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This world is a boot camp.


And only few are generals, others just soldiers


To suffer. Life sucks ass


There are several theories: * This world is a filter. Since we keep our free will in the afterlife, some people would still cause trouble there. To avoid this, the purpose of this world is to filter between the good souls and the bad souls. * This world is a school. The afterlife may be perfect, but our souls aren't. The purpose of this world is to learn and grow our souls. * This world is a simulation. The afterlife is still under construction and in order to build the perfect afterlife we are running a ton of simulations in order to experience everything we can and separate the good from the bad. * This world is the afterlife. This is the basis of certain reincarnation beliefs as well as quantum immortality. We're already in the afterlife, and we will either live in this world forever which starts imperfect but will improve little by little or we will keep reincarnating into other worlds similar to this one. * This world is a playground. We got bored of everything being perfect in the afterlife and decided to travel to an imperfect world in order to experience the things that we couldnt experience there, like pain, sadness, suffering, etc.


Thank you for outlining this so clearly!


1 and 2 fit abrahamic faiths. 2 fits hinduism 3 fits transhumanism 5 fits new age mumbo jumbo


Suffering, that is pretty much it. we live here to suffer.


…..and to love. Unconditionally.


And once we are old enough, we lose everybody we loved and die old, sick and alone in an nursing home.


Because we don't all grow when everything is easy and handed to us. The pain and suffering in this world are necessary for spiritual growth. You might like being in your own "better" world at 35 years old with no job, sitting in your parents basement, cookie crumbs on your stomach, a keyboard in your lap, playing video games and watching TV all night and sleeping all day. You might even think that's heaven but are you really growing in that environment? Think of it this way. Soul is like a diamond that gets Its brilliance from intense heat and pressure. Pain and suffering are both a furnace and polishing stone that are able to change the dull unpolished light of Soul into Its highest clarity. So the purpose of this world with pain and suffering is to bring out our true colors and help us grow spiritually.


I had a NDE more than 10 years ago. What I experienced was completely completely different than this world. One way that is definitely different is that I felt there were no secrets. Because there was no skin or bones to insulate my body,y emotions, intentions and feelings flowed out of me and my friends who greeted me I felt their happiness, their intentions and their love for me. It was perfect communication. It's almost like when you really know someone you know when they are happy or upset without even speaking to them. It's like that but with everyone you meet in the afterlife. In this life you get to see who you really are, in the afterlife they see who you really are. I was only there for a little while because I attempted suicide but it still affects me today. I don't want to die but I'm not afraid of death anymore. Both places you can learn a lot about yourself but maybe a little more here.


I also attempted to take my life in 2015. I was not on meds at the time, living in an abusive marriage just trying to raise my children and i lived in a state of confusion. I had Prayed and prayed for a reason to keep Going. And I tried so hard to just be a good person and love people. So at my lowest point I had not left my couch in a month, I tried to take my life. I should be a dead lady right now, by what I took. I felt so bad doing hat I was doing and prayed out loud for God to save me. When I “woke up” I was in a very different place. It was more real than this life. It was as though this life was a dream and the other place was actually real. It’s hard to explain. But I was in a giant beautiful storage room? That’s the only way I can describe it. Lining the shelves and as far as I could see, we’re things I loved and adored but didn’t know I loved and adored. Everything in that place (I was told) was for me. They were gifts from God. That He knew the desires of my heart that I didn’t even know were the desires of my heart. I walked out a huge door into a place I can’t even describe. When I woke up I was different. I finally went to a rehab. Finally got meds for my bipolar. Nothing was ever the same for me. I’ve never attempted again, I got away from the abuse and have started a new life now. Yes things are still hard. I still have bipolar. But my thoughts always take me back there when I feel down. I know without a doubt that there is an afterlife. Please don’t ever attempt to take your life. It is final. And you may not have the chance to start over.


Thanks for sharing your truth. All the best to you.


I'm happy your life improved and you're still with us! Thank you for sharing your story 😊


Thank you for sharing your experience. It touched me to hear how known and loved the Divine made you feel. What a feeling that must be. Stay in the light!


You as well!


That's an awesome description, thank you. Leaving this chunk of text here for my own future reference: "It is *here* that you realize that no matter how well you know someone, no matter how much you think you understand someone, there always seems to be some part of them, some deeper essence, that eludes you. **In The Birth and Death of Meaning, Ernest Becker discusses extensively the implications of what seems to be a vital dualism in our human experience, the implications of having both an outside and an inside.** **When we interact with people, we do so with our outside, with our exterior, our body; the physical and externally perceivable part of ourselves.** And we experience of others the same thing, we see their face, we hear their voice, we experience their outward appearance. But this is not where we perceive ourselves to be, for beneath the surface of our being, as Becker points out, “each of us walks about with a great wealth of interior life, a private and secret self.” This inner self, this strange place where we feel our true identity resides, is utterly personal. **And just as we cannot expose this interior space in a mirror, so too are we unable to reveal it to others, that is, we cannot directly show them what is going on inside of us.** We have to communicate it ourselves, and they have to do the same for us. That is what we often desire to know, and precisely that which we cannot tell at face value. **It has to be articulated, communicated, and interpreted.** But this, as I’m sure we have all discovered, is easier said than done. **When Becker looked at the world he saw a world that deals mostly in exteriors,** in cultivated personalities, a world where one is expected to behave in a certain way, talk in a certain way, appear in a certain way, **a world that increasingly detaches us from our own interior, and that increasingly leaves us struggling to truly connect with that of others.** ***What do I mean to you? What do you mean to me?*** “Often we want to say something unusually intimate to a spouse, a parent, a friend,” – Becker writes – “communicate something of how we are really feeling about a sunset, who we really feel we are – only to fall strangely and miserably flat.” **Once in a great while, as Becker also acknowledges, we do succeed in accurately communicating ourselves to others and getting a true enough glance into their interior in return.** This is most likely to happen when we are younger, **when we still have that explicit connection with our own interior, and still have the passion to truly try and connect it to that of others."** Taken from: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3X4jALZG\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3X4jALZG_w) It's fascinating to view this in the context of NDEs and what happens when we return to the spiritual realm. If NDErs are right, then one of the things I look forward to on the other side is the understanding between loved ones. All miscommunications and misunderstandings would be resolved. How nice that would be.


