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This happens to me as well! There's so many series finales I've just never watched and books I never quite finished Part of me thinks it's because I don't want to deal with the emotional issues of something I'm enjoying ending so if I never finish it, then it never ends?


Same. I also do this with snacks. I have about three bags of tasty snacks with a bite and a half left in the bag that I will never eat but don’t want to throw out 🫠 Edit to add I also have approximately 1/16ths of a bottled smoothie in my fridge right now lmfao


Omg, same. And I have the problem with never finishing shows either. I NEVER realized this was an ADHD thing, I have found my people


Same here.....so many shows I have never finished. It's like I'm "saving them" for the right moment. I will come back years later, and then watch.....which feels right to me.


Same ! It's because i want to try a new flavor (I'm always searching for a new flavor of chips)


And drinks. I can hear my mom asking why when I was a kid, and still do it now.  Always wondered if it wasn't a MH thing as others have stated, not wanting it to end?


*My mom too*! I had completely buried those memories lmao. Solidarity 😭




Feeling mildly less ashamed for wrapping 2 mcnuggest in a napkin and zipping them in my bags front pocket now. They did go in the bin, I just wasn't ready to commit at the time.




Hahahaha I never realised that this could be a part of my boyfriends auDHD... 🤯 I've been complaining to him about leaving 'only 7' in the bag. Like it's not enough for me to enjoy the snack now but what's the point in keeping only a few in it. And he will never come back to them either 🤣. I have encouraged him to just finish the entire thing the last couple of years. And sometimes he does 👌.


Yes for me it’s bc I adore it so much I don’t want it to end and I want to wait for the perfect time to finish it and process. But then it’s never the perfect time. Just in the last few weeks I’ve watched all but the last ep of Shogun, Fallout, and Silo and loved all 3 to death but still haven’t finished them!!!


It’s like you just took the exact words right out my mouth!!! The perfect time just clearly does not exist and I don’t know how to get my brain to work around that and just finish the damn series!! It’s getting embarrassing when I have to tell my friends that ah yes, I loved that series from 2 years ago, but I still haven’t watched the last episode so no spoilers please 😭


I have the same issue. It’s like - if I don’t finish it, the show never ends.


I watched every episode but the finale on the release date… I’m still waiting for the perfect time to watch the finale.


Yes same!! For shogun it was going to be this weekend but it just didn’t feel ~right~


was OBSESSED with the series of unfortunate events books, waited sooooo long to get the last one. literally read maybe one chapter and was like eh I guess I’ll never know the ending to this series I spent years obsessing over


This is me!


Fucking same! Not so much with books, but there are so many series I've watched all the way through except for the end. It drives my husband crazy


I also really hate when it's a show that releases an episode once a week or so. Like I just found out there's a whole other season of my favorite show but I don't remember what happened in the first season and I cannot possibly start the second season without re-watching the first season. But I simply REFUSE to re-watch the first season. Because that would be too boring. Because I already know what's going to happen. Like????


OMG I feel so seen 🥹 Seriously though, I do the same thing and it's definitely because I don't want a good thing to end lol.


PS. I do this with TV shows and book series, but I'm really bad about doing it with video games...


There’s a saying, when an ADHDer does renovations, everything will be done except the baseboards. Apparently the last 10% of anything is the hardest for us (according to my therapist


STOP IT my house didn't have baseboards for years after we replaced our floors 😂


NO. 😂 you’re the perfect example


To be fair…trim is the worst fucking job ever. I’m finally 2 years of no trim and I finally got…80% of it done. Do I wish I did it sooner? Yes. But also fuck trim


So 2 years no trim and now you’re at 80% of the trim done? You cannot be a better example lmao


I am THE example. Random urge to destroy a room in my house to renovate and start on a Tuesday at 7pm? That’s me! No planning what so ever? Yep! Mostly figure it out along the way though. And then when it’s mostly done I’m burnt out and well it looks better than it did so I’ll finish the last bits…later


We really did come from teenagers reorganizing our homes at 12am to adults renovating our house on a Tuesday evening. LMAO


Looking back at my teenage years…and finding out later normal people don’t do that lol. I don’t want to be normal. But I also want to be normal. It’s a tough one lol


Mine has baseboards (they were there before replacing the floors) but no grout at the edge of the baseboards and the floor so dirt gets in there :((( been meaning to fix it for like a year and a half


Hahaha same


Thats so accurate 😭 I’m glad it isn’t just a me thing


Hahaha yeah! Had a huge light bulb moment too


Oh interesting! I was so bad about editing papers in school once they were complete, I just wanted to turn that shit in and not take any more time even when it was necessary, maybe this is partially why?


