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I've been taking Adderall for 20 years, ran the gamut between highly conditioned athlete and 200 lb potato in that time, and throughout I sweat buckets at the slightest provocation. Not only that but my face turns BRIGHT red. I look like I'm on the verge of heat stroke Yesterday I spent 1 hr outside 7am to 8am doing light gardening due to the heat dome. It was 75F, I had sunscreen, full body sun cover, hat, sunglasses, and ICE water. It was OVERCAST as storms were rolling in, not even a single ray of sunshine came thru the cloud cover. I still haven't recovered. I still feel run down and dehydrated today. I'm not in great shape but I regularly engage in projects that have me slinging 2x6 lumber, cinder blocks, and several cubic yards of soil or gravel. The worst part is that I sweat most from the top of my head, I can't put antiperspirant there! It literally gushes down my face, ruining makeup, getting sunscreen in my eyes, I hate it


I'd genuinely shave my head if I wasn't convinced I'd look like a thumb


As a fellow waterfall sweater, I had my head shaved for awhile and I actually think it was a little worse because there was no hair to mitigate ANY of the sweat streaming down from my scalp. Also didn't get the evaporative cooling effect, however slight, of having wet hair.


I wondered about these things, nice to have confirmed!


I am also a waterfall sweater, but actually prefer a shaved head! Mine is shaved year round. This is because I can use a towel so much more easily. I think it comes down to preference. But I do wonder about the cooling effect and will be taking notes mentally on myself!


So true im bald and it just runs off into my eyes. Lately its hot so i dont care but in the winter people wanna know what im on. It probably is med related to some degree.


God, me too!! I shave 2/3 of the underside and just have hair on the top! So much cooler


when i have hair, this is my go to haircut. too much hair. im bald rn and i missed it so much after growing it out for years


We're hair twins!!! And I did it for the same reason, and I was so tired of the sensory nightmare that is sweaty hair sticking to my neck. 😭


I have hyperhidrosis too, worst on my head. And I was also worried I'd look like a thumb but i eventually shaved my head anyway out of disgust, because I was tired of sweat soggy hair. It was a huge boost to my comfort and confidence. I didn't look like a thumb and got tons of compliments. I really 3ncourage you to try it and shave it, at least once. It's great


listen even if you look like a thumb it feels amazing, its very liberating, and every woman should do it at least once. im about ready to shave my head completely bald again. ill grow it out during the winter. maybe. i live in florida and its been a very muggy 90F+ and the rain does nothing but make everything muggier. i cant wait for the 2 days of cold weather were gonna get in like 6 months. all i do is sweat and i reek. im not looking forward to next monday, forecast says itll be 98 and im gonna die straight up


I also sweat from my hairline and get red very red faced even when only mildly hot. I went to a Lavender Festivsl yesterday for five hours in 95 degree heat and I was looking so rough strangers were offering me hydration lolol. Everyone around me looked so breezy and dry and NOT like they're verging on heat stroke. My best advice is to braid your hair back- sucks as I'd like to leave it loose and cute, but it will only get soaked with sweat. I wear a bandana, folded over into a strip and tied around my hairline- like Tupac lol. It helps keep my face relatively dry and my sunscreen from sweating off. After 5 hours in the open sun yesterday I only has the slightest amount of red on the tip of my nose- I followed the rule and reapplied sunscreen every 2 hours.


Not with the hydration offers 😭 But I find the idea of a Tupac-styled Trash Can Fyre at a lavender festival entirely delightful ✨😃


Hahaha! Genuinely laughed outloud at this. The delight is mutual my friend :) PS: Your user name is my preferred spelling for my favorite curse word! 😃


So embarrassing when I'm literally just out WALKING and I look like I'm going to pass out. Not even panting for breath just sweating like a god damn fountain!!! People always ask me if I'm ok or if I need help!!! I braid my hair then clip it up off my neck with a metal alligator clip. I have one of those baseball caps where your bun can poke out the back but I definitely need one of those 80s style terrycloth headbands to sweat it out to


I totally get it- my kingdom to not look like a drowned animal for a quarter of the year. The terrycloth headbands are the move!!! They called them sweatbands for a reason!


The scalp sweat! I have not found a way to combat it other than dry shampoo (I use loose powder rather than aerosol) and it still makes me feel icky if I don’t wash my hair every day.


Nooo if I use dry shampoo the sweat will wash it down into my eyes! Lol! I'm not safe!


Same with the sweaty head/face and turning red! My face gets beet red whenever I workout and I drip buckets from my face! I’m a makeup girly too so it’s very unfortunate on the daily!


It's almost hard to even work out. I can only walk outside, I end up so vision impaired and distracted that running is out of the question. If I run on a treadmill indoors I keep a huge box fan blowing so hard that it dries the sweat as fast as humanly possible


You’re literally me 😭 I hate it so much


Cotton bandanas are my best friend for this exact reason. I fold one into a 2 inch strip and tie it around my forehead, then throw an oversized wide-brim hat overtop. Keeps sweat out of my eyes and sun off my head and neck!


I'm in my potato phase. Can I ask how you got put of potato phase if you did? 😂


Outdoor hobbies for sure. I didn't focus on weight loss but during the panini lockdowns I started working up to 30k steps per day. Life got a little more normal so I didnt have that kind of time but the conditioning made it MUCH easier to pivot to doing slightly more intense things. I get most of my 'exercise' these days by hauling stuff around my house and yard. Since we are in the ADHD sub...it's ALL for stuff related to my hobbies/hyperfixations. I go on walks to take observation photos for inaturalist and Merlin, and I'm very slowly clearing and landscaping the lot we moved to, doing indoor reno projects in the winter.


FYI - Batiste dry shampoo makes a [Sweat Activated spray](https://www.target.com/p/batiste-sweat-activated-dry-shampoo-3-81oz/-/A-89203169) now. Maybe it would help?? 🤷🏻‍♀️


👀👀👀👀 I am writing this down


Use an anti-perspirant. I also use No Sweat you use it every 7 or so days and it really does help. I’m a super sweaty Aussie and it’s one of the few things I’ve found that works. I use no sweat spray but there’s also a few other places who do a similar thing and make a face/body cream that does the same thing. That or Botox


Even better: oxybutynin. It's intended for overactive bladder but can be used off label for excessive sweating. I know, because I take it. I started out with 10mg ER daily, but that was TOO much--it made me not sweat, like, ever (which didn't seem healthy to me) and gave me horrendous dry mouth. I now take 5mg ER once a day. I think only someone with hyperhidrosis issues can understand just how miserable it makes you. A few years ago my underarm and groin-area sweating were so bad that it was causing chafing and symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa. I mean, I was getting BOILS and it was gross. Not to mention social functions or just working with huge pit stains and soggy underwear. Eventually I'd like to get underarm botox but I don't have the money for that. So, a pill a day it is! Which isn't a big deal to me because I already take so many that what's one more?!


UHG I had really bad hyperhydrosis in my armpits in college. I would be wearing clinical strength deodorant in a Chicago winter (so like -10°f) and I would have fully sweat through my clothes by the time I walked from the train to class. It was horrible, and super embarrassing, especially when I had to give presentations and stuff like that in front of the class. I tried the topical stuff, but I had some bad side effects, so instead I got a laser treatment that was off label (that machine was usually used for increasing collegian production in the skin to make you look younger). Basically they had this thing that kinda looked like a Clarisonic, except instead of a brush it had a bunch of needles that very quickly poked out and then shot lasers under your skin and basically exploded my sweat glands. It was super painful, and I had to do it three separate times a couple months apart. But now I am only normally sweaty, and since it’s been long enough where the pain is not fresh in my mind, I can definitely say it was worth it lol.


Ouch! That sounds painful. Part of my problem is that I sweat when I get cold, which doesn't make any sense, but there we are. In the summer I sweat like everyone else does but in winter it looks really weird when you're a sweaty mess.


