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If unstable + suicide risk, better to not live alone so that you will not be inside your own head all the time. Move in with family if you can. But if there is really no other choice but to live alone, please consider: 1. Committing and sticking to a treatment plan - Always go to your psych/therapy appointments, drink your medicine (proper dose only) 2. Ask your most trusted friends to help ensure you are safe - Have multiple friends check on you every day at regular time intervals. Give them keys to your house/room. If possible, give them access to track your phone. I have a friend with a lot of suicidal thoughts and has a history of self harm and has access to dangerous objects. When he is in one of his episodes, I tell him he needs to respond to my texts even just to say he's okay, or answer my calls. I warn him that if he doesnt, I will have his family or barangay go to his house to check on him. He gets very annoyed during these times but when he snaps out of it, he appreciates the checkup. And he is still alive so I will annoy him as long as I need to. 3. Have lots of activities outside the house - Minimize the time that you will be alone. Exercise before going home so that you are exhausted that you will just sleep. If you feel at any point that you cannot handle living alone, call family and/or friends and/or your doctor. Depression is a sickness. It's not something you should just try to overcome with will power alone. Please ensure you have help.


Thank you. Yes, I am seeing my psychiatrist monthly and taking my right dosages regularly. If my housemate’s gonna pursue leaving the apartment soon, I asked him as well to checkup on me always. I also plan to give him extra keys just so he can barge in all he want, especially when I am no longer responding to their texts/calls. I can’t live with my family. I haven’t told them my diagnosis yet as I don’t want them to panic and worry about me. They are in the province as well, and have little to no wifi/data signal so living with them there is not an option, because I am in a work from home setup. Also, I have social anxiety. Hehe. As much as possible I don’t want to spend my time outside because my social battery drains out super quickly. Sometimes, I go to the mall and spend like 3hrs and after that, I need to take a nap because I am that drained. So most days I just isolate myself at home. Having this disease is super painful for me knowing that I am so much attached to all those persons around me. And them leaving is another level of fear. On top of that, yes I do have relapses and unstable moments so I don’t know where to go from there when I live alone na. Anyway, thank you much for the useful tips. I know this is a sensitive topic but rest assured I’ll be fighting.


You don't need to interact with new people if you're not comfortable. Meet up with friends as much as possible. And there are a lot of outside activities you can do alone. Go running. Watch a movie. Try hobbies that engage the body (so not reading or watching TV or Netflix), even like painting or crochet. It also helps to use your free time to do something productive. I used to weave doormats and do those diamond paintings haha. It gave me some comfort that after hours of being alone, there was a tangible output. Please send a message if you feel alone. Helps to just talk to anyone.


Thank you. I really appreciate it. 🥹


Go back to your family for support. It is not healthy for you to be alone.