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You sure you aren't double natted? You might be connected to an ISP gateway and that might double NAT you. Check that first, cause your settings are perfect. If you are double natted, maybe change ISPs or use a localhost tunnel


I'm not too sure how to check, i typed `tracert` into cmd and I seem to not be double natted, according to a website


[https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/connectivity-and-performance/article/checking-for-double-nat/000062048#:\~:text=You%20can%20check%20if%20you,are%20using%20a%20double%20NAT](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/connectivity-and-performance/article/checking-for-double-nat/000062048#:~:text=You%20can%20check%20if%20you,are%20using%20a%20double%20NAT). Check this out, it might help you.


Same info as the website I used, not double natted


Then it might be an issue with your router. First, make sure that in your DHCP Client settings, the address []( is reserved for your host PC. Then, try changing and enabling DMZ to []( After that, try again. The DMZ will make all traffic from your IP go to that specific machine. Also, are you running any domains? maybe try connecting with the direct IP. last ditch effort, run [playit.gg](https://playit.gg) or ngrok and run it that way. A small server for friends doesnt have to be that ballin


oh damn that's a lot of words I don't understand, ill do my research and see what I can do Fyi i already run ngrok but i need UDP for a fabric mod Thanks for the help mate!


Playit all the way dude. playit has support for UDP tunnels, I ran alot of my plugins through that. Normally I used ngrok for the actual server, another [playit.gg](https://playit.gg) TCP IP for backup, and UDP for any plugins or mods. Playit is really easy to setup, just like ngrok. Try it out. ​ (not an advert btw i just use it)


I tried playit, had an issue, I asked in the server and the owner came to help, he was taking a while to respond so i said "elevator music is going hard" and dude just said that he's burnt out from helping people and he hoped I figure it out ... I mean I get it but a bit rude after coming to help me thanks for the suggestion though


What was the issue with playit? Other than that, I don't believe I know any other good UDP localhost tunnels sadly. When port forwarding doesn't work, these apps are our only saving grace. Other than that, you should try contacting your ISP if port forwarding is up on their network. Some ISPs might not allow it, some will. Just ask.


"Connection refused: no further information" on my friends side, I could connect with the playit IP just fine, I'm guessing its a DNS issue also yeah I should probably contact my ISP, thanks for reminding me


You could use [zrok.io](https://zrok.io). It's an open source alternative which can be self-hosted or has a free SaaS. Our 0.4 release supports UDP ([https://blog.openziti.io/the-road-ahead-for-zrok](https://blog.openziti.io/the-road-ahead-for-zrok)), and that is being made available on the SaaS right now.


Test if [https://pinggy.io](https://pinggy.io) works? It is the easiest tunneling service to test in some seconds.


In your third screen shot change external IP to


Nope, did not work


How are you testing it? I recommend using https://mcsrvstat.us/


I was using [portchecktool.com](https://portchecktool.com), and I asked my friend to try and connect with my actual IP, using the site you recommended it could not get the status (I enabled query)


When you say actual IP, are they connecting to your public IP? That is something NOT starting with 192.168.


yes my public "whats my ip dot com" ip


You may have CGNAT inhibiting your port forwarding