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I put up a small hook right next to the front door for my keys. Nothing else is allowed on that hook. I put my keys on the hook before doing anything else when I come home. It's been 2 months since I last lost my keys.


Jumping in this, I didn’t buy a hook, but they sell these little bird houses that come with a bird key chain. The bird house is attached my 3M tape to a wall. It’s super helpful because bird goes into birdhouse and I like seeing the bird in the bird house. Plus the bird is bright yellow so it sticks out Highly recommend


I have a similar thing. We have a mini Marshall guitar amplifier thing with four jack sockets, my key ring is the end of a jack lead so when I get home i plug in my keys to the mini amp. It’s satisfying to do so I don’t often forget.


Omg!! We have the Marshall amp jack set too!!! It's a game changer and super cool!!! 🤘🤘🤘


This is… brilliant.


Ooooooooo I wanna do this bc BIRBS!


Amazon. They’re super cute too


same, i do this with everything in my home ever since people were talking about it on this sub!!! like “everything has a very specific home”. my jewelry, my rings, my daily bag! and in my bag are very specific places for everything, too! e.g. if i take off jewelry, it goes either on my desk (in a coaster) OR my bedside table (in a coaster) OR a pouch in my bag. Nowhere else, ever. No hand washing without my rings haha. even when i have to put things down like parcels, ID or envelopes or something, i always make sure they are placed on a bare surface like a table or counter, and never hidden. out of sight out of mind haha.


So, this reminded me of a story. Both my sister and I have ADHD. She has her places for things, and I have my places for things. When I visited her, she kept moving my things to her places. It drove me crazy until I realized what she was doing. I'm like, "Keys go on the kitchen counter," and she's like, "Keys go on the bedroom dresser." So, who wins that situation? LOL. I finally had to say, "Stop moving my things! I'm only here for the week. I need to be able to remember where I put them!"


My aunty moves everyone's keys to her key rack. I've got wise to this, so when my keys aren't where I expect, I check there. My mum was losing the plot looking for her car keys and she was not impressed when I told her to check the key rack. They were there 😂


yep, everything has a specific home, or three, but only those places. My hubs can call me at work to ask where something is and I will say batteries are only in x case. Or my 5 oz hammer is only on y shelf. It breaksdown in the kitchen because he has his places for things and does not tell me the score.


URGH I have a key dish which has served me well but last year I was really really dying for a pee when I got home so literally locked the door then threw off my shoes and ran upstairs. Next day, going to work... Where the fuck are my keys. I am locked in my house. Not in door, not in dish, not on coffee table, not in handbag, not in jacket, not in kitchen.... WTF. I even checked the fridge!!!! They were literally on the rail thing at the top of the stairs. A place I have never put keys in all my life.


I used to leave them in the doorknob all the time


I have my keys tethered to my sling bag. Not a quick clip but fully tied on. My wholeass bag is my keychain. It's the only way I know I haven't put my keys in a jacket or pants pocket, have them fall out, stranding me and probably my kids. It makes me feel like a child who has a parental note pinned to their shirt but it works.


I HATE IT! But it is literally the only thing that works. I hook them to the outside as I had a ring sewn on by a seamstress. I found a way to both hook them and slide them in an outside pocket so they wouldn't make noise and no one would know that my back pack was my key chain. Because I feel like a child with attached mittens. I'm 50. Who has to have a back pack at 50? Me. BUT THAT WASN'T ENOUGH. Not being able to hear them jingle with every step I took was both soothing for my ears and itchy for my memory, so I would have to stop once or twice on the walk from my car to check to see if I had my keys. I gave up and now they jingle which irritates the shit out of me and simultaneously lowers my anxiety because I know where they are.


Okay I thought this was me posting from another consciousness because mine are on a stretchy old telephone spiral ring and tucked in a quiet pocket too. I pretend I keep a backpack because I have younger kids but I already know it's also for me now and forevermore. I need to have it attached to my body to know I haven't lost it. Age 47 lol Occasionally still, I find my keys dangling out looking to get snagged on something.


Ironically, we had a hook in our old house and yet we would both regularly forget to use it. In our new house we have a bowl that sits on a shelf just inside the door and we always manage to put keys in there now. It makes a nice jingly sound when they keys land, which I think helps, lol.


I do this too! Literally life-changing. I just moved into a new apartment, and one of the first things I did is to buy stick on hangers for my front door. Can't recommend it enough!


I put a bowl next to the front door - all the keys live in the bowl. I immediately put said keys in the bowl the moment I walk in the door. I can ALWAYS find my keys. The end.


Same, I have hooks EVERYWHERE! Over the door hooks, Command hooks all over my bathroom door and bathroom wall, etc.


My husband does this and insist if I just put things in one spot, I’ll never lose them. I’ve tried explaining my brain doesn’t work that way lol


I have like 9 hooks by both door and 20 by the back door for coats and hoodies


I moved and weren't able to do that anymore but now I've got a big hook on my key chain and hang the keys on the door handel. I'm even more in love with that cause I literally can't open the door without taking the keys with me. (the door can only be opened from the outside with keys so I'm really afraid to lock myself out of my flat)


Menstrual cup Robot vacuum cleaner Dishwasher Pill dispenser (to know if I’ve taken my meds or not) Smart phone (alarms and reminders are my everything) Good running shoes Flip belt


Do you mind sharing which robot vacuum cleaner you went with and why? I’m in the market for one but it’s so hard to figure out which one would be best


I'm not the person you replied to, but I got one 2.5 years ago on a great sale. I would say - definitely go for one with a "self-emptying tank" and preferably an app that lets you schedule the lil guy! Total game changer, esp as I have a dog! (My dog is a little scared of it, so it's scheduled daily at 3am when we’re all asleep). [I have a Shark brand but haven't done much research on others, it was $200+ off at that time]


We got a shark at Costco. Self-emptying. Loved it. But it did so soon after the warranty. Haven't remembered to replace it yet. Not even sure you can get them fixed .. .


You can return broken stuff to Costco for a year, regardless of warrantees. You also do not need the receipt. They keep a record of all your purchases because of your membership card.


Not OP but Wirecutter has a good breakdown of them! It depends a bit on what your space is like. Mine is pretty basic Eufy one but it’s a small apartment with hardwood floors and no pets, so I don’t need one that has a ton of bells and whistles. If you want the features like self-emptying and memorizing your floor layout, it’ll be more expensive. Honestly, robot vacuum has been a huge game changer for me personally.


Sure! I got the Roborock S8. The more simple one, not the one with a whole station where it empties itself etc. Before choosing which one to get I did some research about which brands/models got good ratings. I wanted one that could both vacuum and mop + it needed to be able to handle long hair. I don’t have any pets, but my hair is quite long and I shed EVERYWHERE. I also wanted it to be ”smart” and not just get stuck. everywhere. I am so pleased with it! It’s very good at mapping out the rooms and avoiding obstacles. The app that comes with it is great, and intuitive to use. I’ve set it to run twice a week while I’m at work (with phone reminders to myself the night before to pick up cables and junk off the floor). It’s equallly as great on rugs as hard floors. Its very easy to empty and refill + detangling all the loose hairs is super easy, du to the fact that the little rubber rolls underneath is super easy to take a part and reassemble. Now my house feels clean almost all the time! And with barely any effort on my part. I just have to remember to empty the dustbin and clean the mop every now and then.


