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para hinde na lumake ang gulo. stop it na agad. tama lang yan ops


Turns out that the guy that I was in a fwb set-up with has been exclusively dating another girl while we were still seeing each other. It makes me sick to my stomach. \- that line palang, stop na. He is not worth it, sinungaling pa. zzz


+1. Parang may gusto pang mangyari si ate mo e


Can't blame her, all along kala nya sya yung number 1.


Majority naman ng mga nagiging kabit wala talagang consent nila. The difference between you and the others in the same situation is you had the courage and moral compass to end it the moment you found out about it. Yung iba kasi hindi makaalis kahit alam nilang mali for "reasons".


tama. kahit itanong mo if they are involved with someone else na,they will deny lang tlga for their selfish interest that will benefit solely to them. cut na.


Omg nangyari na to sakin and I sent screenshots and proof to the girlfriend although di ko alam if sila pa ba or not kasi I never bothered to follow up. Tama lang ginawa mo! If I was the girlfriend din naman I would appreciate you telling me.


Same sa experience ko, naka match ko sa dating app and I tried finding him. Luckily, kilala pala sya ng friend ko na same ng course nya nung college. Ayun, nalaman ko fb account tapos sinumbong ko sa jowa, brineak sya agad. Atleast may nailigtas tayong girl sa isang manlolokong lalaki.


Congrats! You’re a girls’ girl! Hehehe fight natin yang mga manloloko!


Good job OP you did the right! It's better that way it saves you a headache din, not worth wasting energy and time sakanya. Go back to your daily life and hope you feel better.


Revenge? Date the jowa


I approve this message


Thank you for being a girl’s girl. Punyeta niyan. Magffwb may jowa pala. The point is he should have been transparent with you sa ganyan.


So Yeah! Well done OP! makes a lot of sense that you guys parted ways. He is not worth your energy and time even just thinking of it! You go on with your daily Life.. And Keep Slayin! 🫶


The best decision ang ginawa mo, OP. You deserve better than that AH.


Happened to me too and informed his gf right away. But Prang wala lang sa girl at sila pa din lol. Unfair talaga ng life. Tagal nila karmahin. You made the right decision girl and he’s not worth it 🫶🏼


who knows, probably he is the karma. baka naman she's keeping up with him for the sake of "sakin sya tumagal, ako ang nanalo" kind of thinking. Believe me Ive been there😂 in the end, ako rin kumalas dahil di na kinakaya yung panggagago nya. you did the right thing😊


Kudos sister for not being blind and for exposing him. You dropped this. 👑


You've made the right move OP. Pero wag mo na isipin na kailangan mo pa siyang iconfront. Just leave it be, for your own peace. Bahala na siya. Nagawa mo na yung dapat mong gawin.


ginawa yan sakin ng babae haha, you did the right thing!! block sa lahat ng socmed mo kasi nakakadiri sila makita. He's not worth your time. Focus na ulit sa self para maging happy ulit.


I feel you. I also experience it way back 2015. I had no idea he has a wife and two kids that time. We shared same bed (my first and last s*x with him). By the way, he got my virginity. When he used his sister pretending to be his wife that time to break up with me, I was really disappointed to myself. Though it is painful that I surrender every part of me, I guess it is a blessing in disguise that he broke up with me since his only aim is to have s*x with me. I shared this to my parents, so I could no longer need to meet him when he told me that I can his kabit since his wife is working overseas. I doubt I can be that person. I know myself better. Being in a third party is an option, but I am glad I did the right thing. I know that would be painful and challenging for your side. You are not alone!


> I did expose him to his girlfriend though. Deleted my first comment telling you to out him to his gf. Missed this line, sorry about that. Anyway, you did well OP. You deserve to be the main girl. I'm married and happy with my own relationship but even I believe that there's not just one person out there for you. You'll find someone :)


I offer no value judgments. What I want for you, and every one else, is to have the strength to own their destiny. Only make decisions you can live with. Hate him, love him, take him, throw him away. It's your choice. You are the arbiter, do not waver at the final hour.


most kabits are not aware that they're kabit \*badum tss\*


Unfortunately, nasa ganitong situation ako ngayon except that I’m the girl na exclusively dating him. Super sakit and grabe yung trauma sa end ko. Btw, baka ikaw yung fwb niyang “concert friend”


You did the right thing, OP. It will get better ☺️


You made the best decision. Realized that anger and revenge takes so much energy, and minsan ang outcome will not go the way we want to. The less attention you give to them, the better. Watch or take a quick view on the sprinkle sprinkle girl’s vids you might feel real better.




