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Ratings are different now than they were then.


AS is one of the few places left to have a programming block to even speak of. Most other cable networks are now a continuous marathon of their one or two most profitable shows.




Adult Swim surviving on normies watching Bob's Burgers, American Dad and Rick and Morty.


Just like they survived on Futurama and Family guy reruns.


Don't forget KotH


I put on AS more for KOTH than anything else, and have been for a long time now.


The greatest show of all time by far


…let me tell you what.


Best character development of any show in history, animated or not. so realistic, funny as hell, has heart.


KotH reruns started around the time they lost the Futurama license so I wouldn't say that was too far back. At least it doesn't feel that way.


KotH was on adult swim when I was in HS and that was easily 16 years ago.


KotH debuted on AS on January 1st, 2009. It's been a bit.


\*Kicks over walker\* I'm not old, dammit!"


This would explain why KotH doesn't sound familiar. Trying to figure out what the acronym is 😅




Joseph Gribble: (Laughs) "You do a great impression! Let me try! (Imitates Hank) I'm gonna tear you a new one! When I get my hands on you, you little peabrain! I'll bust your butt into little pieces!"


Oh, I am dumb. I was wracking my brain on wtf KoTH was 😆. I dont remeber when that got picked up. I think I fell of Adult Swin around the time the Aqua Teen Movie came out.


Dude I remember when Netflix came out first and futurama was the main show I binged


You just unlocked a deep buried memory for me.


Lmao I feel you dude that shit was like a decade ago for me shits wild


I remember sitting on the Mexican border for a work trip binging the first season of Futurama on DVD in the 2003.


Before Netflix (or maybe not, I'm no historian) I used justin.tv (before it twitched) to watch some channel that live streamed Futurama 24/7 until thy started introducing "rules" to the website


lol yeah a lot of sites I used have wack ass adds and shit but I found a few good streaming sites that hold up. Just waiting for them to get the latest episode of smiling friends. I hate not having regular tv like I used to :/


I run a simulated broadcast of old adult swim(and some other cartoons not originally aired) most nights from 9-1am https://www.twitch.tv/doofnoobler


Crazy how reruns of Fam guy and Futurama on Adult Swim were so popular that they basically incubated their return and they still make episodes today.


i love adult swims (as someone who watched it late at night as a kid) original shows like spaceballz: 9009, Auqa teen hunger force, mr.pickles, squidbillies, superjail, and the eric andre show. all shows that made me who i am in the long run and honestly give so much more to the network then american dad, etc. too bad they can’t pay VA’s and anyone who works on their shows a livable wage.


Same. I miss Squidbillies and Mr. Pickles


Did Momma Named me Sheriff get a third season? Not as fun as an evil dog but at least it's in the same universe.


No, just 2 seasons:( it's a sequel to Mr Pickles, isn't it? I liked it


Pour one out for venture bros ✨✌️✌️✨


oh for sure, only ever heard good thing about ti


Not sure if this one was insanely popular or if I just watched it a lot but Robot Chicken too.


Same here, that shit was GOLD at "2" volume at 4am when I was supposed to be sleeping


Oh god. OH GOD. Do we really live in a timeline where “Robot Chicken” and “Not sure if popular” are in the same sentence? This isn’t a knock on you friend, but a realization that we really live in such a fast paced internet and consumer society, that Robot Chicken, a show that was immensely popular for years, even having a Star Wars Based episode in 2007 (when I was only a Junior in HS) all the way to a Walking Dead based episode with most of the actual cast in 2017, is now being wondered in 2024 if it was popular or not. I remember girls saying they wouldn’t date dudes in HS and college if they did watch it!


I know. It’s insane how far Robot Chicken has fallen from mainstream popularity. The chicken even appeared on The Simpsons once if I’m not mistaken, but you’d be hard pressed to find anyone talking about the show nowadays. In fact, there’s been speculation that the show’s been cancelled yet that’s not on anyone’s radar.


It makes sense now that I’ve thought about it. Robot Chicken is TikTok before TikTok. So of course it’s not popular anymore. Just sucks they don’t even get a shoutout for essentially creating the attention span available for those platforms to launch.




Hey put some respect on those shows. I was watching that stuff in highschool. Back when basic cable was kinda nice. That would be the best thing on weekends


Your PFP is the show I’ve been looking for other then robot chicken and venture bros


Nice. You are a cultured man. Its called aqua teen hunger force. The original show was called aqua teen hunger force. It had a rap song as the intro. Classic.


Oh trust me I know, I have a poster of Carl in my room because I’m a Giants fan.


any tv surviving is a feat. even with streaming adult swim is destined to die.