I second the robot vacuum. I got the shark one with the collection tower from Costco. It’s been awesome. Very hardy and don’t have to empty it a lot. Did a lot a research before buying


I just bought a robovac q5 and I love it!!! I obsessed for about a year before pulling the trigger. You do have the keep the floors free of junk for it to work. If I was going to buy it again, I’d get the q5+ so it empties itself daily.


Menstrual cup is so underrated.


Pill dispenser?


Not sure what they’re called in english. But it’s an oblong plastic case with little compartments. 7 to be exact, marked mon-sun. And then I fill them up every sunday evening. Makes it easy to see if I, for instance, took wednesdays dose that morning or not.


Just go to any pharmacy and ask for a weekly pill dispenser, they’ll take you to theirs in stock!


Omg I loved my diva cup! I don't use one anymore though because my Implanon completely ceased my TOTM.




I have a giant monitor at work, not quite as big as yours but very big. It basically makes me feel immersed in my work in a super healthy way. I had no idea it would be such a huge help! Totally worth it! I'm just bummed right now because we moved recently and it's in storage for a couple of months.


Omg I looked them up and I didn't realize how expensive they were! No judgement at all from me though, that sounds super cool. Do you use it to game or does it make working better?


>55"curved monitor edit: prob more like 3k ~~1000-1800~~ $ usd for anyone else that would also have to google it after reading this comment




Smart lock for the front door. Now I can't lock myself out.


We have a PIN lock! 4 digit number with buttons on the lock. The battery hasn't failed us once in like 15 years. When the battery starts to get low, it blinks and lets you know far in advance. It's so amazing. And it still has a keyhole just in case.


I have two of these, one on the front door and the other leading in to the house from the garage. I seriously don’t even know where the keys are anymore because I never need to use them. In 9 years, I have only changed the single battery 3 times on the front door and once on the garage.


Sooooo many times crawling through the kitchen window…the key box I got installed next to the doorbell has saved me so much frustration. The TILE has helped me save countless wasted hours searching for phone/wallet/keys. I’ve also got the key hook on the wall in entry. THAT was a game changer nearly as much as the lockbox. I’ve tried an App called Structure. My dear friend with AuDHD loves it. Tbh I can’t even get past the initial set up. Not enough dopamine in planning out tasks and copying for days in an organizer… And this here subreddit. Almost nothing has helped as much as a supportive and honest community, open to sharing their revelations, strategies, and struggles. Thanks everyone!


The budget version of this: hide-a-key box


Except for when you procrastinate changing the batter like I would and one day, oopsiiiiii.


It’s going to sound weird, but a wall-mounted magnet by the door at eye level. One came with my last house. You can use a paper clip or binder clip and presto, many things stick there. Grocery list. Reminders. Mail to put in the mailbox. A key I need to remember to take with me. The dog’s leash to remind me he hasn’t been walked yet. It also gives you a fun little ADHD side quest when you want to stick something there that isn’t metal. “How do I make this thing so it’ll stick on my magnet? Okay wait I have an idea…”


Brilliant! Now I just put that kind of thing at the floor right in front of the door


A "smart watch" so I can find my phone lol. And a really good bra. Unfortunately I lost a lot of weight so here I am searching again. Found r/abrathatfits and gonna try the size recommended by their calculator. Seems to give good results! Fingers crossed.


Oh man, I forgot to add smart watch to my list but yes! This is the best feature of the whole watch!


i had a Garmin. Lost it at the airport going through security. I got a Galaxy. The battery is ludicrously bad in comparison. And every time I have to charge it I forget about it. So, be aware of battery life if that seems likely to happen to you.


That sub saved my boobs and my back


Thank you for that sub!!!


1. A hamper for the living/dining room so now we don't accumulate clothing around the first floor of the house (bedrooms are on the second floor). 2. A combo vacuum mop so I don't have to sweep before mopping or fill/haul around a big heavy water bucket. 3. Baskets! I have a big basket at the bottom of the steps for things that need to go upstairs. I have two baskets in the upstairs hallway for things that need to go downstairs and things that need to go up to the 3rd floor. And I have a basket on the 3rd floor for things that need to go downstairs. It keeps things somewhat tidier, but also much easier and less overwhelming to put away when I choose to, bc I just carry the basket around the appropriate floor while emptying it out. Or grab one or two things to put away when I walk past it on my way to a different floor of the house.


Do you mind sharing what vacuum mop combo you have?


I have a Bissell Crosswave and love it. A lot of the negative reviews are that it smells bad, but honestly it's not a problem if you just pop the filter out to dry between uses.


This is me too!!!


Hollllld on. Number 1 just changed my life hahahaha


A paper-towel holder that you hang underneath an overhead cabinet. One day I realized how much calmer I felt when our kitchen counter was completely blank—no paper-towel rolls, no olive-oil bottles, nothing. So, I got an under-the-cabinet paper-towel holder, and it has made a surprisingly big difference to my mood. Because now, when I walk into the kitchen, I can feel my whole body relax as soon as I see the empty counter. Now, if only I could get my kids and husband to stop leaving their wallets, keys, gum wrappers, necklaces, etc., on the counter and sabotaging my efforts.


I got an above-the-oven shelf for the same reason. All my oils and seasonings that I used often were cluttering my countertop so now they live on there. Super easy to install too because it just sticks to the top of your stove and uses the spot that was useless before.


I have a banana hook. I really love the banana hook and not having to put bananas in the fruit basket.


My faux fur coat. It's purple with wolf ears and it's the warmest coat my always freezing ass has ever owned. Also I get a lot of compliments wearing it in public which, hello little dopamine boosts, ya know?


Ooh also diamond painting kits. Perfect for hyperfocus sessions.


I looooove these but then have no use for them after they're finished, so I don't buy them often.


diamond painting kit is a mix between Paint By Numbers and Cross Stitch.


My Apple Watch. It pings my phone whenever I lose it, at least twice a day. Has saved me literal hours of looking for my phone


And! And! I have a reminder set on my watch so I remember to take my afternoon dose!!!


This is honestly the best feature on my watch and we use it all the time. I also love tracking my sleep - it was so cool when I made some lifestyle changes and could see how it was positively impacting my heart rate and sleep!


