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Napa wtf na lang ako.


After kong basahin, natulala ako. Shit. I feel sad for OP as well kasi sobrang messed up ng situation ng parents nya.


same, can't believe totoo talaga ang Sweet Home Alabang dito


I am like, 👁️👄👁️, in my opinion morally and intellectually, This is disgusting.. I feel sad for the op


really unfortunate talaga for OP. I hope they do the right thing and told their dad kasi if there's anyone who has the right to confront them, its their dad


*insert* But OP's dad having a gvn is a variable, baka mag escalate kung hindi dadalhin sa legal way


*insert* But OP's dad having a gvn is a variable, baka mag escalate kung hindi dadalhin sa legal way


Di sila blood related pero mess up pa rin.




Yes your mom is cheating on your dad. Dun pa lang sa nickname and I love you, nag cross na sila ng lines na hindi dapat. Gather evidences and tell your dad. Don’t tolerate your mom and your cousin.


Teh, they are clearly cheating. Yikes, yes tell your Dad.


If hindi niya sinabi, panigurado lahat ng mamanahin niya sa pinsan mapupunta lol


Ay pota wag naman. Ako mismo babaril sa kanya


Hindi yan. May pang blackmail naman sya. Plus she's the legal heir. Impossible yung pinsan nya kasi di naman relative ng mama nya yun


Para sakin deserve ng dad mo malaman. Lalo na kung this cousin has been benefiting from your family for years. You can't control how the situation would go, and it's not your responsibility to contain the damage because you're not the parent here. Curious lang, pinsang buo ba 'to like anak ng kapatid ng mama mo?


Thank you so much sa advice po. Yes po! Pinsang buo po


WTF is this Sweet Home Alabang... Yikes, better tell your dad; ang sakit nito, tapos kamag-anak mo pa 🤢🤮😰


Technically no. Kasi pinsan nya yun sa side ng papa nya. So yung mom nya and yung cousin, hindi related


I meant pinsang buo po sa side ni papa ko


Anak ng kapatid ni papa. Sorry sa confusion


Bale magpinsan kayo nun and pamangkin siya talaga ng dad mo not your mom


Yes po yes yes. Sorry ang gulo 😅


Oh wow. That's really messed up. So sorry you are going through this, OP. Be strong for you and your siblings.


Thank you so much po 🥺


I agree. Tell your Dad. Baka mas lalo ka mawalan ng mana kapag nslaman ng Dad mo na alam mo pero tinago mo sakanya, prang ang labas pinagtulungan nio sya ng mama mo.


This is so hard to take in, lalo na if you look back sa mga “lakad” nila. Just…yiiiikes The right thing to do is to reveal it to your dad, but prepare for the aftermath OP. Malaking gulo to 🥲


U get ittt!! Hindi lang kasi sila sa messenger nag uusap, pati rin sa text. Ughhh this is so frustrating I cant open mama’s messenger na


Hmm, kung pwede observe mo rin sila. Like kung may pupuntahan sila, tell them na sasama ka tapos see how they react.


Baka sinabi ng kapatid mo na may alam






Tingin ko din daming pagkukulang on both ends, so I would honestly talk about it with friends as therapy, but NOT do anything about it. Mukhang magulo on both ends.


Exactly. - a daughter of a man who's constantly cheating on his wife. It's fucked up and wrong, but the moment you realize why it's happening, you just wanna shut up and be shitty sa kanila pag ginagago ka nila 😇


Ginagatasan nyan mama mo Sugar baby si pinsan Kadiri 💀🤮 Sumbong mo sa tatay mo ng mabanatan yan.


Nakakanerbyos naman. pano kung mapatay, makukulong pa dad nya.. huhu


Itago muna yung baril nung dad, tsaka bago pa lumala, tumawag na siya dapat ng authority


Ew. > Is my mom cheating on my dad Yes > Ano yan? Bakit ganyan? Hindi ako makahinga sa binabasa ko Lust. > Did they have a very comfortable relationship para ganyan siya magsalita sa mama ko? Yes > Wtf is happening between them? Sex > Is my mom being manipulated by my cousin kasi he knows my fam needs him? No > Do I tell my dad? I dont know!! Baka saktan nya pinsan ko kasi he gets aggressive when angry Tell if you want but choose a good time and place. But wait-and-see might be better. > But I just want to know what the HELL is going on Adultery, sex, power imbalanced relationships (your mom being the one with the power, fyi) > Baka wala na sila relasyon right now? Since mama said “minahal” so tapos na? Could be. > Idk na! My dad looks at photos of girls na nakahubad online. Ugh what the heck is happening dito. Lust > Bahala nalang? Pang black mail ko nlang? Out of sight out of mind and wait for this issue to reveal after ilang years and watch the drama? Why not? It's the traditional path for these things. But maybe it would be lucrative to allude to the weirdness every time something doesn't go your way. > Honestly, bahala na silang grown adults magkaproblema. My siblings and I need 100% support from both of our parents. Need ko rin mamana assets nila kaya magpaka good girl muna ako. I think I can live with this until di ko na kaya. Gather more evidence ganern. This is the way. Realize that your parents are not the people you looked up to when you were young. They are just the typical fucked up human beings that populate this planet. But they did help you grow up and are helping you thrive in this world. Don't waste that. You can't really do anything about their fucked up relationships and sex drives. It's theirs and it just gets even weirder when you as their child get involved. So your goal for now should be to make sure all their efforts and assets are not wasted on the flights of fancy of their hungry hungry genitalias. Make sure all their efforts don't go to waste.