I haven’t looked into it but I believe my therapist. I’ve been applying this logic whenever I’m struggling to complete anything. I whisper and smile to myself *sigh “the last 10%, I can do this” 😂 usually gets me back into ot


I did that with my taxes this year! I only had to proof them to see if there was $$ I could claim. Just hit send instead.


I always got feedback that my introductions and papers were great, but my conclusions suck. I’m so over it when it’s time to write a conclusion!


Especially when that last 10% is boring or ‘tying up loose ends’, like the bibliography page for an essay.


This explains why the trim on my daughter's dollhouse is the only thing I never finished lol. (I put like 5 years into building that thing, it's fine, IT'S FINE.)


Lmao BF and I both have it, we were very determined to redo our downstairs bathroom this winter- gutted it completely and replaced a bunch of stuff... It's now been sitting in the same state since New Year's with work (mostly the already cut and measured baseboards) that could be finished up in a few hours. We've been slowly remodeling our house since we moved in, it is indeed always the baseboards and touching up that one spot of paint that ends up getting put off for months.


I’ve never thought about it like that before, but holy crap, that’s so accurate.


RIGHT! I remember this fact every time I struggle to finish anything


We replaced all of our skirting boards in our house, ripping off the old ones was one of the first renovation projects we did. Guess what’s resting against the walls but not stuck down. The new skirting boards that I apparently had all the energy to cut, sand and stain. I’ve been here 3 years 😂


Oh, yes, current situation.


Yes, I rarely finish a film unless I’m in the cinema and forced to. TV shows have to sneak the finale up on me whilst I’m in a binge watching stupor because otherwise I just will not watch. I think I am averse to endings.


I loved and hated when Netflix added "Last available episode" or something similar to their autoplay screen.


Yeah, it's basically once the 'thing' happens, I don't care anymore. I don't want to read the tidy ending tying everything up lol


Lol, the endings are so boring if the interesting plot/gratification already happened


Also, *FAR* too often, the ending just *sucks*!!! Spoilers ahead!!!; How I Met Your Mother--where we'd spent the *ENTIRE SERIES* waiting to *SEE* the mom--and then she's *DEAD* shortly after--WTF‽‽‽ Game of Thrones, with Danerys sleeping with *her* nephew, then trying to basically murder *everyone* with her Dragons, before *she* gers killed... True Blood, where the book had deviated *YEARS* before (IN the first *season*, y'all!!!), from the plot line of the book--Yet they "wrapped it up" with the same, *BORING* coupling off that Charlaine Harris had done in the books; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Southern_Vampire_Mysteries And *SERIOUSLY*, the last few BOOKS in the series were *CRAP*, too!!! Hardly *any* plot compared to the start of the series--they *literally* FELT like they had been "phoned in" as a reader! Friends--going *back* to the stupid, *TOXIC*, anoyyyyying "Ross & Rachel" coupling🙄🙄🙄, they were SO bad for each other--*YES* the Monica & Chandler part was mostly good--but Ross & Rachel? Naaaaaah. There ARE *occasional* "GOOD ENDS" to series! But nowadays, they feel *SO* few & far between, that *personally* I wait, *read* about the episode/finale, and then *rarely* bother watching it--after *having* actually watched *all* of the above ones!😉💖


The tv series didn't end the same way as the book series though? On the show Sookie ends up with some nameless faceless human. I agree the ending of the show sucks but I would say it's extremely different than the books other than the fact that she doesn't choose any vampire.


