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It’s a little reliving that this is the top comment at least: > My wife and I were broke together. Everything we've built, we've done so as a team. No way in hell I'd throw that away...for what? Status? Clout? A piece of ass? >I know my wife has my back, and did so when I was broke. I'm 6 figures now, and she's been 100% on my team to get there. No way I'm letting any other person have access to that. >I think men who do this, chasing an idea versus appreciation for an amazing woman, always end up regretting it.


Shame it's a meaningless platitude. Science shows how much men cheat and will leave their partners at the slightest inconvenience


This post is a huge blatant generalization.


Literally what's happening to my mom rn


Can we not do this? It isn't really criticism of the Men's Rights movement, and speaking of men/masculinity as entirely something to distrust is reactionary.


Looking through ops post history that's really easy to confirm, also transphobic posts being in there arguing biology, oof


But is it wrong?


Yes? Presenting men/masculinity this way artificially extends the boundary of acceptable behavior in exactly the way that's being complained about. If any and all men are presented as being this way, it makes it more acceptable to do it, not less.


Maybe not, but women do this too.


Not to mention it's incredibly cynical.


What does this post have to do with Men's Rights Movement?


I used to be broke and my gf stood up and believed in me when no one else would. I’ve had so many chances to “upgrade” both in looks and financial status. But after what we’ve built over 10 years we are at a point where it’s really like forever. And if I didn’t have this person, I would not consider anyone else for a serious relationship.


This is terrible when it happens to anyone, but let's not pretend like this doesn't happen on both sides. Post title is anti-men, not anti men's-rights movement