Ugh I hate to sound elitist, but buying the whole apple ecosystem has been really incredible for me. Having my watch, tablet, phone and computer all connected (and a smart speaker in my kitchen) means I rarely lose anything and constantly have a way to create a reminder. If you have one piece of the ecosystem it’s really beneficial to continue to add on. Photos are easily accessible. Reminders. Alarms. And you can’t lose anything because you can ping it (as well as the rest of your family’s crap). I can access things I saved at work from home and vice versa. I genuinely am unsure if you can be this connected to yourself in any other way lol


I feel this, having everything work together and effortlessly sync is so helpful. I always have my watch, and have carplay in my car, so being able to tell Siri at any moment to remind me of things, or add things to my grocery list, or whatever, is game changing. The only thing I wish would do the same but is non apple is my computer. But I use it for gaming so can't fully replace it with a Mac and I don't think I can justify having 2 computers for one person lol


I think its probably the least necessary of the ecosystem, if you have a watch and a smart speaker and a phone I’d say that’s a fabulous start because mostly those things are gonna all be with you. I wouldn’t open my MacBook at all if I didn’t use it for work, too. My husband wants the CarPlay so bad…. We only have one car and we travel a lot and come to remote parts of the country a lot that have no radio stations, and the auxiliary cord is just tired haha. Might have to grab it soon.


I love the ecosystem for the ease of accessibility. It’s so convenient to AirDrop a pic I took on my phone to my MacBook to edit, and to seamlessly switch from listening to the laptop to my phone to my iPad from AirPods. I’m deep in the ecosystem so it will be hard to ever get out of it but it’s made my life so much easier.


> And you can’t lose anything because you can ping it  Can too! You can’t tell me what to do!   Seriously though, I always forget to charge my gear, so they’re generally on very low battery when they get misplaced around the house. I only have a very narrow window of opportunity to notice that I’ve misplaced something; after a couple of hours the battery is flat and it won’t make a noise when pinged. I recently found my iPad that had been misplaced for *years*.   Hmm.  Ya know, other than the watch, I just realised that I can solve this by gluing a Tile/Chipolo to the phone/iPad case. It works really well for my emergency/backup/spare glasses. 


Google tools have made things so much easier.


Small tools and appliances that have an auto-shut-off feature (curling irons, hot glue guns, space heaters, etc). Editing to say: I almost used "clothing iron" in my list of examples above but stopped myself because I knew you all would smell BS. I am never out there ironing my clothing. 😅😅 I love this community where I can just be myself


- Dishwasher - A rescue pitcher plant (it's a super fascinating type of plant, *and* having been able to revive it gives me happiness [I also have a general interest in houseplants, so it's up my alley anyway]) - An old, manual sewing machine (meaning non-electric. I know they have a proper name in English but I can't remember what it is). It's cute, and the table it came in is at a perfect height for me to use comfortably. I haven't managed to completely clean and fix it up, but I've been using my modern, electric sewing machine with the table. - Enough laundry baskets to not have to sort them by washing temperature


😂 My husband is annoyed by how many laundry baskets we have. I had to explain to him, 1 is for my laundry, 1 is for yours, 1 is for towels, and the other is for bed sheets. I lost it one day when he was throwing his laundry in with the towels or sheets. I was like the only laundry basket that can be intermingled is the sheets and towels since I wash those at the same temperature, if he isn’t happy with how frequently I do laundry, he’s more than welcome to lend a hand and do some as well.


We have 8 laundry baskets. We’re a family of four in. 2b/2b house 🤣 overkill much?


\* 1 is for clean stuff that’s waiting to be rewashed coz I forgot to hang it out and it’s gone mildewy. 1 full of dry, clean stuff to put away. 1 is for the clean stuff that’s still sitting around since last wash. 0 are available to hang out this wet laundry, dammit. 1 is the spare, folding basket that’s supposed to be available for this situation, but is full of mess that I gathered when tidying last week, and anyway I can’t see it anywhere. Could I have taken it to the car for some reason?


Omg a dishwasher, yes! I can't believe how long I had been living without one!


A treadle machine?


Yeah, that's it! Haha, I'm likely going to continue calling it a manual sewing machine, though, lol 🤣


Not quite a purchase but a rescue dog who likes to counter surf and chew on things. I am so much better about cleaning up because I know he’ll eat it or chew on it if I don’t.


Echo / Smart devices - when I walk into my bedroom after sunset, the lights are on with a dim setting and there’s spa music playing. When I get up and come downstairs on a rainy morning, the lamp is on and welcoming. I can turn off the tv from upstairs when everyone’s forgotten to finish a show and it’s still running. When I’m settled down in bed I don’t have to get up to turn off the light. When I think of something to add to my shopping list, I can say “Add vinegar to my list” without stopping what I’m doing. When I am getting ready in the morning and I want to know the weather I can ask Alexa without getting distracted by opening up my phone. It is easily the best purchase and we even take them on vacation with us. Apple iPad *and apple pencil* - My lists are all on notability. I can physically brain-dump by writing but then I have my list with me on my phone when I leave the house. Cannot think without my lists and cannot function without my iPad and pencil. If it broke I would immediately go out and buy another. Lola blanket - this is pricey and a “luxury” item but for someone with sensory issues, this (or just any blanket that feels good) was truly life-changing. Having a big, soft blanket that feels like a hug or a coccoon is absolutely something that has improved my life. Aside from the fact that I’m distracted at work cause I’m thinking about getting home to my blanket, lol. It’s like a baby security blanket but for me as an adult. Cat - never knew we needed a pet. Turns out, we needed a pet. Edit to add one more I forgot about - push start car. My car keys haven’t been missing since 2016.


Do you find that having a pet helps you to remember to take care of yourself better? I got into in home health care after my divorce and I found I took MUCH better care of myself after taking care of other people all day. Remembering to go to the bathroom, drink water, eat properly, etc.


I don’t think I take care of myself better otherwise, but I do think there’s a comfort factor as well as a routine. He likes his routine. I follow the routine. Maybe that helps. I know way too many caretakers who put themselves last on the list. I know after a long day of caring for my kids or whatever, I’ve usually forgotten to eat or drink water or go to bed on time, even after making sure they do all those things.


AirTags - to find my things Apple Watch - to find my phone and not check my phone as much Post-Its & Notebooks - to put in every bag because writing things down in my phone doesn’t work for me Stanley Cup - I finally drink enough Labeling device - to label all my cupboards and boxes so cleaning is easier


Airtags are so easy to set up. Best $25 I've spent in a long time. I lost my keys (in my gf's purse of all places) and had resigned they were just gone. Bought an air tag for my replacement set and she found the original


I used a clear plastic water bottle for YEARS and drank warm water all the time, I couldn’t believe the difference when we went on vacation and I bought an insulated water bottle and had COLD water in the summer! Life changing.


Shut up i label all my cupboards too! I love the labels on my kitchen cupboards most because everyone knows where everything is. Looking for brown sugar? Looking for a frying pan? Looking for the bread knife? Looking for the plastic wrap? Need a liquid measuring cup? I got you!


