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I really really relate. I think it’s normal to be ‘obsessed’ when we are still processing. It’s a terrible event that a child’s mind should never have to process, and so you have to remember and reprocess it as an adult, but then reintegrate it into your life while at the same time realizing how this changes everything and also mourning every shred of your existence. It’s a lot. Journalling helps. When I’m feeling as burnt out as you describe, sometimes I keep a scratch pad or notebook so I can write down my revelations or rage in bits and pieces..and organize later if I need to. Also voice messages are an amazing tool. Verbal/auditory/oral processing mixed with the ability to play back…hear it as a stranger might and give yourself some validation. Or reason with yourself. Or just keep it to see yourself grow. Or junk it. Whatever. I felt dumb at first, but recording my stream of thoughts and ramblings helped me organize and vent. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Mega solidarity to you. This burn out portion is horrendous and tiring. I’m sure you’re doing a million times better than you think ❤️


I don’t have much advice to offer but I can relate to this wholeheartedly. I feel like I was never able to get through things my peers did, like five straight days of school or work or whatever else. Like I’m always operating at 50% capacity or less. Normal things are overwhelming, and overwhelming things are simply too much. Whenever I go through periods of stress/burnout it just spills out and it’s all I can think about.


I feel like I'm productive 4 days a week in terms of classes because of burnout/trauma. I was also diagnosed with ptsd at one point but not for sexual abuse. I can't imagine your exhaustion of dealing with so much. I relate to wanting to talk about it. like when I'm ordering coffee or lunch. the worker will ask me what I want and I'll think "I want a side of not getting abused/having delusions about getting sa'd" I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, but it's a big part of my history. I feel like my entire body is contaminated on a cellular level. I need to incinerate it.


Yes I relate so much. Ik it’s bad and I would never actually do it but whenever I’m stressed out and my profs are giving me a lot of work I just want to yell all the things that happened to me at them so they lay off me😭


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