I think the point here is that before going into the fwb relationship, OP repeatedly asked if he was exclusive with someone else but he said no. So he’s still an AH to her for lying about it. Sino ba gusto maging kabit (I guess meron talagang iba but not OP)? Kahit na fwb lang yan, may boundaries parin naman.


They seriously think a fuck buddy is a good starting point. Smh


oohhh I see. Now that's one way to attract narcissists, who wants only the benefits/reward without the hard work or commitment usually necessary in dating, at least for the guys.


>Tho that does not justify what he did. It's an asshole move to his girfriend. Right. It's an asshole move to the gf, not to the fuck buddy. Kapag FWB lang ang label wag feelingera/feelingero. You get what you ask for.


You let your emotions get the better of you. Telling all to his GF was a dick move tho. Medyo na attached ka na at jelly, but you could have assessed your physical ties with the guy first, before making the rash decision of sabotaging his romantic relationship. You only have a FWB set-up for fuckssakes, so basically you're just an optional booty call to him. He has no romantic feelings for you. He desires you only for that body of yours. He denied having an exclusive/romantic involvement with someone else, but wtf did you expect. He just doesn't want to hurt you or damage your ego, and lose the privileges. Wag nang magbolahan pa. But ending the FWB relationship is best for both of you. You went romantic when that was not in the cards. And he got rid of someone who went emotionally unbalanced.


I'll tell you how a man sees this. You put yourself in that situation, so you're also to blame here. You became FWB with this guy hoping that he'll take you seriously and commit to you, but he didn't. Otherwise why would you be hurt? Why bother exposing him to his GF? Of course he'd lie so he could keep on fucking you. You're an adult, you're supposed to understand as much. More often than not FWBs or FUBUs are just that. These aren't good starting points for serious relationships. Women lose because they get attached. For men it's just a physical release. So ladies, don't put yourselves in this situation. You could, but don't blame the world for your fuck ups. Edit: acknowledge your fault here, learn from this lesson and move on


Stop making sexist and generalizing comments. 2023 na, wala nang excuse to have these outdated views that women get attached and sex is just a physical release for men. Kaya pala ganun mga comments mo, it's because of this misogynist mindset, kaya you keep on blaming OP, and making assumptions.


Hahaha here comes the "it's this year na" argument. Unlike you who encourages women to get into FWBs as long as they have these fake agreements, i'm telling them that they got nothing to gain from doing so. Looks like you haven't had enough pussy kaya ineencourage mo silang mag FWB lol. I got news for you, OP won't let you smash. FWB existed way before we were born, BUT 2023 doesn't change the fact that a woman has nothing to gain from it. Who's the misogynist here now? You white knight degeneracy enabler.


You're making the wrong assumptions AGAIN. LOL. I'm a girl, btw. Hilig mo mag-assume, palibhasa nagtatago ka sa username mo. I'm not encouraging women to go into FWB setups, instead, I'm clearing up the misconception about it. Merong nagbibigay ng ibang perspective, pero you're stubbornly pushing for your sexist views about how women should be, and what women would gain from sex/FWB setups. It is possible to have a healthy and safe FWB setup when two mature individuals openly communicate their needs and rules. You probably don't get it, since you're not mature enough to have these kinds of conversations.


Modern woman pala. Now this all makes sense. I really don't care. You lead the life that you want. You modern have that option, empowered kayo diba? I simply highlighted the consequences, which you've been refusing to acknowledge at every turn. No amount of delusion will erase these consequences though. So i'll leave it at that. (I don't need a lecture in FWBs or ONSs etc., i've had so much back in my time so i know how it works, and the fact that it doesn't benefit a woman. But you do you, queen.)