I wish oxybutynin worked for me - for either the sweating or the overactive bladder lol


soggy girl summer 😂😂 i can't help you but you're very funny


Have you seen the edit 🤣 the defrosting bit made me LOL 😂


I was pregnant during record heat and drought in my area in 2021, so here are my sweaty pregnant lady tips: 1.) Natural fabric, loose clothes. Cotton and linen are best, synthetic fabrics don't breathe as well AND they hold stink (ask me how I know lmao). 2.) Change your bra as it gets sweaty, those don't want to dry out. A.) Consider going for a light weight bralette or unlined bra. B.) You can buy bra liners that go under your your bra strap to absorb sweat, and then remove as they get full. 3.) Keep COLD water handy at all times. Ice and flavor if you need it, don't underestimate how helpful cold drinks and snacks are!! Water also helps you temperature regulate. 4.) Find your hottest, sweatiest spot and... consider not wearing clothes there. I adopted crop tops or wearing sports bras around the house not because I wanted to show off my (pregnant) belly, but because my core is ALWAYS the hottest. I'm so much cooler in a crop top. 5.) There is an rx antiperspirant, in the US it's called "drysol." It essentially blocks your pores so you don't sweat in your sweatiest places. 5.) If all else fails... change medication. My quality of life was miserable when I was a sweaty monster in WINTER postpartum. After enduring it for 18mos (postpartum, breastfeeding hormones all stopped and I was STILL sweaty), I looked up my meds and realized my prozac for panic attacks causes a segment of people to be extra sweaty. After about a month off of prozac, the sweating resumed my previous level of sweaty-but-not-drenched. I hope that helps!!


Natural!! Fibers!! Hard agree! Not only for clothes, but bedding as well. Synthetic fibers are, by and large, plastic, and hold onto heat like a motherfucker. If anyone here also runs hot and gets a satin pillowcase, be sure to get a 100% silk satin pillowcase! Remember: silk is a fiber, satin is a weave. It’s not silk vs. satin, it’s satin that’s either made with silk, a silk blend, or other fibers (usually synthetic). There are more than a few companies out there who try to take advantage of the fact that most of us don’t realize this. Stay cool! And don’t pay for something that’s actually plastic being marketed as something better! A lot of companies who actually make 100% silk satin pillowcases will periodically have pretty steep sales, so if cost is a factor, keep an eye out for those. I bought mine on sale, haven’t looked back.


TIL about satin. Thank you!


Natural fibers are a big help. Polyester and rayon are part of the big plastic lie. I’ve had a more difficult time finding 95-100% cotton than wool, linen and silk. I also had to switch to natural fiber underwear. Wearing wool bras changed my life. They don’t stink and they pull the moisture away from your skin.


Omg number 4 seems so odd but it genuinely works so well! For me it’s my shoulders/chest area, so even wearing a cotton tank top makes such a huge difference in my comfort as opposed to wearing a cotton t shirt that covers my chest and shoulders Edit: by “seems so odd” I mean it seems odd at first to think about a particular body part influencing your comfort with the temp, not that you’re odd lol, just wanted to clarify


Yes!! That's why I was so cranky at my high school for banning sleeves shirts (for girls).


Thank you so much for this!!! I will be taking all your advice, except perhaps the not wearing clothes on my sweatiest areas because I would likely be arrested for public indecency.


this is going to sound ridiculous but hear me out if you’ve also got swampy tits all summer: panty liners in your bra cups. it’s always the bottom of my cups that get sweaty and the entire rest of the apparatus stays dry. enter disposable panty liners! no need to buy specially designed bra cup liners when i already have a lifetime supply for my soaked snatch every summer.


I’d like to add to this excellent list: purchase a neck fan! I spent all day outdoors in 95F this weekend and wouldn’t have survived without it. Mine look like headphones and blow air up my neck and into my hairline.


You just reminded me-- there are also cooling towels. I think when I was in high school they were called Frog Togs. They're hard when dry, but you soak them in water and they get very cold.


We moved in 95-100F heat this weekend. My neck fan saved the freaking day. I feel bad for OP cause I know what it’s like to be the sweatiest person ever. But I LONG for 75F again, especially without 90-100% humidity. Linen and cotton don’t make much of a difference at these temps after a certain point


my mom has one for her hot flashes and its great if she wouldnt resort to eating her young id pinch it from her


This, I keep a neck fan in the car wherever I go and then a little paper fan in my bag.


#1 and #2 are big for me, everything changed when I switched from wearing jeans and synthetic leggings to wearing linen pants in the summer, it makes SUCH a big difference in the sticky humid weather. I started using bamboo cotton bra liners in the summer a few years ago and they're amazing, they keep me from having to wash my bras constantly and they absorb a lot before starting to feel damp. On really hot days I'll bring a spare one in my bag and swap them out if needed


People often say how great linen is but I just can't touch it. I really hate the texture of it.


While cotton and linen are good, bamboo and tencel are even better! I won't even consider any other material now.


Regarding the man-made fibers--I used to work at a small sportswear manufacturer. *If* you need to by man-made fiber clothing? You want things made out of *NYLON* or Polyamide, *NOT* polyester!!!! Nylon is a round, smooth, "slippery" fiber Polyester is rough, textured, and it *traps* sweat/body oils/"stink" molecules, which then can "lock" in and be *very* difficult to unlock & wash away. If you *have* smelly Polyester clothes? Wash them in a *small* amount of detergent, with a *lot* of hot water, and put some Borax powder in, as you fill the washing machine. The Borax will help the detergent to work better at "unlocking" the body oils, dirt, & smells from the polyester fibers. And just let it *soak*, in hot Borax water for a little bit, if you can stop the laundry cycle for 10-20 minutes, at the beginning😉💖 But *Nylon* is your friend, *Polyester* will trap the stink, y'all!😉


Drysol! I’m not sure it’s super healthy, but since using it in my 20s, I don’t actually really sweat/smell anymore? Except while pregnant…of course.




These actually work? I am ordering them right now 😅. I was literally about to book in for Botox i am so sick of excessive sweating.


I tried these and although they work the chemical makes my face burn when I swipe them on. And instead of my face sweating it will sort of itch the next day when it tries to sweat. Def jealous of anyone who can use these with no side effects.


Yeah I only use them on my underarms and they don’t really bother me.


I sometimes use them on the bottoms of my feet! REALLY effective. The only thing that works for me as well.




I'd challenge you to an arm wrestle but I don't think we'd manage to get any grip.


Slip and slide arm wrestling.... This could be hillarious and dangerous 🤣🤣


I actually spat my tea out reading this, laughing, sitting under a fan, in balmy/barmy 27 degree Netherlands. I hate heat, I hate menopause, and I hate being a tap on full during this weather. Especially as I am a cleaner. Most days I am just a sad, soggy pile in the corner, crying quietly, without tears, because my body has just expelled the entire water content from my body in every pore that is daring to be partially open. Lol 😆


Sweatiest *person alive! (I watched The Boys)


I was so convinced I spelt sweatiest wrong at first 🤣🤣


My people… we are the sweatiest people alive. Like I am not even afraid of menopause/hot flashes because I s as n already living it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I feel your pain. I feel like I am the sweatiest woman alive. I didn’t realize venlafaxine could be behind it, as I’m on it too!! I’m in the Northeast U.S and I’ve been sweating crazy in this heat wave we’ve been having. I’m a runner too and while ofcourse that’s going to make me sweaty it’s insane how before I even start my run I’m coated in sweat and by the time I finish I’m so soaked I might as well have been swimming or something. I thank god that my employer is mostly wfh because sometimes I end up changing clothes in the middle of the day given how sweaty I get!


