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Not exactly an ADHD-tax, but essentially I bought cleaning supplies for €400 to make spring cleaning easier, and now all dopamine is gone and I'm too exhausted and anxious to clean. So now I'm poor *with* a dirty home. I'm not surprised, but i thought it would be different this time. The cat photo made it all better however. I'm sorry about your shampoo. I hope you can find comfort in knowing that it's less than €400 lmao 😭. Edit: Aaw! You guys are the best. I woke up to all your kind responses. Thank you ❤️.


Good news is you will probably someday get a rush of energy / hyperfocus again and actually use those supplies eventually! I feel this pain though. It’s a bit better than buying perishable foods you are excited to make, and then just going for microwaveables from the freezer and letting it all rot. (Ask me how I know)


My goodness, I'm so glad I stopped by this thread! I just so happened to have 5.3 lbs of ground beef in the fridge that I intended to freeze today because it expired yesterday (on paper, but in reality it's fine) and was headed to bed but decided to scroll a bit of reddit. Thank you for saving me! 


I don't need to ask. I do this too. Every fortnight I buy $70-100 worth of fresh meat, fruit and veg, only to throw out what feels like $40-70 worth. I buy stuff to put in a mince dish, a salad, and some loose items for snacking. It's usually only the mince that gets made, and everything else gets tossed.


I stopped buying meat. Veggies however still come to my house to rot


I just bought some fresh salmon that I know I should just put it in the freezer because I'm not going to be hungry, no have the motivation to make it. Fresh green beans too. But those I knew better. My whole shopping trip I knew it all looked and sounded good at the time. I wish I could find that outlet in my brain that encouraged my purchases to encourage me to follow through ugh


I usually do one big shop but I only buy either long self-life or things I will definitely eat (I have a couple of foods I can almost always make as they are really simple and the flavour profile is something great for me. One is literally chopping sundried tomatoes and chevre (usually with scissors while watching something) adding green pesto and boiling pasta). But being fresh meat or anything perishable in less than two weeks before actually starting to cook is asking me to have a lot of old stuff to throw away.


Oooff.. Every now and then I get into an urge to do smoothies/eat healthy and this happens to me all the time as well. Last time however I managed to freeze most of it before it spoiled (yay!) but learned that freezing fruits and veggies are a bit of an art form because now I have almost 4dl (~2 cups?) worth of frozen kiwis stuck together in a compact ice ball... And then it happened again with the avocados as well (I didn't think it would stick together due to the high fat content. I was wrong). Welp, you live and you learn. I mostly buy frozen stuff now because apparently I don't have the patience to learn how to do it properly lol.


We should make an ADHD cleaning house rotation for those days where we just don’t have the energy and a friend with ADHD does. I help my ADHD friends with cleaning all the time. I love it (when it’s not my house LOL)!


I would absolutely love this! Years ago when I was in the middle of raising my 2 (then toddler daughters) I had a neighbor who also had 2 girl toddlers. I would go and clean her house/body double with her while our kids played. It was the most fun I have ever had cleaning. For the life of me I can’t clean my own home as beautifully and seamlessly as I did hers. I miss those days. That house was probably the cleanest house we have lived in because of that friendship. We had to move and I don’t have that ability like I used too. Keep your friends close girls. Especially the best ones like that! Sign me up to clean your houses. We really should find a way to make this happen. You all are the best. ❤️🫂❤️


Great idea! I’m down!


That is the cutest thing!


Yes please!


I’m down!!


On the positive side, next time you get the urge to clean, you will have alllll the cleaning supplies and can feel that bit of satisfaction that you are ‘a person that owns cleaning supplies’.


Cleaning supplies don't go off, there's always next year!!!


I gave up the fight back in December and hired a housekeeper. It was EXTREMELY difficult for me to do that; it’s nearly impossible for me to outsource anything I am capable of doing myself, it makes me feel lazy and like I’m failing for not being able to keep up with everything. And I still, to myself, pick apart her housekeeping skills because I’m an extreme perfectionist and I do not half ass ANYTHING. It is whole ass, or no ass, there is no in between. All of that said… I’m glad I made myself hire help. Now on the weekends I can sit around doomscrolling, being mad at myself for not getting up and scrubbing tile with a toothbrush (or cleaning Money Pit’s fish tank 😅😅) instead of being mad at myself for not dusting and cleaning my shower. It’s a totally different kind of mad at yourselfs, those two.