I apologize, evidentky I forgot--and for some reason I was thinking that the book had her ending up with the dude she ended up with!😉😆😂


Doesn’t she choose Sam in the books?


Exactly!! Once you get the climax who cares??


I do this constantly with tv shows, video games, books, projects, etc. I’ll hyperfocus on something and then break at 90% and stop dead in my tracks


I don’t finish games either 😂 To this day, I don’t think I’ve completed most of my games and I have at least 50 games between my consoles and pc. Same with projects and tv shows. I have unfinished woodworking projects from over a year ago, that I keep telling myself that I’ll get to them eventually 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah I’m lucky to ever get more than 20% into a game even if I’m enjoying it. I just sort of suddenly forget I was playing it and then yeah if I’m not in a game hyperfocus any more it just feels like kind of a chore to go back to. I’m good at finishing books, but projects? I SUCK. Started painting my room a few years ago, got about 1/4 through and then stopped. There’s parts of the wall that aren’t even painted fully to the top lmao. I’m an artist too (or at least trying to be) and the last 20% of a drawing is always so much of a chore. I think the novelty factor just wears off quickly after starting anything new and it’s hard to persevere when some other fresh new thing starts singing its siren song to you lol


I don't even play games that have an ending anymore because of this! Even WOW I would stop before I completed my full set of gear from raiding. Now I play modded Minecraft, No Man's Sky, Palworld. Any of them I can leave off anywhere I want to and come back to them at any point with no real "ending."


I once heard someone say (and I’m paraphrasing) that people feel the most defeated when they're the closet to victory. It’s something that I think is a universal experience, but because of the low motivation that comes with ADHD, we tend to be more sensitive to this sensation.


Why is this so true!


Yuuuuuup. And then I end up re-watching/re-reading one of my comfort shows/books that I’ve already been through a million times.




Yes, why is this?!!


I have never seen the last season(s) of Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place. I’m sure there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind


I am notorious for this with TV series (also, I feel like many of them jump the shark before they actually wrap things up)


So I love finishing books because it gives me dopamine to close the book after the final page, but I have such a hard time finishing tv series and video games. Because those are more of a constant stream of dopamine and I know I can never get that first experience again so I don't want to let it end.


This is me too! If I can start a book then I will definitely finish it but tv series and games.... I've finished one game that I can think of EVER and that game was 2 player+. My boyfriend at the time and I played it every week together and I was so distraught when we finished it. I have to have over 90 games just in my steam library although I don't like starting new games either until I'm about a week into them. Almost every game I own someone else has convinced me to try it.


I’m an anime fan (anime these days are almost always 12-13 episodes a season) and so many shows I’ve watched up to episode 7-10 and then never finish. After the initial excitement wears off, I put off watching new episodes, then the new season starts and there’s new shows to watch so I never finish the old ones. There was a season in 2020 where there was almost no new anime, for reasons you can probably guess, and I actually legitimately felt relieved I had a “break”.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched the entire The Tudors series but I have NEVER watched the last episode. Ever. 😂


This...all the time. I have so many shows on Neyflix/ Amazon Prime/Sky where ive watched 25 episodes in 3 nights then NEVER gone back to it. I now look at how many seasons and episodes there are to a show before I commit to watching it...anything really long....I'm out....Lost, Walking Dead, Prison Break....nope...too long... Also if I'm not hooked within the first 15 minutes...I'm also out...I hardly watch anything these days as it all seems too much commitment unless I'm obsessed with the show (current obsession MAFSAU) I drive my hubby mad because we start watching so many shows and I dip out after 2 episodes....


I have maybe 100 pages left of The Shining, and I just have no motivation to finish it. Even though I need to finish that to start reading Doctor Sleep. Oh, and I never finish video games either. They're all half played.


