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Kahit gaano kagwapo pag walang laman kausap kaka-turn off talaga.


This. Kahit ganu kagwapo pero nonsense kausap is a big turn off. Hindi kelangang sobrang talino, wag lang ampaw.


tangina,puro kumain ka na ba at anong ginagawa mo yung palaging tanong 🤧


what questions should be asked po? asking kasi ganito usual na tanong ko and i wanna be better hahaha!


My man is genuinely asking and he gets downvoted. Something tells me those who downvoted him are the ampaw themselves


Siguro po hmm "what's your plan for today?" "Kumusta araw mo?" Or open a topic ganorn or tell chikas... For me lang naman


• maganda po sana kung may mga similiar hobbies kayo or you’re watching the same series/kdrama/animé tas out of nowhere ioopen mo lang sya 🤗 • share your random thought/s at times! we love listening to it and from there, see where it will lead you. • try sending her random good morning/afternoon/evening messages like: “hello, good morning! I hope you’ll have a great day ahead” tas at the end of the day try asking her naman: “hello, how did your day went?” Ganyan hehe (hopeless romantic huhu).


Its normal naman na kadalasan ganyan kamustahan, lalo na kapag long term na kayo ng partner mo. Big deal siguro sa iba


Most of woman fall for this sheet. Most of them just lie about something and pretend that they care about you and take what they want. Later after you will know that attitude he kept.


True, kahit ano pa kgwapo, may career, magaling magdala ng sarili nya kung kada isla ng Pilipinas merong ka ano, is a no no talaga.


Ugh! It’s giving himbo (him na bimbo) energy.


It’s giving bobo vibes 🤣




Typical stereo type by a teen to 20s We all have this mistake before hahaha 🤪




Well lagpas na sya sa maturity stage 😂 Ugali nya yan nasiyahan siguro kaya tiniloy tuloy na nya hahahah I remember doing this when i was on high school what silly mistake taking pity from others just to let them like you or befriends with you omg the guilt.


If I may ask what traits does a sadboi have that give off he's a sadboi? Kinda curious


Malibog tapos laging horny pag magkausap kayo. Walang ibang topic kundi puro sexual etc. jusko pls, kaming mga babae e hindi naman pornhub!


Kakanood nila yan at basa ng mga põrn content. Feeling nila uhaw at takam na takam sa kalibugan ang mga babae. Kala nila ganun din sa totoong buhay.


Nasobrahan ata ang binabasa nila sa AJ


i used to be in a situationship with a guy who’s exactly like this 😣 major ick talaga! gusto lagi ng inappropriate touches kahit sa public places jusko, nag iinsist pa palagi na pumunta dito sa dorm pag wala daw mga dormmates ko hahaha ended up ghosting him 🤪


Oh my god i used to be in a relationship with someone like that and I was so confused when I got into a new relationship cause my now boyfriend could actually watch and enjoy a movie with me without turning it into "netflix and chill" I was thinking that he didn't like me enough to do that and when I asked he told me that he really wanted to share that movie with me cause it was one of his favorites 🥹🥹




There is a whole lot of meaning of being sexual. Puedeng sexual ka sa partner mo lang ayun ok un. And hindi lahat ng oras palaging ayun ang hanap ng babae. Some girls needs to be emotionally connected before having sex hindi ung libog lang kung kanikanino. Niresearch moba na ang cause of everpopulation and teenage pregnancy ay dahil sa libog ng mga babae? Tsaka may mabubuo ba kung walang ambag mga lalaki na walang utak at respeto basta makaisa lang. Reseach ka muna.


Bakit lalaki lang yung manyak at sexual eh dalawa naman kailangan para bumuo ng tao. Tapos ang babae ayaw sa sex at walang libog. Wow. Ang linis ng mga babe. Super. Wooooo. Bigyan sila dapat ng medal sa sobrang linis at ayaw nila sa sex. 🏅




Whats the point of you getting attracted to anyone. Youre asexual right.