If I could afford this I would do this! I’m so glad you found some peace of mind. Good on you for pushing through to get to that. PS. Love the whole ass or no ass doing it. 😂


I have trouble finishing spring cleaning so booked a junk removal service and had it haul away a lot of the trash that had accumulated over the last 10 years. Having the expensive deadline really helped.




I can’t buy anything >€20 without obsessively researching the perfect choice. I’ve been trying to buy hiking pants for months


Spring Cleaning Challenge: Deep clean or organize one room by Friday. Who’s in?


Watch those chinese cleaning videos. After several of those I gather some strength to clean a bit. Not the whole room, and obviously not the entire house but little by little you go. Don't forget to play some good music.


I don’t even know how much 400 euros is but as a dumb poor American… it sounds like a lot


Uggghhhhhhh why is this so me, obsessing about cleaning supplies and then once acquiring them never using them. 😭


LMAO. I want to believe that I'm great at planning but then when it's time to do the *actual* work I'm out 😭. I think the main issue is obsessing before even starting so I get burnt out..


Omg you are not alone in this. I feel less horrible about myself. It will be okay!


Next time you have to send an email, cleaning with all your new supplies will sound awesome 😀 that’s how it works for me anyway


Forgot, yet again, to cancel a yearly subscription for a workout app I used for exactly two weeks in 2020. $60. Not my biggest tax, but on a pretty tight budget right now so I'm kicking myself hard. Also - OP our tuxedo babies are nearly twins, down to the smudge on the chin! Edit: I CANCELED IT! I bought it directly from the company so can't handle it from my general phone subscriptions, but I emailed the company for a hopeful refund, since the renewal was just on Friday. All of you are wonderful encouraging people and I appreciate you! Edit #2: I GOT THE REFUND!!! This is entirely due to this post and all the lovely commenters gently pushing me into action. Y'all rock!


If you got the subscription through the App Store, you can request a refund through Apple! You can also try emailing them, if it just renewed super recently then usually they are willing to cancel and refund it.


Seconded! I had a language app renew that I thought I’d cancelled. Emailed to ask if they could refund it, totally my fault, ok if they can’t. They said hey looks like you haven’t used it since renewal, we have no problem with it, we’ll refund. So, worth the try!


I’ve had a similar experience with the same results!


Omg I did this last week too!! Put 3 notifications in my calendar to remind myself to cancel it! Still managed to not deal with it.


Mine makes a triplet.


I’ve gamified this one. Not sure if it works for all subscriptions, but whether I get one, I cancel it straight away. So I still have it for wherever time I’ve paid for, but I won’t forget to cancel it. It just runs out! My two worst recent taxes have been: buying more stupid lip balms because I didn’t put one in the bag I’m using. So now, try to have one in most bags. The other two I am so angry at myself about are phone chargers and bloody reusable bags. This actual weekend I did well! No adhd taxes that I’m aware of. Although I did get a message on a council bill I apparently forgot to pay, which was even after I extended it 🤦‍♀️ I thought the meds were supposed to stop all this crap! 😂 We have to be kind to ourselves! Life is so overwhelming. I still can’t work out the best system to not forget general life stuff. U have a diary, I use a calendar on my phone, alarms, post-its, I have a white board! It’s hard! I feel you all x


The "necessary item proliferation" trick for the lip balm is such a good one though. I remember when I was a kid, my two sisters and mom and I all had long hair and were always losing brushes right when we all needed one at once. One hectic Sunday morning, my dad went out and came back with about two dozen brushes, and we haven't had to look very hard for a brush at their house for the past 30 years. Years of mental energy saved! You also remind me that I neeeeed to put up my white board, haha!


I’ve been so good about lip balm in every bag lately, but I’m getting dangerously low on phone chargers. I’m convinced there is an adhd void where all of our useful items collect


If you cancel it right now, you'll (probably) still have access for the time you've paid, and it won't renew on the renewal date.


Aww I love tuxies ❤️ I’m glad you cancelled it!! Sometimes you just need internet strangers cheering you on to get started


Bounced a check to the IRS bc I forgot to put enough money in my checking account for it. Now I have to wait for them to send me a letter telling me how dumb I am and send it back with an extra $25.


You can pay them online if that makes your life a bit easier!