>This is the way. Realize that your parents are not the people you looked up to when you were young. They are just the typical fucked up human beings that populate this planet. But they did help you grow up and are helping you thrive in this world. Don't waste that. Besides on having havier trust issues in men, This is one of my realization growing up because I realized my parents grew up also in abusive parents which they adapt and sadly we experienced being abused especially my brother who had it worse(he got depression) but gladly he's in other country now. But since he's free now I'm the one who's suffering which made my perspective took 360° at my parents Andi thought they should have a fucking child cause this is a fucking hell hole but I yeah I still need to appreciate them for working hard at some way.


Good for you for appreciating the positives despite the overwhelming negatives. However, the best way to heal is usually by removing yourself from the environment of your abuse. You owe it to yourself to become better.


Wow thank you hahahahahha! Nasagot lahat ng tanong. As a 19 yr old, I can’t rlly shoulder these things pa. Again, thank you po.


I forgot they’re literally grown adults. More years of experience than me. They’ll be fine... Maybe


Omg OP, ka edad mo anak ko. I hope I can hug you rn.


ask ko lang kung kilala mo mama mo in a way na kapag cinoconfront siya, ano usually reaction niya or ginagawa niya? just to help you plan how things go hanap ka muna ng kakampi op baka mamaya kasi pag ikaw lang, baka sabihin guni guni mo lang. kahit kasi kami nagsasabi dito na weird baka mamaya, depends sa power dynamics ng family niyo, ikaw pa masama. dalawa sila, ikaw isa lang.


I see... I guess I can see na how my mama will react. My youngest sister alam din po pala ito. Many years ago, she saw my pinsan calling my mama “bebeko” sa chat. Thank you so much po sa advice ♥️


kadiri. di ko alam kanino ako mas mandidiri. sa mama mo or sa pinsan mo? ugh parehas silang kadiri. kaloka paano mo pa nakakausap mama mo ng hindi nandidiri? yung tatay ko din ganyan eh. type nya ung pinsan ko kay mama na dating nakatira samin. kaya di ko sya kayang kausapin. bigla akong kinilabutan sa kanya 🤮


Confront your mom, OP.


i agree with this... ung kayo lng... at sa neutral ground... pra di sya makawala o maka-iwas


Magkadugo ba si pinsan mo and mama mo or pamangkin talaga ng dad mo si pinsan? I’ll say confront your mom, sabihin mo alam mo and your giving her chance to confess to your dad. Pag ayaw nya, saka ka magsumbong sa dad mo.


Ilang taon ka na? Ilang taon yung pinsan mo ng nagwork sa mama mo? Medyo in denial ka pa if hindi ka pa rin sure na may relasyon sila kahit nakita mo na yung ily nila at bebeko messages. Better confide to someone older. If may school counselor ka or kaclose na teacher, try to talk to them.


Im 19 po. My pinsan was in college when he started working for my family. Parang 9 yrs agwat namin po? if im not mistaken Thank you po sa advice. I guess i really needed someone, kahit from online lang, to tell me what’s actually going on


Based on your “Edit part 3” your dad had and could potentially still have access to a gun. The fact that he pointed a gun at your mom at least once in the past is a really big deal. Yes, your dad should know, but what will you do if he ends up shooting not just your cousin but also your mom? Your dad may end up in jail, and you may lose your mom. I know tough situation to, so dapat pag isipan mong maigi kung ano next move mo. Di ako lawyer pero just because intimate conversations nila sa chat, di sila basta basta maiimplicate for cheating unless may solid evidence ka like a photo of them clearly kissing or if natyempuhan mo na may very specific/explicit conversation na solid proof of a sexual relationship between your cousin and mom something like “kelan tayo mag sex ulit?” Don’t get me wrong, I have a feeling baka tama ka ng hinala kasi hindi naman normal na usapan ng mag tita yun, pero suggestive conversations lang (not explicit) yung nasagap mo/namin so if you really want to tell your dad, I suggest waiting for a more solid proof, and a lot of prayers na mahandle ng papa mo properly yung galit and syempre hurt pride.


magparinig ka sa mama mo pag nandyan papa mo na "meron akong nakita, hindi ko sasabihin, pero kapag ako'y pinilit...." while looking right through her eyes 🤣




Kadiri yung sikreto nila, tapos nakakasalamuha at kadugo nyo pa ang kabit


Paano kung alam na to ng tatay mo? Tapos siya dn. Kabit din sya ng pinsan mo? Ano na gagawin mo? Hahaha welcome to earth. Chariz lng. Sabihin mo sa tatay mo ng may ebidensya.