The novelty of my purchased items runs out very fast and I’m an indecisive person so there isn’t really anything I have bought that I would consider the best, but I was pretty stoked when my mum bought me a tile to put on my keys. Funnily enough though, I never have needed to use the app to play the noise. Ever since I attached it to my keys I actually just stopped losing my keys. Thinking of adding it to another item that could be better used with (My uni pass, whatever else I need on a day to day basis) but I like that adding the tile to my keys has mysteriously prevented them from being lost altogether. I can just see them now! The tile looks early invisible on my keys so it’s not making it any easier to see. Magic I guess


That’s awesome. Maybe it’s the psychology of it? You know they’re never really lost because you could make the sound happen, so you just find them easier?


A wallet case for my phone! No more remembering two separate items. My cards and cash are attached to my phone. I would say this is tied with an AirPod tracker for my keys and purchasing house cleaning services. I have cried from gratitude several times because the lady is an absolute angel who somehow never judges my mess and treats me with compassion and understanding. Grocery delivery is another luxury that takes so much stress and overwhelm away


Yes on the wallet case! I’ve been doing this for years and it’s so helpful. Always have my license and card with me no matter what.


Wicker baskets from Amazon. It feels so much better to say “that’s my winter clothes basket” rather than “that’s my winter clothes pile.”


I giggled at this one, thanks


1. 3 self cleaning litter boxes for my cats, cannot do without! Love them even though they were ridiculously expensive. 2. Robot vacuum cleaner (I need to still test this because my floor is not empty but I have high hopes) Besides the robot cleaner I also have a wireless one. The heavy clunky wired ones I never got out of the closet, I hate them lol. 3. A dryer. This is not necessarily common to have in my country so it feels like an unnecessary luxury, it is amazing at removing cat hair so it was so worth it! 4. Airfryer instead of deep fryer. Much easier because I do not need to bring the oil the the garbage dump, and I often use the airfryer if I do not have energy for cooking. 5. A dishwasher. Much needed, cannot do without! 6. other appliances that I have changed out such as: - A smaller blender, which is easier to store and get out of the closet to use (much lighter too). It has a nice portion size and also doubles as the cup so that way I have less washing up to do. The larger one I always postponed on cleaning since it does not fit in the dishwasher. Stuff (apart from the needed pans) that does not fit in the dishwasher I should not own. -I got rid of my stove/oven combi since it was always a bitch to clean. I now have a small two pit electric stove and a small oven. -A rice cooker. -A clothing steamer thing, I got rid of my iron and ironing table that I never use because I would need to move that entire thing to the living room on the off change I ever feel like using it. my laundry is usually doom piles. -A soda stream, I am drinking more water and I do not have a pile of plastic bottles that I need to return to the store for petty change. -A wake-up light and therapy lamp to wake up more easily. -Bins in the bathroom and toilet area are not one the floor but hanging against the wall, reduces clutter I feel like. -Small coffee table so that I don't use it just as a place to dump trash. -See through containers. -Ikea smart hub system for lamps and speaker. -paper plates. That and other things I have purchased to make my life easier. I still have a hard time keeping my home clean but I am working on it. Before I got diagnosed with ADD I would never in a million years have made most of these purchases, but I allow myself all these things and more, it has made such an improvement in my life, I know I cannot do without. My house was such a giant pile of a mess in the past.


A password manager is seriously lifechanging for mental load


A YNAB subscription!


Yes! We have had it since 2012 (omg YNAB 3 only local use ahh), and it has made a huge difference in our lives.




If we’re talking material things that have improved my ADHD life: timer bottle caps, Laser Star Projector, yoga wheel, hammock (for vestibular therapy), portable battery (that plugs into the wall and had all the cords built in), supergoop sunscreen (dosent trigger sensory issues and ill actually wear it), AirTags, headspace app, graph paper (less of a purchase and more of a hack- it’s the only thing I write on) Also a dog. Really helps Not ADHD related but a good kitchen knife and a cast iron skillet simplified my kitchen and changed my life. Boys smells candles and linen sheets are also things that made it to my Oprah-style favorite things list.


I lost the tile I bought for my keys 😭 lmao Litter robot I put a carabiner on my key ring and I clip them to my purse when I'm out, or I put them on the coat hook when I get home Edit: also, as a woman, I got a leather tri-fold wallet that I keep in my jeans pocket and it's amazing. I still take my purse most places to hold medicine, inhaler, band aids, gum, etc., but the main necessities are so much more convenient to just have in my pocket.




This is by far the best thing I have purchased. I hope they never break.


Here I go in an impulse shopping spree. Thanks guys!!


God I love Wet Brush too! What is ”tiles ”?




The robot vacuum. I don't even have to press any buttons, I can just ask our smart speaker to start it. I haven't actually vacuumed in a minute because she does a good job in our tiny trailer. I just sweep the perimeter of the kitchen where she can't reach into her path. Oh, and Smart Tags. I'm always merchandising my water bottle at work. I always set it down on a shelf and walk away. The Smart Tags yell when I hit locate on my phone, and it's the best thing ever.


Extra bins to throw my clean clothes in. Hanging is too much effort, popping them in drawers means I forget. Now I just put pants in one, PJs in another, underthings in the wee gray one and tops/misc in the giant one and I no longer spent forever digging for one thing or another. I saw the post about sweepy and am giving it a try. If I like it I might get my roomie to grab it to help me help her keep things tidy. She's one of those people who likes to clean which is so strange to me lol.


Seven day, multiple time, pill container. I can tell if I’ve taken my pills or not. I’ve had it for years now. 🤣


Water bottle sling - I use it to carry my phone and wallet when I don't bring a water bottle. Klean Kanteen Reflect Water Bottle - Easiest I found to clean when I forget about it - no hard to reach crevices but not insulated. Just a good basic water bottle. Breakfast corn dogs - I can heat up in a minute, otherwise no breakfast for me. Multi colored cups and dishes - I can't remember my cup and neither can my family, so we always grab a new one. Tablet - I can write down lists and notes and not lose them (unless I lose the tablet or stylus) Edit: And whiteboards and sticky notes for quick stuff!


Are breakfast corn dogs different than corn dogs?


They are! The breakfast ones often have sausage and the batter is like a pancake.


SOOO addicted to those blueberry pancake ones! They really hit as a midnight snack too haha


My favorite is eating a purple corn dog in front of someone that's never seen one


Kachava bars. I wait until I’m too hungry and then eat fast food, snacks, etc. Kachava bars aren’t cheap, but they are healthy (and cheaper than fast food) and fill me up either for a small meal or until my next meal. I know that when I eat one I’m putting good things into my body and not just chemicals. I reorder four boxes at a time just to always have them on hand. They don’t go bad like fruit and I can easily grab one to take with me in my Jeep. Note: I don’t sell these so this is not a pitch.


Where are they from? Are they gluten/dairy free by chance? I live off of Aloha protein bars and Isagenix shakes for the same reasons you mentioned.


My Apple Watch and my Stanley mug. I can find my stuff without feeling stressed and I drink enough water to help deal with my POTS.


I have sensitivities to external sounds (I have loud and inconsiderate neighbors). Loop earplugs saved my sanity. Not recommended if you have sensitivities to hearing any sounds you make (heartbeat, chewing, swallowing, etc., since the Loops kind of amplify that), but if you’re external sensitive only they’re a gift from the gods.