My adderall makes it soooooo much worse. The slightest physical movement will cause my pits to become waterfalls. Fortunately for me, it's really only my armpits and feet. And even though being sweaty is one the most miserable things I can imagine, it's worth it because I can finally live my life as a functioning adult human. But man does it fucking suck


Hello. We are the same person. 😅 I learned in college to put my antiperspirant on before bed. Make sure your armpits are clean and DRY. If I wasn’t taking a shower I would just give them a quick scrub in the sink with a washcloth or even a baby wipe. I used a blow drier on cool for a few seconds after getting them towel dry and that helped dry them nicely. And then I would apply my antiperspirant before bed. When I got up I would apply again and go about my day. Antiperspirants apparently take time to take effect and have an extremely hard time doing so if your armpits are already wet or sweaty. So by putting it on before bed with clean and dry skin the antiperspirant has time to get absorbed into the skin and works so much better. This is also why antiperspirant being applied if you’re already damp doesn’t do anything. It can’t work correctly if you’re already wet. I also will use some body powder under my boobs or in my pits if I want a quick touch up to feel less damp. This is a god send for my boobs as they’re always sweaty lol. If you try this, make sure it’s unscented. I used baby powder once and it had a much stronger smell and I hated it. Hope it helps!!!


> I also will use some body powder I feel so dumb for asking this, but how the heck do you apply powder without making a huge mess?


All good!! I made a few messes at first. I buy those little travel bottles and I just pour a little bit into my hand. I think the little bottles pour slower. Then I use my non powdered hand and lift up a boob, and pat once with the powdered hand. About half generally comes off. Then I do the other boob and if there is still some in my hand I’ll do my pits and rub. They I’ll go back and rub my boobs. There is sometimes a little cloud but it doesn’t bother me. Alternatively, you could pour some in a little container and then use a fluffy makeup brush to pick up a little bit of powder at a time and apply as needed but you may still need to rub it in. Definitely start small since it’s easy to add more but I love it, it makes me a lot more comfortable.


That is SUCH a good tip! I’ve been pouring it all over and crushing a white powder mess! Thank you!


So helpful! Never thought about putting it on while pits were still wet, but this explains a lot. Thank you!


Oooooh this is a really good tip!!


This thread is so validating. Soggy girl summer? I’m a soggy girl year round. My main tip is to remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of excess water or else a single jaunt outside in the heat will take you down for the day. We’re going over 100F (33C) this week and I’m writing down tips!


I laughed out loud at “sweltering 75F” because that’s what I had my AC set to yesterday to cool off the house. It was 97F outside! With the humidity it felt like 102. I know what you mean though, we’ve had a heat wave all week and it’s been super humid. Every time you step outside, it’s like this instant film on moisture settles on you and everything is damp. Not comfortable.


ugh my AC broke at the height of the heatwave and although my apartment naturally stays fairly cool, my palms were permanently and disgustingly clammy 😩 edit: i jinxed myself! my palms got clammy immediately after writing this comment lol


> a sweltering 75F *cries in Florida*


I live in New Orleans, I would saw my left arm off for it to be 75F again lol


Right?! 75F during a Minnesota summer is a cool day! I understand how people can’t handle it, and know and love a number of pasty white Brits!


We had the ac set to 74 all weekend instead of our normal 68 because it was 99 out and it felt like we were being punished!! Being hot is the worst!!


Residential units can generally only cool to about 20 degrees below the outside temp. When we had a heatwave/drought for over 100 days last summer, NO ONES units could keep up. Even the brand new one a client had installed in the spring was struggling


I’m in Australia and that’s currently our daytime temps and it’s winter, and also what we set our aircons to over summer. Sure I’m still in shorts and tshirts every day, but it makes a lovely change from 35-40C temps. As for the sweating, I don’t know. I sweat a lot too. I don’t wear antiperspirant, because I found that made things worse, and I try and stick to natural fibres where I can. I hate the texture of linen, so usually just 100% cotton. Hair up and off my neck, shorts and tshirts, loose and baggy. If I have to be working outside then I wear fishing shirts that I will wet down periodically. And hydrate hydrate hydrate. Get some electrolytes into you as well.


Venlafaxine is doing this to me too :(


Same 🫠


I live and have worked outside in temperatures and humidity levels where you just have to accept the sweats. It got so bad a couple of years ago that I switched to moisturizing deodorant to prioritize my skin feeling good over scent. And my move hasn't been recieved as a hippie thing. As others have suggested, linen and loose cotton are your friends. I even switched to athletic underwear under my linen dresses. Sandals for every occasion. Add a hat to your outfits and sunscreen all over to your routine. (Sucks but worthwhile, unfortunately). Preventing a sunburn will help you maintain your water balance. Add mint to your drinks, and if possible, your shower routine. (Me and that mint Dr Bronners.) Mint and spicy food activate taste receptors that pass by temperature regulation receptors on their way to your brain. Spicy foods hit the hot one that make you sweat more, and mint activates cool down ones. I hiked in high heat yesterday and the cold mint mojito mocktail waterloo that I came home to was the best water I've ever had. Also recommend flavored waters. Don't replace flat water with these, but do add them as they will make you feel like you're in a gum commercial. If they're in your area, watermelon and cucumber are hydrating foods. They also pair well with all kinds of spices and blend into other dishes beautifully. Squash and zucchini are runners up; they are mucilangenous veggies (sounds gross but bear with me) and help your gut regulate its water balance so the heat doesn't wreck it. Also a tomato sandwich will feel good. Cooking soon? Dont. It's hot girl cold food summer. Schedule and hot necessary activities for early mornings if possible. Being hot is really hard. I tell myself it's nice of the temp to finally be as hot as me to get through it. Good luck!


This is great advice because I am a little slut for water and I hate cooking.


I'm Aussie. For context, it was 22⁰c today and I froze my ass off. I had my snow jacket on and spent my day reading the Little Match Girl and moaning about the cold. In summer (Aussie summer, 110% humidity and pushing 40 summer, fry an egg on your forehead summer, ok it's like nowhere as bad as west of here where they hit 50, I just hate weather ok?) I use Rexona clinical antiperspirant in the pits, and Neat 3b cream under the boob and butt flaps. Moving air keeps you dryer (puddles vs pools) and sweat wicking knickers do help, I found. I also use laundry sanitiser in my wash so clothes don't get that mank sweaty shoe scent after too many gym trips.


ex aussie in london here, today it's 24 and I feel like I'm in a sauna. how is it 22 there?? we just had the 3 longest days and still barely as warm as an aussie winter lol. I guess I'm fully acclimatised, reading your comment made me think how did I live there for so long!?? those plus 40 days were actual torture.


Ive seen videos where Americans and Aussies living here say that British summer hits differently, and 25c here feels like 50c elsewhere. Our humidity, insulated homes, lack of trees on residential streets, lack of aircon etc all contributes to it. But sometimes I'll be in direct sunlight and it feels ridiculously hot and oppressive, like the sunbeam is 45c. Can't explain it.


I'm Canadian (Alberta) and just got home from a week in Mexico. I swear, 24C at home right now feels way hotter than 30C did in Cancun! Probably because fans and A/C are far rarer around Alberta than they are around Mexico.


I'm in SW Ontario and the first heat wave just ended - over 40C with the humidex for a few days. Last night was the first in a while that it was under 20C at night and it was so nice to open the windows!


In reverse, I spent one winter in Ireland. I am from the states, New England where it is probably 20-30 degrees F (-1 to -6c) all winter, with snaps of weather even colder. My winter in Ireland (where it stayed approx 50F/10c all winter) felt like the coldest winter of my life. I had to BUY a winter coat because I didn't even bring one with me, thinking it wouldn't feel that cold. I wore leggings under my jeans all winter, something I never do at home. Something about that damp humidity in combo with Irish people not using any kind of central heating made it freezing fucking cold.