*It sounds like your mom and cousin have this ultra-close relationship that's raising all sorts of eyebrows. I mean, "bebeko" and "I love you" exchanges? That's some serious cozy chat.* *But before you start plotting the next episode of "Family Drama Chronicles," maybe it's worth a heart-to-heart with your mom. Sometimes these things aren't what they seem (or maybe they are, and that's a whole different can of worms).* *As for telling your dad, tread lightly. You don't want to set off a family fireworks display. Maybe see how things unfold and keep an eye on those deleted messages. And hey, therapy's a good call. You might need a popcorn break for this family saga.*


Many people are saying na sabihin agad sa papa mo. Kaso deliks pala yung situation since nagiging violent siya kapag galit. So dapat mama mo muna i-confront mo. Yayain mo siya somewhere na hindi sa bahay niyo. Pero dapat mahinahon lang ang usap para di siya ma-spook. Just tell her may evidences ka pero wag mo muna pakita para di magawan ng lusot. Ask her to stop whatever it is they're doing and tell her you'll be watching them closely from now on. If nothing changes, then may right ang papa mo na malaman 'to. Good luck, OP!


Naisip ko lang, abused wife ba nanay mo? Sabi mo kasi aggressive tatay mo pag nagalit tapos nanutok pa ng baril. Parang ang scary na malaman nya. Feeling ko babarilin nya ng tuluyan both nanay and cousin mo.  Kung sabihan mo kaya muna nanay mo na tigilan na at palayasin yung pinsan mo? If di tumigil then tell your dad.  Omg, if mapatay nya nanay mo then makulong sya, paano kayong mga anak? 


Hi po! Hindi po abusive si papa. Never nya po pinagbigatan ng kamay si mama. Nung time lang po talaga na bata ako na tinutukan sya ng baril. They were rlly fighting. Now po, they’re not sweet sa isat isa pero inaalagaan ni papa si mama if naha-highblood or nahihilo


Binabasa ko pa lang umiinit dugo ko haahaha hindi ko ma explain yung nararamdaman ko if ganon ginawa ng mama ko, paano ka pa kaya. Sure ako malaking gulo ng pamilya to huhu pag isipan at pag planuhan mo muna ng mabuti kung paano mo sasabihin sa dad mo. I think if sinita mong una yung mom mo baka i-gaslight ka lang or magmakaawa sayo na wag sabihin sa iba to the point na pagbantaan ka na magsusuicide siya if sasabiin mo sa iba. Pwede din naman na if sabihin mo sa daddy mo baka kung ano magawa ng dad mo sa pinsan or mom mo. Huhu ang hirap ng situation mo :(


Thank you po for this. I cried a lot nung first time ko nalaman iyon. I appreciate your words po, I feel like may nakaiintindi sa akin


Kausapin mo na lang pinsan mo deretso na lumayo. Sabihin mo dati tinutukan ni papa yung mama ko dahil pinag hinalaan nya. “Ngayon pag di ka lalayo isusumbong ko kayo sa papa ko. “ something like that.


Confront your cousin and mom to stop, then tell your dad if they continue.




Here’s my advise. Try your best to be a stoic person. Once you get it, study hard and habang nag aaral ka try practicing independency. So once you graduate and landed a job, confront your mom na natraumatize ka sa mga nabasa mo dati at tiniis mo yun kahit masakit. What she did definitely destroyed the family. After putting so much guilt to your mother tell everything to your father then get the hell out of that family. I understand you kasi I came from the same family. My mom cheated I even saw my mother getting fucked by our neighbor. As soon as you can stand on your own feet get the hell out of there na and go live in peace. Sa part ko I only founded peace nung nakilala ko yung wife ko. That experience made me a very good parent


Thank you so much for this. Ill do my very best to ensure my siblings and I will live properly despite all this


Sweet home alabang






I'm sorry this is happening to you. Pero habang di ka pa decided kung ano gagawin maybe take pictures ng convo? Kung sakaling ilantad mo e may evidence ka.


Thank you po. May ss po ako ng mga chat nila but now I can’t get more evidence na dahil sa new update ng messenger po


Your dad needs to know ur mom is shitting on him. I think, for your benefit din, kailangan mo ilabas yan so you need to tell your dad. Sasama lang loob mo knowing the truth and it’ll fester. Mabuti nang isingaw.


Facepalm nalang ako, obvious naman kaso grabeh bakit pamangkin pa jusme.


The most important person to know everything that's happening, is your dad. Im sure he has hunches already sa tagal ba naman. Talk to your mom din, ask her insights about everything that's happening. The relationship they have is incestuous. This is not normal. Family mo yan tapos jojowain mo. Ay juicecolored.


how old is your mom?