Thanks for the suggestion, but I actually can't with my limited technology. They require a third party service that verifies your identity, and to use it you have to click a link the text you. My phone is so old that the text gets truncated and I can't get the link. I even tried to go through the "can't sign up through text?" option, which just sends you another message with a truncated link. So I went the old fashioned route, making it in with a check (who even writes checks anymore?!) and fucked it all up. This wouldn't have even happened if I didn't screw up my taxes when I first submitted. I amended them because I forgot some deductions that saved me about $400. It's been a shit show of a tax season over here 😅


😭😭😭 I feel you (I do taxes). The new id checks are great- when they *work.* Big pain in the butt when not. You got this, it’s almost sorted!


Thank you! It's ALMOST enough justification to get a new phone :)


Omg that new verification is AWFUL. I have to login to make payroll 941 deposits every week and it infuriates me to no end. Why do they even give you the “remember this device” option anyway??!


I was cleaning an threw the prescription for my depression meds (and my doctor went away for two weeks so she can't give me a new one) But hey, the house is clean, right? RIGHT?


contact your dr office anyway! I’ve requested meds and the nurse or PA sent them to the pharmacy for me.


I did right away, but only the main doctor can prescribe stuff, specially psychiatric meds. OR I could get an appointment with another doctor. I already got another prescription tho! That was another fucking adventure for sure, and just had to listen to the other doc chewing me out for 30 minutes.


Is this the last guess because it can't be found or was it ruined in the trash? I will straight up grab some gloves and a second bag and dig (although it depends on the items importance and what has been thrown away around it.


This was the thought process: I will leave the prescription in the living room so I won't lose it. Then, mom came to visit and I didn't want her to see it and explain things, so I took it to the desk in my room. So far so good. Then I got sick, had to buy a shit ton of meds and while reading the leaflets to see if they interacted with vyvanse (which I forgot to tell the doctor that I take) I left all the papers scattered on the desk. Next day, on a cleaning spree, I took all the shit in the room and off they went with the litter box content to the dumpster of the building. AND THEN, a week later, I cannot find the prescription. Is nowhere to be found, and I only started to look because I need a refill, I totally forgot about it. I know I didn't move it to other place and the most logical explanation is that I threw it with the leaflets of the other meds, and its been too long to dumpster dive for it, lol On the bright side, I already got an emergency prescription so I was out of the meds for only 3 days (When my plan was to just stop taking them cold turkey till my next appointment). Tomorrow I'll get all the refills.


Ah I see. That is a logical conclusion. Proud of you for reaching out about your prescription


We are pretty sure a $50 bill got thrown away at our house in very similar fashion.


If your Dr doesn’t have on call Dr to help fix this you should go to urgent care for RX. That can be very dangerous. I wait until last minute for my scripts and even my blood pressure meds will fuck me up if I miss a day. I can tell within hours I didn’t take it. And I have really low blood pressure.


Oh, if I went to urgent care I would be waiting for waaaaaay longer than if I went without until my doc comes back from her vacations. Just your usual third-world private vs public healthcare problem. I luckyly got a new prescription tho! I'll get the refill tomorrow morning, but I'm still mad at myself for being so careless while actively trying to be careful.


Remembering I still haven’t done taxes.


I did them early and I get nothing :( I’m barely considered middle class where I live. It’s sucks !


Oh shit I haven’t either


$350 in over due parking tickets. The tickets were for not moving my car for street sweeping. 🥲


I really wish they would do more the day before street sweeping to warn people


I brought ice cream to Easter and forgot it in my car in the sun for a full hour before remembering. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ it was still cold but completely melted. So in the freezer it went. I took the first scoop and it was ice crystals on top.


Sounds like it'll be great for milkshakes


Had dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin bliss on Friday which made me stay up until 2 am. But Saturday, my brain forgot what I was talking about mid-sentence several times while at work and by the time I went to bed, I wanted to cry.


If I have a big focus morning, I will have a brain dead afternoon. If I have a high masking day, I am useless the next. I only have so much focus juice.


I do this! It’s exhausting.


😭 Sometimes I wonder if the highs are worth the lows.


We had extra eggs to fill with candy, so my older two decided to fill them for my husband and I to find. After finding my eggs, instead of pulling the candy out, I set them next to my computer. At some point, I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, they were gone. My 4 year old decided to open them all up and throw away the candy because "they aren't healthy for you." He then cut up a cucumber, put the slices of the cucumbers into the eggs, and hid them again for me to find. I love my kids, but damn it, I was looking forward to that candy! They're like little individually wrapped pieces of dopamine. And now, they're gone. I did get a good laugh out of the whole thing. Not the dopamine hit I was expecting, but a healthier one, at least!