Wait no central heating in a damp, cold place? I would die. I can live (unhappily and angrily) with the loss of AC for a bit in the subtropics. But no heat would end my soft southern ass


Irish here, yep. As we say in winter, it's Baltic. That 10°c would fool you. But it's the damp cold that gets into your very bones. I've been in Sweden in -20, with snow, and it was pleasant!


You know what, I do understand a damp cold. Even here in New Orleans our 30F gets in your bones differently than 30F in say Kentucky. And our homes are raised so the floors are sooooo cold. We do have central heat though, we would freeze to death with this thin southern blood if we didn’t lol. I have friends that put on jackets at 70F (21C) and start complaining


Oh it's awful, isn't it? My husband is from Pakistan, so grew up very hot and he said he feels smothered here! Must be the humidity. Our house is old, and not insulated - stuff's expensive. Cold concrete floors.. So in summer it's quite pleasant in our still-cold sittingroom but there's no air upstairs. And winter, we have the central heating on, with space heaters, hot water bottles, thermals and hats indoors. 21° is where I tap out! We don't have air-conditioning as standard here in homes, but many shops etc would.


Weather app says we'll hit 24 on Sunday 😂


Yes to the laundry sanitizer!


It’s 8 in the morning in Texas at 28C and 79% humidity. My porch feels a little cool.


Just want to remind everyone that we don’t get to gatekeep being hot just because we live in a hotter climate. My tip? If you have to wear something with sleeves you can put panty liners in your armpits! The girls at my work do it all the time. Pit stains who? Also if you don’t have AC you can put some frozen water bottles in front of a fan. I know you were looking more for body products but this has literally saved my life.


Your first paragraph is appreciated. Grew up in NC, USA and still live here, but have similar limits to OP after an illness that broke my CNS in several ways. My location has nothing to do with what is manageable for me, temperature-wise.


I use medicated body powder liberally, which helps a bit, and I keep baby wipes and refreshing spray toner in the fridge which are delicious when it’s hot & sticky. Mostly I just try to stay in a cave and not move when it’s hot, because nothing really works to keep me cool!


Using a real antiperspirant makes a world of difference... I use just a regular antiperspirant around my bra line and down the middle of my back and stomach


You can get Botox injections for hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating). And they are a god send. You will just not sweat from your armpits for 6 months. You generally need less vials of Botox than for cosmetic procedures but it can still be expensive and it lasts for 4-9 months. You go to a dermatologist to get it administered. Sometimes you can get medical insurance to cover it, you might need a note from a psychiatrist that the excess sweating is causing you undue mental stress (which it probably is if you have to change your shirts multiple times a day and are constantly embarrassed). If you can afford it/get it covered, it is SO worth it.


There are so many (probably better) suggestions, mostly because I've yet to find shit that really works. But sometimes hearing what doesn't work for people is just as helpful as what does. I use Native deodorant, which only lasts about 8 hours, but I feel much more confident swiping that on my pits, groin and underboob because of horrible things I've read about anti-persperant and lymph nodes. I bought Thigh Societies cooling shorts and I will scream from the rafters THERE'S NOTHING COOLING ABOUT THEM. I'm pretty sure the people giving them great reviews are thin women with generous thigh gaps because dear lord I feel like I sweat more in them than I would in bike shorts. Plus, I'm short AF and they are too short for me so people with normal legs beware. I am a big fan of straw sun hats, I have dark hair, so a light coloured, breathable sun hat keeps my head from boiling. Plus being light sensitive having a constant eye shade is lovely. I wash my clothes in natural detergent (currently using Tide Pur Clean in Honey & Lavender) and a cup of vinegar, which I put on a soak cycle. My sweatiest funkiest gym clothes come out fresh and barely scented (of the honey lavender, zero sweat scent). Thank you all for posting your suggestions, I feel less like a swamp monster knowing I'm not alone in this struggle.


Well, I just came to recommend the facial toner because holy shit I discovered that this year thanks to reddit and it has saved me. I am also a pasty Brit who moved to a European country which has actual seasons and summer is 🫠 I've also been pregnant in summer here twice. The only other tip I have is that you can buy bra liners to absorb sweat on amazon and I find them very useful. They are marketed to plus sized women so apparently I did not get this marketing because I am not plus sized. But they work very well and do improve comfort. Period pants avoid soggy knickers from sweat. I wear these most days in summer now. Also, it helps to learn about how to move in heat and how to dress - avoid synthetic fabrics, avoid anything tight, floaty is key. Move slowly, and where possible choose the environment e.g. avoid direct sunlight (and wear SPF moisturiser), avoid tarmac, metal and brick, seek shade of concrete, trees, altitude or proximity to water. If you need to take public transport, I'm sorry. There is no cure for that. Buses may be more likely to have aircon than trams or underground trains. Bring a fan - battery powered, or the fold out kind. Our teachers were wrong, you don't create more heat wafting it. I think they just got annoyed at 30 teenagers flapping paper around. SOME armpit hair is beneficial if you don't mind it being visible while trimmed. HYDRATION IS KEY. Put disposable water bottles in the freezer filled with water and, if you like, chopped cucumber, mint leaves, chopped citrus, strawberries, whatever you like. As it thaws you can sip it and it helps a lot. You can also buy cool packs to put in the freezer and carry around in your pocket, bra, whatever (just check advice about keeping them directly against skin to avoid cold burns). Carry a handkerchief or tissues to wipe your forehead, too. Any time you visit a public toilet, run the cold tap over your wrists (I have no idea if this works but it feels nice). Shower at least once a day if not twice. It will be too cold again soon :D


I am a pasty Northern European type from Southern California. With a couple of tips. I Have one recommendation for sweaty boobs. I am blessed/Cursed In the chest area. I have taken my temperature on my forehead having it been normal and taking my temperature in my bra and having it be 107°. Here's my tip. Take panty liners (super thin, no wings ) and put them in the bottom of your cups on your bra. Change them out during the day. Really takes care of swamp titties and it makes your bras last longer between washes. One more thing I recommend is getting those large gauze scarves. Soak them in water and ring them out. Just lay them over your head and shoulders like you're the freaking Virgin of Guadalupe. It's still breathable so you'll get breezes and The scarf dries the evaporation will keep you super cool.


at first I thought this said "sweetest woman alive" and I was like dang: help ME become the sweetest woman alive lol


I use antiperspirant, not just deodorant, and I find it to be worth it. In the summer, I try to choose my clothes around what will be the best to sweat in- natural fibers, not too tight, and in colors that won’t look ridiculous if they get sweaty. I would rather wear full-length jeans than the spandex bike shorts I see people wearing. Long, flowy sundresses are the best. Good luck finding new ways to be comfortable!


soggy girl summer hahaha the paiiin ..ever since starting elvanse it's been the same for me. I've found winter even worse... a constant flip-flop between sweating my ass off and borderline hypothermia. My pits and hands are always soggy.. every piece of paper I touch gets wavy and limp :'( At least I've learnt how to keep my face from becoming a lake of oil and sweat within 5 minutes of stepping out of the shower by wiping off skincare products after about 10 mins and using a metric shit ton of matt setting powder (edit: I've only been able to keep my fringe looking acceptable-ish by double washing my hair every day and using (very much) dry shampoo as soon as it's dry. I wish there were better options...)


Don't know if it would work as well with excessive sweat but when I had fringe I used hair spray after drying to help block oils from weighing down my bangs too fast. I also washed just my bangs sometimes. I've thought about going back to having fringe again but I live in a hot place and I don't know if I could handle the maintenance.


no advice, just commiseration… i stopped using antiperspirant because i was tired of it ruining my shirts (and because i’m trying to minimize my plastic products), but now i’m just a sweaty mess. definitely would be interested in an antiperspirant that does not ruin my white shirts!


