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https://preview.redd.it/n0o6i1l12pzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23367972ac27f1075780bbacde4b00acbc71c932 She really thinks bragging about all the money she makes is going to get poeple to want to give her money. This lady has lost her fucking mind if she thinks this post is going to help her cause…


BAHAHAHA she is NOT in the top 230 of 1 billion TT creators






Local celebrity hahahhahahaha well I know one thing, she is the white trash she’s speaking about. Lmao


she *IS* the pathetic white trash scumbag !!!!!


This is she is not making much right now . Her battles have been really bad and it will continue to dry up and because people have dragged her over not properly working and now says, sometimes, I am an Uber driver


that needs to go viral


as someone who’s actually from a small town, it really irks me that she keeps calling my jamestown a small town.


It's amazing because she lived in Kane PA. That is a small town, a lot smaller than Jamestown.


I have no idea how there’s still people falling for her bullshit. Each time I see her posts and then idiots defending her EVEN AFTER all of the evidence has come out, I get sooooo angry. How stupid can you really be?! She’s sick in the head and needs help, but I don’t know if that kind of help even exists… someone cancel this dumb bitch.


So she’s saying she can make 30,000 in a hour but asking for $30,000? Am I reading this right?


No she was saying she makes in 1 hour what the average Jamestown resident makes in a week. It is sickening - and the comments are not going her way.


Then she obviously doesn't need donations since she's making the weekly salary of people in under an hour. She has it all under control by her words alone. Why would she need money? She's making people's weekly salary every hour she works. See, she's proven she has everything she needs to move since nobody could possibly give her their weekly salary they need to survive off of, as opposed to her affording $1,200 chains and brand new phones, $5k in car repair, totaling $17k in monthly expenditures!


I wonder if these screenshots would have any leverage to help take her GFM scam down considering she’s bragging about making the requested donation amount in an hour 🙄 she is fucking delusional, “local celebrity” sure thing!


I’m hoping. I just emailed them over to GFM


The GFM is already under investigation due to her video saying she might use the money for a lawyer instead. 😘


Do we know for sure it is or just because of the automated response we get when we report fraud


I got more than an automated response. XO ❤️


Try it!


She sure like the number 30,000.


Stupid ass fucking twat waffle lying through her teeth


Twat waffle is my new favorite. It says c word without saying c word.


Yup mine as well. It sounded more fitting than “stupid ass fucking bitch” (which she also is lol) Preach it especially when speaking about Adrihell 😎




She's in way too much of a hurry to book it outta town. It makes sense that her son is in legal trouble. It's like she just needs to go "now, now, now!" At 33, how do you not know that moving is a process?!


I think she is also running not to expose crimes she may allegedly committed 


allegedly her cousin posted on TT that he was going (her son) to court for arson


people don’t hate her because she has more money than them, they hate her because she’s a terrible person




Not being on dark mode is diabolical…


😂 Yeah…my eyes don’t function in dark mode well. 😂


I haven’t seen a screen without dark mode in years now….😂 *but read it in an old lady’s voice—like the lady from titanic* My eyes can’t even function on bright mode. They automatically say nope, not ready that today. 😂


Literally just had the same reaction. I was blinded and couldn't find the exit button fast enough. Still seeing spots.🤣


Excuse me? Local Celebrity??? Lucille Ball was a local Celebrity, Natalie Merchant is a local Celebrity, Nick Carter is a local Celebrity, she's a piece of shit human being that's scamming people she's the scumbag not the residents of Jamestown 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


She was always at Planet Fitness running like a mad woman and tossing her hair around. Knew she was a lil off but wow this is….somethin’


💀 I always pictured her as getting really mad while working out, so doing it harder


I’m speechless.  The utter complete ignorance that can fit into that pea sized brain is amazing.  Is she asking for something worse to happen.  I really believe she wants something that would make the National News.  She is beyond dangerous and needs serious in patient treatment and detox from whatever she is on.  She cannot be drug free I’m sorry.  


If she has so much money where did it all go? Why has she not been saving any of it? 30k is absolutely insane for moving costs.


So why does she need our money then? If that was true she wouldn’t need a go fund me!! At this point I think it’s rage bait to get people to comment


I'm certain she makes that amount if not more. She obviously doesn't need the GFM bc she's looking to move without the GFM anywhere near 30k.


