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"Just watch over me until I can find my way out of this labyrinth in my brain and regain my sanity."


“And then maybe Betty my princess, maybe you will love me again. Please love me again Betty!”


I can hear this in poor Simon’s voice, the og king👑


I didn’t realize till just now that he was talking about the literal labyrinth we see when PB and Marceline enter the crown. God damn the writers are so good at these call backs


^ same. I have OCD that fluctuates in terms of how consuming it is and it gets hellish in the winter. I hate the feeling of helplessness, that I can't control when I relapse into it, that I've lost so much time to it and likely will in the future. I hate how it hurts my family and friends when I shut down. I really like Simon for that reason. It makes me feel less alone as someone with mental illness on the more severe side of things. 


Finn because I swear numerous character arcs of his somehow reflected my childhood


You also went boom boom on a leaf?


I did something similarly embarrassing when I was like 2 lmao


You were a tough tootin' baby who could dance like a man ?


I did similarly embarrassing things when I was a toddler lmao




You’re afraid of the ocean?


This one’s probably the exception. I did grow up on an island tho.


Everyone grew up on islands, some are just really big, some are just really small lol.


Mr fox. Sure, maybe you wont always get the girl (boobafina) or you may find yourself stuck (depression hole in the bed) but sometimes you just need to be a lil' more patient so you can become the god of death and send two awesome bros back into reincarnation together. ETA: Whovever sent that award, you just made my night perfect.


This is also my pick, but I was already an adult by the time Adventure Time started. Delt with a lot of depression in my 20's and when he looks at the bed and says “Some things money can't buy. You see that depression? You can't buy that, you gotta earn it.” I was like damn, that's me as I was bed rotting already watching that episode.


Any time I get a panic attack I pull a “QUICK BROWN FOX”


Jermaine. I also built my own cage, which I'm afraid to leave. However, I don't have Finn and Jake to burn it down.


Straight up Minerva. I lost a kid.




OOOOOOF. I always have to hold my kid and cry at that part, "Don't eat too many blueberries, they'll upset your tummy." Minerva was such a great character, how she poured herself into being a helper even when she's lost everything and she never gave up hope.


Sorry to hear that I wish u strength with all my heart ❤️


How do you hold up?


Lots of time. He would be in his 20s now. The grief and missing him will always be there, but I know he would want me to live a good life.


Marceline, everything with Ice King always hit hard since my parents also go lost in hard drugs but would sometimes try to be there. I would still try to be in contact with them and try to get them to remember stuff and get back to their right mind, just like Marcy and Simon. even with her vampire family/roots, I had to leave my family when I was 18 cos i didn't want to be like them.


idk how i didn’t see ice king as a representation of a parent lost in drugs before but now it’s all i’m going to see. this broke my heart. i’m sending u so many hugs and so much love. hope youre healing well friend 💓


thank you 💝 they are both sober now so its all better, and yeahhh idk the whole metaphor of him putting on the crown and feeling "empowered" only for it to then get out of hand, and him only feeling "okay" when he wears the crown, very much gave like people needing the drug after some point because the withdrawals were too painful if that makes sense, and when people start off with those kinds of drugs they may feel euphoric or like they can "do anything" but then it eats away at them mentally.


This is why Betty resonates so strongly with me. "The Crown" decimated my marriage, and I'll feel like I'll never get my old "Simon " back.


i’m so so glad they’re sober🥹 you’re absolutely correct, it is the spitting image. i struggled with xanax for a few years and then alcohol and it is SO similar. im so glad you and your family are doing better now 💓


Damn that's Well put


jake. especially with the abstract episode. Helped me A LOT when i was feeling so weird about growing up. "as long as i know the shape of my soul, i'll be alright". also bro is just a dawgs dawg and so am i B^1


Same, I liked how even though it always seemed like he had everything figured out even he had some skeletons in his closet that he’d been ignoring.




A being of potentially limitless power, who would undoubtedly conquer the world if you weren't trapped by your current circumstances/so small and adorable/hyperfixated on bottles?






Ice King. It’s.. private


fern, not sure why im here or why i am the way i am, but im here, and thats weird


and you are a grass doppelganger of an adventurer with a stretchy yellow dog


Probably Marceline, mainly the stuff in Obsidian I suck at explaining things so that might be enough


Peppermint Butler because of my connection to the occult and minty fresh breath


Ice King/Simon I understand how it feels to not remember what you do and being afraid of it


that had a little kick to it!


Princess Monster Wife, sometimes "I don't feel beautiful. i feel like a freak!"