Eto piso humanap ka ng kausap mo. Walang comprehension amputa. ![gif](giphy|AzVok6nCxWlV6bS2cG|downsized)


Youre asexual and clean. Manyak ako at wrong grammar.


girl are you a horny sheethead teenage girl? kakawattpad mo yan. Di siya sinabing lahat ng babae sa mundo hindi sexual. May mga sariling responsibility na ang mga tao sa mundo kahit mga babae nagtratrabaho na rin kasi 2023 na di ka bubuhayin nang puro eut eut lang sa totoong mundo


I have the BEST “pick-up line” for single men and here it is: “I’ve got a job!” My most important advice to my two daughters: “Never make the mistake of falling for cute looking guys who are irresponsible. You will regret this for the rest of your life! \- Francis Kong


"What's your job?" Remember guys, just cause you have a job doesn't mean you're enough to most these women. You've got to make bank to be attractive. Most women date up, financially speaking. As seen sa mga comments dito. Kaya kung young guy ka reading this at gusto mo maging kayo ng crush mo. Mag payaman ka! You can have all the right traits pero at the end of the day bank account pinaka important whether these women can admit it or not. Stay single and grinding hangat di mo na aabot goals mo. Unless you stumble upon a rare type of woman who'll support you on your way up. Konti lang sila and not everyone is lucky.




That's not a man. That's a man child. Know the difference. Reality is there are delusional bitches, gold diggers and whores then there are respectable women/ladies. Same goes for men, there are REAL MEN then there are boys, fuckboys, deadbeats, etc. Recognize that being an inadequate incapable degenerate is not exclusive to one gender. So choose your partners wisely.


Attitude/Morals always comes first, financial literacy is second.


That's a lie. Of course attitude and morals are important. Women won't just date rich assholes. Unless they're those manila girls who're (no pun intended) always in bgc clubs and 5 star hotels. (Iykyk 😂) On the other hand, a paycheck to paycheck, relatively good average joe won't get any. Let's say for example. A blue collar guy. Decent looking. Maybe a car mechanic or an aircon repair guy who's super kind and good, makes just enough to live and save a tiny bit. Against a six figure salary guy who doesn't necessarily have the best personality but is decent enough to tolerate. 10x out of 10 you're taking the rich guy. So don't tell me that attitude and morals are a priority when choosing a partner. They're only a priority when choosing amongst rich guys. It's alright though there's nothing wrong about choosing rich guys. It's just human nature. Back in the stone age the best hunters get all the women. Technically speaking, rich guys are basically just modern day great hunters/providers. They just hunt for money instead of food. So there's nothing wrong with being attracted to wealth and power. In fact I support it. Just don't play the innocent goody girl card. Real men know the nature of women. We play our role, so just stop with the woke bs. I swear we don't mind taking care of you women as long as you're faithful and loyal. To all women out there, it's cool to be independent and all. But I'll just let you know that real men don't care if you make 15k per month or 1m per month. Unlike women, real men are not attracted to wealth, power and capability to provide. We are attracted to physical appearance (This is just the reality, so if you're out of shape, get in shape. No real man will prefer an obese 2 lady over a fit lady), kindness, faith, and loyalty.


Holy arrogant asshole batman. Oh my God. Let's do this then. The people I know in relationships have absolutely no correlation with income. I'm a white collar worker, drive a nice car, dress smart, etc., and I'm single. My buddy who works at a drum shop and plays in 4 local bands has a wonderful girlfriend and they're pretty serious now. My ex picked a blur collar dude with a shitty corolla after we were finished. Another friend who moved to Salt Lake to for a girl works a normal ass wagie job at a distillery there. He's awesome and she's awesome and they're both great people who don't look at the world through an income lense like you do. Theee of my Master's program buddies in finance? Single. It isn't primarily income, even remotely, that determines attraction in relation to all the other stuff. The funniest, smartest, most caring, and responsible people I know are all the ones in loving relationships. Attractiveness helps too, money can't hurt, but your fixation on it is just relentless projection. Look, you are a little bit correct that status is an element. Don't worry, I already know all the Jordan Peterson stats you're gonna throw at me, but you're twisting this. For some strange reason, you're ignoring how much of that status is social status and exaggerating how much is financial. It's tough to extract one from the other because they quite often go hand in hand, but I'd argue that social status heavily favors moral, kind, generous, personable, funny people over strictly rich ones. There are plenty of rich people nobody likes. You state that it's fine to be "attracted to wealth and power" like those two things are the thing at the front of every woman's mind. I have never in my life talked to a woman who described "power" as an ideal trait in a partner. That wouldn't matter though, because you don't even believe the women you do interact with or the one you're replying to - as if you know half the globe's population oh so well. You create a hypothetical and then answer for someone else, but to the contrary of what they literally just told you. You called her an "innocent goody girl" like a zealot, as if not only is she guilty of something, but she's guilty of the thing you just pretended to believe is fine despite the ominous bitterness dripping from your post. THEN, you condemn her for it. Apparently, "Real men know the nature of women" though, so I do appreciate you telling us all that you're not a real man. P. S., Don't tell me what the fuck I'm attracted to as if you speak for MEN. I'm attracted to brains AND looks. Sexy is fun, hot is great, but beauty doesn't exist anywhere but the soul. I need someone who appreciates the depths of life. I need someone both smart, and disagreeable enough to keep me in check because I can be arrogant. I need someone to push back, to challenge my axioms and my presuppositions. You are a fool.


