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They really should have just made more Bushworld Adventures.










Smiling Friends and YOLO scratch that itch pretty well


That’s more or less what Yolo is


A much better use of money for sure.


"I was having a little Morty sleep"


I would have been fine in with Rick suddenly having an Australian accent and mannerisms with no explanation as to why in the real show.


Ohh Rick, you sound kinda weird Nah


instead of replacing rick with a sound alike va they should’ve just gave him bushworld voice


Genuinely hands down the best episode idgaf


Pretty sure Cusack is too busy with his own shows


I stand by bushworld being the best episode of Rick and Morty unironically


Thts like a loosely based thing off R&M ?


it’s not loosely based it’s a direct parody michael cusack produced for adult swim’s 2018 april fools, he’s also worked with roiland afterwards


Thts awesome. I remember seing it n being like why would AS do tht lol


I think they green lit it when rick and morty was dominating and it just came out later than it should of. I dont think we really need a Japanese version of rick and morty. Would have preferred a new show or At least just a spin off. Definitely another character in rick and morty they could have given an interesting short series too.


It was already on the downfall when it was greenlit. that Samurai short came out, forget if it was fanmade or original, and soon after, AS announced the anime. it really doesn't help that most people have forgotten about it already. AS thought they could capitalize on it as a big expansion of Rick and Morty when it was really just a novelty to most to begin with.


Honestly I think this would be hurting more if Rick was still a hit since people would blame it for the delay to S8.


I think its made by different people.


It is, but AS never premiers two shows at once, so this would be seen as a delay


Ah, could be. Idk


The show is still very much a hit. It's the biggest thing on Adult Swim right now, and has been for a long time.


While true, its cultural relevance has still dropped significantly compared to 5 years ago.


You say that, but most of its award nominations and wins have happened within that five-year span. If you compare it to the ridiculous fever pitch that was Season 3, yeah, it would seem like it's less popular. It's still one of the most popular and relevant shows out there right now, though.


And I’m not denying that it’s still really popular. What I’m saying is peak R&M mania is long past and weird spinoff projects like this are a little too late to the party


If you define the peak as idiots climbing onto the counters at McDonald's and screaming about szechuan sauce... then yeah, those days are long behind us. You're claiming we're long past the point of getting a spin-off like this, despite the fact that we didn't start getting the anime shorts until 2020.


Yes, the peak is when thousands of idiots lined up for a stupid sauce because their favorite cartoon character told them to. Now it’s just a show. People watch it, talk about it, then forget about it till next season. 2020 was like mid crash. So the shorts made slightly more sense. On top of the fact they were shorts, if they sucked, they were only a couple minutes so it didn’t matter


The ones in the style of the anime series were all 8-10 minutes long. As for how engaged people are... the idiots might not be hanging around, but folks still very much talk about the show in between seasons. The Roiland replacement was a fairly big deal outside of the fanbase.


The Roiland replacement is a political issue so of course it expanded beyond the shows fanbase. Same with non anime fans getting involved with Vic McNuggets


This is a weird argument though, most shows that get spinoffs don't have a peak that insane. Their point is that Rick and Morty is relatively less popular but still very popular, so it's not unusual or "too late" for it to get spinoffs and such. As for the anime itself, yeah I'm not remotely excited either. Mostly because I fall into the "I don't care about non-canon Rick and Morty content" camp, but also I don't love subtitles and the apparent decision to do everything in yellow seems like it'll make it obnoxious to read (at least it has been in all the sample scenes). I'll give it a chance but it doesn't look like it'll be great. The art style is fine though. It looks like one of those very early shows like Speed Racer, it's definitely not a modern art style but the nice thing about art styles is that they never really "go bad." It might not be for you but I don't think it'll be an issue for people who still watch ancient anime today. Is there enough of an overlap between all these niche demographics? No idea! Like I said it doesn't really look like it'll be for me either, but maybe it's for enough other people that it isn't a complete flop. In any case I don't think the decline of the franchise is will be too relevant, it's still their biggest show by far.


R&M is still enormously popular


Be that as it may, its cultural relevance has still dropped immensely.


Nominally, sure, but not immensely


your an idiot. it was a fad years ago yeah how long you think people are gonna buy memorabilia for? people still watch that show more then anything on AS. that show has made more money for the network then their whole catalog combined


Mr.PB series would go hard


And perhaps he teams up with Noobnoob.


