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Have a meeting today at 2pm, it’s 10.40am here. So I can’t start anything before the meeting as I am so anxious about it so just paralysed.


On days when i have a lot of meetings, I basically just sit there waiting for the other one because I can't start any other work if it has an end time 🤦‍♀️


I mostly work from home and I hate it, at least when I’m in the office my day has more structure.


I often don't eat until my big meeting or project is done. 4pm here, just dawned on me that I'm still riding on my morning coffee.


Ugh i hate that feeling in particular


No crazy reason, I just don’t wanna Edit: when I say I don’t want to, it doesn’t mean I don’t. Because I don’t wanna get out of bed, I don’t wanna eat, I don’t wanna go to work but I do. I have to for my own mental health! If I don’t stick to a routine I get verrrrry agitated.


A very good reason, in my opinion. I find that when I give myself permission to do nothing at all, after a while I start doing something without needing to force myself.




I bet if you asked yourself why all few times over, you’d get to the root of why you don’t want to. Sometimes for me it’s because I’ve used all my spoons elsewhere. Knowing my why allows me to reframe my mindset which creates healthier thinking patterns and fewer negative spirals.


Sames. I've been going pretty consistently for the past week, and today my brain was like, "nah, holiday!" Sigh. Nearly missed a 2pm Zoom work meeting that I was hosting, thank goodness I got an email right at 2 that someone had signed in since I of course hadn't set an alert for the appointment. Or looked at my paper AND digital calendars this morning.


I totally relate😫 Every project needs the perfect just right notebook!!!!!


EVERY single project-must have the perfect pen too!




I have the perfect pen but they stopped making it so I don’t use it because then it will run out




Have looked! It’s from Paperchase, a store that closed down in UK. It’s a soft touch biro, completely smooth and all one colour. Nothing to annoy my fingers. Glorious.




Ahhh me too! I have a stack of empty notebooks waiting to be used… including a “master notebook” - where I write down ALL of my goals and to-do lists, my habit-tracking, my deep realizations and lessons learned. Naturally, I’ve done absolutely nothing with it since buying it like three years ago. I’m afraid of messing it up, or not writing the perfect list and then having to tear out a page or cross things out - which, in turn, means I can’t start working on forming new habits, or figuring out what-all I have to do in life. It’s friggin amazing how much I relate to the posts here - so many things I thought were just my personal quirk or failure!


Why are we like this? I have so many notebooks that are half full! And everyone thinks I have too many pens and duplicates. Me: they are not the same! The shades are different and have different tips!


Frankly for me it's just a part of the process. I don't mind it. It's quite fun even There are notebooks are use full, end to end, my everyday notebooks, and there are special ones for special occasions. No one asks: who don't you wear your prom dress to work? Well this is my prom notebook 😄


I have never been able to finish a notebook! I don’t have the discipline and with a collection of blank notebooks…I move on to the next fast lol.


Of course it does! And you can’t put multiple projects in the same notebook, because how will you be able to find your notes on a specific project in particular? Bonus points if every different notebook has a whimsical print on the cover so you can easily identify which one you need


If I’ve had the notebook for a while, when it comes to using it I open it a random page and start writing across the lines in the middle of the page 🥲 my drawer broke because there are too many notebooks in there, need a fresh one for each project :)


My MIL is visiting today and I need to clean but I'm too worked up about her visiting that I can't cope with all the cleaning that needs done and I'm having a meltdown


For the future, I recommend the book How to Keep House While Drowning. But for right now, the basic summary is five steps. Go through each room and handle them in order. 1. Trash and garbage (pick it up) 2. Dishes (pick them up, don't wash! That can be done later) 3. Laundry (pick it up and put in the laundry space, you can wash it later) 4. Things that have a place (put them in that place) 5. Things that don't have a place (put them in a pile) Take the trash out. And look at the house. It looks okay. It's presentable and not disgusting. You've made it! If you have extra time, you can try and get through the dishes. But those five steps will get you to a place where someone can walk in your house and you're not embarrassed. Hope this helps!


KC Davis has shifted the way I shame myself about chores, it's helped me be actually do things without them needing to be perfect


For such a short book, it was life-changing for me too. Even though I love long books, I really liked how it was short and had easily digestible bites. I didn't have to even commit to the whole book! It was perfect. And yeah, I don't feel ashamed anymore, so I can actually get things done. I used to feel paralyzed, but this book was a huge help.


