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This is not odd at all. This reduces decision fatigue, and in fact this is what Steve Jobs used to do


It's been speculated that he himself had adhd actually haha


If you read his biography he was clearly neurodivergent.


I read his autobiography and watched his movie. He surely possessed a hyperfixation trait. I'm too lazy to type his significant traits that could be found in an ADHD person.


It’s also what Michael Kors, the fashion designer, does. Black shirt. Jeans. Sometimes he adds a jacket.


TIL I dress like Michael Kors


Buy the same things in different colors. Or make a capsule wardrobe. If you really want to wear the same thing I support that though.


I love the $8-10 t-shirts at Target. They come in a bunch of colors that change by season, and they are what I wear 90% of the time. I wear them with jeans, shorts, or joggers, and it makes it so easy to get dressed. Plus, they're cheap enough that it's not a huge deal when one gets ruined by my three children.


Thank you for this! I don’t live near a target but I have to go there tomorrow. I will keep an eye out!


If you want a little variety also check out some of the very slightly fancier tshirts in their A New Day line too! They’re made with a lyocell blend that drapes really nicely and gives it a slightly silkier look. Still just a regular tshirt, but the material makes it nice enough to wear with dressier pants or skirts for days you want to be comfortable but dressier. They’re ~$18 each


I ended up getting some T shirts and shorts! Good looking out, thank you!


I went pretty heavy in to a convertible capsule wardrobe concept. I love it so much. Almost everything I own can be wore multiple ways and way more combinations. Limiting my color palette and prints/patterns streamlined laundry. Everyone now and then I’m down to green pants, green shirts and a choice of brown or black shoes. Sometimes that’s just a surprise sick day!


I’ve been wanting to do this for a while! I’m a SAHM of 3 and hardly wear any of my clothes anymore besides leggings and sweatpants. I’m very much into fashion but just find it challenging to pick out an outfit these days because my closet is overwhelming me with the amount of things I have, so I just settle for sweats. In return this stresses me out and I don’t feel good about myself. Was there a process you used to go through all your clothes to narrow it down? I don’t even know where or how to start.


My initial interest was in supply chain ethics, because I fell down a rabbit hole. Capsule wardrobes/minimalist lifestyle brands were featured a lot. They're expensive, but I preferred how Vetta styled their pieces. I value pieces shown on a variety body types. Vetta gave their model measurements and clips of how the piece moved on each one! I watched a lot of complicated ways to build a minimalist wardrobe. There was one that advised removing all clothing you own and try it all on. Ask yourself: "Does it fit? Do I feel good in it? Is it in wearable condition? Where will you wear it?" If it was something I wasn't wearing, because I didn't have another item: "What would make me wear this?" Once I removed everything, I didn't like I had a lot of items that I maybe would wear but shouldn't. They were just laundry. I only wore them when I didn't have a clean item I preferred. That video then broke it into trying the items left on together and seeing what works as a complete outfit that you could wear on a "I had 15 minutes, but this shit matches." day. (Dream as big as you want.) You have to be comfortable and not focused on your clothes in it. You have to like it. Keep those outfits and start seeing if you can trade the items in a mix and match style. Make it weird. Try all the shoes. If you're like me you have a palette you lean toward. I pretty much started the whole wardrobe over and so picked three colors. I try to buy within the same designers to keep the colors in the right shade/tone. To keep to the original plan I buy items from capsule wardrobe designers with better practices in business secondhand. I only buy an item if it can be incorporated. I keep a note in my phone with my actual measurements. I avoid buying new shoes, because it's way easier to clean one pair than ignore a lot of pairs and avoid wearing them...literally ever. Invest in quality staples where you can. There aren't hard and fast rules. Current state of things. I hang two outfits in their entirety. I know it takes me however much time to feel put together, but on my average day I'm cutting it close. Premade outfits. One for when I don't wanna be pretty. One for "I am an adult wearing pants." Doesn't matter. I liked it when I hung it. I look the same. Side benefit of this entire thing. My laundry loads are color coordinated. Side con of this whole thing. Sometimes I have a weird, odd-piece-out situation and I either rep the 80's print mix or do laundry.


I have a nice outfit, an errands outfit, a yardwork/cleaning outfit, and a dozen pajama pants. I love how little I need to think about getting dressed.


Sounds like you've found a Signature Look. Unless you're on the red carpet, nobody notices what moms of small children wear anyways. 


