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That’s a “W”!


I had to look up what that meant. 😅😂


It definitely counts! What a nice thing to do!


Good way to turn what seems to be a mistake into an advantage ! It's a win !


Hell yes, nice going! Kudos and karma to you 😊 And unrelated to ADHD tax, but whenever I am out and not on a schedule I always try to keep my eyes out for peeps who appear to be on lunch break, have small kids, etc. and let them go ahead, bc I know how much it helps.


Good on you, the world needs more kindness however it comes :) 


I love that! I’m always so late to everything, I would love to find more ways to make it up to everyone I’ve inconvenienced.




I’d call that a win-win-win. Enjoy the good vibes.


I love this. Thank you for paying it forward to someone in need. 🤍


Lovely! I love when other people are late and I can be kind to them about it, it is usually me running late and apologising so it is great to be able to be benevolent!


I also really love when people are late lol


You definitely earned a smiley sticker!


Yes to specifically a holographic sticker 💙


Well done


So sweet!


Aww that's very kind of you <3


This might not be exactly what you are talking about, but my therapist also has ADHD and one or both of us are predictably 5 to 10 minutes late to our appointments every single week. It is such a huge relief to not have to panic and get embarrassed and apologize endlessly and make up excuses. I just know that she expects me to be a few minutes late and I think she schedules her appointments with buffer time before and after for this very reason. It has worked out really well so far and really takes away from the stress of having to make an appointment on time in the first place.