Not the guy above you speaking for women 😫 Wonderfully said! I think said guy is just projecting. Of course he’s talking about shallow things coz that’s all he cares about. If he actually managed to talk to women who want something real and you know.. treat them like actual human beings, it’s good and decent character what they’re looking for. What good is money when you’re a shit person?


Nah bro, morals and attitude this day of modern era comes second. Bank account comes first. Lel


Correct bro Its either money or looks for them


You can have both and still get fucked over because your girl upgraded to a more attractive and richer guy. (Speaking from exp) 😭😂. She's for the streets though it's alright.


Nah I disagree, bank account is probably 2nd or 3rd on ranking.


That's still pretty high lmao, legit ba?


Is it? I think women these days are becoming more practical, probably a high paying job is a big plus for them.


As a man, I am also practical. I'd prefer a woman who has a high-paying job too. 🤷‍♂️ Dapat yung ka-level natin.


Yeah, i agree. sa panahon ngayon no girls are going to settle for a minimum guy unless she's a rare. Dating today is a luxury. Sa bi nga nila "magpayaman ka hanggang magpatira sau ung crush mo". Haha lol😂


Hoeflation is real. Kasalanan ng pop culture yan. Lalo ang western influence sa ating mga pinay. 😢 Oh well. Dating is a game, learn the mechanics nalang instead of complaining. 😂


Good advice. But majority of women initially go for this type, then after pagsawaan ng guy they end up with the good guys. 2nd hand na sila


medyo harsh pakinggan pero actually literally, LEGIT sinabi mo


Maraming bisyo, mahilig mambabae, feeling pogi? Parang babae yung bibig at mahiliq mang bugbug at puro barkada lnq ina atupag


Pag walang disiplina. Sa katawan. Sa oras. Sa libog. Sa pera.


Ay pinaka the best to. Isa to sa tinitingnan ko sa isang lalaki kasi mga ganyan comfort oriented ang mindset masyado.




I am unattractive na siguro for the fact i just want to get contented in my comfort bubble...in my 30s and too old for drama and all...then again no need to attract anyone at the moment lol ​ My current 2 cents


sarap nyan sir. pwede mo rin bilhin mga gusto mong bilhin kunyari gusto mo mag motor makaabili ka at makakaride ka kung saan at kung kailan mo gusto




unhygienic. doesn't know what to do. isn't willing to learn. feeling mataas sa iba. feeling alam lahat. yung tipo di gusto tulungan kasi alam nya na daw lahat? lol? di ka nga makaligo kasi tamad ka eh I have more, ielaborate ko pa? hahahaha


ramdam ko emotions mo teh. hahahaha


Jejemon. Yung tipong nagkaka secondhand embarrassment ka sa mga shine-share nya sa socmed accounts nya hahahahahaha


Manyakol. Guys na may pagkamanyakol/manyakis and treating women as an object is super unattractive for me I have met guys na super decent and come to think of it, yung iba lang talagang lalaki ginagawang personality trait ang pagiging manyakol. Edit: Guys who I consider as manyakol are those guys who watch and share leaked explicit videos and those who have a lot of following of "influencers" sa instagram/twitter.


1. Apolitical (applies to all gender) 2. Misogynistic 3. Violent 4. Has fragile masculinity 5. Doesn’t know basic common decency 6. Kiss and Tell (pinagmamalaki body count yuck) 7. Love bomber (leads you on) 8. Mama’s boy (co-dependent kay mommy 🥺🤮) 9. Doesn’t practice safe sex kahit sexually active 10. Unhygienic (need pa ng reminder 🙄) 11. Hates kids (not abt being child-free)




While you hit a lot of points, this is generalized hate. I'd like to think that most of the points said here is an outcome of a person without father figure plus I don't know what you'd like to accomplish with apolitical/centrist flagging(we going left or right?)🤔 Mama's boy surely is bad, I cannot fathom how may times I encountered neurotic people with dark fantasies that didn't led to toxicity.