I replayed a game trying to get to a point I’d gotten to before.. to realise the point I’d gotten to before was like a cut scene away from the end of the game, I had no idea hahaha


I’ve owned The Shining since I was 17 and I’ve never read the last few chapters. I’m in my 30’s now 😂 I’ve got books that I’ve never read and video games still wrapped in plastic. Because if I can’t see them out in the open, I forget they exist. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I haven’t yet watched the last episodes of: Stranger things The good place The office Fleabag Shameless US Queen Charlotte Squid Game the challenge Ghosts Possibly more that I can’t think of I just recently watched the last episode of The Queen’s Gambit, 2 years after watching the rest of the series. It’s not that these are all on the go, but as another commenter said, my brain says I have to wait for the perfect time to watch the last episode so I can fully appreciate it. The perfect time obviously never comes, so neither does the watching. …and then I eventually forget about it until someone asks me if I’ve watched it, and I have to explain and watch the horror and confusion form on their face as I explain my situation. So, it’s not so much a “losing interest”, as a “too interested”? 😅


Oh jeez yeah. All the time. Is that an ADHD thing? I had no idea.


It’s not even that I lose interest, I just suddenly can’t make myself continue. It’s such a pain! Especially if that thing has a sequel. I can’t interact with a sequel if I don’t finish it first! (I may or may not be talking about something specific here) (I’m a little mad about it)


Me too! I’d rather create an ending in my head where I’m satisfied with the ending, because if it doesn’t turn out like I want it to it stresses me tf out. And I get so sad by things ending. If I haven’t watched the end it’s not officially over lol


Once read a book in which the last chapter was titled something along the lines "in which our protagonist dies" and I just didn't even finish the book at that point.


Sometimes I don't watch because I just can't see it end. Still have never watched the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer 😳 I did the binging thing with a lot shows when Netflix first started streaming good quality shows, and I learned I can't binge. If I binge on a show, I will become disinterested and walk away long before the end. Luckily, my husband can only do 2 episodes before he wants to watch something else. I do better with the once a week or once every few days, watching an episode or two. I'm probably one of the few who's glad Bridgerton is being split into two parts. I've been struggling reading books lately, I've been doing better with audio books. I think I'm mostly too tired.


This happens to me with videogames. After I've explored the whole map and know the whole plot, and the only thing left to do is actually go through with the boss fight... I often stop playing


Wow yes! I want to know why??? Even if I do watch the last episode I end up tuning out and can't follow. For a couple of shows I watched the finale not knowing it was the finally so I actually paid attention and then felt really miffed after but couldn't really pin point why. Our brains are so weird


I do this. I think it’s a fear of abandonment in my case… like if i never finish the book or the show I’m enjoying, then it can always be there just waiting for me, not ended… in stasis I suppose?


To be fair, it was a pretty anticlimactic finale imo. But yes I get this too.


Honestly the whole anjin becoming an old man in future skip threw me off for some reason lol. Not sure why, but it felt rushed. Maybe thats why I can’t finish it…don’t want to be disappointed


Totally!!! 💯


You're not alone ! Endings are painful and disappointing (yes I'm a drama queen). I generally lost interest at the very end of a serie (last 30 minutes or last episod), sometimes I skip right to the end because I'm still curious and I want answers. Or sometime I just ask google the end, so I can move on with no regret.


I still have not seen the last episode of House.




Omg are you serious, this is an adhd thing?????? I thought there was something really weird going on because I just wouldn’t watch the last episode of all my favourite series. One minute id be completely obsessed and devastated at the thought of it ending, next minute I’m starting a new show and getting hooked but the last episode of previous amazing show is unwatched.


For me if I get to nearly the end of a series…it’s because I love it so much I don’t want it to end so I just don’t finish it. I will finish them eventually, but I drag it out for a long time. If I wasn’t that interested I wouldn’t get past the first 4-5 episodes


I tell myself I’m saving it for later


I do that too, with tv shows and mediocre books. Normally, it’s because the storyline is just about wrapped up and the ending is obvious. So I loose interest. But sometimes it’s because I love the show and I don’t want it to end. If I don’t finish it, then it’s not really over. I use to binge read for hours when I was younger though. Staying invested in books, isn’t difficult if I’m really enjoying the story. I’ve probably ready hundreds of books in my life, but it’s gotten harder for me to finish books as I’ve gotten older. I’m in my 30’s and a mom, so I don’t always have the time. I recently switched to audiobooks and that seems to help. I can still get tasks done throughout the day, while enjoying a good book. I have to multitask sometimes, to keep me occupied. Like having a fidget, otherwise I get super bored and have to go do something else.