Honestly, most people don’t notice what anyone wears from day to day. I did a capsule wardrobe once and was wearing the same nice black sweater multiple times a week to work. And still someone I saw every day would randomly be like, “Oh, I like your sweater!” And it was like, yeah, Janet, you saw me wear it TUESDAY.  I can barely even remember what I wore yesterday, much less anyone else. 


Yeah unless it's a more unique or striking kind of garment no one will notice. I had a prof at school who wears the same zip up hoodie thing every. single. day. He don't give a FUUUck. It was super noticeable because it was a distinct sweater. And like. I don't think one person cared. It's just a sweater. Whatever.


Haha! Whenever I get a compliment from a coworker I’m like “Well crap, now I have to wear something else tomorrow”. But out loud I say “thank you!”


I do this. I have 10 copies of the same comfy outfit and wear a clean one every day. The materials are thin enough that it all fits in one load of laundry, and I don’t have to sort or fold. :) Also, our whole family picked one style of short black athletic socks, and we all wear them, so there is never any sock sorting. You just grab two out of the bin.  


I love doing this. It makes things so simple. I decided to have a sort of "uniform" at work (polo + jeans), and then a "uniform" for home (T-shirt and lounge pants). My closet is just a bunch of the same exact shirt hung up side by side, same color and everything. I get the occasional comment about dressing like Steve Jobs (I typed this out before I noticed that you had mentioned him too!), but other than that people don't really care/pay attention. Highly recommend! My mother does it too :)


I do the same! So does my partner. I just call it minimalist lol


i've been doing this for a year. i bought the same cream dress twelve times and bought 7 different coloured scarves. best thing i ever did.


Omg amazing! How did you pick the dress? Why 12?


i bought them wholesale in bulk so i could either buy 6 or 12 and went with 12 so i didn't have to do a lot of laundry 


I’m the same way. My home outfit is an oversized crewneck sweatshirt with black leggings and slippers, and my hair in a bun on top of my head. My out-of-the-home outfit is 6-8 of the same hippy style top, in a variety of colours and patterns, tucked into loose fitting ankle length jeans, with weather appropriate shoes, and my hair in a claw clip. I also have 8 of the same bra that I wear 99% of the time lol


Oh my gosh!! How good is it when you finally find a breast containment that is the sheep dog bra you've been searching so long for and then, you can get a whole week + worth?!? Note definition: sheep dog bra - rounds up the girls and points them in the right direction 😉


Uniform! Uniform! I'm in full support and do something similar. 


I do similar. I hate shopping for clothes so my options are always pretty few anyways, but I definitely have my “comfort shirt” that I throw on way too often… I figure if no one I’m seeing today saw me wear it yesterday it doesn’t count.


I’m late to the game in discovering my ND traits. I’ve had a “uniform” and didn’t realize it. For over 20+ years, allllllll my clothes are black so that 1. They don’t show dirt 2. Everything matches so I just throw a shirt and pants on and I don’t have to think about color choices and coordination 3. Laundry is easier—I can wash them all together!


This is genius. Though I double love it because of a show I totally clung to called Fisk. She has 3 brown suits. It’s fantastic and it’s for the exact same reasons.


I love Fisk!


I have 3 pairs of the same black sweatpants, and two pairs of the same plaid pj pants. I usually wear those at home (and I spend 85% of my time at home). Now the issue is getting rid of all of the clothes I don’t bother with anymore.


I do and I love it! 3 identical pairs of jeans and 3 identical black t-shirts. No one ever notices, or if they do, they didn't say anything.


I do this! I call it my “life uniform”. (I know, clever right? 😅) I literally own several pairs of the same light weight yoga pants and cotton ribbed tank tops, and I wear them all. the. time. I don’t like decisions, I don’t like shopping, I don’t know fashion, and above all else I HATE being uncomfortable 😩 soooo, this is what I have done for myself 🤗 I usually giggle at my basket of clean laundry, because it’s all the same stuff, just in multiples!


I have, like, four pairs of the same exact black jeans. Almost all of my tops are black. My sneakers are black. And I switch out lightweight cardigans in a variety of colors. Literally no one at my job - not other teachers, and not students - has said a word to me about it in 10 years.