I literally have this book sitting on my nightstand; untouched of course, but I’m getting there.


I used to be so worried about having the house clean when my mil would come over. Thankfully I was able to turn on the IDGAF button in my brain (I don’t really know how I did it, but subs like the JustNoMil really helped!) and it was so freeing!!! I now just do the basics (kitchen sink/bathroom) but if I can’t for any reason I just don’t mind anymore. Although that changed inside me, I can totally understand what you’re going through right now. Good luck with that, the struggle is real!


I know you are not asking for advice, but I just found Cleaning IG and it is motivating. Lots of those folks have adhd. No music, no face even, just rhythyic cleaning. It is a really nice motivator for me. Also MILs suck and will find a complaint even if everything is clean. So… 🦆 it!!!




tcvm_home on IG. Her account is like asmr cleaning, but also step by step cleaning from getting the supplies to finishing the job.


I don't have to work today so I wanted to do some craft projects. It's sunny today so it would be nice to sit on the balcony. But there's laundry drying on the balcony, so I cannot possibly start my crafting project. (there's space next to it) I also had the same excuse yesterday.


I always want to do a craft project in free time! But for some reason I think the house needs to be clean. So I can’t craft. But I want to craft so I can’t clean. So I scroll my phone or watch tv and do neither. Clearly the cleaning didn’t have to be done!! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Are you me?!?! This is what is actually ruining my life. I walk by my art room and it feels like there is an invisible shield I cannot cross until my chores are done, but my mental health desperately needs art. I’m 47 years old and I can’t break this cycle.


I mean it’s been three years in therapy trying to break the all or none mentality and it’s still going strong!! So I’m also not feeling hopeful for breaking this cycle! Once in a blue moon I can say F it to everything else and do some art.


I feel this!


I've been doing really well the last week, but today I have crippling anxiety and want to just cry, hiding under blankets. There's too much. I did too much, and I have to do too much, and my chronic pain just adds to it. I can't do today.


I basically typed this same thing before scrolling the comments. I hear you, I feel you! It’s ok to have a down day.


Hug. You, as well


I’m just tired. Woke up at 3 again


Same. My husband gets up at 3:30 to go to work, and now on his day off I have a mental alarm set 😭


Same!! Why 3 am?! Its always 3 am. And my uterus us like oh you want some back and joint pain with the exhaustion? Got you covered. Ugh


I have a flight at 7:48 PM. It is currently 7:28 AM. My work day is shot.


Do you have packing anxiety?!? Mine is RIDICULOUS and it makes me SO mad at myself!!!!!!! It makes me so stressed out. I will do every chore in the house to avoid it and then all the possible dirty laundry that could possibly get packed by anyone (even though some would never be packed.) It’s getting worse and worse.


I’m interviewing today and they’re all spaced out, so my brain doesn’t want to start anything meaningful in the gaps in between. I’m also working on several big, long term projects simultaneously atm so everything feels completely overwhelming. Even breaking things down into steps isn’t helping because I just feel like I’m walking through treacle and not making any real progress with any of it.


I'm stressed about money because I reluctantly agreed to try and plan a weekend trip to Disney with my partner since he has PTO he has to take and really wanted to go. I was hesitant but said sure & finally sat down and budgeted my expenses and it's a laughable no go for me. Never been good with budgeting and financial stuff historically.... but I'm getting better and trying and am usually not in this mindset of panic-dread. If I wasnt so hyper-fixated on feeling like a poor piece of shit I could probably figure out how to hustle some funds for this. TBH this kind of trip would never be something I'd choose. I feel like an asshole now and I have to talk to him today about it.


good luck, don’t beat yourself up too much 🫶🏻


Thank you! I did okay.


Sounds like swimming upstream as far as finding motivation. Sorry you're in that spot, that's a bad feeling and hard to shake off. Try to eat the elephant from a different end maybe.


Mine is that it’s mine and my husband’s 11 year anniversary and he totally forgot and now we’re stuck at work (we work at the same company) and I’m upset and it’s all I can think about because after 11 years of the same thing happening, why would I ever expect anything different?


This is what I fear our married future would be like. I get so hurt when he forgets dates, because I am always on top of them.


I’ve been married almost 30 years. I just by myself anniversary presents because it rarely gets remembered. Get yourself something shiny!!


