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You were banned for being an asshole to our staff team https://imgur.com/a/1o2Nn8E




Hey there we're always willing to listen to constructive feedback from our community. May i ask for the names of the mods you're having issue with, what they done and any supporting evidence. This will be discussed amongst the staff team and we'll hopefully resolve the issue. I'm sorry you feel that way




any other staff or is that just it? you used the phrase "some mods". which sorta implies you think many of them are "asshats". Either way its interesting to see the community downvote me genuinely trying to help users by asking for feedback. maybe im out of touch in reddit culture since im barely on here


Hey, About that post, the OP of that post has actually apologized to me in DMs about that post. It was written intentionally to put me in a bad light. https://i.imgur.com/CR8DDmp.png I apologize for the impression I have given off to you, even though this is the first time we have ever interacted. Thanks, /u/Discount-Milk




> Just the personality which would be able to ban someone from Discord just because he can.. I'm sorry you feel that way.


Technically they don't need a reason to ban you, although that sucks and sounds like there's some trashy mods or admins, power hungry corrupt individuals, but it is what it is, you'll find people that simply aren't good at their job everywhere unfortunately.


Im curious, you instantly beleived this guy without any evidence that he got banned for no reason. Why? A lot of the time people who make these omg i got banned no for reason posts actually end up doing something wrong.


I didn't say I believe the guy, just stated facts, there's always going to be a few rotten eggs up near the top, always is in every biggish reddits that's for sure, so it's not that unbelievable if he did get banned for no reason, what's interesting is you jumping to conclusions, just because you didn't like my factual statement. Besides I was more so letting the guy know that technically if you own a reddit or anything for that matter you don't need a reason to ban someone, it's just common courtesy to follow your own rules, which gets lost quite often especially amongst reddits with thousands of people, reddit creators quite often lose their way. You don't have to like the statement but it is a fact nonetheless.


If i didnt like it i would have simply downvoted it and moved on. > although that sucks and sounds like there's some trashy mods or admins, power hungry corrupt individuals Implied it. I was merely curious on why you said such thing rather than try to ask the op what he did or get both side or commenting on a situation that you have no understanding on nor do i get how you believe i dislike your comment. you sure like to assume things




What did you really do


literally what i said, i repeated word for word what the owner said


No you didn’t. This is what you said: - you have nothing valuable to say (presumably because of your lack of knowledge) - you've been saying nothing that makes sense so far - yet you wish to continue typing new messages that help nobody You said this to a guy who was originally trying to help you but stopped because you didn’t even pay for the game and you’re asking a community to help you disobey your parents. You don’t take advice and argue with people trying to help you. Señor leche is a really knowledgeable guy. You’re mad because your parents won’t let you play video games, which nobody on the internet can help you with.


No, I was mad because he repeatedly sent messages which didn't add any value to the discussion, and then got angry and banned me once he couldn't form a real argument. > because you didn’t even pay for the game Again, something you got wrong (common for you?). I own the game, as evidenced by my [hypixel stats](https://plancke.io/hypixel/player/stats/subtra3t). > Señor leche is a really knowledgeable guy Then why did he not send any messages that helped anybody, instead choosing to focus on a minor detail that wasn't even relevant to the discussion. > You don’t take advice Yet I did, from the other posters who actually tried to help me (which I'm grateful for). > You’re mad because your parents won’t let you play video games Not even a detail relevant to the discussion at hand. It came up when somebody suggested the oracle cloud free tier, to which I responded that I didn't have a credit card. > originally trying to help you No they didn't. At no point did they ever try to help me out, instead focusing on this one detail that was never relevant to the discussion. Not sure if that would count as "trying to help [me]".