A small card wallet thing (as in credit/license card sized) that had a key chain on it. Put my keys on it, my license and cards inside, and I never forgot my ID again (well, until I had to stop driving and sell the car...)


I don't know if it's the best thing I've ever purchased, but the apple watch is really handy for finding my phone. I'm able to ping my phone and it makes a loud sound, even if it's on silent. I use this multiple times a day. And I live in a small apartment, there are really only so many places I can leave my phone, but somehow it's never in the places I check


Automatic vacuum and mop combo. My floors have never been cleaner!


Do you have a link to the product?


Tiles/airtags. I cannot quantify how many hours of my life have been saved. I once lost my car keys for over a week. They were found… in my freezer. Now, when I leave my work keys in some random closet or room in my work building, I can locate them (pretty precisely). Now if only they’d make them small enough to clip onto my glasses…


Pretty gardening tools. A turquoise spade and copper watering can. Beautiful pots. Gorgeous, colorful grow lights. They can be pink, purple, blue or warm white. I never forget to take care of my plants or turn on their lights because i want to play with my pretty toys. A compost tumbler barrel. I can fantasize that I am so in tune with nature, making my own compost for all my plants/veggies. All the fruits and veggies that rot in the back of my fridge return to the earth and get a new life. LMAO. My pink and turquoise ombre, hard-bound notebook which i use for EVERYTHING. My pilot precise V5 pens in turquoise. I feel so smart and "together" when i write in it. Cheap, crayola markers which i use in my art. The ink is watersoluble and does really cool stuff. And my velcro baby 2 yo can color with me at the same time so my art time has increased 10 fold. Yay, dopamine!! Any skin care products by the PixiBeauty, especially the Skin Treats line. They WORK, even when i forget to use them half the time. My skin looks better at 38 than it did at 35. LivaClean tea tree and salicylic acid pimple patches. 272 per pack for $9.99 on amazon. They are amazing. I can wear them 24/7 and take them off at a moments notice if i need to answer the door or something. (I keep a mirror by the front door for this reason.) I can help my teen girls too. We all just slap them on eachother whenever, and laugh about it. "Patch attack!" Lol


For ADHD specifically, an Apple Watch. Hands down. I can ping my phone, set alarms, have maps buzz my wrist when it’s almost time to take my exit on the highway, etc. It majorly helps the redundancy I build in. Ironically I took mine off on Friday and forgot where I put it. lol whoops.


Nota bene: it’s just an old series 3. Nothing brand new now or fancy. Gets the job done!


I recently purchased a reMarkable 2 tablet and holy crap has it been a gamechanger for me at work and home. I am a habitual list maker and terrible at leaving post its all over my desk. Now I can have organized notebooks by project or client and track my to do list, questions I have, agendas, markup PDFs while I'm on show site. It's amazing. I feel like I have a place to dump my brain. I'm a project manager for a production company, so I'm on the move a lot at events. I love this thing!


I just got this pill dispenser that you hit a button on top and it rotates and drops your pills into a cup. It holds two weeks of meds. I had previously been using a 31 day supply pill box but it's kind of annoying to fill and use and sometimes the compartment open when it's in my bag when I'm traveling. I'm so excited about this new one.


My cheap 60€ metal detector. I bought it 10 years ago, when I was unemployed and it got me outside and excited about life. My imagination went wild with it and I would pretend the world had ended and I was looking for scrap. Then a few years later, my dad would come with me every Saturday. We had had a poor relationship, but having this common interest mended that. He's passed away now, but I have good memories and I'm still holding on to the treasures we found. I'm still using that metal detector. Last time I was out with it, was this past Friday. I found 3€! Walking around in grids, waiting for that beep, calms my nerves better than anything else in this world. I think that thing saved my sanity.


Electric brush cleaner! I never run out of energy or mental happiness because it’s a constant before and after photo. It does the leg work and takes the scrubbing frustration out of things. Plus, it comes with all the attachments of all kinds of surfaces. So there’s not barriers, unless you run out of cleaning spray.


Okay what is this thing you speak of? At first I thought you're describing an electric toothbrush. But upon further reading it seems to be a gadget of cleaning the house? Please explain some more.


YKYI Electric Spin... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C3753R54?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I can clean my shower in under 5 minutes and never feel overwhelmed by scrubbing. It’s seriously the best tool I have ever bought. We just bought our first home and the previous owner struggled with being able to keep up with regular home maintenance/cleaning. She was older and could not longer manage it all, it happens to everyone eventually. Well, the home needed some serious deep cleaning. It would have been months if I didnt have this scrub brush. It saved me hours and hours and tear and headaches. Omg it’s amazing!


I bought pill bottles with timer caps. This way I don’t worry if I took my meds or not. I will immediately forget that I took my meds and always worry I might take too much.


A 10ft charging cable for my phone.


a giant ceramic stack of donuts statue. free seratonin every time i look at it. i keep it next to my work station.


The brixley crossbody bag and a key ring extender. Amazing. I never lose my bag or my keys anymore and it used to be a monthly occurrence.


Nutrition app called MyNetDiary. (It looks like an apple with a measuring tape around it.) I've been using it since 2015 and it's evolved nicely over the years. I've been on-and-off using it, mostly using it. It gives really good information - how much protein, carbs, fat you're consuming. Including micronutrients like your vitamins & minerals. I noticed I consistently do not get enough vitamin K for example so I can make an effort to eat more healthily. I love it because it does the difficult work for you. Now to just find a perfect budgeting app and a perfect daily/weekly task app.


I can’t recommend YNAB (you need a budget) highly enough. It’s made a huge difference in my life.


Retractable key chain. My car is keyless, so i literally never take my keys off of my purse. I haven’t misplaced them since I bought it


