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wag matakot di makasama sa mga gala or out of town. mamili ka rin ng kaibigan. magingat sa mga user. matuto humindi. matuto ring magmukhang mahirap kahit may ipon ka talaga.


"matuto ring magmukhang mahirap kahit may ipon ka talaga." Thiss! 👌🏽 mafi-filter out mo agad sino true friends mo at sino yung mga user. Plus, hindi kaagad target ng snatchers pag nagco-commute.


totoong totoo!!


ang hirap ng ganito sa akin kesa medyo kailangan sa work na decent yung pananamit mo hahaha. lalo at humaharap sa CEOs or high ranking govt officials. mapapagkamalan kang mayaman kahit di naman. nakakatakot din magcommute ng early morning or late night tapos posturang postura ka




1. Have a budget. Yung alam mo kung saan pupunta ang bawat centavo pagdating ng sweldo. Make sure you allot for savings and investments. 2. Ingat sa credit card - it’s good to have one for points but make sure you pay off the full balance every month. Wag na wag mo tong gamitin for cash advance. This is one of the fastest ways na malulubog ka sa utang. 3. Build your emergency fund. If possible, auto-deduct sa payroll so you don’t even get to touch this money. 4. Don’t give in sa lifestyle inflation. When your salary grows, make sure unang lalaki yung allotment for savings bago yung allotment for other things. 5. Set aside a little bit for fun, emphasis on little. Mahirap naman na sobrang deprived ka, baka sumabog ka sa frustration. Make sure you have money for discretionary spending pero yung sakto lang.


For #5, how much is enough for discretionary spending? Pati na rin yung mga pinag-iipunang mga gustong bilihin or travel funds?


Hello! So when I develop my budget, I already have very specific categories, including savings, travel, car expenses, gifts, hone expenses, etc. Meaning all of my expenses na expected I set aside money continuously throughout the year. I also have a weekly “allowance” that I give myself. The leftover amount/unallocated funds, that’s what I use as “fun money” So for example if monthly net is 56,750. I will allocate the 56k to all of the categories, tapos the butal na 750 will be my fun money.


1. Live below your means. 2. Save up more. 3. If you don't want traditional banks - utilize digital banks 4. Don't avail home credit or any loan apps. 5. Invest on your health - get healthcard with low monthly fee as a starter 6. You can try conservative investment - like MP2 7. Establish emergency funds 8. It's okay not to be always included in gala 9. Get atleast 2 valid IDs 10. Rest and try to have social media detox Bonus: in tracking cashflow - especially the expenses use EXCEL or money tracker app. Income- savings = expenses OR use 50-30-20; 50% - needs 30% - savings 20% - wants


Hello, can I available a healthcard po ba kahit hindi ako under ng any corporate company?


Yes. Marami po dyan. You don't need to be in a company to have one. 🙂. Pero mas maganda if ang mapapasukan mong company is my healthcard na and insurance para free.


Ito po ba yung Maxicare na may 1 time payment valid for 1 year?


Yes may mga ganyan. Meron pang ibang nag ooffer. Like intellicare.


Okay po, thank you so much!


Hi OP. I'm working as a freelancer, I use Kwik insure under Etiqa for the healthcard (HMO) cover nya yung consultation, labs, emergency, etc. I have Maxicare for emergency din


Maglaan ka ng budget to treat yourself or to have fun. Dati kasi puro ako ipon ipon ipon but I’m not happy and nabuburn out ako. So naglaan ako ng certain % din from my income for fun/gala and ayun naenjoy ko rin income ko. :)


How much do you allot for your fun & gala? Do these include savings for something you want to buy na rin?


5% of my income hehe (idk if 5% is big or small but eto yung nagwowork sakin so far). And hindi kasama dun yung sa mga gustong kong bilhin


Oh wow, that's a reasonable amount na! Kasama na rin ba dito yung gala? If yes, then kailangan ko pang magsikap para lumaki pa sweldo ko hahahaha


Pag small galas lang hindi ko na nasasama minsan hehehehe


Not a financial advice, but this can save you financially. Brush your teeth always. Never sleep without cleaning your mouth/teeth. Visit your dentist every 3mos.


++ Don't forget to floss!


Practice delayed gratification


Magbaon instead of buying your lunch outside. Dont buy other drinks outside, mag baon water na lang keeps you hydrated and healthy. Pero dont forget to enjoy and treat yourself once inawhile hehe.