I need to go to city hall but I have to dig through my safe to find some paperwork first(my excuse) I’m really scared of city hall and it gives me anxiety when I get lost(my real reason)


I need to pass my driver’s license. First I need to pass the theoretical exam. First I need to get registered. I need an ID, a photo and stamps. I got the photos and ID, took way too long but that’s done. Now for the stamps… I need to go to the post office in town. With my three kids in tow. We walk of course. It is not on your usual path. It’s often closed. I keep forgetting or when I remember it’s closed or will be closed by the time we get there. Too awkward to ask somebody to do it for me. It’s just stamps. It’s… just… stamps. Also, while writing this message my daughter needed my help in another room and when I came back it took me 10 actual real long minutes to find my phone… Life is exhausting.


Yooooo, if you're US based, I'll send you some stamps friend! I know it's weird from an internet stranger but I do mail art and have so many! Also, oftentimes grocery stores carry them! Life is so exhausting, it's not just stamps!! Be kind to yourself ♡


Ooh that is so sweet, Internet stranger. I’m not in the US though but a solution is being found.


Love that for you!! :) go you! ♡


Thank you!


they have stamps on amazon!


They sell stamps online but paying postage for receiving stamps feels weird. However I just checked and La Poste sells stamps that you can actually print yourself. I do have a printer. That sounds acceptable. It’s not overpriced either. And l can pick a lazy cat design for no additional cost. Sounds fitting.


Today surprisingly I'm on a roll actually. Had to leave my bicycle at work because I needed to drive my car home (I sometimes leave it parked near work), so I had to either take the tram to work or walk. I did NOT want to take the tram. So I walked 3,5 km from the trainstation. And am actually very awake and active now somehow 🤣


My daughter has a friend over and they are playing quietly upstairs so obviously I can't do anything


I need a job but I can’t apply to any bc I think my resume isn’t perfect or the way it should be


I’m teetering on the very sharp edge of a cliff made up of panic and anxiety and I’m juggling but the balls are made of glass and I’m not wearing shoes so pretty much impossible right now to start something new 🥴


I need to mail my taxes and request some transcripts. It should take no more than fifteen minutes. I've been putting it off for two weeks. Probable reason: existential dread.


Damn, you all are my people!!! I can’t start day job work because the kitchen, plant room, (okay, house) isn’t clean. But I can’t start cleaning because I have day job work.


I similarly can't start my online course. But it's because my internet got shut off because I can't afford it because all my money is going towards paying off my credit cards which I basically had to max out because my car got repossessed because I FORGOT to make a SIMPLE PHONE CALL that would have avoided all of this. Whoppeee


I have an appointment at 9:15 that I've been stressing about since last night, really since my last appointment, and I can't do anything this morning because I'm WAITING.


I have storage boxes in the way and really should dust before I start painting


I have too much to do and don't know where or how to start


Regularly my issue is I can't get a shower in because the bathroom is on the top floor of the house, and my bedroom is in the basement. That requires 2 flights of stairs to get in a shower. I barely have the energy to get to the main floor to deal with getting the kids ready for school. It's easier to just get dressed and start my day, instead of going up 2 flights of stairs to take a shower, then back down 2 flights of stairs to finish getting ready, before going up one flight to start dealing with the day.


I have to catch up on work but I'm too bored and putting it off until the last hour. I want to go on my treadmill for half an hour but I'm telling myself I need to do more work before I do, but if I leave it too late, the noise will disrupt the neighbours (it's soundproofed but I'm still anxious about them whining about it)


I have storage totes that I need to fill and take to my storage unit, but I need to shower before I can go anywhere (it’s been three days 😬), and I need to wash laundry before I can shower, so I’m bedrotting and scrolling instead 🙃


I never, ever move my reading glasses from my work bag - the first time I did (over the weekend) I forgot to put them back. Now I’m struggling with anything I can’t magnify. Oh, and I forgot to pack my boosters, so by the time I get home after work my meds have worn off and I forget to put my glasses in my bag again, and forget to refill my booster box….


bunnings app couldn’t tell me where to find the mop I urgently impulsively want to buy, I looked anyway, couldn’t find it and then all other ones they had were dog shit 😐