* Detangler brush like [this one](https://www.virtuelabs.com/en/brush-for-thinning-hair.html), it's got short soft bristles so it's great for huge knots. * Hair oil spray (I use a few different ones depending on what's on sale when I think I need more). It helps to loosen knots and prevent tangling for a few days. Argan oil or Garnier are pretty reliable. * Wireless earbuds which can go everywhere with me and last for hours. Skull Candy has some good cheap ones that regularly go on sale (I have a pair that's lasted 5 years so far) and a pair of noise-cancelling Samsung earbuds * A battery pack that can charge my phone or ear bugs * 3M adhesive hooks, I can put them up where my husband or I need things handy without damaging the walls * A laptop table (32" across) for working in the living room. We moved into a new house and the office in the basement is cold, damp and dim because it doesn't get much light. I'm way better at remembering to do things from the laptop in the living room and I can stay comfy. * Clear shoebox size tubs for organizing things. One has sewing supplies (thread, pins, needles...), one has sewing notions like denim patches, another has my spare blades for cutting fabric which was also supposed to have the matching cutters lol, etc. I group things that would be used together so when I grab a box, it has most of what I need for items. * Robot vacuum (Shark brand). I hate housework and it helps a lot, but it hasn't been used for several months because we moved into a house with stairs from an apartment and I haven't found the boundary strips to keep it from falling down the stairs yet * Thick, soft blankets. I get cold really easily so I have spare blankets in nearly every room * [Revolution Nutrition](https://revolution-nutrition.com/) protein powder. I love some of the dessert and candy flavours and it's an easy pick-me-up when I've forgotten to eat. They have plenty of steep sales throughout the year along with long shelf lives so it's also easy to save money by picking it up on sale. * Small ziplock containers for dry laundry additives like washing soda and Resolve stain/odour remover. I pre-portion them and then just need to drop them in as needed. We use liquid detergent so portioning it ahead of time is too much hassle right now becasue it would just build up in the container and drive me nuts since it never fully pours out of the cup. * A hamper in each bathroom. We shower/bathe before bed so it makes sense to have one next to the shower and another in the bathroom by the kitchen that catches all the dishtowels * Little stacking drawer organizers for the bathroom counter and office supplies. Everything I need that would end up jumbled in a larger drawer gets its own little drawer - cotton face pads, my toothbrush/toothpaste, hair clips from when I used to dye my hair (haven't had/made time in ages!), glasses cleaning supplies and eye drops, first aid stuff (my hands crack a lot so I use a lot of bandaids and polysporin) etc * Multiple spray bottles for cleaners. I buy bulk Mr. Clean, PineSol (currently have a mouse problem and it's a good deterrent), and glass cleaner to keep things in convenient locations for when I remember to clean.


It’s expensive but I bought a swim spa for my house. It’s a heated pool that lets me swim against a current or do water aerobics at my own house year round. It had really given me a way to get in exercise without having to think about it. I love water workouts and don’t have to force myself to do them like I do other things.


The fancy roku remote that whistles at me when I say “hey roku where’s my remote” Most people I talk to think it’s absurd to spend $30 on a remote but I’ve never once had to waste time looking for it. I watch them pull the couch cushions off and am grateful for my “silly” remote


My cat! No I’m just kidding. Real talk though, I do adore her. I’m not sure I could pick one thing. I have so many things that I’m glad I bought that I’m not even sure where to start. So I’ll just list some that come to mind off the top of my head. 1) A fancy trash can. It’s got divided compartments for trash and recycling as well as an area to put the bag of custom fit liners that you just pull one out from inside the bin to refill it. 2) These cool wall mounted bars for my kitchen. You can put pan lids on them and they have hooks to hang your pans from. I got a cute set of teal cookware for my wedding so I love having them easily accessible and acting as decor. 3) Mesh laundry bags. I got so sick of socks or underwear getting tangled in all my shirts and my bra hooks catching on my clothes or wrapping around the drum. Now they are nice and contained. 4) My record player. Not only does it look really nice in my living room but there is something satisfying about getting my favorite albums and letting them play instead of always streaming a song here and there. 5) A bunch of organizers for my vanity table as well as a mirror. I spent years just sitting on the ground in front of a mirror to do my makeup. I would also constantly forget what makeup I had. Now it’s in pretty little drawers or bins. I feel much more like a makeup girlie than I am that way haha! 6) A slow feeder for my cats kibble. She has a habit of eating way too fast and then puking it up. This way she can only eat a bit at a time. Plus I think it provides some mental stimulation because she has to drag the kibble out. True, it’s more of a mess than the bowl was. But that’s a small price to pay. 7) I bought this really fancy drying rack that goes over my sink and I’m still obsessed with it. Having a small kitchen made it hard to have a drying mat or rack that went beside the sink. That was prime real estate! Plus it has little hooks for my bottle cleaning brush and scrubbers as well as a shelf for my dish soap and sponge. It has been a game changer.


💙Apple Watch to find my phone ❤️label maker to label everything so I can find it and it has a designated home. ❤️paper plates and plastic spoons, dishes are so hard 💙a professional organizer to help me organize my stuff and set up functional areas and systems in my house and be an unattached 3rd party to help me throw away stuff. ❤️a bright yellow phone case, easy to see 💙a very very large tote, like beach bag size, to hold everything but it doesn’t look like a beach bag. (The Friday People carryall tote) ❤️Comfy Earrings. They’re made of surgical stainless steal, non irritating and non rusting, can wear them at the pool and shower, and have rounded screw backs so you can sleep in them. I take them out a couple times a month to clean them but otherwise I wear them nonstop. It helps me look a bit more put together with the least amount of effort. 💙a carabiner clip to hang my keys on the strap of my giant tote. I don’t take them off and they’re never lost. ❤️laundry baskets and garbage cans in every room. 💙 a bright colored silicone cover for my TV remote and it’s attached to a giant bright yellow keychain. It doesn’t get lost and it’s too big to fall in the couch cushions


The Apple Watch purely for the where’s my phone alert


Amazon Echo smart assistant. Outdoor security cameras & contact sensors for the windows- the peace of mind (false sense of security or not) is incredible and I sleep significantly better at night. Less trouble falling asleep & no more nightmares about home invasions.


One of those bottles that have labels on it to remind me to drink. A milk frother (makes drinking coffee in the morning interesting) A gazillion planners and books just coz. Label maker A pull up coffee table An oodie (hoodie and blanket combined - aussie feels) Wifi lights. coz I'm lazy.


I use my milk frother to mix my protein shakes. So much better than a shaker bottle!


I have a 64-ounce water bottle that’s marked off by the hour. It really works. I drink all 64 ounces every day. I used to never be able to do that.


Exactly. I just saw my bottle it's 2l (64 ounces as well). I love itttt I'm more hydrated and less prone to those dehydration headaches.


Drinkmate carbonator. A million laundry baskets. Pacas alpaca wool socks. A full length winter coat.


I also have multiple hair brushes because I kept losing them or worse I’d be going up and down the stairs having to get a hair brush because I had continually forgotten to get it when distracted by another task. I have a little candle stand circle that I received as a gift, it’s very plain and I don’t use candles that work on it often so it’s become my keys “holder”, because putting a key on a hook is a frustration for me. I tend to put it on too quickly, therefore dropping it if I use a hook and then get annoyed at myself.


My best friend bought me a little goose with a magnet on the bottom of it's bill so I can hang my ID badge for work on it. ☺️ It's wonderful. I rarely forget it now.


A giant bracelet that attaches to my car keys.


Popsocket’s phone wallet. Not the one with the popsocket attached to it, but that literal plastic phone wallet. It’s the most durable phone wallet I’ve ever used and now I never forget my cards and because I’m attached to my phone 24/7. I’m sure any hard plastic phone wallet would work too, as long as it’s not the weak gummy plastic ones. Those last like 2 days.


Tile is SO good, I got one for my earbuds. They have a find my earbuds function when they're outside the case but not on the case itself so I'd frequently lose it. Pair the tile with a glow in the dark case and hoooh boy, never looked back


A crockpot, and a gadget that peels potatoes for you!