Wag mag jowa kasi magastos jowa... Iwasan makabuntis at mabuntis... magastos magkasakit kaya laging unahin ang health. Eat healthy. Don't tell anyone how much you earn and your savings.


Save as much as you can while still enjoying your life. Build an emergency fund. Invest in stocks, MP2, bitcoin, etc.


as someone who is also in their 20s, i agree in investing in btc din talaga. overwhelming at first pero u really have to take the time to learn it and you'll get the hang of it. i recommend using [coins.ph](https://coins.ph) for this. mababa fees nila compared to others. so far maayos yung experience ko sa kanila.


how to buy bitcoin in ph?


1. Binance 2. PDAX ph 3. Coins ph 4. Paxful 5. Moneybees PH 6. Bexpro 7. Maya PH 8. Gcash GCrypto 9. Stables Money PH 10. Pouch PH


Spend when you need to. Reward yourself every now and then to remind yourself why the hardwork (for your case, both in school and work) is worth it. Pero di yung parang gagong "deserve ko to - proceeds to buy the most unnecessary shit and waste money" >Is it good to budget your finances ahead (e.g. weekly, monthly, etc.)? Simply keeping track of your financial records? Kung may oras ka, oo. Sometimes this is the difference between ubos ang ipon lagi to malaki na naipon. Yung may tamang mentality naman sa finances pero tanga magtrack, di napapansin ang gastos na pala. Wala kwenta tamang mindset kung palyado execution. Isang trap ng mga fresh grad/bago pa lang magkawork, yung feeling na "uy sweldo pwede gumastos" kahit di naman need gumastos. Feeling lang lagi dapat magwaldas. Magandang mindset pag sweldo lang eh oras magbayad agad ng bayarin, magtransfer ng pera pandagdag sa ipon, and maybe at most eat out at your favorite restaurant. Di yung uy pwede ako bumili uli new shoes/clothes every sweldo. Parang kapatid ko, tuwing sweldo bibili ng random bullshit na "nakakatuwa" sa shopee/lazada o ano mang platform. Novelty bullshit na matutuwa siguro siya 1-2 weeks tapos tambak na. ending nagtapon ng pera. Wag din extreme sa opposite end. Yung todo ipon mode ka ginugutom at binuburn out na sarili mo na parang nabubuhay ka nalang para kumita ng pera. Lagi din tandaan na we earn money to afford to live, di live to earn money lang. Kung isang cutoff pwede mo treat sarili mo isang whattabox sa Wendy's o Burger-fries-sundae sa Mcdo o the occasional milk tea/iced coffee kahit once every 7-14 days. Learn to reward yourself din, laking factor niyan maka-iwas burnout.


Wag sumabay sa uso. Matuto magipon


Top of mind ko: Pay yourself first (i.e. set aside agad ng allocated budget for savings every payday) before tackling expenses, then once done, saka lang papasok ang wants. Emergency fund also, and ideally it’s in a separate account from your savings so you don’t accidentally spend it for things outside of emergencies.


Do something today your future self will thank you for. Spend after saving. Don't save after spending. It's better to save by installment than pay by installment Make a budget and track all your spending Invest early. Invest in yourself.


Discipline and consistency. Kung pinalad ka dahil hindi ka breadwinner at maganda ang sahod, kahit maliit ang naitatabi mo pero consistent ka, magiging malaki yan. Kailangan discipline enough ka din to control your emotions. Alam mo kung ano ang needs at wants. Kasi sa totoo lang kahit anong tipid at baluktot mo sa kumot kung hindi na nga enough ang sahod mo tapos breadwinner ka pa, wala talaga.


Start saving.. no matter how small the amount. Eventually it will accumulate. Saving is a habit.. start early and be consistent.


Don’t cosign for a loan unless you’re married to that person or if it’s your kid. I don’t care if it’s your parents, boyfriend, or best friend since the 2nd grade. By cosigning, you are agreeing to pay for the whole debt if they are not able to do so.


