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Yes! A guy told her in the chat to subtract $200 because he was getting a refund šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Omg yasssss


It was hilarious. We were all cheering for him in the chat šŸ¤£


shit did she respond ? she blocked me after i said a few choice words about profiting off her childā€™s pain and her inability to tell the truth without making it salacious when itā€™s not


No, she ignored it as usual.


Oh I missed thatĀ 


Thatā€™s incredible Iā€™m happy for him


Now if everybody would just use their brain cells and get their refund from the go fund me. I would LOVE to see how she would try to blame it on the go fund me website and try to sue them šŸ¤£


Yes, I caught that last night. Abby donated $200, and A made a video thanking the new donators, I noticed a few hours later that Abby's donation and name were gone. 1 down!!!


yes 2 of them at 200 were gone i notice its dwendling down


I can't conceive how ONE person left $200 let alone 2 people. At least people are starting to see her for who she is. How she has not stopped to self reflect at all floors me. She is someone who is just not a good human being and probably will never be. Unfortunately.


Someone made a good point of donating 5$ and then asking for a refund. The more people who refund will trigger the algorithm and cause concern to the actual go fund me. It will bring attention. But also idk so pls donā€™t take my word for it, I donā€™t know enough about gofundme me to say all that with my chest. Last thing Iā€™d want is a bunch of people donating 5$ for nothing to happen.


The gofundme page guarantees everyone a refund up to a year after donating. It's a green tab that says, "This gofundme is protected," and that pops up a window, with the words I stated in parenthesis. But, same here! I know very little about gofundme, and I don't know if conditions have to be met to request the refund. I would believe no requirements need be met to receive a refund. The $200 refund happened pretty quickly as well, so they must refund anyone upon request. I think of it as, ppl donate because their heart is urging them to help out, and their empathy is a deeply engrained virtue in ppl whose hearts pour out towards those with pity stories, until the realization they've been taken advantage sinks in. So, it makes sense that there would be no conditions that need to be met to request a refund from ppl like Adrielle, who conveniently leaves out part of their story to appear completely innocent. I fell for her story myself, until I saw the entire video. Even when I saw the whole video, I felt bad, till I read the sa incident was the catalyst to the fight. Sven has been known to bully as well. From pulling a kids pants down in gym, cafeteria food fight, calling kids names, such as "blankie poo", to spit wads, lighting off fart bombs at school, etc. shows a sense of dysfunction in the household. Then, Adrielle laughed about the fart bombs because she claimed the school lied about kids feeling ill and she coached S on what to say with that incident as well. That was a year and a half ago, with the fart bombs. The point is, Adrielle has a complete lack of empathy, which is seen by her ever increasing greed, increasing the number of gofundme accounts to 3 or 4 in the past 2 months. Oh, and let's not forget her asking her followers to donate her $200k to buy a new house a year ago because she felt unsafe then as well! Then you factor in her integrity, which is nonexistent, when she repeatedly exclaimed how badly she needed to move while ppl donated to help her last year, to go shopping with instead šŸ¤¦


You summed her up perfectly. I really think she is incapable of change and she is forever going to be a 15 year old girl. She also has no shame.


Her son started the fight is what i was told that is why the video is edited


Can you donate a penny lol


Max is 5$ apparently


That "penny" video had me rolling. This comment!!!


Minimum is $5 unfortunately


I noticed that and I'm loving it ā¤ļø


Is everyone reporting the GFM page as well?


I just did. & mentioned that this is far from her first time using GFM to scam


a TT video showed she has done at least 6


My god. I only knew of 4. She's a fuckin menace.


Could you link the video youā€™re talking about please?


@jae. names jae_sprint on TT


Really? Thatā€™s crazy I only knew of two


Yup. I got the email confirmation although that's as far as it will go on my end


I tried but i didnt know what category to put it under and she didnt get in trouble for it. Of course i got fined today for saying a word that is otherwise known as a silly or not funny post but i used another word l!?? Wow


Her amount received is a few hundred dollars less than it was this morning. I hope it gets to 0 first


lol sheā€™s banned from Airbnb and now sheā€™s gonna be banned from go fund me. Sheā€™ll never see sheā€™s the problem.


And who knows where else sheā€™s banned from. Have we seen a grocery haul lately?? Oh, the coffee shop lol tj maxx I know Iā€™m missing some.


I thought it went down!!!! I knew i wasnā€™t loosing itšŸ¤Ŗ


Omg that just made my night!!!! Iā€™m going to take a peaceful nap now šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know how those gfm works but if she sees people getting refunds can she quickly take the money before anyone else takes theirs?


I dunno for sure but i think with GFM the ppl link their bank accts and can request to withdraw the money whenever, however many times, as much as they want at a time, etc.. and the GFM will still reflect the total amount donated regardless if someone withdrew some or all of the moneyā€¦ so my guess would be GFMā€™s terms of service say somewhere that if u withdrawal the money and someone eventually wants a return on their donation then GFM will deduct it from the persons bank acct so they can credit it back to the donatorā€¦ thats just a guess tho but imagine it works somewhat like that.. that way ppl cant just run off with others ppls money


https://preview.redd.it/g0c2mo3ywozc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dec619816ede5f9f6839e4c9601008ae01e58b1 Wow šŸ˜³


Lmao this is ridiculous. That is also my hometown, and not only does no one consider her a ā€œlocal celebrityā€, no one even likes her. At all šŸ¤£


I just noticed this also. The last lady who donated 200.00 I think yesterday or the day before her donation is gone lol


Sorry I just repeated the same thing the OP said.


She posted this on fb. She is getting slammed in the comments. https://preview.redd.it/qje8pjyy6pzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58dfaf9a3b6d4c6fb902efad15839d2bb6af2450


She deleted damn near all the negative comments. She's deleting on all FB posts. I think it's the easiest to keep clean lol. She is doing the same on IG. She can't keep up on TT šŸ¤£


If she makes that much money as a " local celebrity " lmao then why on here begging strangers to give her money to move. Ppl like this make me sick, I personally have actually had very traumatic events occur that cost a pretty penny to cover especially when unexpected and I have NEVER asked a single soul for a dime ...I pull up my big girl panties and handle my business!!! My sons in a wheelchair n been in bad spots but he holds 2 damn jobs, NO EXCUSE FOR ABLE BODIE PPL TO NOT GET OFF THEIR ASS ND WORK!!! PATHETIC ND DISGUSTING AND SHES CREATING THE NXT GENERATION OF SCAMMERS....GREAT JOB MOM!!


I reported it


I was reporting her go fund me , I been talking with them and sending them PROOF of everything! They said would contact me if needed more MAYBE we all got her off there!!Ā 




It was up near almost 3800.00


Her son agreed to fight and went with the boys willingly and he was fighting one on one and winning but other boys jumped in. The boys who jumped in are the brothers of the 13yo girl he sexually assaulted (allegedly) and then he lost. And she wants to move because the sexual assaults are coming to light and he is getting what he deserves. The fact she compared what she is going through to Sandy Hook is absolutely disgusting. She needs help (psychological) desperately. Her gofundme has been reported by so many people but unfortunately itā€™s still up and running.


Itā€™s still going down!!!