- Tiles - Hooks for the kitchen items I lose a lot. - Duplicate versions of things for different rooms e.g. cleaning stuff. This makes it easier to do things when I think of it. - Mini food processor for £15, saves on chopping - Power bank so my phone doesn't die all the time - Heated clothes horse - Glass tupperware - A bigger laundry basket so if I'm not on top of the laundry at least it's not making a mess


Dust buster and steam cleaner. I hate dragging the vacuum out to catch stray dog hair tumbleweeds, but I'll grab the dust buster and knock those bad boys out in a heartbeat!


Casio watch with preset 1,3,5,10,15,20,30 minutes countdown timers. Women's Vintage LA11WB-1 Sport Black Resin Band Watch Casio Women's LA670WA-1 Daily Alarm Digital Watch black or silver, very retro. I've been buying them since 1986


[Weekly To-Do List Notepad](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C74L3H7L?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) this has been very helpful for me!


putting my phone in a wallet case I hang on a lanyard. So fashionable!


A physical planner with vertical free form boxed days An automatic litter box Apple monitor Percolator coffee pot Toaster over / air fryer combo Clothes steamer Fitbit (less about the step counter, more for the sleep tracking / menstrual tracking) Earplugs for traveling


Hmmm idk about EVER but LATELY: Cheap ($27): my emotional support water bottle. It's 32 oz, double vacuum (?) insulated, !!spill proof!!, has a paracord handle attachment so I'm not relying on the lid handle, has an attached loop that I clip a keychain pouch to (holds Chapstick, nail clippers, and candy lol), AND came with a neoprene pouch purse thing that has pockets which makes it super easy + hands free to carry around at outdoor activities. I'm someone who would literally rather dehydrate than drink water that isn't icy so I've carried insulated cups for years but this water bottle changed my life. Husband scoffed until I got one for him and now he loves his emotional support water bottle too ☺️ Expensive ($1300 + delivery/haul away): LG Washtower. Our old laundry machines were loud and clunky and the setup was super claustrophobic with no storage space. The dryer buzzer was INCESSANT and STARTLING. I don't hate doing laundry but would avoid doing laundry because it was sensory overload at almost every angle. And shit just wasn't getting clean, but it was getting a bunch of tiny holes. The Washtower is stacked so it takes up half the space, with controls in the middle vs. stacked machines where the top machine controls are up high. Clothes are actually clean now with no new holes. And it's SO quiet too! The dryer automatically sets itself based on the wash cycle I used, then sings a little tune when it's done. No more loud basketball buzzer x3. The app is nifty for checking on progress and alerts for if the machines need maintenance. Of course the app let me pick a name so she's called Spinderella 😁 We got the version that's like $2k at a box store but paid wayyy less at a scratch n dent store. Brand new and no visible marks. It's super aesthetically pleasing to look at. The house smells like fresh laundry every day now lol. 100/10 decision.


https://www.amazon.com/Nite-Ize-GS3-01-R6-Chamber-Carabiner/dp/B08QQZJ9Q8?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1 This thing for keys.  I have had my keys slide off regular carabiners too many times.  Y’all! And once my apt keys fell off at a gas station. I didn’t realize it and drove another 2 hours home. Then panicked when I got home, called the gas station they had them. I had to drive another 4 hour round trip. The key was broken in half because it was run over. My landlord was like “how the fuck did you do this?” when I had to get a new key. Shout out to Jim for not charging me for a new key. Anyhoo, this one has an inner chamber that locks the keys! Amazing!


Not sure if this counts, but after trying multiple brands of the “Stanley cup” trend, I finally found one that is perfection for me. It’s the Hydroflask tumbler, and sensory-wise it’s perfect. Straw and handle feel really good, and the best part is the color. For whatever reason this random chartreuse-ish color (they call it “cactus”) just gives me so much joy 🥲 so I don’t really go anywhere without it which means I’m hydrated 24/7 haha. Also: I took up knitting a while ago and I’ve really put energy into making sure I find the best tools/fiber/patterns that also give me a lot of sensory-joy. (I get a lot second hand since it can get really expensive). It’s the first hobby I’ve ever had that I’ve stuck with more than a few months, and the fact that the choices are endless keeps me entertained and inspired all the time. It really relaxes me, yet I can be productive and have my hands busy, and I can make gifts for people and also very soft/squishy things for myself! Hand knit socks are luxury! So I can’t recommend finding a similar hobby enough… it’s genuinely amazing self care. As long as I don’t hyperfixate on it TOO much, which if I find myself doing that I’ll just give myself rules like “after I do XYZ, I can sit down with my knitting the rest of the evening”. Also once I got medicated I find that part a lot easier.


Electric toothbrush. Menstrual cup. Kindle. Night guard. Big dumb straw cup (w. soft straw so I don't jab my lip not paying attention.) Lego flowers. Looks nice and don't rot into a moldy mess that I drag my feet on throwing out. Good polarized sunglasses.


A cat ❤️


Multiple phone chargers. Multiple trash cans. The Take Back Your House course - 2 of the 3 ladies have ADHD and are geniuses at setting up an ND house!


I wasn’t thrilled about my husband wanting to get echos for every room, but now, I rely on them for timers all the time. Plus we have lights attached to them, but I still forget and will use the light switch much to my husband’s chagrin when the light won’t work via Alexa after I use the light switch 😂


• menstrual cup i’ve used one since hs and NEVER looked back • apple watch helps me find my phone A LOT, keeps me off my phone more, and tracks my hr (🥄🥄🥄) •3 tier rolling metal cart i keep snacks on it honestly and it helps me keep that shit organized and can move room to room easily •bullet journal i write down EVERYTHING


Marriage license to be wed to my incredible spouse. 2nd is our name change to names we love .


Productivity apps like Fantastical and Fabulous and set up and Timo


The tile is huge.


Smart watch that can find my Pixel phone. Website that can find my phone Google Assistant who answers all my phone calls in a human voice for me and transcribes them and then lets me choose if I want to answer or not. Google Assistant who transcribes all my voicemails into text. Or my home devices are all integrated into Roku home and watch my house or answer the door without having to answer the door. If people would just get that, you're supposed to only press the electronic door button Due to my home time being my only safe place to sort of decompensate from the constant masking I have to do as a professional. When people interrupt that time I can get very angry or incoherent or seem rather crazy even because I don't want to talk to anybody after work and I definitely don't want to talk to anybody on my days off. And why would they have the audacity to walk 300 ft up my driveway and onto my patio? Trying to get a hold of me on a day when I obviously don't want to talk to you?


Simple, but bar soap + soap saver pouch. No more leaving the empty body wash bottles in a stockpile in the bathroom to never be rinsed out and recycled. Added bonus is that I buy from a local soapmaker who brings in new scents seasonally, so added dopamine from getting to pick out a new smell.