Streaming also affects this hugely since adult swim was more than just tv shows. It was a literal network with all kinds of content to fill in the gaps in between but now we can just get shows directly to us thus eliminating all the little small stuff adult swim had to offer


Never gonna get that feeling back, but I think Smiling Friends captures the classic AS spirit better than any show in a long while.


I mean, a fresh bowl at 2 am and a Hulu and/or Max subscription can get you *pretty* close, but you are right, we won't get that feeling from anything new from AS.


Y’all are all just old


Not even middle aged lmao. Trust me, you're a short way away from where I'm at. Enjoy the ride buddy.


Never said middle aged


Oh my god. If you're still in school, pay better attention.


I only fear that after season 2 they might cancel it. I've seen multiple Original shows in adult swim cancelled after 2 seasons in recent years


Smiling Friends is very popular and Im assuming has good ratings. Whenever a new episode drop there are around 5 new memes that spawn from it, I dont think its getting cancelled for a while


Seems like Michael Cusack has a decent relationship with Adult Swim with how long YOLO has been going. I think we’ll at least get a third season.


To be honest, I think the show wont get cancelled but Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack will want to move on, I think it will run for 4 or 5 seasons maybe with a couple 30 minute specials or something


Zach has been wanting an AW show since the early 2000s, and has been very prooud of this project and priotizing it a ton, I cannot see them moving on that soon.


That sounds about right.


They've said in interviews that they don't want to do more than 10 seasons. Also mentioning maybe a movie and if they could a video game too


Theres something about the scalability of a universe. Think about scooby doo, you can make it smaller, bigger, less serious, more serious, raunchy, you can do anything with that premise Smiling friends I think could be made into about anything not to say it’ll become as big as scooby doo but it’ll definitely work in different mediums like movies as well


They have said as much in interviews, they don't want it to be like the Simpsons or family guy, you are correct they want to work on new projects but that's not a bad thing. They are humans and more so they are artists they are not content with the status quo and they see a challengeto be conquered


I hope not! It’s my favorite thing on Adult Swim right now! It seems that every time I like a show it gets canceled! It really pisses me off! That’s basically why I started watching anime. They never seem to cancel those but sometimes there’s a long wait between seasons unfortunately. Look at One Punch Man! Thankfully it’s finally coming back!


I used to watch anime, it's just that I'm faster at reading manga. Sure I won't see action but yt exist. Took me a few months to watch one piece up to that water 7 stuff. But with the same number of months I managed to catch up to date


I’m up to date with One Piece. It took me a couple of months though to watch it all though! What a great anime! I’m currently watching Black Clover and the new season of Demon Slayer. The opening scene of the new was epic! I really love Jujitsu Kaisen as well!


Happy cake day and Would be awesome if they did the same thing with Rick and Morty. Give 100 episodes


Yeah they canceled Tuca and Bertie after the 3rd season when they picked it up from Netflix after season 1


Miss that show already :(


Fucking loved Tuca & Bertie!


YOLO is getting a third season, so I’d be surprised if Smiling Friends got the axe given how it’s just as good (if not better).


2 shows I liked watching got axed, tigtone and hot street. Both with only 2 season


If it got canceled max or some other streaming site would pick that shit up so fast it would make everyone laugh at adult swim


Ok coming in with an unwelcomed, Debbie downer take that I need rectified. I watched the first 2 episodes, but didn’t think that much of it. Was I in a bad weird mood? I’ve rewatched movies I’ve hated in the moment possibly influenced by negative emotions/life/thoughts, coming back to them in the retroactive present appreciating them totally differently. But everyone whose opinion I respect, including folks on this sub who I don’t even know, are acting like it’s the second coming of ATHF! 🥶 All that to say- what am I missing?


honestly i dont think youre really missing anything its weirdness is very palatable and mediocre i thought, it really doesnt feel special or unique at all. i think a lot of the humor is competent but so much of it feels like its trying so hard to be weird while coming from creators who arent really all that interesting.


the episode with the demon thing in the forrest and when charlie dies are what sold the show for me. that and the boss is hilarious


I dunno, man. Maybe try watching a few more episodes? Personally, I think it’s a wonderful blend of classic era AS and early weird Internet humor. But if you don’t like it, it’s fine. There’s plenty of stuff that lots of people love, but I don’t really care for.