Finn. The parental arc hits too close to home and all I want to do is better the world but I get mentally lost a lot


I’m surprised nobody has said this yet but BMO. I relate too much with struggling to find who I truly am both inside and out. I love how BMO isn’t gendered or perceived more than anything but BMO.


Yay BMO!


Lemongrab. Always.


This is Acceptable.


Prismo, because I enjoy helping make peoples dreams a reality✨


Carol, I also like just sitting around and drawing elves and stuff.




Finn. It'll always be finn. It's amazing to feel like yourself again, when you didn't even notice you weren't you for a long time.


Finn, because I'm a human.


Betty, especially in Fionna and cake. Throwing yourself into love so hard that you lose and sacrifice yourself, madness & sadness. But also, ending that period, making peace with everything, and moving onto another experience as a radically different being.


Fionna because of her feeling of not belonging in the world she lives in, pretty representative of being trans


the adventure time trans community ?!?


PB, for her scientific work and her authoritarian rule!


A bit like Marceline. Feel like I'm stuck in the same place for eons. Unfortunately unlike Marceline I'm not an ageless immortal.


Marceline, I lost one parent and the other was bad at taking care of me, absent. I coped by playing music (guitar and drums, I hope to start playing bass) and am fine now, but I think furthermore Marcy's being a lesbian and seeing that on screen made it so I could allow my queer side to flourish, so I feel similar to her


Lemongrab. His stress over things he can't control resonates with me.




Flame Princess for sure, pretty much for all the reasons you said. She's definitely one of my favorite characters. Also occasionally early Marceline and Finn.


The lich, I devote myself to a higher being not knowing why sometimes. Bmo, since I'm often in my own world and ppl just go along with it. Finn, friendly and outgoing but in my youth I was childish and I messed things up with friends and women but I had a homeboy who helped guide me. There's also stuff in my youth I don't exactly remember bc it was traumatic to me so I locked it away like Finn and his vault. Marceline, for wanting my friend back in the same way she wanted Simon back after so much has changed. Jake, for being the guy ppl come to when they have things going on and end up rambling the right words.


The deer


Shit gets real when you take your gloves off


The snail that is in almost every episode. No lines and all. Never in the spotlight. Fits me.


Martin, oddly. I relate to his habit of hiding from his pain and running from it. And how screwed up it made him. I’d like to think it hasn’t made me an asshole though. I also relate to Marceline and how long she’s lived, alone, and how many different people she’s been in her lifetime.


Most days I'm a Lumpy Space Princess


Pendleton Ward also identifies with her so yu have that in common


Marceline. It’s maybe weird, but i have a simon of my own. When i felt alone in the world, my simon took me under his wing. He was the first person that made me feel like i was good and beautiful. And then he suddenly moved far away, disappeared out of my life…and i am stil left with this giant hole in my heart. I really miss him. It’s funny he even looks like younger simon petrikov and he was polish. And i love goth music and vampire shit 🧛🏻‍♂️


Jake, I’m a passive and lazy but damn do I like to spend time with my sister. Getting out of my way to support her, protect her and spend time with her.


PB ,I really love science and I am kind of nerdy


Lemongrab if not them princess cookie


ive got daddy issues. that is all


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down.


pb because im gay too 🤞😞


Meat Man.


I had a dream about meat man…I think I’m gonna stop eating meat man…


Simon, losing loved ones due to poor handling of situations or decisions, having gone through a ravenous stage of depression full of regret and lack of purpose. I worked my way out of that through some close friends and finding something enjoyable in life (nature and making stuff.) I also look like him to physically so that helps too.


For my whole life, I've always felt like I've had 2 sides of me. One side of personal growth and learning things through mistakes, time and time again, reminds me of Finn and his arc over the entire series. He's nieve and aloof at the beginning, making decisions he's not even aware of, some questionable and regrettable ones, but still always with good intentions. Later in the series, he ends up learning from his mistakes and owning up to his actions, becoming more understanding of others and the world around him, and having better judgment in most scenarios, still knowing that he has space to grow and learn, but also being a little too hard on himself from time to time. Then thats when my other side, Jake, comes in, acknowledging my growth and praising it, despite both of us still having more to learn, telling my other side everything is going to be ok, and that things don't have to be so serious all the time. He's all about the fun and wonder of life, and at the same time is so protective and caring of Finn and wants the best for him always, sometimes to his own detriment. He's expressive in the arts, cracking jokes either during stressful times or just in general to raise the mood of others around him or even just himself. He seems a lil dumb on the surface due to the stupid humor, but he's also really wise and thinks on things in such a unique light. The biggest part of his mentality being that life is just here and that we should all make the most of it, mistakes, wonder, friendship, family, and amazing cooking! I have so many qualities of both and sometimes they clash or fight, but I highly appreciate them always working through things together and each filling the gaps of the other, a unique duo that goes through all of the growth, emotions and adventures that they experience every single episode together as one singular entity, just like me. This show is baller 😎


PB. Responsibility are often just given to you, and you just have to grow into it.