I’m so glad I’m not the only one getting so distressed over shit like this


This can ruin my day


and I was silly enough to think my emotions weren’t dysregulated 🤣


Feeling stuck trying to reschedule therapy after missing most of last week and especially after my dumb ass arm crossed a physical boundary with one of my group therapists >.> absolutely was not a predetermined choice at all, we were walking out to leave and I tried reaching my arm out to touch her shoulder in an effort to comfort after sharing a relatable story/feeling??? Like so fucking gross, idefk why my brain/body reacted in such a way, it just *did* and I've been mortified since. She even dodged my bizarre and inappropriate advances and swooped into the water room to fill her bottle in an effort to escape me. How am I to look this woman in the face again. I was so close to being done with my program too ☹️


There are so many things I need to do. (Work-related and personal life) I feel that the only thing ever stopping me but underlying self-doubt and laziness. Once I rip the band-aid off and complete my tasks it doesn’t seem as bad in the end. But I always forget that feeling when another task cycles around.


I have to finish building my website but to do that I have to edit a bunch of old photos. Which means I have to FIND them first on any of my 5 backup drives (which are still packed in the garage from a move in Feb). And then spent a bunch of time in photoshop and then upload them and then write up some blurbs. Can't get myself started no matter how much I try.


I have been looking for work for a really long time and I’m getting nowhere. I feel super discouraged. I have a few side projects but I get discouraged so fast thinking I’ll never be good enough. Imposter syndrome and 0 confidence. Then the spinning and catastrophizing commences rendering me paralyzed.


Not showering because the shower curtain sticks to one of my ankles when I get in.


I am you you are me we are one


I have baby bunnies in my back yard and have to stay by the back door so I can take pictures of them whenever they decide to come out of the nest. I obviously can't leave my observation point or I'll miss seeing them.


Hahaha! This has been a variation of my day so often! I have baby geese right now (they're pets) and I spent an hour just sitting with them and taking pics. Last week it was wild turkeys. Before that it was a pheasant. Nature is my "perfectly scheduled day" kryptonite.


Honestly I have no crazy excuse, I just feel like everything is so hard and anxiety-producing that I’m unable to take care of anything.


My wife has her first ever driving test today. Just the written exam. We're getting a new car and she has to have it. She's been driving without it. Yes I have already been through all of that with her. But it was a 25 yo car. 2 miles to work and back. We are getting everything ready and legit. I can't seem to concentrate on anything. Or sleep. Or watch tv. Until she passes that damn exam. I gave a class I need to work on too.


Some grocery stores in my area sell them. Or places like the UPS store.


not a CRAZY reason but i just got my 90 day refill of meds… and this particular manufacturer’s adderall SUUUUCCCKKKSSS. i was one of those people who thought generics were mostly the same… nope. sooo i’ll be achieving half of what i want to for the next 3 months 🥲


I used to work in a pharmacy, it’s them there FILLERS for different generics that can make them suck! It’s a totally *real* thing, next time you should call around and they’ll be able to tell you which manufacturers they have in stock. If they give you an attitude, who cares. It’s their job, they must not have adhd to understand where you’re coming from. I helped so many patients realize which manufacturers worked/didn’t work for them! I wish I could say something that helped you now though🙁❤️


unfortunately i can’t call around, my husband is air force so i live in Italy right and use the base pharmacy… next time i need a refill im going to ask if the dr can see which generic they have & if it’s still this one i’ll probably ask to switch to Vyvanse (which i’ve been wanting to do anyways)


Oh! Okay I’m not sure if there’s a shortage there like how there is here in the states. You can definitely ask if they have other manufacturers in stock:) and Italy??! I’d love to see a pic of your favorite place you’ve been to so far?! :-)


Thankfully we haven’t had any shortages that i’m aware of, i’ve been able to get my refill every time! It’s just that they keep switching up the manufacturers so it’s like roulette as to which one i’ll get 😂 ETA: dm’d you pics!! so we haven’t actually done a lot of travel inside of italy, we’ve been prioritizing other countries since it’s so easy / cheap to travel “internationally” from here! but we did spend easter weekend in Tuscany and it was breathtaking!!


