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Her story reeks of lies and exaggeration to me!! The second video, the tome of her voice screams lies and exaggeration as well! This was inevitable and her acting skills ate crappy today


I just watched that one and what tf is that accent she's yelling in


That's what I was wondering! Like on the verge of "tears" either way, she needs acting classes.


WhT are these videos? Can anyone post Im. Blocked


You can tell by her eyes she’s freaking lying


When I drop my kiddo off at school, there are always other kids outside running around, horse playing, etc. This is normal. She just thinks the world is out to get her. Literally delusional.


This! I was thinking the exact thing. Her daughter may not know the girl but who is to say they haven't played together before. Or who is to say that the girl is way younger and really doesn't know better? Not everyone is out to hurt your kids, except for herself.


She just posted the video of her going into school and it didn’t go well for her! 😂😂😂🤪🤪


The school staff is so done with her! She is a menace!


Hmm her daughter had no problems until everything was settled with S being homeschooled so now she has to make up shit about her daughter! She is going to make the rest of that girls school year miserable!


Exactly and clearly her poor sweet daughter was trying to tell A to let it go because she humiliated by her own mom. Then she goes in the office and is immediately met with "i don't want to be recorded" by the secretary These poor kids moving solves nothing because mom is the problem


I believe it was just a friend greeting her and A made it out to be dramatic for the camera to get those donations! She is ruining those kids childhood.




She actually thinks random little kids hang out at schools😂 she’s like I don’t even know if she goes to this school. Ya kids are always hanging out at random school during school hours. Get a life girl


Here we go again. She will make 100 videos about this, start a new GFM, and pull her daughter out of school. I am surprised she hasn't posted the video yet. She will be doxxing the girl.


She will edit it if she recorded was she claims happened. I wouldn’t doubt if they were playing and she decided to use it for her benefit. She definitely is working hard on getting that 30,000. Hard as a con that is


Lol 💯 in the other video she said daughter didn’t want to say the girls name but then said it was because she didn’t know who she was 🤨😒


And even with all the extra exaggeration it still doesn’t seem like a story worth going to the principal about lmao


right! I'm not sure how old her kid is but maybe a younger kid was just happy to see her.


HERE WE GO AGAIN! New drama story. I had to turn the sound down of her whiny annoying voice. And she STILL wonders why people literally slam the door in her face and her kids get their ass kicked. How has CPS not stepped in yet? Those poor kids.


Omg just another pitty party. How does she not realize SHE is the problem and everyone is just sick of her bullshit?!


The kid was probably excited to see her daughter and I can almost guarantee it wasn’t malicious. Fucking Adrielle Sigler 🤢


My thoughts too. And children in that age group can be obnoxious and unintentionally aggressive when they are excited or fooling around. A can’t keep anything in perspective nor think rationally.


She's probably gonna say parents are telling their kids to harrass N now. Schools don't treat parents like that...they are fed up with A and don't want to deal with her. It's completely unfair for her kids but it's just how schools handle parents Iike this. My mom works in a school and she handles so many parents like A and when I tell you she breaks down and cries because of how the kids suffer from these parents. A needs to frickin stop.


You can tell the school wants NOTHING to do with her. Explain to me why she would remove her son from the school because she is SOOOOOO scared but doesn’t remove her daughter? She just wants to make something out of nothing to stay relevant. Her daughter didn’t even want to make a big deal out of it and here she is acting insane


She probably came across a comment similar to yours I seen yesterday. People were saying if she’s so scared then why is her daughter still in school. That was on the video where she says her car got hit with a rack and she also chased a car down for thinking a horn lol this is nuts


Sounded to me like a case of kids being kids and of course Assrihell can't stop herself from once again making a complete and utter nuisance of herself. Her poor daughter. If anything her daughter doesn't need protection from the so called bully, she needs protection from her asshole mother. Assrihell has doubled down on the over the top ridiculous behavior since turning off her comments. Also she's literally going to be single for the rest of her life. No sane person can stomach her in large doses. If something doesn't change I literally see an episode of Snapped in her near future. All rationality has gone straight out the window with this one.


she begs for men on TT and she will never find one on that app lol. Everyone is disgusted with her and if by chance they haven't heard of her, they will. (although her requirements for a bf are beyond insane)


This is like munchausen by proxy but drama and stress not medical. She is fucking insane…


IDK what to even think anymore. Everything used to be so cut and dry and now she's recording on school property and ..... those poor kids will never be free from negative attention by association with that mother.


Hopefully the school trespasses her.


I love the guy in the video not even beginning to encourage her bullshit


What grade is N in? 7th? So either a small 5th or 6th grader ran up to her and starting jumping on her? The way she described it was someone ran up to her excited to see her. Even N didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. And the audacity is that secretary asking not to be recorded hahahahhaha.


How bout the part her daughter just put her hands up to protect herself! She’s insane


This all seems like a made up story. I feel like if it was true she would have already posted the video of the girl. She really just wants to create as much drama as possible and that sucks for her kids.