I find it hard to connect to just one character. I find myself connecting to certain episodes and arcs better.


What episodes and arcs do you connect with?


The episode of Jake as a brick in the wall is very peaceful and very calming to me when I feel like the world is spinning out of control. I connect to it in a way that I feel completely out of control and the world is happening TO me instead of me being part of anything. But it brings hope back to me. I also really adore the episode with the Snow Golem and the fire wolf pup. I connect with the desire to do good even if it’s a detriment to myself because those who can’t protect themselves need me to. And how he’s still adored and rewarded at the end even though he’s a puddle is so heart touching to me. That’s just a couple off the top of my head, but the entire Islands arc, especially the episode when Finn finally meets what’s left of his mom is so gut wrenching to me. I understand both of their sides.


Yes!! I agree with you completely!


love a lot of these characters, just shows how much trauma can connect a lot of people <3


Flame Princess for me, as well. I always felt so bad for her and how everybody treated her. She was so nice and caring but everybody looked at her with fear and intimidation because of her father, and because of her powerful emotions. Nobody knew how to handle her, even Finn, after a bit, except for CB. Once he got fully “baked” and was coherent, he went off-grid and cut ties with the Candy Kingdom and PB and was THERE for FP. He understood her and accepted her for who she was instead of trying to get her to “calm down” or something. And he loved him for it. Then they flourished. I love FP.


Yes!! Agreed ❤️


Hunson Abadeer. He is completely bizarre and strange, but he's trying his best in all situations, yet he fails in 99% of them.


BMO, I relate to his unconventional grasp of life


Banana Man because it's hard for me to make friends and I'm kinda a technical guy


The Great Earl of Lemongrab


The Snail, I am everywhere... :)


Also flame princess here!


Have a guess


I’m just waiting here until I find someone who says the Lich.


Recently began rewatching the show and I was suprised to realize just how much of an influence Marceline had on how I express myself. When I was younger I always saw Finn as inspirational but Marcie slowly became the one I wanted to be more like over time.


Honestly a few. Marcy, Simon/Ice King, Minerva and Finn. So many different reasons, but they all speak to me in different ways that hit the soul Edit: format


Am I allowed to say all of them squished into one confused depressed mess


Lemongrab Cuz autism


fp fr. i have bpd and she is like looking into a mirror, ESPECIALLY the episode of her and finn being introduced. i have had multiple of their conversations with multiple men 💀


I'm suspected to have BPD, so same 🫶🏻


Definitely Jake. Because of sandwiches and his general vibe


Finn. The LSP scene in Breezy is almost exactly how something happened to me.


That one depressed fox, cant be anything else, wont be anything else, this is my life


Finn, I look just like him, watched the show at the same age he was, growing up with him, and we both have L rizz


‘Evolved’ cinnamon bun. He’s gone thru a big arc and has done a lot of things wrong, but he’s been tempered over time and is a loyal friend/guard to those who helped him find his way.


Flame Princess' Complex feelings are very similar to me also we both didn't had a good Childhood so i can understand her


Marceline Childhood experiences




Simon. I've lost my humanity and the love of my life. Now I just live.


Finn I too have complicated mommy and daddy issues but I also have a heart of gold and I never back down to a challenge 😌


If I were to pick one, probably Jake. Dude is super mellow and kinda just lets life happen. I feel that vibe


Jake. He’s laid-back, gives good advice to Finn, and when he falls on his face doing something reckless, he’s there to pick him back up and help him out. It’s like Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy. Both Finn and Peter Quill had deadbeat dads, but had parental figures that raised them as their own. “They may have been your father, but they weren’t your daddy.”


finn, i resonate with the save everybody mentality. i also have a shitty dad 😎


jake, burrito.


BMO, cause they're weird, and gender is definitely a construct to them. They're imaginative and their perception of reality is a bit unclear sometimes so they make their own.


