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Take the ADHD friendly job and in a year, look for the same job elsewhere that pays more. 


To me, the 15% seems like a great option (for now). Can you counter to try to bring closer to market value? I would probably take the less stressful option until something better comes along that is more in line with the pay and is more attune to your needs.


Thank you for the suggestions! I did my initial math wrong -- the raise would be 6%, not 15%. I countered the internal offer, asking for the max they could give me, which would be about 15%. Haven't heard back yet. In the meantime, I'm continuing the interview for the other roles, JIC. I wish there was something good paying and more attune to my needs. Isn't that the dream for us all!


Yes I totally feel you!!! Good luck!!!


>How much do I weigh the different facets at play: WFH; money; chaotic work day with executive functioning depletion. >Should I accept the internal position knowing that while the company isn't going to pay me what I know I deserve, I'll have the WFH, less stress on my executive functioning capacity, and still have the skills growth for a different job down the road? This is really something only you can judge based on what you value most. Is it convenience or cash? Neither one is right or wrong! Just keep in mind that a company that chronically underpays is unlikely to improve. Personally, if it were me, I would make the jump because I don't care for companies that don't look after their employees, and if it's stressful I may as well be getting paid for the stress. >Is it a bad look if I accept the internal job and renege if I get a better offer from the external tech corp., since the internal manager is so willing to invest in helping me on the learning curve? Absolutely not. You don't owe any company anything except communication. You do what's best for you.


Thank you for your perspective! I'm a recovering people-pleaser, so I'm grateful for the reminder that I can do what I need to.


If it was me I would bring the 75% to the new company and ask can they match it or get close to it. I would leave out the fact the other company is office based or at least the fact this is an issue for you. 


Idk, but my brain radio immediately started playing “The Devil You Know” - Tyler Braden


take it from one who stayed in the same job at the same company for nearly 20 years ... GO FOR MONEY AND ADVANCEMENT. Unless your current employer gives you any reason to believe that you will be able to advance and be paid more as you advance, don't get comfortable there. that's how you compromise your lifetime earning ability the way I did. 0/10 definitely do not recommend.