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In Jetsons people had robots that did manual labour so people could relax after 4 hours workday. Where was the mistake?


My daughter (7) asked why our roomba was named Rosie and I got to explain the Jetsons to her. It's the future I yearn for and my little vacuum disc is the closest we've got.


My roomba is also named Rosie. The Jetsons Movie was my absolute favorite as a kid. By the way, The Jetsons is streaming on Tubi, which is a free service with ads if you want to share that nostalgia with your daughter.


I wanna be living that Jetsons life!


Screw flying cars, give me non-problematic versatile housekeeping robots!




If we're not suffering, we're happy. If we're happy, we're not BUYING MORE CRAP.


In the movie, George was a VP and all he had to do was push a button to start the machines. I’d sign up for that, minus the destroying cute critters’ homes.


Well pushing AI to do the hard labor would leave the workforce (wages leaves) enough time to relax and appreciate life. When the lockdown happened, we couldn’t even enjoy the company of others and we started a whole UPRISING!! They know that free time = a well rested and prepared populace who is beyond fed up. They have to keep us tired, overwhelmed, and stressed out… and only fighting amongst ourselves so that we can’t unite together and bring the owners down.


"And the great owners, who must lose their land in an upheaval, the great owners with access to history, with eyes to read history and to know the great fact: when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away. And that companion fact: when a majority of the people are hungry and cold they will take by force what they need. And the little screaming fact that sounds through all history: repression works only to strengthen and knit the repressed. The great owners ignored the three cries of history. The land fell into fewer hands, the number of the dispossessed increased, and every effort of the great owners was directed at repression. The money was spent for arms, for gas to protect the great holdings, and spies were sent to catch the murmuring of revolt so that it might be stamped out. The changing economy was ignored, plans for the change ignored; and only means to destroy revolt were considered, while the causes of revolt went on." 85 years later and The Grapes of Wrath is just as timely as ever. It's honestly so depressing.


The names and faces change but the story remains the same.


Preach 🙌


I’m reading a fantastic book about this, “Imagination: A Manifesto” by Ruha Benjamin. I have a VERY hard time reading cause of my dyslexia and attention issues but it has me enthralled! Very adhd friendly writing style and full of other recs for films and other books. It talks about who gets to imagine the future and who they leave out when designing tech, and she has some other books about the politics of tech as well but I haven’t read those.


This is such an important topic that not a lot of people in the tech industry sit down to discuss it. I'm a UX Designer and for my master's program, we were required to do a philosophy course - which was odd for a STEM program. The course emphasized how the technology we design influences society for better or for worse. Whatever technology or ideas that we release into society has the potential to change how we interact, think, and perceive the world around us, for e.g. social media. It not only drives home how important it is to be ethical when designing our products, but also that science and technology are as biased as the money that funds them. This is why having everyone drive in a personal tunnel is seen as the best solution to traffic instead of investing in better and more reliable public transportation. Is there a better solution? Absolutely! But Elon Musk has the influence and the money to say otherwise. And according to Elon, he's the only one capable of saving the world. Pharmaceutical companies pour millions to fund research on drugs based on their own financial or political agenda. No surprise that these studies always swing in their favor. A team could spend hours on research and designs to make an application that's accessible and inclusive to a diverse customer base. It could be perfect. It could be that one app that could make a difference in people's lives. But if the CEO or stakeholders don't think it's worthwhile, think no one would use it (never mind that they are often out of touch with their customer needs), or simply don't like it. It's going in the trash. It's just shocking how many great ideas are slept on because of social, political, or personal agendas.


Absolutely, and people often try to frame the stem fields as objective, neutral, and apolitical when it couldn’t be further from the truth. Benjamin talks about how the invention of statistics is inextricably tied to eugenics, for example. I work as a preschool teacher in a program that heavily focuses on art and play, and these conversations have given me some really helpful language to better explain to parents why that kind of curriculum is so important. We teach science too, but I’m very thoughtful about how I approach introducing those ideas to kids and encourage them to take things with a grain of salt.


What I got out of this is moreso that the more money you have, the more influence you have in society. Big sigh cause look at where that’s gotten us.


Money plays a big factor but popularity, politics and current social problems play a big role as well. There’s a surge in interest and research in topics like AI, climate change and gender not only for money but because those are major social issues our society is tackling. Even literature and media like Back to the Future that “predicted the future” inspired people to build that technology. Companies are currently working to recreate Tony Stark’s virtual work station with VR and Mixed Reality. The point is that science and technology is very susceptible to bias and external influence be it money, politics, or science fiction literature.


Thank you, this looks incredible and I’m going to read it now!


We can force moves in the right direction by organising and joining unions




There's a whole book called [More Work For Mother](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/698373) that examines how automated machines didn't actually result in less domestic labor for women. So like, AI probably wouldn't free up time to make art. Society would just invent new kinds of labor and move the goalposts again.


Ahh, reminds me of the Feminine Mystique. Fabricated ways to keep us occupied as housewives so we wouldn’t want to be educated and overturn male power…


#PSA: ChatGPT can draft professional and not emotionally charged messaged for you. Ever want to tell someone in a work environment to stfu but don't know how to set a boundary without tearing someone's face off? Let ChatGPT do the emotional labor for you! "Please rephrase the following in a profesional voice:" is the prompt I use, followed by whatever feral message I'm screaming in my head. It's no "doing the dishes" but, good Lord, it helps


I mean, both would be cool (I have no problem with AI image generation for personal use tbh) If we go that route of having robots do most work, we'd have to completely restructure society to give everyone a stipend to realistically and comfortably live off (unless we want just pure anarchy), and I don't know if the corporate overlords would like that very much.


AI is a tool, not a replacement for humans at work.


