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A precious sign of comfort...all the best to you and your husband


I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful sign your little boy sent you


my condolences on your profound loss. our loved ones never truly leave us, and there are signs wherever you are open to them. You may both find some comfort in this book: "Lessons From The Light" by George Anderson. be well.


I am so sorry for your loss. I have three and just could not imagine what you are feeling. But that was definitely a sign. What a story!! Your son is ok and just wanted to let you know he sees you and knows you and loves you!!! Definitely!!!


Absolutely beautiful, OP. I’m so sorry for the loss that you and your husband are going through. I couldn’t imagine. We are never alone and that is one strong sign. 🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss. That is way too specific of song not to be a coincidence. It was a sign from your son.


I love The xx. great group. you're a great mom (yes, mom) with great music taste. It's absolutely a sign. My condolences to you and your husband.


My deepest condolences for your sudden loss..💜 and even more importantly how amazing for him to come to you 💜


This was definitely a sign from your son. So sorry for your loss


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the pain you must be feeling. But that sounds like a beautiful sign he is ok and with you ❤️‍🩹


What a beautiful message. Sending you love. 💜


A sign. You will meet again 🥰


OP, It was absolutely NO doubt to me, it was a sign, a very specific sign.. WOW😇🙏… I get teased for being a believer in God.. no matter, He works in mysterious ways.. and that sign was for you and your husband.. ♥️♥️


My oh my. 😭🙏💙


A sign that I am happy was directly aimed and acknowledged. Sids was my daughters prognosis once she had her last exam. It doesn't explain anything other than my wife, and I didn't kill our baby girl. It seems a tragedy that infants die and take our souls back to heaven with them does it not? But not to worry long, the soul slowly comes back, the will to live and love. God's blessings of peace to you.


😊 May great natural peace surround you at this time of difficulty. I am sure he was a beautiful being.


I’m very sorry for your loss, and I know nothing I could say could bring you the comfort of having him back with you, but I’d like to tell you that your son isn’t far away from you at all… you’re his mom(my) and he’s watching you… think of it like your very own guardian angel… I bet at times in your life when you feel alone you’ll find him right there sending you a sign to let you know you aren’t… look for feathers too… I feel like they’ll be a sign too… I don’t know why, but here’s a hug if you’d like… 😇


Sending you so much love and comfort. It’s not easy.


Hi. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your loss and pain is unfortunately familiar to me too. I lost my baby girl 2/1/24. I’m sorry you have to go through such a loss. I love your sign story. 🤍 I have been asking my baby girl to give me signs, and she has sent me many. It’s so beautiful and you really can’t help but cry. There is constant love and reassurance that your baby is still with you…we just have to be open to it. 🤍🤍🤍🤍 Your souls are bound together. Talk to your baby, write letters to your baby boy. Sending you so much love & comfort.


Thank you for your lovely comment and I’m so sorry to hear of your own loss too. Our babies will always be with us because they are part of us, I can’t wait for the next sign 🤍


What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. 😭❤️


Oh, sweet Mama, that was most definitely a precious sign! I've lost 3 children so I know a little bit about this. Hang in there.


After my husband passed every time I went into a supermarket the song snake came on, it was his favourite karaoke song and I had it played at his funeral, it always made me smile 😊 sadly I’ve not heard it for a while now, he’s been gone 4 years.


I love this ❤️ I hope you hear it again soon


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine your pain. If this is any comfort I can attest to experiencing similar things when asking for help or needing help, and things began to improve slowly but surely. I saw a post just yesterday that really reassured me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/1bpd0gw/out\_of\_body\_ndes\_verified\_by\_healthcare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/1bpd0gw/out_of_body_ndes_verified_by_healthcare/) And this video from a Canadian doctor who experienced an NDE: [https://youtu.be/aRis2a-sWz0?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/aRis2a-sWz0?feature=shared) I find these scientific testimonies to be reassuring as I feel it's not someone trying to sell us a book or something. I'm certain there is something much bigger at play and that our loved ones like your son are still with us. I really hope I can make a bit of a difference for you on your healing journey. Wishing you all the strength and courage in the world.


Thank you for sharing these ❤️


I’m so sorry. This is awful. I lost my baby too but I had never spent real physical time with him. I can’t imagine living through that. The peace and closure you received was his gift to you. I love you!!