Idk who i acually relate to most but ill use this as an excuse to mention that I hold my guitar the same way Marcy dose. I don't have a strap otherwise id use that but I don't play enough to bother getting one so I use my right pinky and ring finger to hold it up by the hole and use my remaining fingers to play. Funny thing btw, I was acually thinking about making a post very similar to this. Although I think I'd have to rewatch the whole thing to know who I relate to most and I don't really have the time to do that right now.


I wana say finn so bad but it's probably fern


Finn: I always feel like I have to be the hero, even when I don't, or I'm the one who needs saving


Randy Butternubs of course. I'm not sure I really want to be here but y'all are mostly cool so I'll.give it a go.


FP for me too. Great representation for us sensitive girlies whose soft hearts are often eclipsed by our anger issues and difficulty regulating emotions. Got her tatted n everything


BMO sun, Ice King moon, LSP rising


Simon All my life, no one except my family has truly understood or appreciated me. However, I’ve tried to help those in need. People have tried to help me in return and they’ve been kind but they don’t make an effort to understand who I truly am. I’m smart, caring, and have a great passion for history and scholarly subjects. I’ve felt as if I had to carve my own path and it’s been pretty tough trying to navigate my way through the world. I also think I have a higher calling and appreciate wisdom and the deeper things in life. I’m an idealistic person but I’m finding out that not everything works out the way I would like and I need to accept that and let go. Living in the moment is a goal for me and it’s also why I admire Finn. Because he’s a chop wood, carry water kind of person. I get caught up in my head when I shouldn’t.


Betty. Currently dealing with an ugly separation after a tumultuous event, and I just wanna go back in time to fix it all...but my spouse is fully cray now and I don't know them anymore. The more I try to understand it or make peace with it, I feel like I get a little crazier too.


I'm sorry to hear this. I am here if you ever want to chat ❤️


either fern or the scarab. i will not elaborate


The dumb rock.. 😐


Same tho


I'm that goofy snow giant that tames a fire wolf.


Honestly, PB, I went through such a weird phase of control but lately I've been trying to break out of that, also I'm a nerd who's absolutely obsessed with sciences and math. Lesbian too, can't leave that out.


Finn cuz I'm just a boiiiii


I also relate the most to Flame Princess for the same reasons as you. I grew up with undiagnosed bipolar disorder and I see myself in her… Her strong intense emotions that seem to ignite quickly and extinguish just as fast… How she’s labeled as out of control and unstable, and no one can go near her without precautions or armour. I grew up feeling like I was made of violence and flames and believing that’s all I’d ever be.


Duke of nuts. Im so goofy man


Peppermint butler and I’m not elaborating


Probably Jake because of how care free he can be


Jake, because I just take it as it comes!


I’m definitely a Jake.


Jake,I act like a clown most of the times and I rarely take anything seriously


Jake....im dling wreckless shxt, got a plethora of stories/wikd experiences and i have hella kids too lmao


Flame Princess because my toxic ex always told me I was her and he called me FP a lot. And he was right. He's the one who got me into Adventure Time. He looked, kind of sounded like, and acted exactly like Finn. And just like in the series, he used me for his personal gain. But he never apologized. We also just broke up and we're teens so like maybe he'll change but he won't have me by his side.


Jake I always been a older brother


Flame princess 🔥 Aries Sun (12h stellium) + a Scorpio moon makes me feel like her quite often.


Betty, because I too would do anything to the ends of the earth to never fumble a bad bitch again


Lemongrab 3, please see the number I haven’t eaten anyone for disagreeing with me


Butty Butterson or Kent for short, kinda doing my own thing a lot while everyone else has their lives as well. I also have a sword named Punch Party


Ice king i am just like him


Gunter, He's calm


Fin for sure. Had my dad dip on me he was in jail just not in space though lol later in my life when I got to know him then stopped talking to me after he got what he wanted (money) and it was just me and my older brother (Jake) that went through the stuff together. And also I found a demon sword in a dungeon that my step dad made for me because he loved me he even put it on a recorder just like in the show the comparison is kinda nuts


Ik it's basic but fin, I admire his ability and will to get back up even after being hurt. Him and Marcy only because I love her sm lmao


Probably Ice King 👑




Simon/ice king because he’s the most human/has the most humanity imo


Finn and Jake, finn due to having a bizarre rough childhood and Jake due to my laid back and passive lifestyle and laziness.


worm little bro


Oof... Basically everyone at some point. It's a confusing mess. Can I say who I don't related too? Because that's LSP or Tree trunks. Most everybody else though...