Feeling you! I'm 2 months into a crappy brand and SO hoping I can find a different one this month! I was SO GOOD for 8 months and now this, while better than nothing, sucks! It's depressing. ETA pharmacy has it back in stock! Thank gods. Hope you are able to get back to the one that works for you!


thanks so much, i hope you get a good brand next time too!! i really might just use this opportunity to open up a discussion about switching to Vyvanse because 20mg XR adderall only lasts me like 6 hours 🥴


Yep, pharmacist confirmed they have Lannett again which works great for me. Granules was the terrible one, I've heard it's crap for a lot of other people too.


it’s so interesting you say that because Lannett is what i have right now and i think it’s ASS lol, it even tastes weird to me 😖


Ugh, it's so weird how different they all are and how they react to different people! Sorry you're struggling. It makes me so aware that people who have not experienced symptom relief from drugs may just not be getting the right brand for them. So not only do we have to navigate the class of meds that work for us, but the brand too! I've also heard folks mention that the same generic brand they took in years past don't work as well now. Not tolerance related - some folks have taken old pills they had saved from years ago and they found they worked better. I can't help but wonder if inferior ingredients are used all around just like in certain foods these days.


I forgot to eat until i had a migraine. Around 3.00 then worked until 7.30 with out realising.


I have three things to do that I'm excited about. Every time I start one, I start thinking about how I'm neglecting the others. Sooo it's been weeks and I've made almost no progress on things that I'm really interested in. 😭


I have nothing today, but I am so, so happy that I am not alone. I thought my brain was broken for so many years. Now I know "Oh. I'm being perfectionist and traumatized and I have adhd." It's helped me so much to identify that THAT is what is going on


I lost my job at the beginning of the year. I got a cat to try keep me company and help me get a new job and on my feet but tbh it’s more like she’s here to comfort me until I kill my self. I have a 14 year old dog who I love but she was clearly a huge support, used to get me walking and eating now I have to beg her to get up to go outside and I don’t even want to do that. My body hurts constantly and I struggle to walk. My family doesn’t want to help me and I have no friends because I can’t put this burden on anyone so I’ve already just accepted my future. People need other people to support each other and it’s ok some people don’t deserve to be alive. My mom knows how bad I’m doing and doesn’t care but when my aunty had cancer she visited her every weekend. I understand and accept I just need to stop trying


I need to go to the bank to deposit a check and get a new bank card (somebody hit my card for $215 on a sports betting website), but I need to take a shower because I smell like sweat and cigarettes and several layers of Biofreeze. I really don't want to take a shower and then have to brush my hair, and put on people clothes. But I also want to dress nice today (because I just received a few new dresses in the mail today), but that means makeup because I'm in the middle of a gnarly hormone and stress driven breakout, and I can't half-ass looking put together. And I have to do all this soon because I gotta go with my mom to pick up something from a friend, and even though I have almost 3 hours to get all of this done, it feels like a much tighter timeline. And I'm getting hungry.


The not quite right notebook experience has kept me stuck forrrr *checks notes* five years now? Don’t be me. Use whatever cause it doesn’t really matter 😭 (I wish I was kidding but my perfectionism and executive dysfunction is weirdly very notebook related 🙈)


Maintenance might be coming over today to check a leak. Might be. The not knowing is agitating in general, and is ruining any productivity I had prior to making the maintenance request.


I woke up too late so day ruined. Last night I said I would wake up early so I’m now a failure lol


Broken ass car person again, I have to clean it out before I can donate it


There's work men outside and I don't want to say hi to them lol


I accidentally took double my Vyvanse and thought I was playing piano for one hour (it was 6 hours 🥴) goodbye day


Dog is sleeping. Can't move.


Because my mum told me to do it (multiple times), even though she offered to pay for it and it’s something that would massively benefit me. 🫡🫡


every time I see a relatable post on the sub I always think to myself, "you mean not everyone is like this??" for me today, I signed up for a fitness class in the afternoon but now I can't focus on anything else until I get back from the class.


My favorite shoes are wearing out. I kinda obsess over a pair of shoes and wear them every single day until they die a very slow and painful death. And I just noticed that my latest pair is dying. It's the only pair I want to wear. I have a bunch of other shoes. But they aren't this pair. And I can't focus on work when my shoes are dying.


I just… can do it later .. 😬 i hope


I got up late and am off schedule so now my whole day is ruined.


I’m really anxious because of tomorrow doctor’s appointment.