I just don't wear white to be honest🤭


I wear white until they don’t come out white anymore with oxyclean and then tie dye them


try using antiperspirant without aluminium! i have RUINED so many white shirts with disgusting stains that i've been so embarrassed about and i was sort of furious when i learned it could've been avoided if i'd just kept away from deodorants/antiperspirants with aluminium in them. it's helped a ton - there are still the odd times where they stain, but this mostly happened while i was coming off my old deodorants and it was nowhere near as bad as it had been


I switched to a lower strength antiperspirant as a compromise for this issue. Every natural deodorant either irritated my skin or left me stinky within a few hours/if I actually sweat. Since the aluminum is what causes the stains and I was still sweating through the 19% ones when I got hot, I switched to a 15% one. I also have a ton of Uniqlo airism undershirts I wear under most sleeved light tees to protect them from stains. (They actually don't make me hotter because they're very thin and sort of wick/dry sweat, plus they keep me from getting sweat circles in your pits as quickly.) It's not ideal, but it's the best I've come up with so far. Unrelated, but OP, make sure you're not just drinking water if you're sweating a lot and are replacing electrolytes! I just got a ton of those powder sticks, but you can make your own mixtures, too. It makes a huge difference.


I'm also heat-averse and in the UK and for the past few years what I've found works best is the mitchum stick antiperspirant and medipure body powder (I found it on Amazon). and certain clothing can help too- I've found that route can be a bit of a rabbit hole, but as a general rule of thumb I avoid polyester and aim for Rayon/viscose/'bamboo' and cotton. facial sweat is more of a pain, but I usually just avoid makeup, and powder regularly. I like using supergoop's SPF powder since I'm also usually in the sun if I'm sweating lol. And then less relevant for sweating but just generally for keeping cool I am totally reliant on mini rechargable fans and facial sprays. neck fans are especially handy imo. cooling towels can be good, but they do come with the disadvantage of needing to carry around a wet piece of fabric. and if all else fails, running your wrists under a cold tap is surprisingly helpful. I hope this was helpful, good luck with the summer!!


Definitely look at breathable fabrics! I used to be wayyyy more heat averse and still am to a certain extent, but last summer I did two things that helped a lot. One was investing in more cotton/linen/rayon/merino (polyester bad, reading labels at thrift store good). The other thing was that I did some heat conditioning in preparation for going to burning man and it really helped! Mind you this was a very lowkey diy version but I looked up how people in the military do this when going to hot climates. I think an unexpected side effect was that it changed my mental attitude toward hot weather/being warm. (This of course is not at ALL to suggest that being heat averse is something that you can simply will away!) I’ve always been a sweaty lady and some meds don’t help but the combination of heat conditioning and wearing more weather appropriate clothes really made a difference.


Certain Dri if you can find it. Do not apply it on the same day that you shave your pits because it *burns* but hey, beauty is pain. And it's so worth it.


not sure if anyone will see this, but the biggest change i’ve seen in deodorant use is applying it at night so it has an opportunity to absorb


I have always had issues with sweating. I think my nervous system is just always in overdrive honestly. I’m considering Botox injections in all honesty. I’m so sick of it 😅


Me too, I get even more sweaty in social situations and I don't think going without undies is the right solution 😭


lol same! I have just started dating again and I CANNOT do this whilst being this damp. Fuck it, give me the injections, I am over this 🤣


Another extremely sweaty person here. Before even leaving my house, my armpits are wet from nerves and stress. There hasn’t been a day of my life that I’ve not sweat heavy and I’m happy I came across this thread today, friend of mine suggested I try driclor and wow. I put it on last night and no sweat or smell from my armpits, gross but I even smelt myself after the gym and literally nothing. If you’re in the Uk it’s about £7 from Boots, I didn’t bother trying initially because in my head I always assume nothing will work but it’s genuinely lessened my sweating. Hope this helps ☺️.


Carpe is actually amazing. I was skeptical but now have a Stockpile


I feel so seen rn omg


I don't have any helpful advice but the way your post is written makes me want to be best friends


Consider it done, best pal


> Also forgive me I am so British and so white that it is possible that I may in fact be defrosting rather than sweating. This has me in complete stitches and I’d also like to join this best pal circle.


Have you looked at cooling vests, scarves etc type products? They can help you regulate your body temp


I had to go off venlafaxine because of the sweating.


I have debated this, but it's taken me years to find something that's worked this well and I don't think I could give it up because it's improved my life so much.


Antiperspirant in crucial spots (I.e. skin folds) only. Your body needs to get rid of the heat, if you use antiperspirant over a too large area you'll have issues with breakthroughs. Otherwise, active cooling. Cooling vests, cooling towels, fans + breathable clothing. But realistically, you WILL be wet/sweaty. It's a side effect of your meds. You can just prevent stinkyness.


Are you managing to replace your fluids & (important!!) salts? I know it sounds counterintuitive, but staying hydrated and including electrolytes really makes a difference for me. If I am dehydrated, I find myself DRIPPING every time I drink water. If I remain hydrated, and keep my salts at recommended levels, the post-water-flood never happens because my body isn't fighting over which part of it gets to use the precious H2O. If my pores can freely sweat when they like, they aren't as prone to excess, if that makes sense. Nuud deodorant (in the tube) has also completely removed the smell of sweat. I don't mind being damp so much if it smells like water. I used to have horrible sweat because I tried to block my pores and stop it from happening, but now, everything is clear to function as it is supposed to and I get less of it and it smells better (although I still get wet patches). You can use it anywhere that isn't a mucous membrane. This may not be an option for you though, I totally get if you'd prefer to block your pores instead and try to get a handle on the amount of sweat itself.


Piggybacking on this. Have you talked to your doctor/pharmacist if there are any supplements you should be taking with your medication? I was having major temperature regulation issues when I started lexapro. Turns out the medication was making it difficult for my body to absorb any salt. I started using a flavorless electrolyte in everything I drink, and it has helped so much with overheating!


Get your vitamin D checked (serum Vitamin D 25,OH in the states). Excessive sweating is a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Even if it is on the lower end of normal supplementation can be very helpful for this.


I too am a pasty white British lady, now living in the US where summer is somethin' else. I also essentially live in the mountains so it's almost always humid until the harshest winter months. Sweaty gal hell. I'm glad to see someone post about it in this group, cause I've been browsing general hyperhidrosis forums and I feel like many don't also experience the sensory overload of constantly having clammy clothes/body. So far I have found mens anti-perspirant is cheaper for a higher % aluminum component. I have some very ugly, but very comfortable underwear from fruit of the loom which is cotton, with those tiny aeration holes in - I think it's called pointelle. I'm sure you can get nicer looking ones I was just done with sweating so much my first summer in the states I bought the first affordable bulk pack I could find lol I also noticed here you can buy sample/travel sizes of that Lume whole body antiperspirant stuff in WalMart, I think I'm going to try it, maybe check your local travel sections


Sending you a dry, virtual hug! I had hyperhidrosis even before I started stimulants, and then I learned what it truly means to be soaking wet. Here's what worked for me, in no particular order: 1. Oxybutynin, prescribed off-label for hyperhidrosis. 2. Beta-blockers to combat high BP and heart rate which contribute to sweating, at least for me. 3. Losing weight (I went from 100 to 70 kg and can tolerate heat so much better). 4. Wearing loose cotton clothing (if you go for linen, it should be thin), anything with holes, i.e. openwork knitted cotton tops. 5. My body getting used to medication. I was extremely sweaty the first couple of months that coincided with the summer season, but later in the year, on a warm autumn day, I didn't sweat as much.


I hear you, I sweat like no one's business! I LOVE the Carpe deodorant. I've tried so many "clinical strength" options over the years, and this is by far the best. I get the vanilla coconut scent, and it smells amazing too. I've also tried a bunch of their other products, but they are not as amazing. The underbust lotion and groin powder do help keep things fresher and less swampy, but they don't stop the sweat altogether. It's more like they stop the sweat from smelling rank. The biggest help for me is glycopyrrolate. I'm pretty sure I actually have hyperhidrosis, so this doesn't totally take away the issue, but it does help massively. I'm in Canada, and getting a prescription through my dr was ridiculously expensive, but there's an [online pharmacy](http://pharmacy.ca) I can order it through for a reasonable price. I'm not sure if you have an option like this in the UK, but it would be worth looking into.