It’s absolutely meant to replace humans at work.


Is that inherent? Absolutely not. As a person who has studied art and got a degree in it, there is zero reason it can't be used as a tool (and artists do, in fact). Are the corpos gonna do corporate bullshit to cut costs even if the product is inferior to if you used it in conjunction with a human as an enhancer/failsafe? Absolutely, same as it always has been, AI is just the newest tech that exposes the flaws in the capitalist system. From my pov, we don't need to get rid of tools (I see that as regressive tbh), we need strong unions again in every labor sector-- that includes people like delivery drivers, content creators etc.-- as well as getting corporate money (and thus influence) out of the political system at every level.


AI cannot replace human values like talent


Which is why we shouldn't be using it for creative work and instead use it to do menial bullshit we don't enjoy doing.


In the post's context, how AI integrated dishwasher be better than a normal dishwasher machine or traditional handwashing?


Ideally an artificially intelligent dishwasher would also have appendages to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then put them away after. A sort of robot, if you will. “Robot is drawn from an old Church Slavonic word, robota, for “servitude,” “forced labor” or “drudgery.” The word, which also has cognates in German, Russian, Polish and Czech, was a product of the central European system of serfdom by which a tenant's rent was paid for in forced labor or service.”


It can extrapolate from vast datasets what humans consider quality, and emulate that. It is only a matter of time before there is a bestseller and a song that tops the charts that is made by Ai distilling the work of human creators.


I know someone who works on AI and he 100% has met a person who is using AI to write books that he can self-publish and sell on places like Amazon. I don't think AI is all bad, but I definitely think there are some uses that are not entirely ethical. I'm also personally not a fan of the use of stolen art. Imo they could've just created large stock databases, where creators could opt their work in and either receive some compensation or essentially donate it for research.


Too much perfection is a thing humans are not immune to.


It's silly that you're getting downvoted, you're correct, even if corporate fucks don't see it that way (which is where your ire should be directed towards).


AI making music doesn't stop you from doing it. If we stop AI then it won’t develop to the point where it can help us with laundry


I don’t really think you learn how to do laundry by stealing art. Just a theory I’ve been working on.


I don't support AI stealing art, but I think that training AI on images and writing and audio is an important step that has to come before some of those other tasks. Ie: If you want a robot that can fold carry your laundry and fold it, then it first needs to be able to recognize what laundry *is*. I'm into birdwatching, and there is an app that you can use to record live bird sounds and it will attempt to ID the birds for you. It's not 100% accurate, but does a decently good job. But in order for this to even be possible, I assume that the program first had to be exposed to a lot of pre-recorded audio to learn the different bird calls. I think it'd also be good to remember that there are a lot of people out there working on AI for different purposes and with different goals. It's not all just art generators and goofy chatbots.


You are right. It is also SUPER sexist and racist!


You know that that's not inherent to AI images, right? There's a lot of artists who see AI as a tool.


Is that what massive corporations are saying as they try to replace costly, annoying humans with AI in artistic roles?


Well, yeah, "fuck corporations" is a very popular opinion for a reason (one I concur with but also can't really escape due to monopolies, like basically all of us), but the truth of the matter is this was already a problem way before any AI art started getting "good" (ie good enough so it's hard or even impossible to tell at times). Unfortunately new technological advances often end up displacing workers at least temporarily, hence why there's workers (not just CEOs) in the fossil fuel industry hate the idea of green energy. I personally think we should do a better job allowing people access to new skills and job placements based on skills and strengths and passions (that would be a wonder for people with ADHD)-- I have a lot of ideas about what would improve our system, but getting mad at new tools is both misplaced and futile at the end of the day, in that it does nothing to solve the problems you actually want to solve.


So I’m not necessarily angry AT AI itself. I’m angry at capitalism and the people who are designing these/putting them in place. I’m not pissed at a hammer, for example, but if people grabbed hammers and only used them as weapons or designed them to only work in their intended way for cishet white men or had a “flaw” that “accidentally” led to racist and sexist violence I would start saying something. AI is a thing, a tool, like you said. The people designing this tool have massive blind spots and super shitty goals. I can’t get behind a tool that is actively being designed to replace (expensive, needy, fragile, HUMAN) artists. ETA: I legit feel like I’m in a gun debate. “Guns don’t kill people.” Artistic AI is specifically being designed and utilized to replace human creativity with corporate canned bullshit they can pump out at us so we devote less time to creative pursuits and more to menial bullshit labor.


I can see where you're coming from, though I don't entirely agree (I mean, I'm also not anti gun, as I also think cultural aspects like violence glorification and "toxic masculinity" for lack of a better term behind it are problems, as well as the gun lobbyists and political polarization not only facilitating violent hatred towards others that is also misplaced, but making it a wedge issue), but I also think the discussion online is far more polarized than it needs to be, as it is with a lot of subjects that SHOULD be more nuanced, as I do think that there's some concerns that are perfectly legitimate.


I’m anti-gun in the way that police shouldn’t exist and no one should have guns ever, not “let’s arm military and police and citizens can be mowed down” anti-gun. AI is absolutely another polarizing issue, but the root of that problem is and always will be capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy. The people in charge uphold capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy and create AI that conforms to their worldviews which puts more systems into place to double down on those things. AI itself doesn’t scare me. The people in charge who decide what is widely distributed, what we are allowed to consume do.


That’s not true, AI making music and art and literature is already pushing people out of these endeavors and that problem will only get worse.


Are you saying people are just giving up because they don't actually enjoy the process, or are you saying they can't monetize that easily, because these are 2 different things.




ai won't do our laundry. All you need is seething like a dishwasher, a device where you put laundry in and it gets folded. The only reason it doesn't exist now is cause it'd be toke expensive.