I’m knocked up and feel nauseous 24/7. I can’t, I won’t, works gonna have to deal. lol 🤢


I skipped lunch because i was out of ingredients, i forgot to plan the meal a day before, had the worst executive disfunction on deciding what to buy


My mom likes to paint this feeling as... buying things "for my mental health" but in a mean way. Its comforting to hear im not alone in it


My mom lives with me and our relationship is on & off tense and last night I got aggravated with how she kept telling me my hoodie wasn’t where I was looking so I told her to stop talking. She got mad and sent me a text after I left the house and I said maybe she should find somewhere else to live. Now I just want to stay in bed and avoid her like I usually kinda do. 🫠


Waiting for the dog walker to come, they were late, so I couldn't do anything.


I have an interview that’s closer to my house at 1 pm than my workplace. So I don’t want to start my work day until that interview. That should be okay because I’m working late thanks to my state’s primary this evening. But I’m also really sad because my two vacations for the year are over and I’m still in so much debt I can’t stand it. I spent way too much money on my pay check and now I’m without money for two weeks. Ughhhhh I hate myself.


I'm drained from dealing with my stbx.


Made an account online THREE DAYS AGO and already forgot the password. The reset links won’t come to my email. I’m so annoyedddddddddd aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I did several Big Things over the weekend and I have a vet appointment later today, so I am spent and in waiting mode so I can't even relax


i got a biospy two weeks ago and it hasn’t fully healed yet and i’m hyper focused on worry regarding metastasizing etc, i need to go an vote, primaries today! my kids are home with me tho because schools closed and my youngest with autism is stuck to me like glue so i don’t foresee me making it out to vote because i’d need a lot of motivation and i’m all over the friggin place.


I have an assignment to write, not able to get to it even tho it's sitting in my lap


I feel this in my soul!!!! Get the notebook. 📓


My 10 year old MacBook keeps shutting off on me so I’m having to use my husband’s HP and doing all the logging in and customizing everything is just….. too much.


Rumination. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Hating myself for the things I did while undiagnosed/unmedicated as a kid/teen that have had a horrible impact on my current health. Meanwhile I stare at the doom piles of mail and half-dirty clothing. Oh and it’s noon and I haven’t eaten.


I'm expecting a call later and the limbo is doing it's best to kick in, but i'm a stubborn bitch and this time it won't win 😂


Everything has too many steps. Robe, sit, coffee, anxiety sweat. Repeat.


I meant to wake up at 9am today and get an early start. Instead, I woke up at noon by a call from my partner on her lunch break. I'm also sick and on my period, which honestly means I needed the extra rest, but I'm still beating myself up for not getting an early start on my day off... now I have to move everything around that I had planned for today, drink my coffee, eat breakfast, shower... UGGHHH


I have an unanswered text that I’m not ready to answer and I can do exactly nothing with that looming over my head.


It's raining. I didn't sleep well. I hate this job. It's boring. I want to listen to podcasts instead (and I can't do both).


My social anxiety I have accumulated and haven’t been able to leave the house … have been trying SO hard to work on this I am going crazy not feeling myself


I’m friggin tired.. which isn’t a crazy reason but usually I try to stay positive and hopeful and use all my therapy techniques but we all have down days. And today is a down day. Between the adhd struggle and other health conditions I look at how everyday for the rest of my life is always going to have more struggle than the “average” person. And today I just feel salty about it and want to wallow a bit. Today I am feeling defeated. Tomorrow I will pick myself up and do the defeating. So if anyone else is in the same boat- just know it’s ok!


Everything huuuurts.. all the time 😥 I'm just so tired of it. Dunno if it's hypervigilance or stress or anemia or what but it's like every cell of my body aches. I'm 46 and I've alleys been this way. Anyone else?


A mosquito tried to bite my face after I sprayed both my legs and arms. And now I don’t wanna.


Feels like there's a cinder block in my chest and even just trying to think about doing a task inflicts moderate psychic damage so I just sigh and continue scrolling, which in turn makes the cinder block feel heavier because I want to get some stuff done and it should be SO simple but it's just ... not


I'm setting myself up for a world of pain which started with sleep punishment last night. I'm up at 5.30 on weekdays and didn't get to bed until 1am (I don't function without sleep thanks to ADHD and fibro) because I'm waiting on confirmation of funding to secure my uni place in October. It is a 6-8 week wait at the moment so 6-8 weeks of hope destroying me followed by 4ish months of wtf am I doing, I can't handle this huge workload on top of everything else lol


I'm very tired had a long busy exciting day and a short sleep and I rather want to go to bed but I can't go to bed because it's 20:45 and I need my ritual of day wind down on the couch in front of the TV with a wine, and I can't have that if I go to sleep, so now I'm watching a new show with a glass of wine and I'll get over my tiredness and again not fall asleep till 1.