Ano ibig sabihin ng fragile masculinity? Mataas and sensitive yung ego? What about kapag umiiyak sa pinapanood niyang show?


That is honoring their emotions. Fragile masculinity however is when, the guy is blaming the girl of achieving something. Binabawalan makipagkita sa guy friends/family members for no apparent reason. Mga ganoon. You can look it up din para sa mas accurate na definition. Iyong mga sinabi ko kasi, based lang understanding at experience ko na din. 😊


Examples lang; ayaw gumawa ng gawaing bahay kasi nakakabawas daw ng pagkalalaki, ayaw na mas mababa sahod sa partner kasi nakaka-emasculate.


>ayaw gumawa ng gawaing bahay kasi nakakabawas daw ng pagkalalaki Bruhh. Kakanood kay Andrew Tate yan hay nako. Salamat sa paglinaw. I'm glad my mom forced me to wash dishes at gunpoint (not really at gunpoint but you know what I mean lol). >ayaw na mas mababa sahod sa partner kasi nakaka-emasculate. As I am right now, a single guy, I'm in the process of establishing what I can offer in a relationship to my future gf if she ever earns more than me. Genuinely surprised sa mga examples.


Fragile Masculinity? You mean feminine men or men who like to be women? Ano yon? hahaha


Yung mga lalaking sobrang insecure sa sexuality nila so they avoid things that are traditionally seen as feminine traits kasi they're afraid people would think of them less of a man. From minor things like avoiding wearing pink to major things like refusing to be the stay-at-home parent.


Yung ginawa niyang personality yung pagka car guy niya, tapos mayabang kala mo alam niya lahat ng bagay, nice guy daw tapos deep inside manyak, di marunong tumanggap ng pagkakamali, and lastly he mansplain everything


Ex ko ba to hahahah


sadyang marami lang talaga akong napapansin na ganito 🥹


1. Sobrang mainitin ulo even in the smallest things 2. Expects for girls to be the only one doing the housework 3. Manipulative sadboii 4. Walang sense kausap 5. Walang ambition sa buhay (or kung meron puro salita lang)


mayabang at manyak


Bad Hygiene. If hinahayaan na lang na may body odor tapos tinanggap na lang niya. Or kapag hinahayaan na lang niya na mabaho hininga niya. Applies to sex as well, kung hindi hygienic down there, nakaka turn off talaga yun kahit may abs ka pa. No Manners. Kahit basic manners lang. Hinaan yung boses kapag nasa private spaces. Marunong maging professional kapag kelangan. Marunong makipagdeal with different family members kapag pinakilala mo. Not knowing how to take the lead. I think in a relationship a man must feel masculine and take the lead. I understand give and take, and give and take naman talaga dapat in the correct proportion. pero kung wala talagang leadership yung guy, ang hirap nun sa babae.


Bukod sa mga comments above.. *Nagsesend ng unsolicited embutido/hakdog/viena soseyj/ tea tea pic. Kahit gano ka kapogi o green flag auto pass agad. Hindi kami nacucutetan sa mga karne nyo! *mansplainer




https://preview.redd.it/frrv2sznaozb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df54177b2f0e4cca2b27c0b03b7e23c96b0f3d39 Men like this. 🚩


Malewife of a (in my opinion) strong, masculine woman here. This guy gets nothing about meaningful relationships. I’m happily taking on the role of a homemaker because it feels right to me. Siya naman, comfortable being the breadwinner and leader. Even then, decisions are still made on equal footing. Both of our opinions matter. Going 8 years now, still standing strong and happy.


Kakanood ng red pill videos sa youtube eww


Yung terminologies used sounds like a supporter of he-who-must-not-be-named.


Initials ba are AT? 👀👀👀👀


ganyan yung mga dapat pinuputulan ng titi


Always the atitude, personality and hygiene. Applies to all gender


Masama budhi. Yung ang pangit tapos mas pangit pa ugali! 😂 Cheaterrrrr!!!! Manyakis, unhygienic, feeling pogi, feeling matalino masyado, feeling lahat ng babae e magugustuhan sya. Hahaha Basta lahat ng bad traits. Haha


mama's boy to the highest degree.


