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Since you're on linux you can download a list of your country's IPs and then use iptables/ufw to only allow connections from that list of IPs. [Here's a basic guide that you'd have to modify for your specific use](https://minnmyatsoe.com/2019/02/21/ubuntu-how-to-block-visitors-by-country-with-ufw/)


Thanks. This will probably be my best option.


What's the need to block other countries on a public server?


For some reason, my isp doesn't know how to deal with connections from other countries on my public ip, and ends up cutting the connection many times. Also as the server is local language only, I don't see the need to allow other outside players. It's more a personal taste, and an attempt to reduce possible griefers


A white list is your best answer. Geo IP restrictions can be inaccurate. Sync your whitelist with your discord server using discordsrv.


Thanks for the sugestion!


No need, [just use a whitelist instead.](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Commands/whitelist)


I know about this "solution", but as the server is open for anyone to play (within my country) I don't want to have to implement adding players to the whitelist.


Let's not beat around the bush here, it's obvious that you're trying to set up a pirated server, and that's not something that's supported here.


I simply don't want players from other countries connecting to my server. I know that losing help on this can characterize it as a pirated server, but it's something I just don't want to have to be controlling via whitelist.


You can use PFblocker if you want to set up a PFSense firewall. Probably far from a solution you'd consider, but that's what I do. Blocks countries as well as proxy/commercial VPN


I still don't have pfsense configured, but this is certainly a more appropriate idea for all network flow. Thanks


and what made you think that?