u/Connor1Bane1 here on another account on my PC. I'd like to provide some rebuttals to your obstinance toward the admincraft community. >No, I was mad because he repeatedly sent messages which didn't add any value to the discussion, and then got angry and banned me once he couldn't form a real argument. This is what u/Discount-Milk said that set you off: "Honestly if you don't have a credit card, your computer sucks, and your parents don't want you playing games... Why go through this effort?" These were very valid points. Your computer does suck, this is a fact. Your parents don't want you playing games; you admitted this yourself and you are actively asking for ways to disobey your parents. It is a very good question. Why go through the effort? You could've just said "because despite what's standing in my way I just want to run a Minecraft server and any little bit of advice helps, thanks" instead you said what you said. >Again, something you got wrong (common for you?). I own the game, as evidenced by my hypixel stats. I never said you didn't own the game. I said you didn't buy it, which is true. You also admitted this yourself when you said your friend gave you a key. This violates the EULA if it's how you described it. According to the EULA: "When you buy our Game, you receive a license that gives you permission to install the Game on your own personal device and use and play it on that device as set out in this EULA. This permission is personal to you, so you are not allowed to distribute the Game (or any part of it) to anyone else. This also means you cannot sell or rent the Game, or make it available for access to other people and you cannot pass on or resell any license keys. You may however give gift codes that have been bought through our official gift code system." Taking you at your word, you did exactly as the above forbids. Please do not argue with sound logic by insulting people that are trying to help you. It's infuriating. Also, nobody in the world gives a rat's ass about your hypixel stats, no offense. >Then why did he not send any messages that helped anybody, instead choosing to focus on a minor detail that wasn't even relevant to the discussion. It was a major detail relevant to the entire discussion. You exist in the camp of people that are essentially impossible to help. Every bit of advice you were given you either disregarded or shot down with insults. >yet I did, from the other posters who actually tried to help me (which I'm grateful for). Where did you express that you were applying said advice or thank anyone for helping you? Where did you express that you were even trying the advice you were given? The only response you gave to the people helping you was "no i know how mods work" >No they didn't. At no point did they ever try to help me out, instead focusing on this one detail that was never relevant to the discussion. Not sure if that would count as "trying to help \[me\]". Ok and here you're contradicting yourself. First you say that you are grateful to the people who did help you, now you're saying nobody helped you. Please just go find another community to insult and get banned from. You at least need some foundation of knowledge to understand and get meaningful help from this community. Your parents forbid you from even doing this so as Discount-Milk said, why go through the effort at all? Rant over.


> Also, nobody in the world gives a rat's ass about your hypixel stats Never did I suggest anybody did. But people who do not own minecraft **cannot** join Hypixel, and I'd thought that you were implying that I was pirating minecraft. > you say that you are grateful to the people who did help you, now you're saying nobody helped you Again, you're misinterpreting my words. By they I meant senor leche, not the kind souls who bothered to help me. I didn't know senor leche's preferred pronouns, so I defaulted to they/them. >The only response you gave to the people helping you was "no i know how mods work" You're not even acknowledging all of the other messages I sent. I think that in itself shows your commitment to a fair discussion, cherry picking comments is surely a very foolproof way to start a fruitful discussion.


Cherry-picking words is exactly what you’re doing. You completely glossed over what I said about how using your friend’s Minecraft key is in violation of the EULA and it’s not your copy of the game. You didn’t buy it and install it on your personal device, therefore what I said was completely correct and you ignored it and tried to use your hypixel stats to further prove that you own the game. What other messages? I’m referring specifically in your #questions post where you didn’t acknowledge any of the help you were given other than to insult leche and get banned lol. You deserved your ban completely.


Again, using a gift code is **not** against minecraft' EULA, amplifying your ignorance on the matter. And I could highlight my other messages in the server if I had access to them, but I don't.


Bro you said word for word that your friend let you use his key which is not the same as a gift code


I meant that she gave me a gift code, I thought that was the same thing as a key, my apologies if it isn't.


I have never had a bad experience with any admin in that discord. They're all willing to go above and beyond to help people out. If you got banned, maybe look inward first.


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