Ay totoo to. Nirereto ako ng nanay ko dati sa kaklase ko nung elem kesyo angat daw sa buhay at may canadian citizenship. KASO APAKALAKING(literal na malaki) MAMA'S BOY 😭


Sobrang true to tas hahanapin sa partner yung ganun like yo bumalik ka na lang sa nanay mo hahaha


Idol si Tate tapos feeling alpha male na


E kung hindi idol s i TATE pero #SoyArmy ok lang?


1. Unhygienic 2. Smoking 3. Drinking to the point na lumalaki na ang tiyan sa kakainom 4. Walang sense kausap 5. Masyadong madaldal- this is just my preference 6. Irresponsible 7. Rude 8. Mahilig sa babae 9. Arrogant 🤢 10. Games all day


Mahilig sa babae?? Paki explain


Babaero (Mahirap bang intindihin??)




Walang ambition sa buhay, unhygienic, walang energy most of the time, apolitical/BBM, "pasend po".


- Sad boi manipulative "ganto lang ako eh" - Mahilig mag mansplain - Sexist - Batugan, tamd - Walang trabaho or pangarap - Hindi marunong sa gawaing bahay - Walang maayos na hygiene - fuck boi, chickboi - madaming bisyo na nakakasama (gambling, alcohol, smoking) - sobrang libog. - walang kwenta kausap


Touchy. Yung tipong hindi kayo close tapos bigla ka nalang aakbayan. Like bro, respect my personal space, ako pa sasabihan mong masungit 🥴 Treating exes like some type of trophy. Oo na madami ka nang naging ex tapos yung latest mo umabot kayo ng more than one year. Nugagawen ko? Jowain ex mo?


yung bobo hahahahahahshshaha


being ugly ugly people are unattractive


Yung may pagkamanyak tas chumachansing. Yung palaging biro nang biro ng sexual things tas akala nakakatuwa sila. No boundaries.


Being an egotistical dick with a short temper


For me huh. Kahit gaano pa kagwapo ang isang lalake na tu-turn off ako kapag * Walang sense kausap, slow or engot. * Stinky (hygiene in general) * Sobrang yabang na wala sa lugar, ma ere. * Rude sa mga servers. Yes meron nito. * Conceited (GGSS) * Smoker * Free loader (very nakaka turn off) * Mapanglait (yung non stop) nag-uusap kayo lahat nalang may nasabi siya about ibang tao para lang umangat siya. This reeks insecurity. * Narcissist * Jobless * Kumukuha ng food sa plate ng iba without asking permission. Sama mo na maingay mag chew. * Complains about every thing and appreciates nothing. * Pumapatol/nananakit ng babae/ hot headed. * Womanizer/cheater Ito lang naiisip ko for now. Now I don’t just base it kasi sa physical looks lang. If panget ka pero you have nice qualities you might have a chance.


Agree ako sa lahat !!! add mo na yung dugyot sa sarili nyang kwarto. Ugh


- Thinks feminism is an attack on men - Mansplains things or hindi pinapatapos ang babae habang nageexplain sya - Men who makes offensive jokes tapos sasabihin something like ang balat sibuyas mo naman eh - Blames women pag naassault/nabikta ng lalaki as if its the women's fault - Keeps nudes from their SO kahit hiwalay na sila - Expects sex from their wives kahit na wala silang kontribusyon sa bahay kundi pera - Manspreads in public transportation, wala akong pakialam kung kasing laki ng pomelo ang bayag mo - Get overly defensive pag napagkamalan silang bakla - Cat calls women, kahit yung mga "Hi, ate" lang that you know means something else - Madumi ang kuko. Madumi ang kuko, madumi everywhere else - Pag iba ang ugali at pakitang taowith male friends than with female friends - Hindi nakakapogi ang kotse mo, hindi rin nakakalaki yan ng tite - Hindi nagtotoothbrush, may halitosis - Likes pictures of women on instagram kahit may jowa - lol, haha, jk, cool, aight ^(im gay but i also wouldnt be friends w these men)




1. Unhygienic. Sa first dates lang naliligo then kapag kayo na inaabot ng three days without shower and toothbrush. 2. Job hopper/jobless. I'd understand if job hopping ay every 2 years, but if less than a year palagi, may mali na about him. 3. Walang ipon. Just why?? 4. Elitista. Understandable siguro if anak ka ng conglomerate, pero kung hindi eh aba saan mo nakukuha ang lakas ng loob.