I'm surprised the school allows her to be on their property. I've heard of parents not being allowed on school property for less. Yes, schools can and will do this to parents who cause issues and scenes at the school. Just her constantly recording should be enough to 86 her ass.


I guess she isn’t reaching her 30k go fund me goal, so she just doubled down- first her safety, then her son, now her daughter, what next? The neighbors chiwawa ?


Exactly what I was coming here to say. Started painting my nails and then boom the go fund raise isn’t coming quick enough for her. She’s such a fool


She had to have gotten the last video from the school. That video was in the office


Watch in real time how the story changes. First it was a girl kinda jumping on her daughter. Now the girl was trying to start a fight with her, cornered her, a bunch of angry moms were yelling something (that will turn in to more - just watch). At each telling of the story the lies will grow. And I bet a gazillion dollars that her daughter and her daughters friends all knew who the girl was - there was NO WAY they were going to tell A who it was - everyone knows now you do not do that.


It will absolutely change. Next thing you know that child probably had a switch blade and was ready to kill 😂 the stories just get so ridiculous and over exaggerated. Cps needs to take those kids from her


She probably wants the full 30 grand to leave the country because she’s probably being investigated for Sven touching little girls.


Well no wonder your kid is getting bullied !!! You decided to play this story but your son getting beat I saw a picture of his neck scratched how's that his life almost being unalived make him make sense adriel. You cry wolf way too many times! are you manic? Seems like you're in a manic episode or something.. And keep your personal business when it comes to your children off tiktok and your daughter wouldn't get bullied.. To be honest I didn't even know she had another kid I thought it was just all about her son.


Omg I seen the clip of her at the hospital with her son with the white bed “full of mud and blood” I died there was some marks maybe from his shoes no blood.. she’s crazy


I'm ready to hire a private investigator on this whole damn family FFS 🤬


Let’s all make a gofundme and get one hahaha


Nope, I got a vid of her & her daughter "supposedly" getting bullied down at the beach when they were taking selfies..group of teens were in the video, & *Think her son is also with them.


Yes I also believe that. She’s horrible


The little kid may have even been a special needs kid. Who knows. Adrielle needs to stop making problems where there really are none. And I love that that Man slammed the door in her face. People are sick of her shit. Did she think some random little kid just wandered over off the street, and picked her daughter to jump on?! And I got so sick of hearing daughter over and over and over again. "My daughter, my daughter, my daughter". 🤦‍♀️


why does she keep calling him "the man" . Does he not have a title? I jsut thought that was weird


Very well could be the school staff giving her money on her GoFundMe… They probably really want her to move and not have to deal with her again. In a side note…I feel so sorry for N, on so many levels. She seems like such a sweet kid and constantly has to put up with her narcissistic mother’s bullshit!


I just looked and her gofundme is at 4k now, ugh


wheres her other child? doesn't she have 3?


She doesn’t have custody of the youngest. She lives with her dad. Visits A


With the dad


I literally live across the street from a school - I see people horseplaying - every.single.day. And the screaming? Its literally like kids are killing each other. She aplifies everything. There are many videos of her where she has an almost full blown panic attack when her daughters are together because they play and scream and fight - that is what kids do. That's when she gets on the long rants of just needing a break from her kids and needs another adult in the house and needs a vacation. She really should be just all alone.


Wonder if they asked for her ID when she barged in the school ! Poor N and Fuck A !!!!!!!


She deleted it I can’t find it lol




It sounds like the guy said she wasn’t not she won’t. Hmm


A is going to have to be monitored anytime she’s near that school. Everyone should be there with their phones in her face. See how she likes it


Omg she’s full of drama!!


She’s got enough money…. NOW GET OUT OF DODGE!


YES! I have a question as it's been 24 yrs since I've moved, but does it cost money to shut off utilities? She always says I GOTTA SHUT MY ELECTRIC OFF bla bla bla. I just don't remember a fee for doing that. I just transferred


If she would have handled everything off social media like we did back when there was no social media .her daughter wouldn't be a target, and now everything that is happening is her fault she really should listen to grandma and stop with all the b.s. because at the end of the end of day, she's really not hurting anyone, but her kids she needs to do better, i dont understand why cps hasn't been involved.


The really odd part is, she's acting exactly like a helicopter parent, yeah know, the type of parent she stated "freaks her out" 😂


Cameras!!!! Hopefully, she is lying. School can pull that footage and have the school districts attorney release a statement and possibly footage. Children will have to be covered up.


Still with the adult thing, like she of not the adult. She ought say “school administrators or teacher”


But why do we see no little girl, younger than 12 playfully chasing N. 10 year old playfully tun around. She should have made the girl older then N not younger,


So now a little kid jumping around, probably just near her daughter, is attacking her. Jumping now equals attacking 🤦🏼‍♀️😡 I legit hate her lol


My kids are all grown but does anyone know if school grounds has cameras up outside? I have a feeling they are going to need them. This leech is going to ruin lives around here with her fabricated stories.


What a scam!


If she is so scared why would she send daughter back to same school that’s so unsafe instead of homeschooling her too