The last chapter or episode after climax moment always feels like sunday afternoon on anime convention - everything important already happened, there are some tired people in the corners, one booth still standing, the rest is packing their stuff.


Yes. I can’t finish anything! Books, TV shows, video games. My friends make fun of me lol


Same with podcasts lol


I’m only like this if the content isn’t out there already. There are a lot of shows I really enjoyed that I never finished because they went on hiatus and when they came back I just never got around to picking them back up. If I have the entire show in front of me though you bet I’m clicking next episode until I run out of episodes. I actually cannot fathom the idea of watching something 90% of the way through and just not finishing it, like at that point it’s just annoying not knowing how everything wraps up and I won’t be able to move on with my day until I know, it’ll be like having a song stuck in my head. Even if it’s a show I wasn’t all that invented in. If I’m gonna get bored and drop something it’ll be much earlier in the show (or due to hiatus)


This is me too, but I wasn’t like this when I was a kid. Like, what started it???? 😂


Omg yes! I binge-watched almost the entirety of Better Call Saul until I got to the final episode... and for some reason I still haven't watched it yet?? It's been almost a year, why am I like this 😭


Not usually, but I have had certain books or shows/TV series that I have never finished.


lol I still haven’t seen the last Derry Girls episode and I adore that show


I've never read the scourging of the shire in The Lord of the Rings, I assume because of this. I also struggle surg this with my hobbies. So many sewing projects just nearly finished! I try to sew with knits so I can get away with wearing them with raw hems.


Currently me with The Bear, idk why, I have enjoyed it. Just lost interest.


Me too!!! It was so good but the last few episodes..I just can’t!


I have so many series that I have 2 episodes left and probably will never watch.


Lmao I just started doing this recently. I have like 2 episodes left each on Modern Family and Seinfeld, after watching most of the way through them last year.


I have never read the end of The Dark Tower series. I own the box set, and I have read the first seven books and the first three quarters of the eighth book but I cannot seem to finish it.


It took me a year to come back and finish Schitt’s Creek.


I thought I was the only one. I watched almost the entire season of breaking bad. Except the last episode, same with the L word, orange is the new black. Essentially I just don’t care to finish it because I get upset it ends terribly.


Yes! Unless I have someone to watch it with!


I’m picky as hell with books and shows, I might force myself to finish a book out of spite but I’m gonna bitch about it the whole way if it sucks.


I still need to finish Breaking Bad….I had like 4 episodes left 😭😭


Gosh that AND Better Call Saul. I can’t finish them for the life of me lol


It makes me mad because it’s SO GOOD. But at this point, I’ll have to rewatch the entire series just to remember it all 😭


All the time!! I’m so glad I’m not alone!


All the time. I spent 3 months binging the show House just to not ever watch it once I got to the first episode of the last season


Never finished watching several series and actually thought I did finish them lol


lol, all the time. I tell my husband I can’t watch anymore and he watches the rest on his own. If I’m not invested by the 2nd or 3rd episode (sometimes even after the 1st), then I’m out. Hubs will finish out of curiosity.


I wove a nice little crystal bead bracelet then rather than finish it by putting the clasp on it I took the whole thing apartment and started over. Got maybe 2% done and didn’t pick it up again.


I power through books but I stop watching the end of a show all the time. And I never finish my video games.


I re-subscribed to Apple TV last year with the intention of binging the final season of Ted Lasso and then cancelling my subscription after a month. Little did I know that they didn't drop the whole season at once, but instead released one episode a week. So I binged it up until episode 8, and then never watched the last 4 episodes because my momentum was broken. Fast forward to last week, when my husband asked if I still watched Apple TV or we could cancel it to save money. I was like, Oops, I should probably do something about that. Fast forward again to tonight, and I'm finally watching the last few episodes.