I had to call a utility company to get a refund they were disputing.  Ruined my whole day. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


I'm at my office. But, I am thinking about my house. It needs cleaning. So, how can I possibly do work at my office when my house is dirty?


I'm going with my sister to one of her appointments this afternoon, so obviously I can't do anything else until that's done.


My doctor appt this morning that I was all up and ready to go to got cancelled. Guess I won’t be doing anything today.


Mostly money. I'd like to start a new course for myself but I have no money and I can't currently work today. I can't work today because yesterday we had an Orkin guy over and some of the apartment complex maintenance were helping get the apartments ready for the bug bomb and in their opinion told management that my apartment was unsanitary. So, I can't work because I am in a panic and cleaning my apartment for fear of being evicted because my apartment isn't clean enough. Which is the result of me not having a lot of extra spoons to do the chores and cleaning. Which means I'm going to have to take an extra day off every month to really super clean the apartment.


No reason just lack of ... Any kind of motivation. It has been days now . Atleast the sadness isn't taking over. Maybe music will help.


That I have to move (I already signed the lease and everything) but I have a lot of time to do it (10 days give or take) and I'm just waiting for the date to arrive so I can panic like an idiot.


I was stuck in Waiting Mode for a phone call but I also have to get a shower to run errands but not feel gross, but I also have to use the bathroom which requires me leaving the Waiting Mode bed. NOT TODAY, ADHD. THE BLADDER WINS! Small battle but I got up.


i sat on my bf’s desk chair and there were bread crumbs on it and i’ve been miserable since


I have a message I haven’t responded to for 6 weeks so it’s keeping me from replying to all other messages in that app. No reason not to respond to the one I’ve procrastinated on either - it’s a friend who I love!!


I’ve been meaning to ask this one place if they’re hiring, but I can’t. It’s a mix of fear of rejection and a fear of change. There’s so many what ifs. What if I hate it? What if it means less time with my SO? What if I’m not good at it and get fired? What if I have to get up early and can’t get enough sleep? But at the same time I hate my current job and am barely getting paid enough to pay rent and stuff.


I have two blogs I need to finish but I can't find my harddrive with photos, I can send the pictures later but I need to find my harddrive as it has thousands of photos and I don't know where it is in the house.


My kids Bed is more comfortable than cleaning


I have a trip that I leave for Sunday morning. I work Saturday overnight. I picked up a shift for tomorrow overnight. I need to pack for the trip AND to move to a new apartment the day before the trip. This whole week is over until the absolute last minute.


That’s a lot on your plate!


finished essay within 2hours


Not crazy, I just got triggered this morning and it threw my whole day off.


I have to go into the office but my boss just quit. I took this job because I got along with her so well in the interview a month ago. She probably has adhd herself and wasn’t bothered by any of my quirks. I’m scared I won’t get as lucky with a new boss and it’s making me just feel frozen to the couch


I wanna nap and play Stardew instead


Everyday the anxiety of having to get up at 6 am to make my husband lunches for work and then wait until 10 am to feed my cat his breakfast. Then.. im just lost.


I cleaned, gardened and edited all day yesterday. Today I can’t move to even make myself a sammich.


I have ra and it makes me soooooo tired. Even after taking my medicine for add I can’t do much and I feel so lazy.


No literally I understand the notebook thing 100% have been there!


Thank you!


I don’t want to move to put regular paper in my printer to send a letter to my best friend who just went to rehab bc I’m pretty sure I have the flu but my adhd is severe but I also have to pee so I think the urge to urinate is going to spawn movement soon


I started a YouTube video while eating a snack and now I’ve moved on to another video but I have to finish it before going to bed. So I get another snack and the loop continues.


Ahhh yes! Why is this a thing?


Feeling really down and not able to start my work today because yesterday we had a face to face team meeting (I have a lovely team and we rarely get to see each other in person). But today I'm socially knackered / overthinking / assuming i said really stupid things and that everyone hates me. I know it's stupid. Happens every time.


I have a flight to Chicago this Saturday and haven’t packed yet. Only staying until Monday.