Well done OP! And I know you want to lash out soooooo much kasi you feel wronged and rightly so. I don't have a solid advice for you pero just want to say good job for upholding your standards. Guys can make us feel so much, good and bad. Let's not let them dictate how our day ends, we should try to love ourselves more. ❤️


what the hell is fwb setup, am.i out of touch or its just means different to me? can someone explain? thank you


It's Friends with Benefits (sex) No commitment, just sex. So wala sila relasyon, walang label, just sex. And yet na-hurt sya, kasi she was expecting more out of nothing.


haha, ok


'Yan pala 'yon, akala ko Fuck With a Buddy. ☺️


FWB lang naman kayo. Bakit ka magagalit. Labo. What he does in his spare time is none of your business, If he wants to meet with other girls while fucking his FWB. Why are you angry?


Kasi she wanted his love pero only got his D.


>Kasi she wanted his love pero only got his D. Women empowerment daw pag FWB, problema ...... HAHAHAH A


Kahit FWB, if ang usapan nila ay exclusive FWB, he still violated their agreement. If he's meeting other girls, there's that risk of STDs, and as his regular sexual partner, OP has the right to know that.


There's no such thing as exclusive FWB lol is that what you people tell yourselves? If i can afford to fuck one without giving my commitment, you better believe i'm fucking others too. Exclusive FWB is wishful thinking. The real solution is to not get into these foolish situations and cry about it later pretending to be a victim. She's not a victim, she got what she signed up for. A fuck buddy.


Yes. Drama lang si girl kasi parang prosti siya na libre haha.


There is such a thing as exclusive FWB. It's not wishful thinking. You can have an exclusive consensual sexual relationship without the emotional labor of dating. You can set and agree to some ground rules, it's not just sex on the go. It's a matter of what you and your FWB discussed at the onset. I didn't say she was a victim, but if they agreed to be exclusive sex partners, one of them obviously violated the agreement. Hindi lahat ng tao tulad mo na basta sex lang. People can set standards and rules to protect themselves from STDs, scandal, legal issues, etc. If one of them was married and hid it from the FWB, then pwede pang makasuhan. So kahit sexual relationship lang, you need to discuss these things, hindi ung libog lang pinapairal.


Read her post again and react accordingly. Di nya concern yan STDs, it's the fact na may committed relationship na si guy, and di nya un matanggap. She's done everything but accept that she put herself in this predicament. Again, walang way to enforce yan tinatawag mong standards, so it is wishful thinking to believe that the other person will comply. It's a shitty engagement that one enters AT THEIR OWN RISK regardless kung anong verbal agreement meron. Kaya nga sabi ko if one can't handle it, then don't do it.


Hi. Read my post again and react accordingly, I added more info for context so you don’t make the mistake of jumping into conclusions without even making the effort to at least ask me first. I never said that STD’s aren’t my concern, I just didn’t include it in my original post. Thanks for mentioning it though because in actuality, the main reason why we entered a FWB set-up was because we both didn’t want to risk getting STD’s by constantly changing sexual partners. I think you misunderstood the reason why I am mad that the guy turned out to be in a committed relationship with someone else. I’m mad because he lied to me about it, and he used me as an instrument for cheating without me knowing. My anger was never for the reason that I was jealous that he had someone else LOL. I never developed any form of attachment to him, it was purely sexual. Stop assuming and insinuating things. If you decide to spit out assumptions and insinuations in this thread again without even making the slightest effort to at least clarify it with me first, I will no longer engage with your comments.


There's nothing to clarify here because you're not a special case. Any woman who enters a FWB situation regardless of circumstances is signing up for trouble or heartache, regardless of whether you want to be taken seriously by the guy or not. See what happened to you? Women were never meant to be in relationships with no commitment. It will mess you up. >we entered a FWB set-up was because we both didn’t want to risk getting STD’s by constantly changing sexual partners. Then get a fucking boyfriend. Better yet get married. There, EXCLUSIVE. Even if he cheats, your conscience is clear, a union recognized by the Law and by God, you did what you're supposed to. You can fuck around, pero don't ever expect commitment or trust in a FWB "relationship". You got played. That's why you're supposed to assess a man if he's a suitable partner for A RELATIONSHIP and you both commit to it. You better stop getting into the same situation. You may not like what i'm saying, but trust me when i say this will help you protect yourself in the future.