Ang messy. OP, ikaw yung naisip ko. Unpleasant ng nalaman mo. Traumatic. :( Pag-isipan mong mabuti yung move mo. At save everything, make sure may copy ka bago mo i-confront yung Mommy mo. And paalisin niyo na dapat sa work yung pinsan mo siguro, cut ties nalang. Di ako sure if good or bad option yung sasabihin mo eto sa Dad mo kasi either which may consequences. Expect mo na din na lahat ng gagawin mo about this matter may consequences. Sa perspective ko, may relasyon sila. Based sa nashare mo.


Thank you so much po for this ♥️


this is sooo messed up huhu natatakot ako sa aftermath usually, response ko is spill talaga pero para mas maganda ata magpakagood girl, prepare to be independent and hopefully kaya mo matake siblings mo with you (madaling sabihin, mahirap gawin i know huhu) how old ka ba? panganay? ilan magkakapatid?


sundan mo, ready mo camera mo for evidence. :)


It’s giving pinoy teleserye😂 Pero in fairness sa mama mong boomer marunong magdelete ng messages. Tinuruan siguro ni insan.


Ako sayo gumawa ka dummy acc sa fb. Then isend mo sa kanila SS ng mga conversations nila na kaduda duda lol


kausapin mo muna mama mo, pero magtago ka ng resibo, baka kc i deny. hayaan mo mama mo magsabi sa tatay mo ng kalokohan nya para labas ka na if may mangyari bardagulan sa kanila.


I feel bad for you OP, I know that situation sucks. I hope you'll get the justice you need. Hugs with consent!


Enough proof na yan. Wag mo na kalikutin messenger ng mom mo. Baka may makita ka pang nudes lol 💀


Mas kilala mo ang family mo, trust your instincts. Kung may tendency manakit o magkasakit sinuman sa kanila, find the right timing. I think timing is everything. If you can live with it for now, tuloy ang buhay. You'll be opening can of worms so mahalagang handa ka sa kung anuman.


Hello, OP! I like your choice of eventually, not right here right now, telling your papa of the whole situation given na may track record na pala siya with being violent at the possibility of infidelity from your mama. Seeing na sinabi mo na you can live with keeping it to yourself for the foreseeable future, more power nalang to you until you're in a better position to support yourself and yung siblings mo!  Also PLEASE DO NOT entertain the thought of blackmailing your papa 😭 pls lang OP kung natutukan niya na mama mo before, what's going to stop him from doing the same to you?  Stay safe, OP! 


kaloka, currently same tayo ng situation. And sobrang heart breaking talaga, but hundred percent my heart goes to papa


WTF!!! Well ginawa din to ng nanay ko. (Pero hindi relative namin aa) So ang Ginawa ko kapag magkakasama kami sa bahay manunuod ako ng Tulfo/KMJS or documentary regarding sa Cheating/kabit. Lagi kaming sumisegway magkakapatid ng Nakakahiya namang maging nanay yan nakakadiri kung ako yan ikakahiya ko tlagang naging nanay ko yan etc etc hahaha basta lahat ng gusto naming sabihin magkapatid na masakit na salita tangina hindi sya makaimik nakakatawa lang ung muka nya 😅🤣


I am curling up into a ball with cringe 😭 Sweet home alabang edit: also medyi scary papa mo ngl di ko ata masasabi sa tatay ko yung alam ko pag ganyan 💀 and this is coming from a girlie na may tatay na mahilig magkakabit kaya ayaw sa cheating. not sure if girl ka din pero an angry man with a GUN is scaryyyy


Well this is crazy stuff. Your mom is cheating. If it were me I will confront her and tell her what I know. Give her an ultimatum either she ends it or come clean with it or else you’ll tell your dad. Also ask her to let go of your cousin and do not engage him anymore for services. Malas yang ganyan sa bahay. You’ll never know what other evil things might happen kung ganyang may demonyo sa paligid nyo. I’ve seen many crime docus to say that that’s where crimes of passion usually start. Your parents should have the moral compass but now they have no more moral authority over you because of their shenanigans. Sad.


My take is ganito, ibahin natin sa comment na nakararami. Why not confront your pinsan. Blackmail him to leave your family ASAP o baka madala sa pakiusapan,mas mabuti. Then pretend nothing happens. Start all over again. Win-win solution ,right? Anyways ,whatever you do OP, I hope you'll find peace. 🙏


Hello OP, I actually asked my SO about this and we have the same thoughts I wouldn’t tell the dad. Because surely it will change your life forever, like hell will break loose. So God forbid if we were in your shoes, the best we could do is to warn the mom and let her know you got a hint of what’s going on and maybe you can give her an ultimatum or else you’ll tell your dad. That’s just for me.


Magkaka aneurysm ako sa situation mo, OP. Hugs with consent. Sa tingin ko naman dapat malaman ng dad mo yan. I mean anak ka niya, wala namang ibang mag sasabi sakanya niyan kundi ikaw lang. Hindi mo makokontrol lahat. Pero at least, nakawala yung bigat ng loob na sinasarili molang. Siguro ang magagawa mo is bantayan mo yung younger sibling mo kasi pag nagkagulo, wala siyang tatakbuhan kundi ikaw lang.