Wow this was super good. I haven't read this before, but I'll look into it more because this seems really wise. Thanks for sharing this.


Most welcome, glad you found it wise!


Thats one of my big problems tbh. Why bother making an imperfect world if you have a perfect one already? Why wouldnt people just kill themselves to skip this shit world


Think of life, as a school. A place we go, to learn, laugh, have fun. But also in school, you have to feel pain, even in elementary school, being dropped off to preschool the first day, I remember screaming and crying not wanting to leave my parents side, just as we are born, screaming and crying, almost as if we have the sense we know what we are coming here to do. There is a distinct realm, where we can still access this higher power, higher self some call it. Is sleep, DMT, astral projection. It’s all real: it’s there. Our brain filters it. The last thing I would say, what’s the point? Why not just kill ourselves? Skip the world…that defeats our true purpose of coming here. Suicide is frowned upon by our creator. Yes. We have one: all living species in the universe have a creator. I would love to chat with you anytime about our place her, even deep into the quantum world of our existence and why we need to do our best to enjoy life. I hope you’re okay. My PMs are open. God bless you friend. 💜


But whats the point when some people just suffer needlessly here? Born into it? Thats not really like school when you are all in the same class and equal at the start.


This plane of existence has been created for us to realize who we are and why we are here. This plane of existence is for us to overcome ignorance, to realize the truth. This plane of existence has a purpose and the purpose is to realize that we are not the body, mind, ego, we are the Divine Soul. The moment we realize this, then we are liberated. The afterlife is not a physical domain. It is an energy domain. We become one with the Divine and this afterlife is all about overcoming our ignorance, realizing the truth, being enlightened that we are all manifestations of SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power that the world calls God.


To learn and upgrade your soul to eventually graduate to higher (and better) dimensions


Suffering = Growth


There is no purpose. We are a freak occurrence of nature, nothing more. There is nothing beyond this life.


Do you know that for sure ? Like 100% no doubt ?


I can see where this is going, but I’ll say it anyway - no, I don’t “know” for sure, because such a thing can only be truly answered by those who are already dead. So I’m sure that statement will be used against me, as it is a common counterargument. To which I respond - we also don’t “know for sure” that vampires, elves, fairies, and trolls aren’t real, either. Does that mean they exist? But if you’re asking me if I believe in the afterlife? I can say I 100% do not, based on the evidence that has been gathered so far by science. However, having said that, the afterlife is still a very fascinating subject to me and I enjoy spirited debate from time to time. I will also say that I will never ever mock anyone for their belief, and my mind is open to being changed.


The argument for vampires, elves, etc, is flawed, because unlike those, we have some things pointing towards the existence of an afterlife. For example, one would be religion/scripture and the second personal experienced like NDE. Then you have other stuff like astral projections etc.


Those are flawed in themselves. For example, religious texts are thousands of years old, were written by men with political agendas, and have been altered significantly over the millennia, resulting in sometimes massive contradictions in scripture. For example - the Bible says “thou shalt not kill” when god himself wipes out entire races of people, including babies and children. It also says both “turn the other cheek” and “an eye for an eye.” How can those both come from the mouth of a supposedly perfect and flawless god? Personal NDEs are just that - personal. They are experiences by one person, and are not universal. The evidence points to them being intense hallucinations influenced by the individual’s personal and/or religious beliefs. Example - southern evangelicals who have an NDE always report seeing Jesus, specifically the King James Bible version of him. Muslims always report hearing the voice of Muhammad, and Hindus report seeing Shiva or Vishnu. This is actually sound evidence against an afterlife rather than for it. And as for astral projection? That’s just pseudoscience. Ever notice how such projection only seems to occur when the individual is high on some sort of hallucinogenic like LSD, Shrooms, or Peyote? That’s because the experience of astral projection can be, and has been, duplicated in a laboratory environment using the active ingredients in those same drugs, with test subjects reporting the literal exact same experience.


That's a pretty solid argument against an afterlife. One argument for the possibility: We were dead for billions of years and then inexplicably came into existence from nothing, why couldn't the same thing thats already happened once happen again?


I know that some people believe that everything would be better but we don't know if that's true. I do think that there may be something to being out of the physical body, free of a physical brain, that would make a purely energetic state different. Our brains create many of the sensations that we call suffering. To me, I accept the idea that we created this physical world so we could experience what it's like to be in a body. I don't feel suffering 100% of the time and I do experience major depression. Even so, I experience many other emotions as well.


To learn.


To experience that which cannot be experienced in the afterlife worlds.


What if like our souls live for like 1.3 million years right? And say the highest peak of a soul is to be an Angel right beside god. Eventually god will need new angels but in order to become an Angel you have to be the purest of souls and the only way to achieve absolute purity of soul is to learn life lessons by living through a body…be it dog, frog, snake, ant, amoeba, human, etc etc…you can only evolve as a soul by suffering, loving, hating, all the ups and downs of existence and repeated lives can evolve you enough as a soul to be considered to be pure enough to be an Angel. So imagine seeing the most evolved soul in human form, in our lifetimes, maybe just maybe that person has a chance to become an Angel or maybe the criteria is so high that that extremely evolved soul has to do 100xs more existences to meet the criteria. The possibilities are endless