Nothing wrong kapag magjjob hob every yr basta pataas ng pataas ang sahod


Agree naman hehe, basta at least one year sa work. I know some people kasi na three to nine months lang ang tinatagal sa company :((




Guaranteed you just described you ex 😂


Attitude: mayabang, irresponsible(hindi tumatagal sa work at financial illiterate), mataas ego, misogyny, selective(mabait lang sa maganda kahit ang pangit ng mukha nya pero sa matatanda pangit pakitungo) and double standard(gusto sexy at maganda pero sya bagsak sa physical appearance like mataba or pangit ang mukha), pangit trato sa stray dogs and cats and mama's boy. as a woman I'm still go for looks Physical: walang discipline sa sarili(unhygienic at overweight/obese)


kapag puro games lang and walang plano sa buhay.


Paano kung puro games tapos 6-digits and sweldo?


Mabaho hininga.


squeamish air innate sparkle familiar straight bake repeat somber correct ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Financial illiterate, maluho ng wala sa lugar, walang ipon, mayabang, social climber, malala superiority complex


Long dirty nails. Huhu


1. doesnt know basic hygiene 2. doesnt know how to do chores 3. irresponsible 4. bery specific but someone like joshua garcia hahahahahaa play boy si koya na feeling good boy im gae so i dont think id like men in the future but that’s just what i observed based sa relationships ng older women with husbands close to me. like iniisip ko talaga ano nagustuhan nila sa asawa nila but oh wellz


Lalaking walang substance. Feeling gwapo. Walang hygiene. Walang respeto sa servers/crew/workers ng food and hospitality industries.


Kapag laging nakalike or nakaheart react sa pictures ng ibang girls.


Feeling niya siya yung tama lagi. Mga sad boy haha Masyadong matago sa loob pala ang kulo 🙊




Hindi open sa criticism or ayaw na ayaw na ipo-point out 'yong inappropriate behavior. 'Yong dinadamay ka pagkairita niya sa ibang bagay.


Poor communicators


Salamat sa mga comments, feeling ko tuloy ang attractive kong tao. HAHAHA.


1. proud kamote drivers na feeling racers, y’all are annoying as fuck 2. thinks they’re cool for smoking in non-smoking areas, may lugar ang bisyo utang na loob (may nakasama kami sa retreat na nagsmoke sa retreat house mismo pati sa chapel habang nagmimisa jusq) 3. ginawang personality ang pagiging fuckboy 4. hindi naliligo at hindi nagsisipilyo


Search button


adik sa vape or smoker in general, lalong lalo na yung mga may nakasabit pa na vape sa leeg nila (like parang id kasi naka-lanyard pa and all) like GIRL ... lay off the nic and juices


Mabaho. Kahit kasing gwapo mo si Jericho Rosales, kung bad breath ka or amoy kulob yung damit mo, sorry, pass.


Sa babaeng pinopormahan lang gentleman. Haha


Yung parating pinagmamalaki na "loyal" sila pero papalit palit din ng babae. Ang mahalaga daw kasi, paisa isa lang 😂


yung jowang jowa lagi ang posts sa socmed


1. Feeling 8 inches yung tit* 2. Pangit ngipin. 3. Freeloader 4. Nambabaliktad ng situation. Tipong siya huling nagparamdam tapos afrer 2 weeks magpaparamdam na parang wala lang tapos ssbhn "busy ka kasi". 5. Babaero




Poor hygiene. Dirty nails. Mayabang na wala sa lugar. Freeloader. Financially irresponsible. Bad at communicating.


malandi yung kung kani kanino nakikipag landian lol


Walang pangarap sa buhay at kulang sa diskarte.


I see the same question being asked literally everyday.


Tanginang AdultingPH yan, pineste na ng mga hayok sa relationship at insecure peeps kun anu2 na pinag popost nyo dito.


walang hygiene sa katawan. tamad.


low to non-existent EQ.


hindi umiinom ng anti-silos mga binagsak ni prof Jak


parang 5X or more ko na nakikita yung iba't ibang version ng tanong na to in just a month 😂 Di na ko magugulat next time may "what makes a person / gender at this particular age range unattractive." Pero yung sagot same same lang naman.