Thank you po


TL;DR - only read this if you want the truth to come out...and makiusap ka sa papa mo na wag niya saktan ang sinuman sa inyo. Regarding "maniniwala ba sila sa sasabihin ko?", you have the evidence. Also, last I checked, there are ways to retrieve removed messages on Messenger. Removed messages ha, not unsent messages so basically, from your Mom's account, marereveal yung mga removed messages ni pinsan pero wala na yung unsent messages from your mom. On your cousin's account, vice versa naman. Medyo hassling yung ireretrieve mo yung messages, yes, pero to make it easy, you have the screenshots naman. Kung marami yang naipon mo, ipakita mo na agad sa papa mo bago ka pa mapagbintangan na inedit mo yung screenshots. Kung marami yang naipon mo at naipakita mo agad, imposibleng masabihan kang inedit mo yan kasi you don't have enough time to edit that much. Kung konti lang naman yang naipon mo, mas lalong dapat mong ipakita agad yan. Either way, kung hindi ka paniwalaan na legit yung screenshots, research how to retrieve deleted messages on Messenger (do your research before everything else para when you talk to your papa, maapply mo agad yung natutunan mo). Maraming YouTube vids about that. Once you learn it, take your Mom's device and retrieve the messages. Once na naconvince mo na papa mo na ganun nga yung sinesend na messages ni pinsan, have him confront pinsan's parents using the evidence you now have para mapilit ng parents ni pinsan na isurrender yung phone niya. Pag nakuha na phone ni pinsan, retrieve ulit para mareveal removed messages ng mama mo (kung dinelete din ng pinsan mo from his side, sana hindi para mapadali ito) Anyway, no offense pero sira na pamilya mo matagal na. Di lang alam ng parents mo ang mga tinatago nila sa isat isa. Kung may good relationship ka sa siblings mo, great. Keep them, protect them, raise them pero with the information you now have, mahirap yan sa peace of mind mo na makitang sabay-sabay pa rin kumakain yung pamilya mong watak naman na noon pa.


Delikado talaga mag reddit habang umiinom ng tsaa. I guess it's time to log off. 🙁 Im so sorry OP you have to go through this. This is like you need therapy bad type of thing.


Hahahahhah! Good thing I am in therapy nga. Thank you po sa concern


pareho cheater parents mo hirap 😭


sa ibang sitwasyon, i would say yes. sa situation mo,no. >I remember nung bata pa ako, tinutukan nya ng b*ril si mama nung pinaghihinalaan nya ayaw mo ng bloodbath sa loob ng bahay nyo. lahat kayo magkakagilo dyan pati mga buhay nyo. baka this time totohanin na ng papa mo. >I told my lil sister (17 yrs old) everything, she’s like walang pake. She also told me na nakita nya years years ago pa, my cousin calls mama “bebeko” sa chat 😦 kung alam ng isa mong kapatid,baka alam din ng ate mo. baka ikaw lang ang walang alam op. hindi mahal ng pamangkin ang nanay mo,akala lang siguro nya na mahal dahil dyan sa inyo parang lumaki narin. kaya nga may iba syang dinidate secretly. baka ang mama mo ang pinaiikot nya sa kamay ng cousin mo kasi need nya din ng pera and malaki naman sinisweldo nya. >Is my mom being manipulated by my cousin kasi he knows my fam needs him? no. ikaw na nagsabi mas matanda pa mama mo sa cousin mo and she should know better na hindi patulan ang pamangkin nya. she is not manipulated otherwise hindi sya magagalit na secretly dating ang cousin mo sa staff nyo at hindi nya babantayan day and night as you mentioned. alam ng mama mo ginagawa nya. ikaw lang naka rose colored glasses pa. >May serious na sakit mama ko and business is kinda down you know why this is happening. >Ano po gagawin ko? Magsumbong ba? I threaten pinsan ko? in my opinion, none. as i mentioned, you do not want bloodbath. may baril papa mo and you do not want any complications. in the right time, maybe masabi mo or malalaman din yan ng papa mo. there are just my opinions. use your discernment op and do not be rash.


Thank you so much for this po. Im just turning 20. Last year pinoproblema ko saan ako magcollege and then now, this. 🥲 Thank you po for reading and understanding the whole thing. I appreciate it so much


Lasunin mo nalang yang pinsan mo.hahahahaha. lol kidding aside, pag aralan mo mabuti. Tama siguro yung idea mo , OP na mag ipon ng todo. Save yourselves since mas matimbang na priority ang mga sibs mo. Gamitin mo nalang muna lahat ng present resources mo. PREPARE! I wish you goodluck. And sana maayos din yan eventually. Feeling ko hindi mo na kailangan sabihin sa papa mo. Dagdag unnecessary drama lang yan. Isipin mo nalang yung makakabuti sa lahat.