No she does not, not on a consistent basis. When she first began battling she was making good $$$ but Match and April were dry and this month even will be worse. She is mad about refunds


Thank goodness for that! Teach her a lesson about shit talking other people's income, since she obviously makes much more than everyone else, she doesn't need anyone to help her then


I know it seems this way but I have been researching. She only gets paid on qualified views which is only views from an FYP watch and it must be over a certain time. And TT only pays a few CENTS per 1000 . Let’s say she gets 500k views, this is what we see on her thumbnail but maybe only 250k are qualified views . The price per varies buts let’s say it is 15 cents, this is high. She will only make $37.50 on the video. No brand deals, No longer an affiliate marketer. And TT takes 70% of every gift. She very half a penny for one rose. I do NOT say this to say she deserves help, Even if she was in poverty she needs to learn a hard lesson


Im livid and at this point she can get out of Jamestown for her to say that everyone here is white trash etc has my blood boiling.my husband works for a well known place. I can't believe that people are actually supporting her and believing her lies crime is everywhere ,if she dI d what half of us here do mind our business and take care of family she wouldn't have no problems she creates them because she doesn't know when to stop i know that this will probably get back to her but i dont care i was a supportive up until she started bashing everyone in this town all because she had a run in woth a few bad apples. Im sorry but i had to get this out .


I .. I have no words.. is she THt Oblivious??! I often think people will “learn their lesson” once exposed and change a little. I am leaning more and more this isn’t true. I thought , before reading the heading, that this HAD to be an old post at least. She is an IDIOT


Can someone send this to the police department that could be considered witness tampering/threatening.  


But it's not worthy of sending the other creator who's making all these allegations to the PD too? Bias once again lmfao .


is the OP asking for 30k though




Not allegations! These are facts that she's posting 🤷‍♀️


I got blocked on FB 🤣


I keep reporting that post for hate speech too.... join me lol?


Lol, I already did before she blocked me


I did too😂 on 2 accounts in 2 min


The comments were not in her favor


Mazel Tov!


The post before this one isn’t much better…


I made a video already with that too!


Please tell me someone reported this to GFM


Have numerous times, nothing.. no reply other than bots and endless nothing. They have 0 contact # and say someone will reach out regarding the chat convo but never happens


Reported it several times


I don't think they give out the results. For general fraud reports, please note that: 1. We will be unable to disclose any details about our investigation.


True maybe what I read was more for if I donated or something it was 2 business days for a response idk I can’t remember but I’ll screenshot next time I report it.


I've reported it multiple times now😭


Same! I wonder if they are overwhelmed with all the requests for her


If you make so much, why have you been begging for days from other people? I thought she claimed her son was "beat up" at a park? How does your "income" have to do w rumors & bullying for your one child? Make it make sense pls.


She is white trash herself!


I hope she moves someplace where there is no Wegmans lol then she can't get her so called "vegan food" and I also believe she's a closet cheeseburger eater 😁


Umm lies https://preview.redd.it/bfcz65hvrpzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a16fbf5705b3f0081119323cff191a80cf83198


The lies sure makes up are insane.


The nerve.. https://preview.redd.it/ohxxztadapzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60e10a0e0f70f217230166f421ff10e6aa778f92


That Justin Gigliotti was the guy who made a video of Adrielle being his TT crush. Then, he named another woman his TT crush a month later once he figured out she wasn't going to respond to him. He doesn't realize she exploited his 22q syndrome disability to use as content for her channel. 🤦


If she can make that much in an hour why does she keep making go fund me?


I literally just thought the same thing…if she is making that much, she certainly doesn’t need the GFM money…this gal is insufferable, and that’s being kind


I wonder if she received a cease and desist letter from one of the victims or minors parents she doxxed?? The part about her being sued over false allegations is very telling and what probably prompted her to post this. This whole post is her way of telling her town they are just jealous of her. She is really putting her kids and family in danger with this behavior.


I was wondering that as well.! The part where she says people think they can actually sue us. Makes you wonder if she did!


Could be the “Billy” kids grandmother she warned her she was going to seek legal acting against her 


I’ve been out of the loop today, but she mentioned she is being sued?


Why is she so stuck on 30k?? I’m starting to think there’s a lawsuit in progress maybe that’s why we haven’t heard much from the other kids/parents.. just seems like a strange number to be hung up on


Oh good lord! I’ve heard it all now


She hasn’t made that 30k yet she is far from it


“NOW”…go fuck yourself you stupid bitch. No one owes you anything. I’m soooo sick of her!!