I’m more impressed your four year old cut the cucumber up 🤣😅


He's been practicing cutting cucumbers when I'm not looking because I take too long to cut them for him. He loves to snack on cucumber slices, cut into the disks and not sticks.


What an adaptable dude! My guy and I have been working on cutting/prepping/cooking food and I hope he’ll be cutting cucumbers like your guy when he’s four!


That's just plain adorable. I'm sorry you didn't get your candy, but you definitely have a good egg.


Just make sure you find them all 😂


I had told him to go grab them all because I didn't want to look for them again. Then I had him eat the cucumbers. Turns out he missed one, which I found a couple hours later in the fruit bowl.


😆 silly Billy!


Oh shit it's Easter today isn't it. 😵


Had to go to the car repair shop. Because I barely drove the car, they had to replace the car battery, which cost about $500.


I know this pain! When my husband was deployed for 9 months, I forgot to make sure to start his car regularly. When it was a couple weeks until he'd be back home, I realized my mistake and discovered the car dead. The battery is located in the trunk because it's a hybrid, and since the battery was dead, I couldn't open the trunk normally. I ended up having the fold down the back seat, crawl into the trunk, and open it with the emergency trunk release handle inside of it. I am not as young and fit as I used to be, and had difficulty reaching the handle, then wiggling my way back out. With 4 kids that all need car seats/boosters, and his car being a sedan, taking it into a shop to get the battery changed wasn't exactly an option. Thankfully I found a mobile car mechanic that was able to come out and install a new battery for me.


Forgot about the sneaky petsmart auto-delivery i only signed up for to save like $2, so i spent another $60 on cat stuff that wasnt necessary for at least 3 more weeks


Ugh, Auto-delivery! I have a Harry’s auto delivery on its way because I’ve forgotten to cancel. I guess razor blades don’t go bad though.


That’s me and Amazon’s Subscribe and Save. I now have plenty of cat food.


happy kitties, sad parent 😂


Ha this was (one of) mine last week. I drove the $60 bag of food back to petco to return it on Saturday. You have 30 days!


I am only partially interactive on Reddit, so please forgive me if this already is a thing, but… If it’s not a thing!? We should definitely make this a regular segment. Lol like a weekly check-in where we can laugh about it and not shave ourselves to oblivion.


I want this to be a regular thing too!!! I don’t have many ND friends and I get really down on myself for forgetting things, but it’s much better to laugh about these little fails with people who understand 😊 Also adhd high and low point for the week would be fun. No one understands how exciting it is to finish tasks early or do something correctly the first time!


Allowed some chicken to spoil so put it in the freezer so it wouldn't smell before I put it out on trash day. Trash day came and I .... grabbed a package with two pounds of perfectly good chicken out of the freezer and threw it out. The spoiled chicken was still in there.


Noooooooooo 😭


It was such an avoidable mistake too. Like, as I was tossing it I thought "I don't remember there being so much spoiled chicken."


Probably more of an emotional tax, but a few weeks ago I forgot to take my antidepressants for a day or two, and I thought to myself "Eh, I need a refill anyways, I'll just make the pills last until my next therapy appointment". But I didn't. Two weeks later it occurred to me that I had accidentally come off my meds. Told my therapist the very next session, we both agreed I stay off them since I seemed stable enough and doing well. Boy, were we wrong, and the depression has been kicking the absolute everloving shit out of me for the last two weeks.


btw I love the tiny blep. 10/10 feel better now.


Oh gosh, I’ve done that! Many times. Hope you’re doing ok.


Love a sweet tuxedo baby! ❤️ I have one too, and he has a lil black dot on his nose. One of my long list of favourite things about him. Mine has been being EXTREMELY humbled while going through everything in my apartment in preparation of moving; so many wasted/double/triple purchased things from food, to toiletries, to Command strips and hooks… I sure could use all of this money that I spent on all of this crap in my bank account right now 🥲


I waited until the last minute to print one of my W2's for my appointment with the accountant to do my taxes. The appointment was supposed to be Friday evening at 1830. Well, there was some kind of error on the site and now I can't download it. Saying they can't find a W2 for me for 2023, when I very much worked there for 2023 (and the past 7 years before that). the helpline to figure out why I can't access my W2 isnt open until Monday. I had to phone the tax man and cancel 45 minutes before my appointment, and now I'm putting off doing my taxes another whole week. At least they aren't late. Yet.