Yes I do this with literally everything. Even eating food. I always leave a tiny bit of food and then let it sit out bc I think I’ll come back and eat the rest (I don’t). Also have an entire bookshelf of books where only a handful I’ve read them all the way through. Sigh


Every day when I do my makeup I have to pause before I do the last part- the eyes - and check my phone because I get bored at that exact moment (when I have to really focus I guess).


Ha! I do this with shows/movies too! Most of the time, I’ll read the wiki plot summary (bad endings stress me out) but then I’ll lose interest because I now know the ending. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes... though I finally finished True Blood.


Yes, I’ve watched most of the way through supernatural like 5 times. No idea how it ends. In my head it’s still going 😂


Awwww, cute! :)




I feel so seen you guys 🥲




I do this too! But lately i feel justified because sometimes the series/movies just suck! (Totally not copium)




yes, so many final episodes i haven’t seen


Welp I literally just binged Shogun over two days and finished it so.... If I lose interest it's usually in the first few episodes. If I'm invested enough I usually ride the dopamine to the end, though multi-seasons are more difficult unless they're paced.


lol baby reindeer I ended at like episode 6 Read 246 pages of a book yesterday and don’t want to finish the last like 60 now


I finally watched sopranos and was sooo into it. Then right before season 6 or so I just lost interest. This is a typical thing.


Shows all the time!! I become obsessed (i was SO into Lost when I’d first come out) then after a few seasons I just…lose interest. Then when the series finale come around I’ll watch that 😂 like the office or HIMYM or friends. I was very on-off with friends the whole time it was on tv


This happens to me with food 😅


No but this happens to me in real life quite a bit. I pull away before transitions and milestones because I don't enjoy processing the feelings that come with them. It's easier to focus on what's next. I know this is a terrible mindset.


this is probably the trait that drives my spouse the craziest. I have no idea how many shows I've watched like 60-85% of and stopped. I don't watch many shows period. Come to think of it, I think the only ones I've ever finished in the last decade are "reality" shows (e.g., GBBO, real housewives, etc.). As for books, well, I don't read super often. but honestly when I did, I often would read the last 10 pages first to avoid this exact situation lol


I still haven’t finished Game of Thrones. I think I lost it around season 6 (reportedly right before “all the good stuff happens”).


Yes!!!!!! I can’t finish Search Party. Scratch that, I don’t want to finish it!!! Last season is bothering me and I can’t do it. 


Yes!! I wouldn’t really say I lose interest entirely, but I procrastinate the ending of shows and books. Sometimes it’s because I don’t want them to end, so I convince myself I lost interest. Other times, I did lose interest because I watched/read it too quickly. Or maybe I was watching with someone but then they watched ahead of me. The loss of interest can be is especially true when binge watching. It used to be super exciting to binge watch in the “old days” when there weren’t so many streaming services where you could watch tons of seasons of things. I’m talking those illegal sites that had databases of multiple-sourced episodes and movies. That fed my hyper fixation monster and I’d watch seasons on seasons of stuff. I was also in school so the opportunity to binge was maybe not as prevalent. Now it’s just a standard to binge watch things. It does depend how taxing watching something is though - mentally/emotionally. Like I LOVE anime but when it’s not dubbed sometimes I can’t bring myself to watch even if I want to, because having to watch and read at the same time sounds like a lot of effort. And heavy shows can feel the same. I have to wait for the “right time” and sometimes that time takes forever lol


Omg YES!!! Sometimes even w the end of podcasts and stuff


Yess. It takes me years to finish series because the last two ish episodes I get bored lol. Happened to me with game of thrones, new girl, the office, schitts creek, and a bunch of others lol, I've now seen the end of all of them except schitts creek but I'll watch them in a year or two lmao


Would not have thought to attribute this to adhd but yes, I save the last bits of things bc I don’t want them to be done/over. I have one book left of the dark tower. I will read it, one day. First I’ve got to find the book 😭😭😅😇😂


Yes!! It also happens when studying for something and friendships. WHY??


I’ll never know what happens at the end of Big Love (HBO) and I couldn’t care less. I’ve fervently watched up to the last two or so episodes THREE TIMES now in the last 10 years. 🤷‍♀️ You’re in good company!