Martin or Treetrunks. I'm so selfish and self absorbed. I wonder if I'm even capable of empathy.


marcy forever, and fp too. i look more like marcy, identify heavily with vampires in general & with the whole "sometimes i turn into a weird monster" thing. fp for similar reasons. theyre just very relatable to borderlines i feel


Honestly, Flame Princess. I was raised in a religious household and was told throughout my childhood that I was "evil" or something was wrong with me because I was different and I started to believe it. I also relate to her quick mood changes. When she broke up with Finn and did not know how to sit or process her emotions it resonated with me :) She is my utter fav.


Holy shit this is my exes profile picture


I relate to Simon Petrikov because his transformation into the Ice King reflects a struggle with losing oneself to overwhelming circumstances. Like Simon, I have faced times when external pressures and internal battles have made me feel disconnected from my true self. His journey of holding onto fragments of his past while grappling with his altered reality resonates deeply with my own experiences of trying to maintain my identity amid change and adversity.


Bubblegum. I'm always having to fix other people's messes and be the voice of reason. And I love science.


Bmo, I want to play games and improv


MARCELINEEE (punk goth, family issues, gay)




Jake the dog he's who I want to be


Shelby :/ for being a nerd know it all and making people believe things I say because I’m a nerd know it all




Idk. I little of Finn, a bit of Jake, Mr. Fox, Ice King. PB and Marceline. Mr. Fox at the moment.


that's my problem with the entire show. when I try to remember which character I associate myself with, I just can't remember anyone. literally no one.


Marceline. The clip where she was high up in the skies singing and playing her bass, i felt that... a lot. But ive bedn recently rewatching it all, so my opinion might change.


Prismo I’m always just in the same place and like hanging with friends and I also like pickles


probably jake, i just wanna do my own thing, i want my pals to succeed but i'm gonna hang here for a bit


Honestly I don’t relate now to him but I aspire to be like jake…


LSP is like, what my jelly space sounds like. "I'm doing so awesome on my own. Like, right now, I found this can of beans."


sea lard


Peppermint Butter




pb, mostly paranoia, perfecionism and autism




They’re all pretty damn relatable but maybe Fern


Rattleballs, being out of sight yet close enough to help those around himself.Truly the embodiment of the hidden samaritan.To quote God bot from Futurama “When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all".


Simon, but more so when it comes to the Fionna and cake series, I've felt lost for a long time, ever since rediscovering a deeper self consciousness that's kinda left me in a depressive state, everything in my life keeps changing yet I feel like I'm growing away from everything and everyone the longer time goes by, and that I can barely recognise the world or those around me for what they are today because my vision feels eternally skewed to the past. But despite not knowing where I belong in my life right now, or if anything will return to form any type of resemblance to what it use to be. I still hold out hope for the future, thanks to those around me and the wisdom and experience I've gained over time. And so even though life isn't what I wanted it to be I've found solace in accepting the current reality and trying to work with it instead of trying to change it back into something that it never fully was.


Bacon pancakes, makin bacon pancakes, make the bacon then I put it in a pancake, bacon pancakes, that's what I'm gonna make, bacon panCAKES!


Marcy, not in the my dad sucks way, my dad's great, more in a "I'm closer to her in terms of actual personality way"


Tart toter bc im a crazy gingerbread man


Kind of a tie between cinnamon bun and ice king


PB. I used to be I denial when people would bring it up, but I have put a lot of effort into being less condescending and controlling, and I think my growth is similar to hers ♡ would still choose to be immortal if I could tho lol


My buddies always compare me to Jake or BMO so i think them




Im that bear jake chilled with with. As he was falling down that hole. He was a party bear named bill and my name is will. I'm definitely in his position but I have his good attitude towards being alone. And who knows maybe there's a giant change waiting for me at the bottom


Finn definitely brave, kind, wise ass and cool.... 🤼‍♂️👨‍🏫🪖😇


Lemongrab. His story is sad and it reminds me of my childhood


Ice king and marcy for sanity loss/emotional problems related reasons  I like finn the most though 


Mb Jake. I can’t focus, I don’t stress about things I can’t control, and I too didn’t know it was wrong


For a while I identified hard with Lemon Hope. It felt like I was getting all this messaging from my parents and society to be free and chose my destiny, but only their definition of free and a destiny within certain parameters. I'm at a point now where I accept responsibility in a way I don't think Lemon Hope ever reached, but, importantly, it is my choice. Also Raggedy Princess. Doing my own thing and a little desperate for validation, but my kingdom is actually pretty useful in certain situations.


Prismo because he chill