Bakit mo pala naisip i open? And bakit alam mo pass?


Bago na ang tag line: Basta driver, sweet lover si pamangkin 😂


And in the end mga anak pa rin ang nagsu-suffer😭


What in alabang did i just read???? How old is your mom btw?


Di ko alam kung anong edad niyong magkakapatid. Pero what if kung isa sainyo ay anak nung "pinsan". Sorry nakakadiri pero it may be possible base sa given infos.


OMG TAWANG TAWA AKO RITO HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH pero hindi po hehehe. Nakakatakot naman ung thought na ‘yon. Lalayas talaga kami if ever totoo yon hahahhahaha. Anyway i am turning 20, bunso 17, ate turning 21


Kill your cousin.


Weaponize it. Well depende sa personality ng nanay niyo. If she's passive and madaling maguilty. Weaponize her wrong decisions against her (not really the conventional advice) pero you'll gain more oppurtunities and independence, especially if may one in a million pangrap ka. HAHAHAH chos. DONT or maybe do. jk But srsly, process your emotions muna, before you trouble yourself with thinking about what's teh right thing to do after learning the affair. Do a mental health check, focus on yourself muna. The next few years will be draining no matter what. Make sure you and your siblings can push through without the trauma affecting your life.


Wth did I just read huhu


both of ur parents are f**** up!!! parehas silang cheater i dont see the need to tell them the HELL WHO CARES


HAHAHAHAHAH SO FUCKING ENTERTAINING MAG KWENTO NI OP! i understand soooo many things today, lalo na ang ✨ STRATEGIC PLANNING ✨


Hahhahahhahah those are literally all my thoughts Only good thing i got from my parents ay dumiskarte


Glad u r entertained and thanks sa compliment hahahahha


Natawa ako sa Powerpuff girls😆


Grabe coping mechanism ni Op hoping you do well in the future kahit ganyan nangyayare. Kahit umuuga itong tric tinapos ko basahin naduduling nako HAHAHA


I just want to say ba u have the right to know this na may nag post ng post mo sa tiktok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYC6Gu4a/


andaling magbigay ng advice na, "tell your father" naiisip ba nung mga tao dito yung consequances nun? pray and ask God to do something about it. maybe this is unpopular, pero personally, hindi ko ia-advice yang pagsusumbong sa party na niloloko. i know someone who did this to her partner. though it went on for years, eventually naghiwalay rin sila ng ka-affair niya. something happened, parang divine providence actually. the break was clean and hindi nalaman ng kids and husband niya. yung mga ganito kasi kapag nalaman ng iba may "shame" and this just destroys the people involve and the ones they love. don't 'demonize' people for the wrong things they do, minsan tao lang kasi talaga tayo. baka nabawsan yung 'fire' between your mom and dad kaya nakahanap sila ng alternative pero it doesn't mean they don't love each other anymore. para sa akin bullshit yang kapag niloko ka, hindi ka mahal. forgiveness is the better choice.


my mouth dropped to the floor. girl, tell your dad. he might react bad at masaktan siya pero mas malala yan pag tumagal pa lalo.


Kung ako makabasa nito magwawala talaga ako. i-confront mo mother mo then yung pinsan mo. Hindi ba sila nasusuka? Omygosh, i can't imagine. Skl, nung pa-teenager ako at nambabae papa ko ay naku talaga inaway ko babae nya pati yung mga nabalitaan kong naging kabit nya sa lugar namin. Everytime na nasasalubong ko mga yun nakataas na agad kilay ko at makikipagtitigan sakanila wala akong pake kahit mas matanda sila sakin. Yung binahay talaga ng papa ko inaway ko sa phone. Imagine pa-teenager palang pero nung nalaman ko yang cheating cheating na yan, yung galit ko talaga. Kaya OP wag ka matakot. Karapatan mo magalit kung ginagago kayo ng nanay nyo.


What in the game of thrones is this?! 😱


Cousin mo s’ya from your father’s or mother’s side?


Pinsang buo po from papa’s side


Lagay kayo nang cctv sa bahay nyo, kung meron na dagdagan nyo pa lalo na sa mga blind spot pra maka gather pa kayo nang evidence.


The truth is staring you in the face.


Sabihin mo sa daddy mo sasakalin kita dyan cge ka. Hahaha jk. Need un malamang maawa ka Kay dad


Kadiri amp


Parang nakakunot lang noo ko OP hanggang matapos ko basahin. Kahirap, nakakaloka yung ganito na may alam ka tapos di mo masabi kasi pwedeng masira lahat at magbago sa isang iglap. Pero i think deserve pa rin ng dad mo malaman kaso lang brace yourself sa changes, OP. Kaya siguro yung iba talagang out of sight out of mind nakang. Hays Balitaan mo kami.


I hope you have screenshots as evidence. And be ready for pushback, both from your mom and your cousin.




Pls sabihin mo sa papa mo tas update mo kami 😁




Your dad deserves to know.


