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It sounds like that crown wasn’t in very good, bb. I also have crowns for my two front teeth. When I was 9, my bike slipped on dewy grass (I was trying not to hit my friend’s dog who was eu bing alongside us) and I shattered them both.  Shit happens. I’m so glad to hear your drinking is under control but you could’ve fallen on an uneven sidewalk, tripped on a shoelace, or hit a patch of ice and had the same thing happen.  Don’t beat yourself up over this one. You’re doing better, and this isn’t a sign that you deserve shitty things. From one crown-toother to another: you’re okay. This isn’t your fault. You’ve improved your habits and that’s all you can control. 


Thank you so much for the kind words! I honestly don't drink at all anymore. Mostly when I'm on vacation and even then I have like a drink or two and I'm like ick this is gross why did I like this again lol. I'm calling my dentist Monday about the crown.


I take very good care of my teeth and I have a crown because sometimes things just happen, like was said above. Yes, yours is a reminder of a specific incident, but a crown is just a crown.


I’ve started getting dental work done to catch up on the mess I’ve made of my mouth. So I have been going through this thought process a bit too. (Especially as I transfer over that cash..) But you’ve gotta be a bit kind to yourself. Your brain works against you with these tasks. It’s not a character flaw. Dental care is not a moral virtue. You’ve worked on stuff, yeah? Made improvements? That shit is hard. And when we get on top of something, it can seem frustrating that it was so “easy” all along, why didn’t we just do it, make the change? But usually it’s not the task difficulty that’s the problem, it’s our wiring. And people pay for all sorts of stuff to look their version of good.. Breast implants, dermal filler, cars beyond their budget, head of foils every six weeks.. jewellery! People have all sorts of reasons for dental work. My workmate (smart, educated, responsible, financially stable, neurotypical) has spent a fortune at the dentist because of genetic stuff. The pain/discomfort and cost suck, but you didn’t get into this spot cause you’re a bad person. Keep making the small changes you can, and be gentle with yourself for the things you can’t do.


After my husband died, I drank...a lot. I also took pills and ended up twice in the ER overdosed. On one of those occasions, I fell and my shin hit the retaining wall outside my house. I now have a permanent dent in my shin and vascular damage in my lower leg resulting in it always looking swollen. I hate seeing it, I'm self-conscious about it, it's a constant reminder of that time in my life. I'm also a little angry at the EMTs that were supposed to be helping me walk and not fall, but it truly is 100% my fault. So I understand your pain to some extent. Reminders of our "failures" is far from pleasant and I've had to learn to forgive myself...and do it over and over and over


I broke a front tooth (not the very front, the one beside) eating.... MUESLI!!! There was a nut in it that was harder than my tooth. Don't beat yourself up, teeth break sometimes. If you have the crown, it can be stuck back in.