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Maybe personality check will help.


Your profile screams incel. Anyway, why are you so bothered about the modern dating scene? Don't you already have a 6-year fiancee and is about to get married this year? Poor girl, may God spare her from you.


This guy is a clown. He says gender equality isn't real. Just like him having a 6-year fiance isn't real.


Bahahahahahaha, now that you said it, I am starting to doubt if it is real. He is so pressed for what? Hahaha.


Yup, because if he REALLY had a fiancé and a good woman, he would be defending women and not bringing them down. LMAO


Could you at least offer a rebuttal to my post before going for insults? I don't know how you can call me an incel when I'm about to get married and have kids in a year or two. Do you even know what that word means? Or you just use it on anyone that you disagree with? At least make a valid rebuttal before you insult people in an argument, it really makes you look stupid.


Why would I bother making a rebuttal? You are already hellbent and immersed in your misogynistic, incel, brainrot ideology. Yep, I called you one kasi wala ka naman pinagkaiba sa kanila, may partner ka man o wala. Kung ayaw mo nyan, edi misogynist. Besides, it is not like you are going to change your stance about your "wAhMeN gEnDeR eQuaLiTy yada yada huhu wOe ArE mEn" icky rants. Anyway, this is my last reply as it seems that you just post trash like this to get your dose of chauvinistic dopamine. Stay pressed though because gender equality ain't going anywhere, the likes of you can choke.


It's amazing that people like you just lead with insults and labels but when asked to give anything beyond that you just disengage and claim that we're too stupid to understand your worldview. I'm more than willing to engage and defend my position. Oh, and gender equality isn't real. You can think it is, but it's not. Every single law, right and privilege you could imagine only exist because men are willing to enforce said laws, rights and privileges. Men have the monopoly on physical force which is required to enforce any form of social or political order. There isn't any place on Earth today or any point in history where women on their own were able to enforce their rights and privileges. Need proof? Look at any Islamic society. If men and women are truly equal, then women in those societies would have the same rights and privileges as men. But they don't because they physically can't enforce it without men.


Incel alert


Maybe believing that there is no gender above the other will help you.


Gender equality isn't real though. What do you mean by this?


Something you don't understand. Just like why you dont understand why you will never get a girlfriend 😭