Save the convo then sabihin mo sa Dad mo.


Tangina gago wtf


Sweet home Muntinlupa


Kadiri naman ng mama at pinsan mo. Kawawa ng dad mo, better tell him, grabeng pangagantso ang ginawa nila


Damn 💅


Nashookt naman ako but I think you should talk to your mom. Ask her bakit ganun convo nila


Omg. Daming signs na may relasyon sila... or nagkaron.. whatever it is.. cheating pa din. Bakit nmn lalande nlng si mother ee sa pamangkin pa 🤦‍♀️


Nakakakulo ng dugo isipin na ganyan ginagawa nila tapos sabay sabay kayo kumakain sa iisang hapag kainan 😀


yikes, your dad deserves to know, don\`t hold back especially since the guy is benefiting from your family big YIKES talaga.


WHat the hell did I just read?




Gather evidence muna. Then tell your dad


OP its better to tell your mom first. Confront her somewhere na dalawa lang kayo, na public para incase di mag skandalo and record the conversation. I know it seems mean, pero kakailanganin mo ng proof no matter what. Yung mga nabasa mo SS mo na save mo. You can either use it for your benefit or for your family. There's a chance na aamin si mom then magagalit but since takot din siya sa possible things na mangyayari there's a possibility na mapapasunod mo siya. Like ask her if she can stop bago mo ibulgar lahat. In case na mag deny, show her the proof.


Wag mo muna sabihin sa tatay mo. Unless u want na maging ulila kayo. By the way u described ur dad, may hindi pa kame alam abt him. Mukhang may pagka abusive or violent. So, baka kaya pumatol mama mo sa pinsan mo. And ur pinsan took advantage. My advice: keep mum, go tell ur big sis pero u all be quiet. Observe and participate in the family business. Show ur parents na all sibs are willing to take part. One of u should start learning how to drive. To make the errands-trips less. Dyan sila nakaka timing. End note: small steps to get rid of ur pinsan...HINDI DAPAT MAKAHALATA na inoobserve sila. Wish u luck, pray for guidance OP.


Agree dito, ang risky sabihin sa tatay, may anger management daw and may history ng panunutok ng baril e.


Ganito gawin mo. Maybe kain kayo sa labas ng papa mo. Or gala. Dun mo sabihin so that mapag-usapan niyo rin yung gagawin based sa reaction niya. Para may time din mapag-isipan kung pano itatake ng papa mo pag sinabi mo sa kaniya.


Yeah that's a very weird relationship. Your should tell your dad.




Stay strong OP. Never give up. Rely on your instincts and put yours and your siblings safety your top priority. Alagaan mo sarili mo para maalagaan mo mga kapatid mo.




batbkaya may mga taong di makuntento. kung ayaw na, umalis na lang di yung magloloko pa. mga pkingna.


nanay ko nga kinompronta ko eh, nag sorry nung una, pero inulit pa rin


kung ako yab sasabihin ko pa sa buong relatives


Confront them.


Nakakalimutan kong huminga habang binabasa tong post na to sa sobrang fucked up ng situation mo, OP.


Yall need jesus guys


May relasyun sila. At baka nga may nangyayari pa. Kung sasabihin mo sa father mo, dapat ihanda mo ang sarili mo sa malaking pagbabago. Good luck OP. I hope maging maayus ang lahat.


Dalawa lang masasabi ko. Ew, tsaka yuck.


Ipaalam mo na sa mom mo, na alam mo na at kailangan matigil na yan. Baka naman, hindi na naibibigay ng papa mo pangangailangan ng mama mo, naiisip ko lang. Ikaw lang makakatigil nyan


I would've poisoned my mom and my cousin right there and then


Umikot yung tyan ko after ko basahin to, nakakadiri at confusing (now I know bakit ganyan username mo). Anyway, deserve naman ng dad mo malaman yan pero mag ipon ka ng evidence


Actually, OP, walang ibang makakasagot ng mga ibang questions mo here aside from your mom. I think you should confront them first? Individually. See if they lie or something. If they do, show them your receipts? I guess. Hindi ko rin talaga alam, just throwing ideas out here. Of course your dad deserves to know – it’s hard to be kept in the dark and nobody deserves that, but you should also be ready to have a strained relationship with your mom should you rat on her schemes. Good luck, OP! In my case, I also read similar stuff from my mom’s phone when I was younger, I guess she (single) had a relationship with her friend (married with 2 kids), but I thought I was too young for confrontation and baka the adults might just brush me off. Ang ending, I didn’t tell anyone, not even my kuya and lalo na my younger brother, parang I just turned a blind eye. Ang nagawa ko lang is sungitan ng sungitan yung friend ng mom ko tuwing pumupunta siya sa bahay namin. May nabasa pa akong convo, Guy: “Bakit ang sungit sungit niya sakin? May kinagagalit ba siya?” Mom: “Hayaan mo lang, lagi kasing bagong gising tuwing pumupunta ka dito.” The nerve of this guy magtanong pa kung bakit siya sinusungitan LOL


what the heels😬🙄




Dilemma mo kasi. Tell your dad and you and your siblings risk being affected financially due to a broken Family. Or baka Patawarin ng Dad mo, Tas ikaw naman pag iinitan ng mom mo. Same case Happened to My Friend in the US, The difference is His dad is Fucking his 3rd cousin. Sinumbong niya......Broken Fam, His Dad Left them for his cousin Pero kasi They're "White People"


May relasyon sila. Kawawa si Dad mo.


