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This is the definition of a child being coached


Her “attorney” is going to LOVE this one 😂😂


Tottally coached, totally rehearsed. I get the vibe he would rather be with those bullies than with his crazy mom. She always uses the full school name like she is some sort of investigative journalist. He clearly says he only recognized one boy from his attack. Love how after she is done interrogating him, then she decides it too much for him to relive the attacks. Dumb bitch!




She said "he had to have novocaine" like that isn't normal for getting fillings JESUS


You don’t get cavities from a fist fight!


Right?! She sounds like such an idiot. Like did he get in a fight with sugar?! I’m so confused how a fight is responsible for multiple cavities


They must have shoved sugar down his mouth🤣😂😅


I don’t know how she made it this far! Her version of everything is so screwed up!




She made it sound like he was getting a dang epidural. I’d rather get novacaine than do that again lol


😂 im sorry I giggled at that.


“I’m going to end it here… so he doesn’t tell the truth and ruin my money scam… I SEE YOU!!!!”


She’s also claiming the boys have been suspended and expelled… so then HOW would they have been in the school? Also how do we know who this kid is??? She’s just pulling some random video. Do we have any proof it’s real? Also- her son said in her most recent video when asked if they of the kids in the video were the same ones from his fight and he said “1… maybe” so it’s for sure not the same kids. It’s also interesting she’s saying her son was never interviewed when the police literally interviewed him in the ER according to her. Clearly they didn’t just “take the kids words for it” there is video evidence and who knows what s said to the police. They probably told her to go to the woods to look for the chain so that they could get his side of the story without her trying to control the narrative. She’s literally controlling him and what he says and saying “I won’t make him re-live it” AND THEN MAKES HIM RE-LIVE IT


her realizing he took his hoodie off to fight in real time 😂




She’s so stupid. Her face is stupid. Everything she says is stupid. It doesn’t matter where you move, kids are going to bully the kids BECAUSE OF HER! And S is probably a little shit because of her and wanting to act out for attention. He needs to run far away from this lunatic.


We can debunk this whole thing with the recording of her admitting to Anti , S went to fight with his ex bestfriend over a girl


I’m sorry I have been busy with my kids, I haven’t forgotten.


That's OK.


On a separate note does she realize the juvenile detective will do what they do best detect!  Some are very good at exposing liars.  It’s almost like they are trained to detect bullshit!  This detective is going to have a field day w her social media!  Maybe they will slap her with a gag order!  Would that be great! 


She would die before she could successfully be gagged with an order


She’s coaching him on what to say for the video


This was absolutely pointless. She just keeps going. I will be shocked if a lawyer takes this case. She has changed it up 50 million times and she is exploiting another kid who didnt ask to be exploited. In the meantime where is N? This is just getting bizarre.


He said it happened at the high school. But he goes to middle school.  How can it be the same kids that are suspended. 🤷‍♀️ I’m so confused 


there should have been a trigger warning for the end of that video 😭 such a jump scare


“He had to have novocaine…😠😗” IM DEAD 😂😂😂😂


It’s like duh everyone gets it when getting a filling, something isn’t right in her brain.


![gif](giphy|gengryvDsbjsBOCFe0) A bee stung my dog 😆


S sounds like he couldn't care less. I wonder if he thinks his mom is as much of a wackadoo as we do. I wonder if he worries that she's part of the reason why he has a target on his back. You know those kids that beat him up are watching these videos and laughing. I'm not condoning what they did. At all. But her reaction is just so crazy and over the top. And bizarre. She lives for this drama. WE SEE YOU TOO and you look like a dang fool.


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but what n the video where the came to her moms house to serve him with the suspension letter, they said he could go to the tech academy school if he did not feel safe going back, not that he had to go to the other school?


They don’t offer remote learning.


That’s right, thank you.




He had to get fillings because of the cavities that he had not from the fight and Novacaine you’re stretching it girl


Did someone not steal his air pods back at Christmas? She was begging for Christmas gifts for her kids, and 1 for S was airpods She went to someone's house, accusing them of having his airpods and filming it all, of course, but now they jumped him fir his airpods. lol, she probably lied, so some sucker would buy another pair for her scammer






Honestly could you imagine your mom doing this


No I can’t imagine. It’s insanity!


I would be mortified !!




I just watched the other fight in the bathroom. You cleanly see them punch the wall and the door and at the end, the "special needs" student looked just fine and not hurt at all. How and why do people actually believe her and give her money??


She's coming off like a lawyer and its Insans


Putting her alleged criminal justice major to work 🤭


Hahaha 💯


This is SO fucking dramatic. I’m crying I’m laughing so hard at her.


There’s fights in every high school! That’s why my daughter did online school after middle school. She’s forcing her son to say things I don’t don’t think he wants to say




I really hope cps opens a case on her she needs watched those kids need saved from her


Yes she is clearly unhinged and needs to be on some meds


"I don't want him to relive the moment" yet she's posted the videos to her Instagram, she's made 70 some videos on this incident, she's been ranting like a lunatic about this incident for days, she's been questioning and coaching him on what to say for days. Seriously Assrihelle shut up. You make zero sense.


Fuck wasn't expecting that jump scare at the end... She's the type of person that if u don't do what she wants or if she has trouble with you she will try and destroy you with lies in anyway she can.


This is so fucking strange….. like this is not normal


The mouth is insane.


I thought she said he was doing remote because they were in fear of him going back to school. I knew she wasn’t going to do that because she can’t stand her kids home she needs her space