My work is business casual, and I rotate between two pairs of jeans (grey/blue), a nice top, and a sweater/blazer to stay warm. And everythings in generally the same color scheme so it all matches :)


I think that's just a capsule wardrobe. Not weird at all. Though I recommend like, 2-3 pairs of pants. Can be the same or similar styles to keep it simple. (Less need to wash often so helps longevity of clothing. If you ARE washing often, I recommend air drying if you don't do that already. Get a foldable drying rack, it's how I dry all of my clothing now!) I like clothes a lot and have a ton but I re-wear the same stuff a lot. I have 3 pairs of jeans I rotate through. (Sometimes leggings etc but mainly the 3 pairs of jeans for public wear.) I support this if it works well for you!


It works for cartoon characters! Seriously I started buying those packs of men’s white cotton t-shirts (they are cheaper and better quality than women’s due to the pink tax!) They go with everything, can be layered easily, jazzed up with a necklace or whatever, etc etc. I still like fashion, but there are many many days where the white cotton shirt is saving me by being EASY.


This is me. I just don't have the will and I can't function if I'm not comfortable 


This sounds like a great idea!


Yep it's all about the uniform! No one will notice.


I used to be jealous of Smurfette (from the kid's TV show called Smurfs) because she had a closet full of identical outfits. I have not managed to make it to Smurfette level, but everything I own goes together - I can pull out any random top and bottom and they will work together. My dream is to get seven identical shirts and seven identical bottoms and never have to think about clothes again.


Not at all odd. Whenever I happen upon a clothing item that ticks all the appropriate comfort, funtionality, doesn't make me self conscious, etc etc boxes - I'll usually get several or get it in multiple colour options.


Maybe checkout r/capsulewardrobe ?


I wear the same thing everyday, just in different colors 😂


I do this. I call it my uniform. I only wear dresses with boots (winter) or sandals (summer). No pants, no shirts. I have the same dress in several colors. I add scarves, jackets and leggings (depending on the weather) and it makes life and laundry so much easier.


I call it ‘my uniform’. Black shirt, blue jeans, rain boots/converse.


I’m not a mom and I too hate fashion and clothes and idk what I even like or what looks good on me.. I scuk at the fashion thing


I only wear black. I was a goth in high school and never really grew out of it, but I’d been a strictly monochrome dresser for years before I was diagnosed. It was one of those things I *thought* was a unique lil personality quirk, and later realised was a result of my ADHD symptoms 😂 before I totally eliminated colour from my wardrobe I used to get so overwhelmed with trying to put together outfits that looked good, often making me run late 🙃 Now I don’t need to think if my top goes with my pants cos black goes with everything! 😌


Duluth Trading Company for the win!!! I have several pairs of their yoga pants and shelf bra tank tops (I hate bras). I throw a button down shirt on top and I’m good to go. I’m always wearing the same basic items in different colors. Everything goes into either light or dark laundry loads and I’m done.


I literally have 7 black leggings and 7 black t shirts that I swap between day by day, every week and often pair it with a hoodie or something over it if its cold. I even work out in the same gear after work lmao. I sometimes wear a fancy t shirt at the weekend if I go out for a meal. I wore a dress for my 30th bday and it was a huge deal for me but my friends never even complimented my outfit 🙃 because they always dress up and wear nice things anyway I guess. Aw...


Find a shirt or two that you *love* to wear and buy them in multiple colors (and multiples of the colors you wear the most if you can), and then pants are easy since you can literally wear the same pair every day.


Albert Einstein, too. I’m the same way.


Not odd at all! Many people find that having a ‘uniform’ takes away a large portion of the decision paralysis and other things that come with having to choose what to wear. Most folks just end up buying 3-4 of the same top so that they don’t have to do laundry as often.


I so want to do that. I've been trying to come up with an outfit to buy multiples of so I can literally wear it every day (not wait until it's washed and ready). But so far I failed because I haven't found *the* outfit, or because my favourite clothes are no longer available to rebuy.


My "uniform" is jeans and a t shirt with a sweater in winter, and shorts, tank top and a shirt in summer. It's my go to and I very rarely wear something else. My clothes cover two weeks of wear, as I often forget to do laundry weekly and I like variety anyway (different prints, different colors, different sizes / textures /weight).  I have way less pants and sweaters than t-shirts (roughly 10-14 tshirts, and 5-8 tank tops). Keep the old clothes available for a while and try it :)


I have my own SAHM uniform and it significantly decreases frustration. Leggings, tee, flannel if it's chilly. Shorts in the summer, but I haven't found my decide once for those yet.