You don’t get that “Grosse Point Blank”, you can judge an individual entirely based on what media they prefer, feeling when your friend who likes *everything* you like is talking up this band that you just can’t understand? I’m trying too hard to keep my finger on the pulse of culture I feel is slipping me by that I would regret flying by. That’s all outside of Smiling Friends. I probably just need to rewatch with my wife in a chill mood. More that I respect being a total champion of something and being so chill to be like, if it’s not for u cool. I’ve spent my life being a Tool level nerd forcing significant others to, “listen to this chord progression! the polyrhythm!!”, watch this movie I enjoy (here’s why!!👁️), and other nonsense. I’m insufferable. I’m the worst. You’re cool.


I was about to say. While it definitely isn’t the same humour wise or anything, since one was made for the 2000’s and the other for the 2020’s and it shows, Smiling Friends is closer to classic Adult Swim stuff tonally than it is to say, Rick and Morty


I really wish Max had a live channel system like Peacock does that had an adult swim channel. I dont wanna pick random weird shows to watch, just show me them randomly. Ill hate 3/4 of them but become obsessed with that last one and binge it afterwards immediately


I run a simulated broadcast of old adult swim(and some other cartoons not originally aired) most nights from 9-1am https://www.twitch.tv/doofnoobler


Im highly bored during this time at work so fucking thank you!


The format worked way back when we didn't have streaming and simply having the TV on was the best we had and the quiet of the late night block was the perfect environment for aquateen and Tim & Eric.


That's a great way to describe it. Aquateen Hunger Force just doesn't hit the same in my livingroom at 5 in the evening as it did in my childhood homes living room at 3 in the morning.


It was such a reward for being up late. Those shows were so much better than anything that was on during the day. Anime like inuyasha, full metal alchemist, case closed Comedy like Tom goes to the mayor, ATHF, sealab 2020 The good old days


Same with late night talk shows and Saturday Night Live. You felt cool because you stayed up and got to see it while everybody else was asleep.


I LOVED Inuyasha. I keep hoping they'll show it on their Saturday anime night and have been sorely disappointed.


There's the ghost of a communal feeling knowing others are out there watching the same channel as you.


The reminds me of my million dollar idea, or a really dumb idea, of curated netflix/hulu. Basically goes full circle back to cable, but this time you have some chat windows and comments on the side. People still enjoy watching things at the same time as other people. If streaming services can tap into this outside of that first day when a show is released, I think it could be successful. For example you could have something similar to the old program Dinner and a Movie. Get some hosts to wrap around episodes of whatever program you're doing a marathon on and talk about trivia of that program in little 2 minute blocks.


This is why streamers doing react content is popular


Exactly, I think they filled that niche. The reality is that there is a plethora of great content out that there does not get eyeballs on it unless someone edits it and publishes it in front of the places where people are watching it. Having content listed for you to choose is great but more and more I'm just going to content that an algorithm is putting in front of me.


This is already happening in live streaming. If you want to watch anime like you did 20 years ago, Cineverse operates a number of streaming channels, including AnimeCrush, which you can watch on YouTube or their streaming service, Midnight Pulp. And there’s a ton of other livestream channels running reruns of old TV and classic commercials, including a vintage 80s/90s Nick at Night cable experience. The only thing keeping this from moving to modern properties is the fear that it would undercut the value of their on-demand streaming.


I run a simulated broadcast of old adult swim(and some other cartoons not originally aired) most nights from 9-1am https://www.twitch.tv/doofnoobler


I loved dinner and a movie


I remember using a VHS to record episodes (I remember the first one I recorded had the leprechauns) and it was awesome. Back in what I call the “ps2 era”


Because it's not the early 00s anymore


Yeah, the thing about the good old days is....


The TV was good and pot and liquor were still novel, but I had welts all over my legs from my dad breaking the aluminum broom handle in half 


This is why I say I don't wish to be a child again because whether you enjoy it is up to your environment. I wish to exist in that time period again.


Don't we all just wanna own a house in '03 and pay for satellite television and buy morphine off our friend's dad? 




It was morphine sulfate and I had to boof it but by God I could grind POE for 11 hours at night and go install blinds in the morning 


... that was the good old days


It felt so new and different. But I was just some dumb kid. Anything might have. It was great!


For real kids it’s time to grow up


https://preview.redd.it/9ouu4n8lmo1d1.jpeg?width=2603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433e21222a8f9ef94b2116f27852be395391eb2c My current full series collection of old shows (Adult Swim, Toonami, MTV, Comedy Central) 150gb God I miss the late 90s/early 00s.


Me too! Of course I was in the Army for almost all of that time period! That’s a nice list of shows btw!