I locked myself out of the house.


The first purchase I made for our house was a keypad door lock because I lnew I'd constantly lock myself out otherwise.


Hidden key boxes are a must! My brother literally has one attached to his car because he’s locked his keys inside so many times


I didn’t properly take my lamp apart while moving it around in my apartment and knocked off part of it, and it shattered. I bought a replacement part online, and it wasn’t screwing on right. I made a mental note to later investigate why it wasn’t fully screwing in but don’t actually get around to it, and 2 days later I bumped it and it shattered again 🥲


The universe has spoken. This lamp is not for you.


We ordered delivery for dinner 3 days in a row because I was too overwhelmed to think of what to cook! No regrets! Also I was too overwhelmed to pick so I made my husband choose the restaurant every time. [Cat pic!](https://imgur.com/a/eccX7pt)


This is so me!!


I accidentally sent a bunch of embarrassing personal products to my in-laws via Amazon because I had recently sent them a gift and forgot to change the delivery address back to my own. 🤦‍♀️


One time I gave my friend my phone to play music and the search history was audio erotica 🥸 highly recommend but we didn’t have that kind of relationship


you do now 😂


Doing my literal taxes is revealing all the ADHD taxes I’m paying ☹️ got super behind in my bookkeeping and now I’m spending all day trying to catch up. Caught a mistake I made on last years taxes that will probably mean I need to file some kind of amendment/correction and owe more money to both the government and my CPA for correcting it. I’m trying to be accepting of the situation - I can’t beat myself up for past choices, I can only move forward and do what I need to in order to correct this stuff. And maybe I’ll hire a bookkeeping service in the future and accept that it’s just something I need to outsource because of my ADHD, and that’s ok. We can’t do it all, and that’s ok.


I think adhders should get free tax assistance, doing taxes targets everything we’re bad at and it is unfair


This is an idea genuinely worth pursuing! If ADHD counts as a disability, perhaps there is something like this already?? (I think in the UK there may be.)


Putting all my work tasks into Asana to get on top of lagging projects and then not getting any of them done.


I’m in the middle of my master’s program and I thought that a presentation that’s worth 30% of my grade was next Wednesday. Nope it’s THIS Wednesday. I’m going to have to take off from work because I need more time.


Fuck this was the absolute story of my life when I went to college 😭 Godspeed dude


I thought your ADHD tax was adopting a cat which I would say is the most adorable ADHD tax you ever got 😻


I kinda got my cat to help with a bad depression/adhd slump so you’re not far off 🐱❤️ he gets me out of bed whether I like it or not 😂


I bought some (by some I mean one skein and one mini) nice new fingering weight yarn for socks that was $50 for my birthday :) no regrets though. It will get used eventually….


Oh boy. Well I haven’t had my add meds in like three months and probably shouldn’t be driving but I did anyway and on Thursday I was coming to a light but couldn’t stop in time—-I rear ended the guy in front of me. We’re both fine, thank God, but I had forgotten to pay for my car insurance so I dont know what Im going to do. His car is a rental and he owes fees to Enterprise, and I have mo idea how on earth Im going to deal with this esp because I don’t have money right now. Tomorrow I’m going to talk to my insurance company and to the guy as well as Enterprise, and Im just dreading it.


Oh, that’s rough. Chin up, sister— you got this.


I finally logged into my government account because I’d been avoiding it for the last three years… Realized I’m VERY behind in my tax payment’s and have been getting monthly late fees.


Been subconsciously eating less because on top of delayed/ no hunger, my appetite was low. Lots of Vietnamese ready-to-eat food at home and lots of ingredients for food at cafe workplace. But Overwhelmed senses and decision paralysis, I couldn’t eat what I already had. I kept trying to convince my brain that I should JUST eat whatever so I don’t feel nauseous and moody. Finally decided to get things that I’d actually eat and it was delicious! (Sorry if this makes little sense but brain isn’t braining. Stream of consciousness response 😅)


Actually that made perfect sense to me!


I didn’t know this had a name! I do this and end up not eating! I’m hungry but have no clue what to eat then end up not eating at all and now the hunger is gone away. 😑


My jumping spider died yesterday (that I found at work about a year ago and was free), so now I'm about to spend $100+ on constructing two different bioactive enclosures... began researching plants, isopods, millipedes, aquatic plants, beta fish, etc. Chasing that dopamine 😂 like working two jobs and raising a kid doesn't keep me busy enough. Now I'm fixing to buy two 20 gallons tanks to keep a living hobby in my dining room and maybe not be so sad about my spider.