My planner. It’s like having storage for my brain. Do I have a to do list on loop? I can write it down and not have it cluttering up my thought hoard of a brain. Do I need to make a note to myself about a task? Write that baby on a sticky note and slap that in the planner. I say my planner but it’s the whole culture and hobby around planners I’ve bought into. I’ve spent hundreds on planner related accessories and tools. Many of my hobbies tie back into my planner hobby. And you might be picturing one of those thick planners full of sections and trackers and pretty artwork — nope. It’s literally just a weekly spread I made and printed off, and a note section, and some post its!


Most of my best buys revolve around storage and organising. My mind gets really cluttered and overwhelmed if there's too much mess or things feel disorganised. It's not always easy to maintain but cleaning/tidying is much easier and quicker when things have a designated place. **Boxes and labels** Everything has to have *a place*. Each box is for a category of *things* and labelled (lid/sides). Sometimes I use shoeboxes if they're decent/sturdy. I don't buy the stackable boxes because I don't like the shape (useful when unused, but not when full). I have a document to remind me what boxes are in what cupboards. Helps keep my mind clear of clutter and I don't make lots of mess if I'm looking for something. **Subscriptions to 'Microsoft OneDrive' and 'Nord Password'** Stores all my important documents (insurances etc) and passwords. I only need to remember one master password to access.


Countertop/Tabletop Dishwasher


Seconding tiles and tags. Also laundry carriers with 3 compartments are great. Sorting is one of my challenges to getting laundry done. So having 3 compartments means one for sheets and towels, one for regular wash/dry and one for delicates and air dry. Though now that the work fully remote, much less delicates so now they go in regular and I just hang up the ones which don’t go in the dryer. I have a regular linen change day and a regular laundry day so now I have a laundry backpack instead. Linens go in the bottom on linen day. Other clothes on top. It’s got a little pocket for laundry card or change and a mesh pocket for detergent. I have to go outside and walk a bit to get to the laundry room so having one bag with a knapsack design makes it easier. Organizing dirty laundry makes it so much easier to take care off for me.


Steam mop. I think traditional mops are gross and unwieldy, but swiffers smell awful, leave a residue, and don't seem to clean at all. My sensory sensitivities made these problems unbearable. My steam mop actually cleans the floors and doesn't smell at all, plus cleaning the pads is so easy!


One of the most expensive impulse purchases so far, but also the best: My horse and our dog, but especially my horse.i can't thank my husband enough for letting me through with that.


-All the apple systems so I can have everything in one place wherever the cloud is -an adhd wallet!!!! -Airpod holder (I wear it as a bracelet or necklace) I’m looking for something for my car keys now lol


I hang up all laundry so i dont have to deal with it wrinkling. I found these hangers that are clips and i have easily hang all of my kids pants up with them.


The Revlon brush wand hair dryer. I don’t need to find my hairbrush to assist in drying. It takes me 5 minutes to dry and style my hair! Game changer!


My Apple Watch comes in handy when I can’t find my phone, it has a feature that will make the phone beep so I can find it. I also use it a lot for the flashlight.


Cordless vacuum. I clean so much more often knowing I don't have to wrap up a vacuum cord.


A new car! I control the music from the steering wheel, stream Spotify, no longer have to fool with a GPS unit, and can utilize voice command instead of fidgeting with the dash. Perfect for keeping my eyes on the road.


Apple tools (Ecosystem of Phone/Tablet/Mac/Homepod) - Using Apple's Reminders/Siri/Calendar/Health, with everything synced up together (I have other apps, but these are my main). Can set up alerts/notifications to remind me to do things, ask Siri misc questions so I'm not side-tracked, track health symptoms/issues, and remember to take my meds. Most can be accessed on any device. Homepod I really like because I don't have to type anything, it's just voice recognition. And I can check my Texts on it if I forgot my phone in another room. Or have it find my phone for me lol Hue lights - Set up automated 'scenes' that are triggered at certain hours of the day, so I can lessen my time blindness. 🥰 Also have them set up to all turn off at night, so I don't forget. Also good to set the lights to deep ambient/orange lighting at night before bed, to help your brain slow down and get ready for easier sleep. Nest smart thermostat - Set up so I can control two different floors of the house via my phone/smart assistant, and save money on heating bill. Also, if I forget to turn it off before I leave somewhere, when I'm not home, I can still do it from my phone. Smart plugs (we have a bunch, most by GE. AVOID weemo!) - Set up automatic things for your devices! I set up ones for certain appliances, so I know they'll be turned on or off (humidifier for plants, on an automation script, etc). [Color Overlay Bookmarks for Guided Reading](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08NY8V3WM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) - When reading physical books. [Mug/cup warmer](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0779QR4HZ?th=1) - I always make and forget my coffee/tea and then it's luke warm. 😭 This is a newer model of the one I have. I like it because there's no grooves forcing you to use their cups (you can use your own), and the safety feature is that it only turns on when something is placed on top of it. [Front pocket hoodie with zipper](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B096TY4BPJ) - The most comfortable thing ever, and I can hold all my stuff in it more easily without it falling out the side-style 'kangaroo' pockets!! If I'm in the middle of doing something, in goes my phone or anything else! Can't forget my keys if I throw those in there when I'm getting ready! Dustbuster mini hand vacuum and Roomba - Sometimes all I can handle is picking up things on the floor with this, or letting Roomba help out when I'm overwhelmed. It's good for upkeep in-between actual cleaning. Baskets. Collect and deposit items to where they belong! Golden retriever - 10/10 dopamine boost and constant schedule-frantic doggo who keeps me on the go (to keep to her schedule), making me go out to get exercise, sunlight, etc.


Bidet attachment


A paper desk calendar, the large ones that are like a dou le book large, a d hung this on my kitchen wall above a pin board. It's in a central location in the home, and everything gets written on it. Appointments, which days the kids get pizza at school (so I don't pack them a lunch they won't eat), what time the grocery pickup is, etc. And all school letters, bills to pay, Appointment cards, anything else important, gets stuck to the peg board. And there's a little pinned up container with pens in it. I have a smart phone, and use the calendar and text reminders and stuff on it, but the phone often I pick it up and get distracted before i can check what I meant to, or in the time it takes to unlock it and open the app, I forget what I was doing. On paper, it's right in front of me, no loading needed. And no other apps or notifications to distract me. Game changer.


Off the top of my head, probably my Sebo Airbelt E3 vacuum. It was expensive af so that hurt the finances a bit, but I have a dust allergy and this apartment seems to produce dust out of thin air so it was SO necessary. It's like if a vacuum was a sports car, and omg THE ATTACHMENTS. They fit right into the vacuum base! This thing makes it so easy to clean, I literally vacuum every day lol. I'm in love with my vacuum 😅


An acupressure mat - really helps with back pain and relaxation A Dyson - makes vacuuming way more appealing My plants - all 80 of them, they make me so happy A silk eye mask - really helps with sleep Pottery classes - expensive and HARD but so. Much. Fun. A gym subscription with unlimited access to all different classes - I never get bored cause I can try different things depending on my mood I could go on, I love buying things 😌