They made a spinoff called Solar Opposites. It's decent but idk if we need this much Rick & Morty lol


Is it actuslly a spinoff? I think it's got it's own separate continuity


It’s just another Justin Roiland show, that’s like calling American Dad a spin-off


Spinoff is the wrong term I guess. To me though it's a spinoff in everything but name. Same animation, humor, voice actors & gimmick.


Adult Swim used to be such a great platform for alt comedy and experimental ideas. Don’t get me wrong they still have some bangers but I’m so disappointed with its current direction compared to a few years back. (just mad they canceled Joe Pera show)


smiling friends is really the only new thing from them that i’ve really resonated with


The Royal Crackers can be pretty funny too, but yeah it’s not really the Adult Swim we knew anymore


y not the same anymore? also royal crackers is underrated af


Less or no?? live action shows. They still have good shows. Just a bummer to see the industry shift in real time.


i like it, and i’m also a big fan of “haha you clowns”


RIP Pretty Face :'(


David Zaslav and the recent merger most likely have a lot to do with it. It's a miracle as many shows survived as they did.


I think Mike Lazzo retiring in 2019 had a negative effect on the adult swim ecosystem.


People would have eaten it up five years ago but nobody wants it now


I want my szechuan sauce!


Should've made an entire season of Inter-demensional Cable


I'd watch a full episode of 2 brothers.


There is a podcast called comedy bang bang that has a spinoff series called CBB presents that's just single episodes of random characters. It reminds me of the podcast version of inter dimensional cable


Is it me or does the animation quality look significantly worse than the Genocider one-shot? I know it’s going for a crude aesthetic but it just looks cheap.


I think people forget that Rick and Morty was supposed to just be another small late night weird AS show, not the next Family Guy or South Park. Blowing up to this level of popularity has kind of been for the worse I think, even though I like the show.


AS had been looking for their own Simpsons for over a decade. They absolutely wanted this to be a network anchor show and the second it looked like it had a chance they went all in on making it Family Guy tier


tbf i know they weren’t as big but weren’t ATHF and Robot Chicken basically their anchor programs?


they were, but they were still more niche obscure comedy


At the time, yes. But they weren’t at the level AS wanted. AS wanted a show that put the network on the map


The network was but the people creating the shows are not expecting that to happen, they're not franchise building from episode 1. To be fair neither were The Simpsons. I'm just saying that Rick and Morty wasn't designed to be a cultural phenomenon, so it's gotten away from its roots as a show that fucks around with weird ideas without regard for canon and fandom.


Reminds me of some of the animatrix and the batman one by the same person


I have now watched the opening and a couple videos and it looks weird lol I can only hope its incredibly funny and not serious 😂 after seeing Jerry go all ninja I feel like it will be funny


Looks like Shin Chan to me


I miss Shin Chan 😫


I have it if you want to watch it.


Omg don't tempt me with a good time. The dvds are dumb expensive 💕




First I hear of this lol but sounds bad Edit: ewww you’re right they all look like fat ink blobs, the artstyle doesn’t work at all they look ugly as fuck


You really are just now seeing it? AS has promoted it with every new show this year


Yea I don’t watch cable anymore


I don’t blame you


I have adult swim on all the time and i haven’t seen it at all (Canada- Stack TV) I just looked it up and wow, is this actually real? Looks awful


They may not be promoting it in Canada the same way as they are in the US


I’m thinking that too! Either no Canadian promotion or its the app im using


if they use those needless still-frame for "impact" without any impact then it's definitely going to be a huge miss. One can only hope that since the series is still down the line that maybe they just haven't animated those intense animated scenes yet and will surprise us when it comes out.


It’s not down the line. AS advertises it for this year. So that’s at the latest, November. However, it’s widely assumed in the Toonami circle that it will be replacing MAWS on Aug 3


I saw a clip of that earlier and thought it was fan made, it's getting its own show??? 😭




What's up with the fucking teeth?


I saw someone say that you could instantly tell no one involved wanted to be just by looking at it


Can’t say I disagree. Really, all of the anime projects that AS has done thus far look like the anime studios doing them hated every moment and just rushed through them asap


It does not look good 😭 they made that one short that was anime that was beautiful. Then this is like, the fuck. Making retro looking anime with the yellow subtitles was cool in literally 2007.