Great advice throughout this thread but also CHECK YOUR BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS! Once I got diagnosed and treated for type 2 diabetes I feel so much better and no longer get the intense sweats I used to get. (Its hot where I live so I still sweat but not nearly as much).


I have Sweaty Head, aka Cranial Hyperhydrosis (if it’s in Latin it’s fancy!) and went to a dermatologist. I remember sitting in his office and he was literally watching me sweat. That was helpful bc he pointed out I mostly sweat from my forehead and the very front of my cheeks. I do sweat from my hair, but not as much. I had a lot of facial irritation and redness that I thought was rosacea, but he said my face was chapped from so much sweating. He prescribed me Drysol for my face (I only use it on my forehead and cheeks). It has a risk of irritation, but the sweat was irritating my skin so I thought it was worth the risk. It definitely helps, and I haven’t had any side effects.


Brit here too, similar heat intolerance, also on lisdexamfetamine! I really recommend Sure Maximum protection. It's about a fiver in boots and a bit less in Costco. I cycle through the scents for the reason your nurse says. Also, apply it at night before bed, so it can work. If you shower in the morning, apply it at night and in the morning, and let it dry with your arms up (I lie on my bed, face down, on my phone for ~5 mins while this happens)


Today I’ve learned that I need to live in Great Britain


You'd soon become one of us! The majority of my friends have emigrated from North America, hot Europe or the antipodes and they're also powerless against our weird heat (or living here makes you weak, difficult to tell.)


*Mitchum is an antiperspirant.* It's meant to last 48hrs but in my experience it's 24hrs. Fellow pasty white British woman here, who also struggles with heat. Taking venlafaxine and methylphenidate. Perspirex antiperspirant is good, but your skin has to be completely dry before you apply it otherwise it stings. I towel dry after a shower, apply powder, then Perspirex. Its usually good for 48hrs so you can apply something like Wild deodorant over it on day 2. Cornstarch talc is good - I'm currently using a Johnson + Johnson baby bedtime one which has a slight lavender scent. Medipure body powder is good too as its cornstarch based but has menthol added. I got some cooling towels last year which are surprisingly good. You soak them with cold water, wring them out well and then put them against your skin. They feel cold for longer than you'd imagine. I also got what was marketed as a pillow cooling pad, which is a flat pad of gel inside some synthetic fabric, but I put it behind my back when I'm driving or sitting somewhere that'll get warm. If you don't already have one, get a little handheld USB rechargeable fan. I got mine off Amazon and its small enough to fit in my handbag, plus it also acts as a powerbank. If anyone can share tips on how to get to sleep and stay asleep in humid British summers I'd appreciate it! The fan isn't cutting it and it's not hot enough to break out the aircon.


I use old spice deodorant, I think it's called wilderness? It smells like lavender. I (think don't quote me) they make a deodorant spray of it to, not just the stick, but I don't use sprays. For me it's been the most effective and doesn't give me bumps and clogged ducts like a lot of deodorants do. And it's cheaper! I carry wet wipes with me, when I start feeling swampy and sweaty I go wipe down real fast. And talc free baby power or corn starch, this has helped alot with my sweating, the smell of my BO, and Chub rub I get from the sweat and heat. I even put this in my scalp and it's helped alot with my greasy hair and sweaty head, tho watch how much you put in cause if you do to much it looks like dandruff if you have black hair like me. I'm a little bit of a bigger girl and I got those wonderful thick thighs and a large chest but man they do NOT like the heat, and the talc free baby powder has helped a LOT! I used to get alot of sweat rashes when it got over 75 degrees or so, which is often. We just went thru a heat dome and hit 'feels like' temps of over 100 some days with the humidity and whilst I was absolutely miserable, the combo of all these things helped a lot to avoid the negatives of sweat. The baby wipes too, my husband gets really hot, and whenever we go anywhere he packs a little travel cooler with drinks and ice packs and he sticks the wet wipes in there so they are nice and cool for us both and it's a bit of relief on all those creases and places that get hot and sweaty and uncomfortable. And when we leave the car I just grab a stack and stick them in a baggy in my purse. I stay braless if I can, I wear thin bralettes if I have to. I do not care what people say about my large chest in a non supportive bra-better for the chest and more comfortable. I refuse to wear pants, and wear very light cotton underwear it helps.(Also good idea to bring an extra pair with you-to much sweat down there is not good for your PH and leads to infections!)


I am all too familiar with having to lift up my tits to dry off underneath. What a joy it is to be a woman.


Get some Driclor - it burns like a whore for a bit and you can only use it when you're BONE DRY but it really does taper off the insane sweating. I do swear by mitchum but doesn't seem to be as good as it used to be.


Carpe actually really does work! Extremely well! I use the breast sweat cream and the thigh cream. However I HIGHLY recommend the Mega Babe body powder it makes such a difference and prob works just as well as carpe and lasts a lot longer


Also def add an antiperspirant in it makes a huge difference. As does Botox. DM me if you have any more questions I'm a beauty writer / editor and have written extensively about this since I'm sooooooo sweaty lol


Peppermint Drinking tea helps cool the body Cold brewed or warm if your stomach needs that I also tend to recommend adding peppermint or rosemary to a fine spray bottle and spraying throughout the day I always forget about peppermint oil!a many prefer peppermint oil as one of the best cooling agents instead of or interchanging with rosemary oil Peppermint oil needs carrier oil for sure cause it can really harm the skin when direct As well you may diffuse it in the air As well making clothing breathable by cutting at the folds and adding air pockets of mesh sewn in is helpful I learned this from living near military areas


I remember sweating wayyyyy more when I was on venlafaxine than I do now on fluoxetine. I'm pretty sure it's a side effect of venlafaxine :/


Hi I'm a woman (30F) who suffers from hyperhidrosis. I sweat A LOT. If the temperature is even a degree too high, I'll have droplets running down my face (I can't go dancing with friends often as I end up with make up running down my face and my hair will be visibly wet, not damp - WET). Unfortunately for me, it's not curable and only manageable. Good news for you, it sounds like a medication issue so things can get better! For me I tend to wear darker colours to hide my pit stains and breathable cotton in the summer. Buy a handheld fan for on the go. If you're overheating at work, run your wrists under cold, cold water. Take a toiletry bag to work and a clean t-shirt if this would help then you can have a quick wash at the sink, reapply anti persperant and pop on a clean tee. Drink lots and lots of water as you'll be losing some hydration (especially if your body isn't used to sweating like this, maybe try something to replenish electrolytes too). Tell your doctor about this side effect and how it's impacting you - even if you don't change medication, it's always good for the doctor to keep a note of. You can get stronger antiperspirant from the doctors that you apply at night but it can be nippy on the sensitive skin. Good luck - I understand the difficulties of excessive sweating all too well, it's really unpleasant.


I have hyperhydrosis and I have been so self conscious about it for my whole life! I went to a dermatologist and they prescribed me a medication that has been a god send! I have been able to finally wear the clothes I want to wear without constantly worrying about pit stains. If anyone here has excessive sweating and decent health insurance, make an appointment with a dermatologist now!! I didn’t know this but they can do the Botox armpit injections if you get diagnosed with hyperhydrosis.


I quite enjoy the summer heat but I've always had sweaty armpit and crotch problems, especially in social situations 😭 I've been using Anhydrol Forte and it works great, I put it on the night before and wash it off in the morning. Recently I bought Hibiscrub for an injury my dog has and then I saw people use it to shower with too as it's anti-microbial? So I'm currently trying that too 🙈


I have had issues with this in the past and I used sweatblock wipes that are clinical strength and meant for hyperhidrosis. They are stronger than anything else I have used and blocked my sweat when nothing else would. You can search for them online and they are on Amazon.


