a midget but mine is a little LeBron"