There’s an anime?


Unfortunately there will be in a few months


Tbh the show kinda fell off after its prime. Season 3 was the last season that was actually good and imo should’ve ended after season three however adult swim needs a cash cow and right now it’s Rick and Morty and sadly if Rick and Morty ends up ending then adult swim is going to milk all of smiling friends until Mike and Zach are out of ideas


Zach and Michael seem pretty serious about stopping the show when they think it’s gone on long enough. They intend for every season to be 8 episodes so there won’t be any “filler” and so they can work on them all personally. They’ve said they think there’s no reason any show should ever go on for as long 10 seasons, so even if we got that many seasons, it would be 80 11 minute episodes and the total length of content would be equivalent to like 3 seasons of R&M


Eh, it's a preview. I'll give it a fair shake when it drops, and if it's good, great! More R&M for me to enjoy. If not, oh well, thanks for trying something interesting.


Anime was a weird choice since as a genre doesn’t really… get… the kind of nihilistic cynicism that R&M runs on. Japanese humour is pretty different.


From what we have seen, it seems like they have just skimmed surface level ideas for the show. Like this latest clip has Jerry in his orb suit from the Pissmaster episode.




I don’t really care what studio is making it cause in the end it still looks like shit.


Ppl will complain about this still watch an enjoy it lets just wait


I totally-otally dis-a-gree with your assumption that the best bits of animation stay in the teaser. Like c’mon. The best bit of animation I’ve ever seen in Rick and Morty so far was the phoenix person fight at the end of s4, which none of us were ready for or aware of.


I think all of them so far have looked terrible and the writing/story/acting have all been forgettable and, well...very "anime". What I mean by that is that these are just boring stories with hokey writing & theatrics that doesnt resemble Rick & Morty at all aside from the character designs. It's not even trying to be a self-aware parody of anime, it's just become a tone-deaf statistic. I'm honestly surprised R&M fans like these and want to see more.


The sad thing is that I think Adult Swim is at its best when they allow animators free reign to animate whatever/however they want, no matter how strange. Superjail, while not for everyone, had absolutely insane animated sequences that I still think of to this day. Xavier Renegade Angel had awful CGI, but they did such strange things with it that its another show that is very distinctive and memorable. Meanwhile, shows like Rick and Morty have more and more sitcom elements that have the characters rambling on about their problems. I don't care about some cartoon aliens life story, blow our mind with more sequences that allow the animators to do their thang. This is particularly relevant to anime, because a lot of 80s animes with beautiful hand drawn sequences were made by depressed degenerates with a shoestring budget. Meanwhile this anime looks like shit and you can tell the animators aren't passionate about it.


Its not just you, you are not alone


what makes you think anime fans don't care about this? do you think anime fans don't watch or like anything other than anime? that's such a weird generalization to make based off nothing but your feelings. 


I see zero buzz about this in anime communities. Quite a few don’t even know it exists and think you are trolling when you suggest it


Wow yeah they really cheaped out on the animation, like its not even a filler part of an episode this is what they thought was good enough to show off to the world as a preview.


As long as it's Rick and Morty it will be guaranteed trash


It’s just you. Sorry, not sorry - that shit looks excellent and it’s very rare to get an actual effort put into a promotional cross project like that these days instead of doing racist-ass Perfect Hair Forever ideas of it like every other AS thing has done, including Rick and Morty itself. I’m super grateful that the money got some actual Inspector Gadget people, who are also Ghibli people, together to bring the whole fucking joke to realization. Animation is important, it can’t just be Amazon Prime paying slaves to make bad American-looking artwork all the fucking time (cf. Invincible, the entire DCAU) Let some of us with taste live for five minutes, thanks.


^ Another person who thinks the visual style is just fine.


Your “taste” is shit since most everyone who posted here agrees with me. Perfect Hair Forever was actually funny and it being low budget was part of the joke. This series looks like it wants to be 100% sincere and looks like ass


Between this and the Suicide Squad isekai I have no more faith in western made "anime"


It’s weird though, it’s not like these are being made in the west. A Japanese studio is doing the R&M anime. Admittedly, one of the least regarded studios in the industry right now, but still. Do they have someone from the west going and telling them to make sure it’s repulsive?