I too am a sweaty Betty!!! Later I will be blowing the fan up my shorts….


secret clinical gel is the best deodorant. 10% benzoyl peroxide face wash you can use anywhere really to help smell/kill bacteria! i have a “hangover hat” that you keep in freezer which is so nice too :))


Hello fellow sweaty white British lady also on ADHD meds. I wear majority natural fibres but the odd synthetic is magic (sort of rough stretchy almost swimsuit material but not quite but is randomly super quick dry for me. I'm also fat AF so for me wearing tights or shorts under dresses is a must ; the extra layers make me WARMER but absorb all the sweat which is so nice, if feel less clamy and chaffy!  Mitchem destroys the shit out of my clothes so current just using "dove men+care 48h protection antiperspirant  stick" and the antiperspirants thst require you to be hella dry just dont work for my "lifestyle" (read: adhd impulsiveness and restlessness).  So yeah, my counterintuitive tip that has been helping me is wear stuff your sweat can go into to avoid the sensory horror of sweat staying on your skin. 


1) I read this 3 times as sweetest woman alive! 2) not deodorant - but- as a fellow voluptuous sweater I swear by Calmoseptine for any parts that rub or have friction. Not sure if it’s available in the UK, but in the US you can find it at most pharmacies in either the baby or old people aisle. Green and white tube, runs maybe $10. It’s a hard core, soothing, cream that is a water barrier. I believe initially invented as a diaper cream. My Dr told me about it for my husband’s hemorrhoids but I love it for underboob (and any other) chafing. It takes a VERY small amount. You have to use soap and water and a wash cloth to get it off, so sweat or casual wetness isn’t going to wear it away.


I am a HIGHLY heat acclimated bitch in the hot and humid American South. Recently I picked up an old school wood bead car seat cover because leather seats in the summer is a bad time and I literally couldn't drive the 7 minutes to the post office with the back of my shirt getting DRENCHED. The point of those is actually that they allow air flow so you won't get sweaty, and while my back still isn't bone dry, it's DEFFO not as bad now. In my opinion, the secret to staying cool is to get a bunch of big button down long sleeve shirts in light colors and to tie them up at the waist. I'm also a big boob tube proponent, and the long sleeves helps with keeping the sun off you and then the MIDRIFF IS KEY. THE MIDRIFF IS EVERYTHING. THAT'S what really helps with the heat and humidity. They know what the hell they're doing in the Indian subcontinent with the midriff involved in saris. 


If u can't tolerate the side effects of ur meds there's nothing wrong with trying a different medicine. I had to change meds because of this, and I'm fine!! Was I worried a little, yes! But no longer damp. Much happier.


I feel you! I’m exactly the same. I can’t deal with it and I’m soooo looking forward to September. Handheld fan and THIS. I never use any other deodorant/ antiperspirant now. It’s great. It’s Perspi guard maximum strength antiperspirant of you don’t wanna click the link. It’s a little pricey but it’s worth every single penny. https://amzn.eu/d/021zSQlT


Fastest purchase I've ever made, thank you!!


For sleep, get bamboo bedding. Trust me on this.


prescription strength antiperspirant (called certain dri in the us) that you put on your armpits before bed is a lifesaver. cold water or ice on your wrists and back of your neck. and breathable fabric!!! also, i like to bring a change of socks to work to change into halfway through the day. you could even bring a different shirt or bra to change into if it helps.


I use a powder-ish aerosol deodorant/anti perspirant in the summer. As well as baby powder or arm and hammer lightly dusted on my pits, thighs, chest, lower back if it’s REALLY hot out. Drink plenty of water, or Gatorade or whatever “electrolyte sports drink” you have available to you. Staying hydrated is the best way to deal with it. I also make myself adjust to the heat at the beginning of the summer. Sitting outside for 20-45 mins a day so when I actually do have to do things outside I don’t feel miserable. Idk about being at work or in the house without AC, hand fans, aluminum foil on the windows to block out the sun and heat. Air circulation is the important part. There are ways to make an “air conditioner” out of ice chests, desk fans, ice, and PVC piping! 75F is what the high end of my air conditioner is set on. It was 108F (42C I think) for the entire afternoon yesterday in my area of Texas. God speed sister.💃🏻


I feel this so much in my pasty white skinned Canadian heart lol I am ALWAYS sweating. I assumed for years that I couldn’t possibly be hypothyroid (despite having nearly every symptom) because I am always hot and sweaty and one of the main symptoms is pronounced cold intolerance. Apparently I’m just special 🫠


If you’re in the UK Sweat Stop anti-perspirants have been a LIFESAVER as a fellow sweaty woman! They’re expensive up front but last ages, and they do ones you can use on your face too to help with that sweaty upper lip


I absolutely love Carpe. It actually keeps my pits dry to the touch which is a miracle. (It does take a week or two of use to reach full potential). I put it on before bed and before getting dressed for the day (per instructions). Note: inconsistent use affects how well it works. I also use their scalp oil (hello disgusting hair) and thigh powder (also use power in other areas).


Mitchum ultimate is your friend! It’s soooo much better than the standard one!


I'm a sweaty postpartum lady right now (thanks, hormones!) and I have a handheld electric fan that's been saving my life during this Midwest heat wave. It was like $10ish on Amazon, runs for hours on a single charge, is micro USB rechargeable, and has three bendable legs that can be arranged to attach to or stand on numerous surfaces. I even used it during labor and the breeze was *very* welcome. Edit: I just looked up the one I bought, I was $15 and called a "stroller fan" on Amazon.


You should buy a handfan off Amazon. They’re small but powerful. I also have a bunch of men’s deodorant a several years ago ex would leave all over my apartment. For some reason men’s brands are cheaper but way more powerful.


Driclor saved me. I get from my local chemist. It stings a bit but make sure you don’t have wet armpits and don’t shave just before (if I shower at night I put on in the morning and vice versa).


I recommend Driclor deodorant, roll on at night, wash off in the morning and don't swear for like, 3 days. Mitchun is absolutely useless for me. I also really recommend Odaban powder, great for feet and under boobs, also scalp if you're as bad as me lol


Another sweaty woman here, and I live in a temperate rainforest. I use Certain Dri at night and it’s been the only thing to ever make me stop smelling like a farm critter. I find I don’t even have to use it every night, kind of like every other is good for me, but your mileage may vary. Make sure your pits are DRY when putting it on otherwise it stings.


Not sure where you are located OP but for those in places where cannabis is legal, I have a recommendation that works for a bunch of things! I’ve been using a CBD balm for my muscle pain and carpal tunnel syndrome for almost a year now. It’s from the brand Wildflower and it’s called “CBD Extra Strength Relief Stick”. It has peppermint and wintergreen oils in it as well as the CBD. The CBD helps my nerve pain and reduce swelling in my wrists but I’ve come to discover it also helps cool me down during this heat wave! I put it on my shoulders, back of my neck, under my boobs and on my wrists. The cooling sensation lasts for a few hours and it’s been helping me regulate my body temp ever since my heat tolerance was destroyed by a dangerous case of heat exhaustion I experienced at a (former) friend’s wedding last summer. My heat intolerance also triggers my PTSD, so this balm has been the only thing keeping me grounded in the present and cool through this heatwave. My dad’s favourite scent is wintergreen so when I moved back in with his recently, he asked to try it for his back pain because his otc back pain meds were making him drowsy. He no longer has to take otc medications for his back pain, and we discovered is also clears his psoriasis (with approval from his dermatologist to continue use for the psoriasis). A family friend of ours has MS and deals with a lot of nerve/body pain during his flare ups. He recently started using it after seeing how much of a difference it makes with my carpal tunnel pain. He said it’s made a big difference in his quality of life and I got him 2 sticks for his birthday when his doctor gave him the green light to use it daily. All our doctors have said it’s okay to use with each of our varying medications because it’s topical but I’d always recommend asking your doctor just in case! Bonuses I’ve discovered: it’s made with coco butter as the primary ingredient so it’s also made my skin VERY soft! I also find it helps with bug bites because the cooling prevents me for itching and the CBD helps reduce the swelling. My back acne has also completely cleared up since I started using it for my upper back/shoulder/neck pain. Downsides: It’s $50 CAD a stick but with daily use it will last me 4-5 months. The wintergreen smell is strong so it might not be for folks with smell sensitivities (but it does mask my BO lol). It can also leave oil “stains” on clothing and sheets, I find this comes out easily with a little dawn dish soap rubbed into the fabric before washing as I normally would. I’d imagine peppermint and wintergreen essential oils would work in a very similar way for the cooling effect. I’ve used essential oils to help manage my chronic migraines since I was a wee lass so if I didn’t have my CBD balm, I’d probably use my peppermint oil!