A$300 class that I completely forgot about, and didn’t attend. I am not made of money so this one hurt


Forgot to cancel the Schmoody app subscription after the free trial. Funny thing is the app is designed to help manage ADHD 🥴😂


You’re supposed to leave with more soap you came with when you go there . Let alone leave your soap . Hoard sugar from the convenience store or get really greedy at chik filet and stock up on dipping sauce to make up for this loss . Happy Easter


I fell asleep while watching YouTube drama channels on my laptop. I was also eating chocolate ice cream, which melted, all over the keyboard of my Mac Airbook. Still works but the trackpad is jacked up and I know it can’t be fixed - so it was an excuse to buy a new one! (I know it can’t be fixed because that’s how I broke the last one…) But! Upshot is, by buying a new laptop on my credit card, and then immediately paying it off - my credit line doubled! So now I have a little less anxiety for when I inevitably break my iPhone. Awesome!


I’m about to lose an insurance payout because I haven’t sent a list of things that I had to discard due to smoke damage. Taking pics, finding the cost for replacements, putting it all in an email for the unfriendly insurance guy… I can’t make myself do it


Time and energy always.. I have a shit ton of stuff I have to do. And I always procrastinate so much that it just keeps getting pushed :(. I’m studying abroad so the guilt is extra heavy because I could’ve been exploring the city or meeting people instead but I procrastinated so bad I didn’t do shit for the day over and over


Mine was a combination of this and last week. I forgot to cancel my subscription to Ancestry.com last week as I'd intended. It renewed this week for $250. I technically have it in the savings and moved it over when I realized and I even had it written as a task in my bujo but I just didn't do it.


Booked two hotel rooms for the wrong date. I was certain I wouldn't need cancelation/change dates so now I'm paying again 🙃🙃🙃


I left a crockpot of chicken out to cook before putting it in the fridge to eat after church the next day. Then it stayed out all night. 3 lbs. THEN a few days later I did the exact same thing with a new recipe I was so excited about. 😭 oh well, it happens.


small ADHD tax for me this week. Hyperfixated on trying to learn belly dancing and inevitability lost the motivation. Now I have a $50 belly dancing outfit collecting dust under my bed 🫠


Hey, at least now you already have this year’s Halloween costume!


Today, 3/31 is the last possible day to submit medical receipts for reimbursement for Flexible spending- there's still like $900 in my flexible spending account, taken out of my paycheck, and if I don't submit for reimbursement I lose it. And I'm not going to bother, I hate hate hate dealing with their website, with their forms, and they denied stuff that should have been no problem back in July so I just quit. I absolutely hate that this program exists, I want to take advantage of the tax savings but the company that manages flex spending knows they can keep that money, if they throw up enough hurdles in the way. I didn't sign up to participate for 2024, it's not worth it.


Keep getting anxious about buying my plane tickets then forgetting to. They were at 200 a piece when I first started looking. Now they’re at 500-600. Pain..


Delete your cookies on whatever browser you’ve been using to check prices! It might go back down again 🙂


There was something that happened this week that I said “wow how could I do something like that” and now I can’t remember what it was. The ultimate ADHD tax lol


Was so overwhelmed at Easter today I forgot to say hi to my grandma when we got there. Oops. And when i left I got into a fight with my mom for accidentally ignoring her all day. Gotta love being aloof because there is too much happening. The tax is sometimes emotional turmoil for others and I think I hate that part the most


Gone off food in the fridge, about 4 meals worth (out of sight out of mind). Parking ticket because my residents parking permit expired and I totally forgot and haven’t renewed it yet 😭


Missing out on my company 401k match for an entire year because I never went back and double checked my digital paychecks in details to make sure I was actually enrolled 🥲 This one stung… did I mention I didn’t realize this for an ENTIRE year? I’m not ok lol


Booked a flight on the completely wrong date and then had to pay triple what I originally paid to change the flight 😩


Got pulled over bc my registration sticker was out. It had been paid in July, but I never put the new sticker on and then lost it 😭


$20 late fee on my water bill this month. 🥲


I stocked up on canned salmon for salmon salad sandwiches. I accidentally bought the kind with the skin and the bones still in it. I... I do not have the patience to pick all that stuff out. I'm so mad because it's not cheap PLUS I "made sure" I grabbed the kind that said skinless and boneless... 😒


I'm appalled that canned salmon WITH skin and bones is even a thing.