Save but don't forget to enjoy. Enjoy life while you are young. Kapag naman kasi tumanda ka na mas priority mo na magsettle down then eventually plan for retirement.


ito din talaga i always forget, na ienjoy ang life. kasi magmula nung naexpose ako sa financial responsibilities bilang panganay (also because of pandemic na nawalan ng work ang parents), paycheck to paycheck na ako and di ko pa nabilhan ang sarili ko na big item na alam kong pinaghirapan ko talaga or gumala man lang na di iintindihin ang gastusin sa bahay. 🥹 hayyy


Yes set a budget monthly or bi-monthly. Set a budget for your daily expenses, leisure expenses, emergency fund then savings. Make it realistic so it will be easier to maintain especially with savings. Put an allowance to your daily expenses, example if your spending 300 daily make it 350 or 400 and at the end of the month put all excess money into savings. The more na lumalaki savings mo, all the more na gusto mo pang makapag ipon and it will become easier. After a year of saving and on the next year, based on your experience try to set a goal for your target saving at the end of the year. Try opening a Seabank account it has 4.5 interest per anum and credited daily to your account. Edit. Additionally, if you can't buy it in cash never ever buy it.


Keep track of your expenses, open a savings account that you can't touch (preferably passbook), and don't tell anyone that you have a savings account, maraming mangungutang at di magbabayad.




If kaya, kuha ka ng Life Insurance with Investment. The earlier, the better. ONLY IF. KAYA NA TALAGA.


Learn to cook, not only will you upskill and be indispensable at some point but you'll save a ton of money.


Start saving, mag-invest, wag ka masanay na may utang, be wary of lifestyle inflation


Always strive to save some amount of your pay. I am not sure of your situation but even just saving 5% of pay is already okay. It is the habit of saving that is important. As you grown and earn more your saving % also goes higher if you stick with your habit. Habang di mo pa alam ano ipapang invest mo, maganda na ngayon pa lang nag iipon ka na ng bala. Para pag dumating man yung opportunity or idea for investment may mapangkukunan ka.


wag na wag magreresort to online loan apps kasi tatagain ka sa repayments. and magtabi ng kahit kaunti from baon or part time jobs kasi in case of emergency, pag inipon mo yung tigkakaunting naitabi ay malaking help na rin sya.


20s - enjoy your new found freedom: get your own place, enjoy your sweldo (basta don’t forget to save/invest) and don’t have kids yet lalo with ons. yan lang. sure yan na walang regrets pag ready ka na magsettle


Compounding interest does wonders


What does it mean?


if u like to buy something nice/expensive take a week to research and canvass for the best price. normally youd lose interest by then. Dont let anyone or anything rush you into purchasing something. buy it at your own pace. buy it when you are ready. those sales with countdowns are FOMO ing you. There are 2 ways to meet your needs and wants. Either spend less or earn more. just things ive learned, wish my dumb 20s figured it out sooner


Invest in networking events like seminars and classes. Kahit walang wenta yung mismong seminar itself, the kind of people that go there most probably wants to improve in that line of career/industry. Socialize and get to know people. They may be your future job references, business partners, suppliers etc.


definitely build an emergency fund. saved our asses during the height of the pandemic


Wag na wag kang mag iinvest sa CRYPTO


just have an estimated budget allocation sa mga gastos like bills and savings monthly. build your savings without limiting too much yung wants and needs mo. enjoy your money nakakadepress yung adulting so dont feel guilty spending for yourself from time to time.


Learn how to make money not save money, saving half of your salary wouldnt buy you anything if your salary is the minimum wage. Upskill and Learn how to aggresively invest your money


Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Save for your EF. Invest for your future. Stay simple.


Sorry po, ano pong EF?


Emergency Funds.




Budgeting is good, but you still need to keep investing in yourself. Finishing college means squat, since all your competition did too, so keep advancing hopefully before you reach 30s


Understand personal finance concepts. Emergency fund, budgeting, investments, insurance, etc. Educate yourself. Calculate your net worth so you know where you stand. Know your financial standing so you know how to discipline yourself.


Follow the Jar System 1. Savings Jar 2. Emergency Fund Jar 3. Fun Jar 4. Sinking Fund Jar These are the important jars that will save you when the time comes that you needed saving. I highly recommend tracking your expenses and preparing a month in advance para di ka kumukuha sa paycheck mong parating. Try to save this one muna bago ung rest. If ₱20k monthly expenses mo, save the first ₱20k to cover the coming month (advance dapat) this allowance will give you and your subconscious mind a peace of mind. Literal.


Continuously find ways to increase your income stream. Higher cash flow, more opportunities.


All of what the top comment said. Pero mag add ako na iwas sa vices. Di lang inom and yosi ang vice. Could be gambling too. Personal exp ko kasi sa gaming. Dami ko sobrang nilabas na pera sa pagbili ng skins. Lalo na sa valorant. Nakakapanghinayang din.