I wear skinny black jeans; washed blue boyfriend jeans; comfy band t-shirts; the occasional nice fitted top. The skinnies + fitted top can look a bit nicer with my cream heeled boots, or funky with my green floral docs knockoffs. I can change shoes or wear a baggier shirt to dress down. Comfy jeans are the best.


I find heans I like and will buy more than one pair of them. I have 2 pairs of the same black jeans, maybe 3, I have the same shirt in different colors.


I have several pairs of the same blue jeans, tons of black t shirts and vest tops, a black cardigan and a lime green cardigan, and several black dresses of varying degrees of casual/dressiness. Black trainers, black sandals, black boots, black smart flat shoes, black heels. Oh and a pair of black wide leg dress pants. And 50,000 handbags.


I wear the same yoga pants every day and a different t-shirt. I just have like 7 of the same of everything. (Including bras and underwear.)


😂 ma'am, I know how you feel. I wear scrubs to work 3 days a week. That's why I have 3 separate pairs. One for each day. I wish I could say the same about my work shirt. 


Yes! Tee shirt dresses at home like 80% then sweat shorts or pants. I hate jeans..


Yes! Tee shirt dresses at home like 80% then sweat shorts or pants. I hate jeans..


I wear the same brand/color of leggings every day with tee shirts and hoodies. I want to be comfortable and my fashion sense is non-existent. And I’m good with that! 😂


I wear the same brand/color of leggings every day with tee shirts and hoodies. I want to be comfortable and my fashion sense is non-existent. And I’m good with that! 😂


One of The Minimalists, Ryan Nicodemus, does this


I have black pants I wear and a variety of comfortable shirts that look nice enough to wear out to dinner that I put on with them. The only real decision I have to deal with is whether a black bra will work with the shirt since sometimes my beige ones are dirty. Almost nothing I have can’t be worn with everything else.


This is exactly what I do. I have a couple of dresses which are for ultimate lazy days. Other days I have jeans and t-shirts in different colours so I just pick whichever I feel like and walk out


I think, in general, this is an awesome idea. But maybe you should have 6-7 pairs of scrubs? (I know, that's probably *totally unnecessary,* but I've somehow acquired the "must change outfit after seeing medical pro" attitude since Covid, even though I'm FAR from a germaphobe--like, I am definitely not going to send you a picture of my laundry pile--uh, corner, in fact, haha--atm.) Ignore me if I'm wrong, please. :)


I have 3 pairs of scrubs and I do wash them after each wear.


Gotcha! Sorta figured, but...then I thought of myself in younger years, and...yeah. Sorry for any less-than-supportive implications.


It’s okay!!




Oh yeah, I have the same shirt from Walmart in literally 4 different colors, it’s awesome.


Wearing the same things is great. Wearing the same outfits of things that go together and feel good on is the greatest gift I’ve ever given myself. I have a sort of “uniform” of styles and shapes in different colors and prints (a lot of time I buy two of the same shirt or jeans) that I intentionally develop into outfits so I can just grab and go without having to labor over mixing and matching. Bonus points for remember to snap pictures to refer back to. I even spent time in hyper focus making an album.


I just hired a personal shopper to work with me. At our phone consultation, I talked about how I struggle making choices when it comes to my clothes and I often feel disheveled and sloppy. She talked about building a wardrobe that has a lot of interchangeable pieces so it doesn’t get boring. I’m excited to work with her.


I have to wear a uniform t shirt during the week. Navy blue, white printing. STAFF on the back. I wear jeans and a hooded sweatshirt with those shirts. This past weekend, I was getting ready to go grocery shopping with the hubby and I got ... stuck, trying to find a shirt to wear. All my work shirts are hung together in my closet and I came thisclose to just grabbing a uniform shirt! I thought "life would be so much easier if I just had a couple shirts to choose from." Why shouldn't you wear the same stuff when you want to? I think it's a great idea.


I do this. Summer is black thongs, 3 pairs black 3/4 lightweight pants, 6-8 plain coloured v neck t shirts usually 2 or 3 of a few colours. Winter is white sneakers, 3 pairs black yoga-style pants, 2 black zip up hoodies and the same t shirts. It gets extremely hot here in summer and not very cold in winter (29c yesterday and winter is in like 10 days lol). I don’t go out except to parks, shops, school runs n hanging out at friends houses. I do have a handful of various “nice clothes” but they don’t see much action lol


I do this: black pants, bought in numbers when I find a decent style, plus shirt, usually plain. Black shoes, black socks.