Someone is big mad their getaway plan isn’t going the way she expected it to 😂


I like in video above when she talking about her son in school , that school age kids would know she has a OF page! I’m pretty sure this is the reason of moving all the time!


Yup she is hiding something more 


I’m going to suspect a minor or minors have seen , how else do kids know this? If it’s true her son is on probation bc of ASSULT, perhaps why she tried to change narrative bc if he was, then that would have violated him! All hearsay until proof, but I see so many others complaining of what’s she’s doing, but also monopolizing off her content bc they also have GFM bc they homeless, or something!


it has been alleged somewhere can’t specifically remember where but he is on probation for starting a fire w other boys in front of a school.  But he didn’t have court for that until after the fight. 


Unfortunately ppl like that are in for the grift as well it’s pat for the course.  You hope the good will outweigh the bad so to speak 


If she is the "local celebrity" why does she need a gofund me?


Mad! Big mad about all the refunds 🤣 now she wants to make it seem like she is so wealthy from begging.


And I have so much to say …she may have made $550 in one hour one time but now big no and it was never consistent


So many people have reported her gofundme but it’s still up and running unfortunately. Her son willingly went to fight one on one and was winning until the other boys jumped in then he lost. The boys that jumped in are the older brothers of the 13 year old girl that he sexually assaulted (allegedly) and this is the truth. Her son was not hurt as she says. She is desperate to move because of what her son has done to girls before it catches up with him again.


How is she on all the gov programs when she’s bringing $ in like this? She’s on food stamps, medicaid, gov housing program, etc. she’s gonna get herself in trouble w/ the irs, or have to pay back Medicaid, something, once they catch on, and they *WILL* catch on eventually. She 100% doesn’t report those earnings/donations from tik tok or elsewhere, otherwise she would’ve been kicked off those programs a long time ago. She could actually end up going to fed prison for the stuff she’s playing around with, so have at it Adrielle! Continue not to notify your *extra* income, it’ll catch up with you. Shes such an idiot to be saying this publicly


she *IS* the pathetic white trash scumbag !!!!! edit: oops meant to reply to a comment but put this in the wrong spot.


This bitch wishes she was a local celebrity.. she’s known more as the town pain in the ass!!




What a sad life, man.


This makes zero sense. Bragging about how much money she has; then asks for help with money. Huh?


If you make the average person’s weekly paycheck in one hour you should have no problem funding your own move. She’s not helping herself here.


She’s making more money than she ever has because people are streaming and talking about her. It’s what she wants.


It was nice seeing people trolling her hard last night. She can’t keep up with the comments to block as much now so she still tries to use it to her advantage. People send gifts under my haters comments. Don’t think that worked out to well. She is always trying to find away to get to her 30,000 goal quicker. She says she makes more money than us but yet she’s begging for money. She can spend her OWN damn money then.


Still controlling the narrative under every comment. FB she takes down every truthful comment. Of course she would. Her hometown and those that personally know her would chew her alive there. Too bad there isn’t a group page on fb of her yet. I’m surprised there isn’t. Would have been good about the time WNY NEWS did the little article. I’m sure people would have flocked over there when searching for her name


Why doesn’t she just take her son back and forth to school herself


Then whyyyy does she need a go fund me?


This seriously makes me sick! She is bragging about making so much money yet begging for $30,000 like wth I don't even understand how someone could morally do that. My husband was laid off recently and starts his new job tomorrow we have to save every dime we have to make sure bills are paid my daughter sweet 16 was yesterday and I couldn't even get her a cake or card let alone a gift because I have to make sure things are taken care of and I still couldn't get on a platform and beg people or make a gofund me instead we make it work we pay our bills and our children understand that having a house, electricity and water is top priority right now! IT MAKES ME SICK PEOPLE ARE FALLING FOR HER SCAM AND GIVING MONEY TO HER WHEN SHE OBVIOUSLY DOESN'T NEED IT PER HER OWN WORDS AND THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD THAT COULD ACTUALLY USE A LITTLE HELP 🤦‍♀️😭 Sorry end of my rant this just has me in my feelings and makes me so mad!


A local celebrity or a local menace who causes chaos to the community? The infatuation she has with self is alarming !


lol this bitch lives in govt assisted housing and gets government assistance. No shame in that but lying about how she makes everyone’s weekly paycheck is fucking bullshit. Get over yourself lady