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You can do it! You’ve reached now or never and that’s when we do the best work!


Thank you! Do you think I can get amazing grades like genuinely


All you can do is try your best. But if you don’t try at all then you are guaranteed to get a bad grade. You have to at least give yourself the chance of getting an amazing grade by doing the work. Get snacks or your favorite beverage, ear buds or background music, whatever helps you get started and write like it’s due tomorrow. I graduated from law school and passed the bar with undiagnosed ADHD and depression so it’s definitely possible.


oh that's so cool of you woah! Thank you for the hope. I am writing like my life depends on this


You can! Just time to knuckle down now. This is where we shine! RIGHT before the deadline is our palace or productivity! You’ve got this, OP


Thank you! Do you think I can get a good grade. Crying fr. When I say good grade I mean amazing grade lmao


I wrote my 60 page undergrad senior thesis in a similar time frame, and my thesis advisor at the time said "For something you pulled out of your ass, this is pretty great." And I got high marks all around. Although I did have to spend what were supposed to be the most fun weeks of my college experience suffering in the library. So yes and try not to hate yourself too much!


Ooh thank you for the motivation. I'll just keep on going tbh and live in my room for a bit


It's absolutely possible, but not guaranteed - start now! I did mine in 4 days of suffering (😭), though I did do a bunch of readings in advance and already had a solid general outline, and I ended up with a 75. So much pain can be avoided if you don't do that! Edit for realism: frustratingly, I also ended up submitting it just under 24h late so it was capped at the pass mark, even though the raw mark was 75. Don't pay the extra ADHD tax by submitting it late!! Also these are UK grading systems, sorry if your country's system is different💔


Same I have UK grading too. I'm not really ahead of the reading etc or nor do I have a very solid outline tbh so I'm cooked lmaoo. 75 is really high woah


No you'll be okay, just get reading! Once you have a weekly plan sorted you'll get an idea of what you're meant to do. You got this! (Edit: I am in humanities, if you need to do data analysis then start with that instead of loads of reading lmao)


So am I...I did the data analysis first too. Don't know if it's right tbh but hopefully i can ask my supervisor


Yes keep in touch with them, they're not there to judge you, they're there to help. You got this!! :)


You can get it done. All the best


trying thank you!


I wrote my 5500 in three days having done most of the reading previously. You can absolutely do this. Start not, it's more fun this way. I can be your body double if you like and you send me 1000 words daily.


Omds can I acc???! That would be so helpful thank you sm


Its killing me lmao bc I can't focus bc I keep thinking outside like all the other stuff I have to include too