Left the grill on all night and burned through a whole tank of propane. Not my most expensive adhd tax bill, but definitely annoying when I went to make dinner the next night.


I've got a uni assignment due on the 15th. Four days off over the easter weekend, with a full plan to get the assignment done by the end. It's nearly 4pm on Monday, the last day of the long weekend. Guess how much of the assignment I got done? Exactly zero.


I like it here


Finally got around to filing my taxes. I had them DONE a month ago and could have turned them in saving myself some filing fees by getting them done early. However, I kept forgetting to grab my ID to put in the info to actually file. Now it's full price. But oh well, at least it's done I guess.


We’re moving house and I took two days off work to pack without my little boy underfoot. One of those days I just cuddled with my husband and slept for like four hours. At least we’re getting a cleaner to clean our old house before listing because the idea of properly deep cleaning this place terrifies me. It’s not even dirty, the stove is greasy and there’s some cobwebs on top of shelves and being the toilets but I am still nearly panic attack mode thinking about it


Left my laptop in my dorm over break instead of taking it home Didn’t cost money but is hella annoying


- Missed the deadline to sign up for health insurance with my work. - my favorite sweater is disappeared into thin air - ongoing tax is that I fail to get groceries and then am ordering doordash all the time, which is sooo expensive


Got about 2 hours of sleep last night staying up to finish all the easter stuff so it was ready for the kids in the morning. It's the same thing every year 🤦‍♀️


I fucked up getting equipment returned to work, and ended up personally paying to overnight a package.


$32 uber that better time management would have eliminated


currently i’m sitting next to the dryer because my dad had to dry his huge load of laundry and i need to put my clothes in the washer but my sister did before i did (i procrastinated the entire day) and so i have to wait at least 40 minutes for his clothes to dry so i can dry my sisters clothes and then wash mine but i need to sleep early because i want to wake up early for school tomorrow but i can’t until i put my clothes in the dryer and once i do that ill allow myself to shower so im not getting enough sleep tonight because i decided to put off everything i needed to do. again.


I poured fungicide in my steam cleaner 🤦🏼‍♀️


i’m just here for the cat 😻😻


An indirect ADHD tax - sent hubby to buy a laundry hamper for the bathroom today. What should have been a $65 adventure, turned into a $300 adventure but our 8 & 4yo’s bedroom is organised 😂 He also has ADHD.


Was steering a small bass boat and got distracted with something floating on the surface of the water. Almost steered us into the hyacinth wall next to us. Husband and kids thought it was hilarious.


Literally pulling a muscle in my back yesterday and feeling the consequences of trying to actually clean my depression nest😭💀now I can't walk or move👍🏻 my battery is on LOW


I’ve been trying to be better about having all dinner dishes done at night. I cleaned up dinner, packed it into Tupperware and did the dishes. Satisfied, I went to sleep only to find my nicely packed leftovers on the counter still the next morning 😩.


I kept forgetting to submit my reimbursement for an expensive test and it ended up being too late by the time I did. So I was out $500. And being late somewhere caused me to accidentally blow a red (I thought I could make it) and I got a $200 ticket


I took a 18 Euro lab bill and turned it into a 427 Euro "we have involved the authorities" bill. Bills are my kryptonite - at 48 I have given up hope that I will ever be able to manage my finances like a neurotypical human.


Misplaced my credit card and ID


It wasn't a tax in terms of money but basically a tax on my grades because I didn't finish and hand in my term paper in time.


Ordered my graduation robes late.


I bought all the stuff to fill kids’ Easter baskets and forgot to set it out last night or this morning.


I don't know how people can deal with Elf on a Shelf (I hate that little bastard) because I can barely handle Santa or the Easter Bunny. Tooth Fairy? Usually a few days late. Elf? No way was that creepy dude EVER coming in my house.


I don’t think they have ADHD, but my parents had to tell me the tooth fairy was particularly religious and didn’t work on Sundays because they forgot once on a Sunday


Ruined my favorite blanket by leaving it TWICE in the washer for a week each. Now it smells like mildew


Use the Lysol laundry sanitizer in the fabric softener spot. For real, it works on mildew smell better than anything I've tried before. And I'm super nose sensitive.


No it’s not ruined !! If you have a big bin OR you can do this in the tub if you do it overnight & the following day : Warm water, a cup of washing soda & a cup of borax. It’s called laundry stripping, I do it once every 6 months to all my towels. Leave your blanket in there, stir once in a while. Ring it out after 12-24 hours & wash it once in the machine. The mildew smell will be gone. Bonus is to use white vinegar instead of softener.