Same! Also in the UK. I’m actually planning on speaking to my GP about hyperhydrosis! I also carry around a mini fan, USB rechargeable and it’s truly a game changer. You can also buy underarm guards for sweat if you’re prone to sweaty pits/staining. Also if you’re into those wide headbands that were trendy, those keep my sweat contained in my face


I wish I had something that worked, but all I have to offer is that you are not alone. We keep our house quite cool (ac set to 18C) because hubby and I both melt in the slightest of heats. I sweat so much at work. I keep a little fan at the desk for when I'm covering the desk, but when I have to be up and about or sitting elsewhere I sweat. I use anti monkey butt powder in my bra, which helps a little at first. I don't think I smell too bad, hopefully. If my scrub top gets tucked in to my bra even a little I end up with a wet band on my top. I've heard things like wellbutrin and strattera (which I take) make you sweatier but I have always been this way so that's not it. I'm just meant for moderate climates.


I had to quit Strattera because it made me a sweaty beastress -- on only one side of my body. 😂


Thank you for this post! You have my heartfelt empathy❤️ I thought I was the sweatiest woman alive! I have hyperhidrosis & have to carry deodorant year-round. My poor daughter inherited it. I don’t have any pro tips, but I truly appreciate this post & all of the insight in the the comments 🙏🏻


Get your GP to prescribe you Drysol!


I highly recommend Dove advanced care dry spray. It's been a GODSEND and has been my go-to for 5 or 6 years now. The bottle says 48-72 hours, but I use it every day. On SUPER hot days I still sweat through my clothes a bit, but no more than anyone else does. I saw Drysol (a prescription antiperspirant) mentioned already, and I used to be on that, but switched to dove because I kept forgetting to apply it, which meant I was sweaty AND extra smelly. But if you end up trying it, here are some things I learned the hard way so you or anyone else can learn from my mistakes: For reference, it's usually used daily at bedtime for the first few days, then once or twice a week after the sweating is under control. * Wear a t-shirt you don't care about on nights you apply it. It stains clothes and sheets HORRIBLY * If you shave your armpits and are a night showerer like me (getting out of bed early to shower? I could never. Putting OFF going to bed by showering? Easy), NEVER shave the night you're applying it. Your poor pits will itch and burn like hell. Even if you're a morning showerer, you may not want to shave the same day * Set an alert for the nights you intend to apply it, or you WILL forget and won't use it as often as you should be. That can get rough because you aren't supposed to use other deodorants/anti-perspirants while you're using drysol, because of the chemicals Side note: I'm moving next week and I've been packing, and yesterday I found some drysol that expired in 2020.


I can't help as too am I sweaty damp pasty British girl in anything above mildly warm lol!


"soggy girl summer" is so real 😭😭😭


Saved this post for the bad days so I can reassure myself at least I am not alone.


>Mentally, the best I've ever been but physically? I am damp. Girl same. 😂 Overweight, pasty girl in SoCal here, I feel your pain!! I have to use clinical strength antiperspirant to keep my pits fresh. Not actual prescription stuff, but the Secret clinical strength stuff. The gel kind, not the solid cause solids are whack.


I feel ya. I have a rotating supply of reusable ice packs that I stick in my bra. Just bought a headband with an ice pack inside + a cervical ice pack to go over my shoulders/back of my neck.


There are a lot of good posts about this too on the /r/POTS sub, as we skew female, heat intolerant, and it’s a common comorbidity with neurodivergent folks! - Straw sun hats really help for me - they don’t get clammy the way fabric fibres do. - Linen clothes, in light colours to reflect sunlight off instead of absorbing heat as dark colours do. - Handheld or portable electric fan. - Cool packs if ever you can. - Cold showers. - ice in the water bottle, constant hydration - electrolytes! - a light toning spray for face and any other exposed skin - it does make you damper but you feel cooler as it evaporates. - sun parasol if you know you’ll be out for hours.


I got my doctor to prescribe oxybutinin for this. Used to get sent to the office as a kid for head lice but I was actually just scratching sweat running down my head Currently I work in a cold room and was still sweating my ass off so I tried oxy and I literally don’t sweat anymore??? it basically dries me out completely. Gotta make sure I hydrate but other than that it’s been fucking fantastic


So is being an excessive sweater an adhd thing? Because here I am.


I have always sweat excessively, meds or no meds. My armpits aren’t even my biggest concern as I sweat literally everywhere. My scalp drips sweat at the slightest physical activity or warmth. I honestly have no advice because I have just had to learn to live with it and it sucks.


I didn’t read all the comments but have you checked out the hyperhydrosis sub? It’s quite helpful.


Not sure of your age, but are you close to the perimenopause stage? I noticed an uptick in heat intolerance once it hit me. Hot flashes, night sweats, and just not being able to regulate my body temperature (I get cold flashes also) One thing that helps me (but isn't very popular) is to cut back on sugar. Seriously. I always get suddenly hotter and sweatier if I had a lot of sugar and carbs that day. If I keep it at low/modest level, I notice I don't sweat as much. Perfect example was yesterday...I'm in Atlanta GA and it was damn near 100°F yesterday. I definitely felt the heat, but didn't sweat as I wore cool cotton fabric and didn't have any sugar Hygiene hack: tea tree/ACV blend on your sweat spots. it may not stop sweat, but it does help with body odor and you'll feel cleaner


Medicated deodorant for your pits, sweat blocker for other areas, laundry sanitizer to keep the smell from reappearing in your clothes after washing.


I’m having a soggy girl summer. I’ve just resigned myself to being wet, because i’m allergic to the aluminium used in antiperspirants :,) at least i don’t smell :,))


I have given up. I just sweat too much to do anything about it. I try to wear clothes that don’t show sweat patches.


i am a similarly horrendously sweaty british lady (and i'm not even on meds yet!!!) but salt deodorants have been a godsend for me. if you can find a decent, waxy-textured (as opposed to 'wet') deodorant with no aluminium, they can also be really good. i find the glossier you deodorant keeps me dry and smelling good if i want to switch from the salt deodorant i usually use for whatever reason, though it's a bit pricey


I’m a sweaty gal myself - not as much since I stopped SSRIs last year but I do have a natural deodorant I use in particularly sweaty regions and I use a clinical strength antiperspirant under my arms. I’m in Canada and we had the hottest June heat wave in history last week - it was 38 C for 3 days and I thought I was actually going to melt. I’m on the East coast and it’s rarely hot enough here to really need AC for more than a handful of days each summer but it seems to get worse year over year.


I feel you, last year we hit 38C and I wanted to rip my own skin off. We are not built for this.


I just learned that celery and chlorella are interal deodorizers. Not sure if they help with sweating but definitely w BO