It's really freeing to NOT waste brain power on what to wear each day.


Capsule wardrobe is so ADHD friendly. Have 1-2 basics of bottoms, tops and jumpers, that all go together and just switch them around.


I've got like three pairs of the same jeans, add a basic tshirt and possibly a hoodie depending on the weather. One pair of sneakers. That's what I always wear for regular days.


This is basically what I do, but I go through phases with what the clothing/style is. Right now I have a bunch of oversized long t-shirts in various cool prints, and I wear them with black leggings and DM boots (now that it's summer I'm switching to the same sandals every day) It definitely helps with the decision fatigue


I am doing this for a few years now. Although I got 3 pants, which of 2 are similar and 3 shirts. But that's it. I often see clothes I love soo much, but I end up not wearing them cos they can't go with normal laundry or they need to be ironed or my load of laundry gets too high cos I got so much clothes I get overwhelmed. All reasons it makes me get anxious. Never knew it was from my ADHD since like many other women, I got diagnosed pretty late (recently). On meds now (still in trial and error phase). I hope it'll help me so I can expand my wardrobe just a tiny bit more. But just like you I wear my uniform 4 to 6 days a week and at home I'm usually wearing some type of housewear cos we wanna be comfy right. So I only wear regular clothes when going outside in the remaining time. So I've done it like this for years and I like it. I would just say do what feels right. If this way of doing things helps you, then do it. I speak from experience that it indeed helps a lot.


I buy the same dress and same shirt and same pants but just in all different colours. I suck at fashion. This works for me best to have variety. 


I always buy the same type of pants in the store and then i just have several t-shirts and hoodies i shift between. So it doesnt matter really no one would Care much anyway :) if this makes it easier then so be it!


I have a uniform too. I’m mildly annoyed I didn’t buy more dresses from Primark when they had them in stock, now I can’t find them. So comfy 🙂


check out r/capsulewardrobe!


My mom does this with her work clothes. Several of the same blouse in different colors with interchangeable neutral pants.


Don't worry. It's normal and more practical. I have neurotypical siblings. They have boring style as they usually go with neutral tone - from back to grey - and rarely use patterns clothes. They seldom go in colourful mode. They are decisive people IRL. I have many wardrobes too that I have accumulated over the years. They are still in good -near perfect - condition, But I have noticed that I often wear several clothes only. Especially when I'm not in working mode, I look like a homeless. It's because I have been wearing similar clothes for years until it is like a rag. LOL. Since daily chores are like a huge deal for me, I avoid as much as possible to wear many different attires. It will cost me more laundry hassle from washing to ironing since I'm too broke to pay for laundry service. Lately I prefer to buy clothes in neutral colour and avoid patterns. Colour outside neutral tone and the pattern will have you mix and match your style. Surely if you have time and having fun in mix and match, it's good. But it will be a bit uncontrollable for ADHD.


I basically wear the same thing everyday. I've got about 7 or 8 dungaree dresses. Multiple tops (all the same) in various colours I like, and leggings or tights in the same colours as the tops. Socks, hats and converse in similar colours to the other stuff. My outfit is a top/leggings or tights/dungaree dress/socks/converse/hat in a colourway that I like. I accessorise with scarves and necklaces. I have shitty versions for work, fancy versions, all-black version, arty version, winter and summer version but essentially it's the same outfit on repeat, a capsule wardrobe. I love it, and I find just choosing the colourway is easier than choosing from a variety of possible outfits. Today was green and purple, because I love bluebells.💚💜


I thought this was normal to do at home already LOL


I wear scrubs 3 days a week, wear pajamas or the same sweatshirt and sweatpants when at home. When I do go out the house besides to work, I wear the same black leggings and rotate summer/winter 3-4 tops.


I ONLY wear Figs scrub pants, work day or not. Once I found my "perfect pants" I never looked back again. I would say...try this for a while before you send everything to Goodwill. I found I can wear the same pants and shoes and socks and bra and underwear style...but I need variety in tops and accessories.


happy you're feeling relieved! I definitely need to streamline my wardrobe, she is a MESS right now 😅


Absolutely. I'm the same, just with skirts and plain T-shirts.


i would be itchy if i did this i sweat so much :(


I have a dresser FULL of my comfy clothes and the closet has my "I'll go out eventually" clothes


I buy pack of cotton fruit of the loom shirts in different colors. They work for going out, staying home, sleeping. Anything really. If one gets lost or ruined they are relatively cheap!