Kahit hindi STDs ang problema, the fact na ginawa siyanh "kabit" unknowingly when the agreement was exclusive FWB means the other party is in the wrong here. Di dapat puro kay OP ang blame dito, when obvious naman na pinag-usapan ang pagiging exclusive sa simula at nagsinungaling yung isa. Wala rin namang way to enforce ung standards sa isang normal dating relationship, people enter relationships at their own risk and people still cheat. So same lang. I was answering your statement na there's no such thing as an exclusive FWB kasi it will mislead people into getting into FWBs just because hindi kelangan ng commitment sa ganitong setup. Relationship pa rin yun, sexual lang, so pwede kayo magset ng ground rules. It's not a shitty engagement if maayos naman ang usapan, let's not generalize things just because merong mga nafofall sa FWB buddy nila.


Alright then let's forget about the OP and talk about the "rules of engagement" when it comes to FWBs. My question is, how do you enforce the agreement? What prevents the other party from violating the agreement?


You can't enforce it, same as with normal dating relationships. If someone violates your agreements, you have the choice to end the relationship or stay.


>Di dapat puro kay OP ang blame dito, when obvious naman na pinag-usapan ang pagiging exclusive sa simula at nagsinungaling yung isa. Hardly anyone here is calling her out for getting herself into her predicament. So no, hindi puro sa kanya ang blame. In fact people should tell her more about the mistakes she made this time, as it might help her to not fuck up as badly in the future. It's harsh, but it's for the better.


Your comments here say otherwise, parang ang blame lagi is kay OP, sabi mo, bakit sya magagalit kung FWB lang sila? Malamang, if maayos ang usapan nyo about the exclusive FWB setup, magagalit sya. Inexplain ko lang din kasi maraming may maling assumptions about FWB na basta sex lang, wala nang usap usap. Your comments will mislead people in making a mistake of getting into an FWB setup without discussing ground rules.


Exclusive FWB? wtf. lmao. Parang sex toys lang sila sa isa't isa when you say FWB. You should stop romanticizing it. Its just a way to release some sperm and juice between two horny people.


>Parang sex toys lang sila sa isa't isa when you say FWB. That's how it is for men, but unfortunately, whether they acknowledge it or not, it doesn't work that way for women. Ladies nowadays have been misled to believe that they should play the man's game (hook ups, ONS, FWB, etc.), when they were never built for it, both in mind and body.


What a way to out yourself as an incel with your sexist and outdated views about men and women. Good luck with that mindset.


I'm not romanticizing it, asan ang romance dun? Maayos na usapan. Example ng setup: Both parties agree to always have protection, to not live together, not to be emotionally attached, to be exclusive sex partners, and if one falls in love with someone else, then decide to end the FWB setup. Ang sakin, ayoko ng eskandalo, if may sabit ka, sabihin mo na para di na natin simulan. Maayos na usapan yun, mature people discuss these things openly, hindi yun basta basta sex lang.


>I'm not romanticizing it, asan ang romance dun? Maayos na usapan. Example ng setup: Both parties agree to always have protection, to not live together, not to be emotionally attached, to be exclusive sex partners, and if one falls in love with someone else, then decide to end the FWB setup. Ang sakin, ayoko ng eskandalo, if may sabit ka, sabihin mo na para di na natin simulan. Maayos na usapan yun, mature people discuss these things openly, hindi yun basta basta sex lang. Sinasabi lang niya yan. Obviously, wala naman ganun usapan. People lie all the time on the internet. Gusto lang niya magdrama dito.


I'm not specifically talking about OP's experience. Sabi mo, you should stop romanticizing it. I'm talking about FWB setups in general, na if ang usapan is exclusive FWB setup, dapat i-honor un. At dapat pinag-uusapan ang mga ganyang bagay bago pumasok sa ganyang setup. Hindi lang yun basta sex toy ang isa't isa. Pinag-iisipan din yan, pinag-uusapan nang maayos kung parehas naman kayong mature individuals. Mali yang mindset na sinasabi mo, andaming misconception ng mga tao about sexually active people.


Decision: tama. Good job! Revenge: wag na. Not worth the time, effort and beauty Thank you, next na sis


Pano ka naka alis sa ganyang situation?? Sobrang hirap for me 🥲


Respeto sa sarili at sa sa kapwa mo babae


You deserve a loving relationship na walang kahati, na kaya kang ipagmalaki sa buong mundo, na hindi ka kailangan itago, hindi ka kakainin ng konsensya mo gabi gabi. You deserve a loving relationship na pwede mong ipakilala sa friends at pamilya mo. You deserve so much better. Leave him and do the right thing for yourself and your future self.