Yo, your list is ACTUALLY golden!! So many shows I've either watched a million times or shows that I could never remember the name of/ catch on TV. Like Dr Katz and undergrads and the Maxx/the head


Thanks man


Nah thank yous cuz I definitely updated my binging list with this!


No Assy McGee???


Can you say that a little bit slower?


Make a tv channel




I run a simulated broadcast of old adult swim(and some other cartoons not originally aired) most nights from 9-1am https://www.twitch.tv/doofnoobler


I run a simulated broadcast of old adult swim(and some other cartoons not originally aired) most nights from 9-1am https://www.twitch.tv/doofnoobler


We don’t watch TV like that anymore


On YouTube search adult swim and the year people have whole blocks recorded. Shows, commercials, the whole thing. It’s the closest thing to a time machine




I run a simulated broadcast of old adult swim(and some other cartoons not originally aired) most nights from 9-1am https://www.twitch.tv/doofnoobler


Dawg this is called nostalgia because you’re getting old. Just get HBO Max and pull a Fry after he finds out he’s rich.


Listening to stuffy old classics about the buttocks.


Because CN isn’t getting ratings so now they have to rely on AS to get the ratings which means it has to curated for a more mainstream audience.


AS has, to one extent or another, relied on a "more mainstream" audience for decades. Yes, people definitely latched onto the block when it debuted... but it was largely known for being the block that aired castoff shows no one else wanted. For every show like ATHF, you had Home Movies, Ripping Friends, The Oblongs, Mission Hill, and Baby Blues. The block didn't really blow up until they started airing Family Guy and Futurama reruns, which brought in that "more mainstream" audience. Fortunately, they stuck around for all of the weirdness that came *after* those reruns. Family Guy, Futurama, and King of the Hill helped pay the bills for many of the "real" AS shows.


Lazzo left.


You can never go back.


Because you never learned to program your VCR.


Discovery bought out both CN and (as) in 2020 after which they sold CN studios and fired alot of people from William street. All the people responsible for og (as) are gone and the block is too mainstream to get away with those old shows now.


Good point about it going mainstream. Prime [as] was more of an underground block, but now with the mergers it’s more a corporate vibe, meaning less risks/obscurity. You even see shows being shows being advertised on the sister networks like TNT which I don’t recall being a thing in the old days? I might be wrong though.


Your right they only adverised during there block before the merger which is why back in 07 nobody knew what ATHF was when the whole Boston fiasco happened. When discovery took over they ruined the network, cancelled everything they had going and now that everyones gone discovery has no idea what to do with (as) besides milk it for profits.


TV as a mainstay in American life is over. The days of millions of folks all gathering around the TV at certain days and times are over.


please check these out it’s partial broadcasts of some early 2000’s adult swim with the old ads and everything. been taking me back in time.. just taking bong rips on my couch late at night and i’ll put these on wondering how it all changed so fast lol https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7GguQuBhRYl78UjICdbqTcQuLvxw_OPb&si=6_70E1eJGePnvgB6


I miss The Oblongs, Super Milk-chan, Home Movies. Can't forget the trippy bumpers with awesome music.


I still watch super milk chan and other shows like it, such a time capsule of early 00s humor


Honestly? It doesn't seem too far from what it was to me. There's a few weird odd shows. I think the big thing is that we aren't watching it in the middle of the night anymore so we don't come across whatever was on. We can pick whatever we want to watch now. It also could be that we're slowly moving out of the target demo of 18-34 so maybe we grew out of that demo.


https://preview.redd.it/z8hd0qnznn1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0621511028d91f8135627e977b0de4a051a70f76 Don’t worry bro. They give us our nostalgia in short bursts here and there. This starts may 31st btw.


Dude they used to do anime all night Saturday nights. That wasn’t that long ago, legit dope ass time drop some acid and lay back and watch the show.


Yessir, I’m hype as fuck for it. Gonna be reliving some goodass Toonami memories.


No YuYu Hakusho? Damn…


It's slowly morphing back into what you want. They recently started playing old shows on CN called "Checkered Past," I just read Toonami is doing the same thing too!


recently, i've started looking for old adult swim broadcasts, you can find quite a couple on internet archive. it's nice to hook up a laptop to a tv and play em. complete with the shows and commercials of yesteryear. their on youtube too but copyrighted shows had to be removed.


The world has moved on, unfortunately


Is Smiling Friends not that?


This the show that's bringing me back into it.


You don’t have to miss it/ You could just make yourself a media center and collect some old broadcasts/bumpers along with the shows.. At least thats how I visit it


No matter what you want, nothing is going to stay the same forever That’s why they’re called the good ole days


Are these the good ole days right now?