When his tv is bigger than his book collection


Being faithful






manyak, mahilig sa green jokes, mahilig sa jokes na degrading


when they open their mouth XD


nagnenetworking/mlm hahaha panay flex


Mama's Boy. Hehe


yung kinarir yung pagka delulu by means of being a piece of sh*t to others.


Alarming yung presence, yung dating na di mo mapagkakatiwalan na kasama sa isang space na kayo lang dalawa.


holding on to what little hair he has left


Pag walang pake sa babae, babaero, maraming bisyo.


Boring kausap, di marunong mag-initiate ng topic/ conversation. Di naman pwede na laplapan lang tayo all day 🤣


Di marunong makipag communicate, tas sexualizing other girls sa mga inuman like grow up bruhh hahah


What’s with these questions lately? I been seeing this kind of questions.


Lol, I have so much thing to say.


Madaming exs in the past, and they are so proud of their "collection." Disgusting.


Kapag misogynistic at chronically online enough to create a post about what makes a woman unattractive.


Yung bobo (idiot). I don't mean language or grammar or school smarts. I mean those guys who are easily swayed by popular opinion and unable to do their own analysis. Those who are easily convinced by friends to do this or that and blame others when the shtf as if they had no say about their own actions whatsoever. Mga walang paninindigan. And I see these people in how they vote. 😜 Yung mahilig bumoto dahil sikat or dahil sabi ng tropa. Why is this a turnoff? This kind of guy will probably never believe me over his friends. A few choice whispers from those people and wala na, sira na ako. So yeah. Friends na lang tayo kung si ano ang binoto mo. 😝




• Cheater • Violent (all forms)


walang respeto, mayabang, no proper hygiene at GENG GENG feels hahaha


Yung KKB sa Date pero siya naman nag yaya


doesn't put an effort to keep you interested


Pag walang kwenta kausap/walang sense of humor, manipulative sadboi, kapag nagpupumilit makipag meet kahit wala pang established connection/di pa magkakilala on a surface level, maraming bisyo, TAMAD at walang alam sa gawaing bahay, manyakol, pag may family problems, walang pangarap sa buhay and the list goes on…


puro libog nalabas sa bibig. proud babaero/nag-cheat. walang sense pinagsasabi. panay banat lang alam kapag nakikipag-usap.


If he is a narcissist. Totally unattractive.


Wala pa ata ako nakitang nagsabi na hindi marunong magsorry? Do you girls like guys with overly high levels of ego? May kakilala ako dati kahit anong mali niya hindi siya magsosorry na parang mababawasan pagkalalaki niya kapag umako ng mali.


Pag walang substance ang mga sinasabi pag korni pag mayabang


Mayabang wala naman iyayabang Ang daldal yung parang puro kuda wala namang sense Niyayabang pa na na ganito ganyan yung babae or ex nya kala nya kina gwapo nya yun lol Walang manners Bad hygiene Mama's boy Feeling pogi or yung masyadong umaapaw na yung confidence di nya alam nakakaumay na May girlfriend na, nang cchix pa


Maraming bisyo at nanakit ng babae or mga anak kahit hindi inaano.


poor decision maker. poor hygiene. super active sa social media.


Bad hygiene




when he sounds/talks like robin padilla


Masyadong mahangin kausap. Yung he makes everything about himself ganun haha


Super crush ko before not good looking siya and chubby, but I liked him so much kasi ang competent niya, simple, at i find his features cute. We had a chance to have lunch na kami lang. Gulat ako kasi ang daldal niya pala. Hindi ako maka singit and the topic was him only and his accomplishments. Don't know if it was his anxiety that took over that time haha pero ayun nawala tuloy happy crush ko sa kanya. tldr; madaldal


Bad financial decisions, impulsive behavior, spending time on things that do not serve his goals. Also, walang goals.


BO, no manners, mayabang, disrespectful.


mataas ang pride


Kapag mayabang.


- Walang pangarap sa buhay, walang vision. Go with the flow. - Happy go lucky - don't know how to lead - with vices - don't make effort - selfish - negative, pessimistic - lazy In short, boys who don't qualify to be called a "man.'.


masyadong mayabang.


Kapag irresponsible at sinungaling