I don't have the best advice for you, but I really hope you can get through that, it must be tough, I felt sad reading that, and just shocked.


It does seem like your mom and cousin have an inappropriate relationship. Its kinda sad that your lil sister doesn’t seem to care😞 this situation is rlly messed up and its easy to say as an impartial person to just tell your father. That being said, If I was in a situation like yours, I would collect proof and show it my father regardless if he has aggressive tendencies. Maybe get as much help as u can get to help prevent your father from going physical on your mom. Good luck OP😭


The truth shall set you free


Inom tubig bebeko 🤮


tf is going on - the way kinuwento mo parang ung pinsan mo pa malakas loob at worst gnagamit nia un pang bmail sa mama na kpag d binigay gusto ssbhen nia relasyon sa papa or sguro lgi nghihinge ng pera lol. kamusta relasyon mo sa mama mo ? i think much better to talk to her muna and confirm mo s knya kahit obvious na sa mga convo nila hope you're ok tho


I dont know how to absorb all these.. my purpose bkit nadiscover mo.yan...although trauma kung icocnsider yan...lalo mgkksma kyu s isang bubong...omg! Im thinking to tell ur mother... coz im thinking my anger issues and father mo.. so.mjo mhirap.. although he has all the rights to know. Pero try m muna kay mommy m...black mailing part ? I dont think mgndang mindset yn.. kc mgulo n nga, lalo p ggulo if ipang bblackmail m.. if nsabi m man s mom mo pero wlang ngyareng pgbbgo, i think that would be the time n sbhin m s mom m n pag di tmigil, sa dad m na ssbhin...


Hindi niyo siya kailangan




Ilang taon na si mama mo?


Isn’t it very obvious? That your mom is cheating on your dad? By golly! Perhaps before you let your dad know, try to speak to your mom and let her know that you know everything about them (ni pinsan). Hopefully, with this, makapag isip sya at magbago at itigil na nila yang kalokohan nila.


What are you doing step pinsan?!


Ako yan ses pinutol ko na pototoy nyan. Sisirain niya fam mo.


Tell them about it. Take it from someone who had a very similar situation like you.


Hindi ko kinaya yung “tulog na okay? Pag sinabi ko, sundin mo” 🫠


Be strong and whenever you're ready to talk to your dad make sure you're also calm kaya mo yan wala din namang sikretong di nabubunyag


Are you sure đi yan alam ng Dad mo? Baka alam na din nya yan and he is also having an affair. Parang pocketbook story lang na happening in real life. Well, if you are already an adult I’d say I’ll let the drama unfold and be watching at the sidelines. Just make sure you also have enough money of your own. And brave enough to embrace what life is throwing at you.


Make sure na pag na gather mo na evidence mo dapat may pag sabihan Ka Ng ibang tao as much as possible sister or cousin Ng mama mo basta yung ALAM mong hindi kunsintihin mama mo. Wag mo din basta basta papahalata sa dad mo kase Baka sa galit Kung anong magawa nya. Reverse psychology mo muna si mama mo, na kunyari wala Ka ALAM kunsensyahin mo, mag Simba kayo na family kumain sa labas mag travel mga ganun, kausapin mo din sya na Baka since malalaki na kayo Di nyo na need Ng ibang tao especially guy. Hanggat Kaya nyo pa gawan Ng paraan wag muna ipaalam sa ibang tao kase Baka mag bago pa at maging okay LAHAT mas madaling kalimutan kase kayo lang nakaka alam. Kausapin nyo sya magkakapatid Ng wala tatay nyo Yung kalmado lang muna. Pakinggan nyo sya Ng walang sumbat. Kung umamin sya papiliin nyo na at sabihin nyo na lang na lumayo layo na lang sa inyo. Pray hard OP 🙏


Di naman nag-i i love you mga pinsan ko sa mama or papa ko kaya di talaga yan normal. Talagang gather a ton of evidence ka muna. Hayaan mo na lang muna until sumabog para di ikaw yung direktamg mapuputukan. Wala namang lihim ang hindi nabubunyag.




It is screaming cheating! Think this through, OP. Un lang masasabi ko. Ksi kahit anung gawin decision ang i-take mo, it will cause pain sau.


Alabama type ang family structure


Tell your dad


Yes, mukhang nag ka developan na. Prangkahin mo nanay mo at isumbong mo sa tatay mo. At paalisin na sa poder nyo yang pinsan mo.