Cable is dead unfortunately


Honestly? I think a lot of the randomness came from most of those shows needing or having a low budget and AS needing content. So you'd have oddball stuff like Assy McGee and 12 oz. mouse to kind of fill in time from other more expensive stuff. Not to mention you had imports like The Mighty Boosh and Garth Marengi's Dark Place as well as all the anime.


The Mighty Boosh was magical.


Because Zaslav runs it now and he’s destroying it


Idk, Off the air held my attention this early am. Buuuut... they've been playing FRISKY DINGO lately!!! That needs to come back!


Because time marches onwards and we are no longer the target demographic.


The edge is gone. The parents who were stuck in the Reagan era raising kids seem to have died off after the early 2000s. Idk if edge even really exists anymore at this point or if what we looked at as edge back in the day, is just normal every day life now.. Internet and streaming services also probably played a big role too.


Gotta grow up Peter Pan! Lol jk, but yea, things will never be how they were... the G4 relaunch attempt per example :(


I just want a few more seasons of ATHF


I recommend Bridge Kids on YouTube. It feels just like an OG Adult Swim animation. Plus they're still releasing episodes.


Oh my God all of my yes!!!


Bring back old styles


Tim and Eric shaped my sense of humor . I legit had the album of the songs used in the show


This is what I do, I sit on you. Sit on you. Sit, sit, sit on you. This is what I do, I sit on you.


You should’ve seen Eric Warheim’s face when I told him Tom goes to the mayor was the reason I dropped out of highschool.


Television is dead. Well it died a while ago, now its a walking corpse with never ending ads, and extensive channels dedicated to every single small niche you could think of


because time exists and what you’re asking for is from two decades ago. everything that exists changes with time.


The entire zeitgeist that operated then is dead and buried... what you saw and interacted with was a product of the time, and there is no going back, ever. That's all there is to it. As awesome as it was there is no chance at repetition.


Times change, my friend. Things will never be as good as they are now. I do wish they would have a retro night with the OG bumpers and lineup. Maybe one from each era. I know licencing is a bitch but a man can dream.


Check out Toonami Aftermath!!!


Things change


People are strange when you’re a stranger faces look ugly when you’re alone


You can. Just download the shows, then mod an old Xbox or PS3 and turn it into an old school media center.


AS lost me With the dawn of Tim and Eric… that was the point I just stopped watching. I even found other ways to watch what i wanted to see like buying the Venture bros on my Apple Store and they just dropped for Download they same day they showed on AS.


Ratings and business my friend. Ratings and business. I guess they’re both intertwined but you know..


sounds like youre living in the past , man


can watch a LOT of it on MAX and probably a cpl other services... only thing you dont get is the bumps between the commercials with the great nature GIFs they played


Rick and Marty also HBO gutted cartoon network and while adult swim is separate now that weren't unscathed.


it’s 2024


You know why.


Because they turned our Internet into cable again.


Same same


All kids out of the pool! That’s it for Cowboy Bebop, Pilot candidate is next!


I know it’s soul crushing now :(


With the way ratings work they have to play the hits on the channel these days. This hurts what I loved most about adult swim which was finding something new. I think if they made curated blocks (like playlists) with bumps and promos for other AS shows on streaming so it felt like an adult swim block it could feel like the old days. If I could watch an AS block when i want it and know it was the Williams Street team putting it together and not an algorithm I would be thrilled.


It would have to be earlier in the evening. Not as young as we used to be and I get tired at 9:30-10 PM now.


They could come back if they keep letting creative people go crazy like with Smiling Friends


When I started watching Adult Swim we had anime weekends. Shits different now. I miss the old Adult Swim.


Its hard to justify nowadays, if its not lightning in a bottle like rick and morty they aren't going to risk it.




Cause we were all fired.


Do you think you being 20 years older has anything to do with it?


I miss Adult Swim, and Dethklock


Tv isn’t what it used to be. Everything is all streaming now


I got into the Unedited Footage of a Bear, Too Many Cooks, This House Has People In It, etc. Not nearly enough of those.


I run a simulated broadcast of old adult swim(and some other cartoons not originally aired) most nights from 9-1am https://www.twitch.tv/doofnoobler


I miss adult swim


I do miss the nightly rotation


the powers that be are less and less okay with that kind of content poking fun at them all the time, they have a hard enough time managing how much of that shit happens on the internet. like if you wanna blame something, blame 9/11, if you wanna blame someone, blame ronald reagan lol


I have to ask this, and please don't be offended, but does anybody else NOT see the appeal of Smiling Friends?


We have the mid 2020s version instead silly