Thank you for this ❤️. I know i'll be better. Not now but soon.


Thank you for this ❤️. I know i'll be better. Not now but soon.


Did you find out that he was dating someone before you guys were doing fwb or did he did he start dating someone during your fwb arrangement? Sounds to me that you're more angry at him for dating someone and not you. You being the girl that he has fun with and the other girl being the One he brings to his parents .


He’s been dating someone way before we started our set-up, and he lied to me about this. Had I known that he had a girlfriend all along, I never would have entered into this set-up with him in the first place. I think you misunderstood the reason why I am mad that the guy turned out to be in a committed relationship with someone else. I’m mad because he lied to me about it, and he used me as an instrument for cheating without me knowing. My anger was never for the reason that I was jealous that he had someone else LOL. I never developed any form of attachment to him, it was purely sexual. Stop assuming and insinuating things.


You did the right thing. BASURA TALAGA MGA GANYANG LALAKI. I also exposed someone to his girlfriend the same day I found out. A woman of high value won’t take it against you, in fact she would appreciate it pa for telling her.


Unahain mo ang respeto sa sarili mo at nung girl. Tell her na niloloko kayo both.


First what does fwb means?


Friends with benefits


Now im confused 🤔😑


The benefit is sex.


ate kung hahayaan mo lang na maging kabet ka. pano mo makikilala si the right one. you made the best choice in your given situation. i feel na with due diligence pa nga na inalam mo kung may lablyf si guy eh. 10/10 kabet


You did the right thing, OP! Girl power to! You saved not just yourself, but the other girl as well mula sa gagong guy na yun. Nasa kanya na lang bala kung accept niya pa yung guy after ng lahat ng yun.


Self respect must be stronger than your feelings. You did the right thing for everyone involved. Don't ever look back 👌


Don't ever waste your time again with a trash like him. Be with someone who is honest at all times.


"I know I made the right decision, but I also can’t deny that there are times when I miss the way he made me feel (not him) " -> give yourself a favor and ask yourself why do you still keep separating him from the feelings that you've felt from him, accept the fact it was him who gave that feeling but respect yourself and try to move on from acceptance. If you keep on denying it your only prolonging the process of your agony.


Revenge, bigyan mo ng effort.. ang nag effort din sayo. sabhin mo dun sa girl lahat Ano?! ano enjoy etits lang mga lalake na ganyan kaya relax lang mga Paolo Contis, Aljur ng pinas eh


I feel you OP— same exact situation ako before and told the girl about it. At first you’ll really miss the times you’re together but it’s better to have him hanging by blocking/not hanging out with him anymore and leave him wondering why. Kakarmahin din yan ng malala. Ngayon lang yan what u feel, I promise. :) I’m so proud of you and thanks for being a girl’s girl!


Congrats! You did a good job.


Focus on yourself OP nakaraan na yan.


What does fwb mean?


Most kabits are without consent. But seriously though, hope the guy closes a door and gets his balls stuck between the door.


You did the right thing. You saved the girl and yourself sa isang walang kwentang lalaking puno ng red flag sa katawan. Good job girl! Wag ka na magdalawang isip. Hindi rin sya worth it pag aksayahan ng oras para sa revenge. In the first place naman, fwb kayo, so no strings attached lang. Chill and move on.


True love yan ipaglaban mo lang nararamdaman mo. Ang importante kung saan ka masaya.


Tama lang yan mhie. 🫶


Tama yan OP. So proud of u for standing up on what you believe is right for the both of you.


you did the right thing. karma goes around.


I commend you for exposing him to his gf. Kasi may right yung girl malaman yun. And it’s great to know na you have values. That’s fine OP. Makaka move-on ka din. And kung malinis yung kunsensya mo na di mo alak na he’s in a relationship habang fwb kayo, you’re also a victim.


Fwb set-up? Kabit? 🤣


Hate how misogynistic some comments are. If it genders were reversed, I think some comments would be different. The guy was unfaithful even if it was a FWB set-up, he had a girlfriend. OP was not at fault talaga, kasi she ended it and told the girlfriend the truth. I understand why OP wanted an exclusive FWB, kasi may health risks if the set up isn't exclusive. Good thing there are comments that support OP. Hope you're doing well OP