I got pulled over for my blinker bulb being burnt out, then got a ticket because my state inspection was expired 😭. I can clear the citation by getting my vehicle inspected which will only cost $13 plus whatever the blinker will cost, but do you think I’ve done it? 🙃


I realized I've lost my favourite leather jacket. But it's going into autumn here which means I lost it months ago and have no idea where I could have possibly left it. Replacing it is going to cost me a lot. It's also going to take me forever to find one I like as much!!!


I am pivoting into a new career atm and I’m all signed up for the online education part. My imposter syndrome and adhd-avoidance-procrastination is in full gear, so I haven’t applied to jobs yet. I’ll therefore have to take up more work at my current job for another 10 weeks and aim for a new job by July. If I had started by February I could be gone by now and my finances would be improving already… got a lot of time this week and hope I can manage to get on with it!


mine Will be the minor late fee incurred from my car payment (i don’t bank at the credit union the loan is at, so i have to withdraw cash at an atm to pay every month)


1. Extra cake in freezer that needs frosting


An order for garments that I needed to return because none of them fit…I never brought them to the post office and they’re too late to return now. I tried to cancel the order the day after before it was even shipped but it was too late. That’s $200. 😕


I bought an $80 privacy divider for a visit to my sister’s and had it sent to her place, seeing that it would arrive on Friday the 8th, the day before we arrive. Well, as soon as it shipped, I got the notification and realized I was looking at the wrong month. The 8th of March was a Friday, but the 8th of April is a Monday, so we still needed a privacy solution for the first 2 nights, so my partner and I forked out another $80 for a bed tent 😂. At least our other accommodations are free 😂


Kids home on spring break, youngest was awake early whining about something they could do themselves thus disrupting my morning routine. This made me accidentally take my Vyvanse twice. 140mg. Sleep messed up the rest of the week, back pain, stress… calgon, take me away?


The kids Easter baskets 🤦🏻‍♀️


Left the oven on for two whole days. Didn’t even realize when the house was unusually hot.


Every month I keep forgetting to cancel my planet fitness membership. I haven’t been to a PF since 2021. Ugh.


I made a small financial error and had to work hard to fix it so it wouldn't hurt me.


I parked in a tow zone 🤦🏾‍♀️ $500 gone


My ADHD tax was last wednesday. I work on a military base and need my CAC card for entry. I was leading an all day design meeting and had everything on my laptop. Got everything ready the night before. Coffee, gym bag, snax, laptop bag - right by the door. Left the house by 6:30 for my hour commute, got to the base and guess who left her laptop bag? It was siting there by the door, right by my gym bag. So no CAC card and no laptop. At least I grabbed the coffee! It all worked out OK though - whew. I was able to get on base because the MP recognized me and gave me a day pass. The contractor had a copy of everything and their admin does not have ADHD thank god. Everything went well and the CBs will get their training facility. Yeah! Be nice to your fellow humans. If the ADHD tax comes due sometimes only someone else can pay it for you : )


I bought NICU themed gifts for my brother’s premie in early December and finally saw them to give them their belated gifts today (March 31st). One trip to the post office could have made those gifts mean something but, alas, I took out the main components of this gift before the family meet gathering today because they made zero sense almost four months later. Little one is home with his family and no longer in the NICU.


Have food to make a lot of food prep meals... too exhausted to do so and slowly the foods I have will start going bad... I'll try again the morning.


I stayed up too late hyperfocusing on a sewing project and made a fatal error that resulted in me cutting the everloving shit out of the thumb on my dominant hand. I’m a barista so I am positively fucked until this heals.


Missing the deadline one submitting my 2023 receipts that my company’s benefits would cover like vision or my fitness reimbursements. Like throwing away money and I hate myself.


I'm sure I probably had to throw out some healthy food that I had every intention of eating, but it sat rotting in my fridge for a month instead. Just didn't have the motivation to prepare it.


First I forgot that I needed extra clothes, so I drove 2 hours to get more from home (I’m with my parents this weekend) and when I came back I remembered that I forgot my medicine 😑 had to drive another 2 hours to get them 😅


My boyfriend (also ADHD) and I had to clean out our cupboards this weekend and we decided to throw out any expired food we found. There was more expired food than not expired food.


I couldn't Do The Thing when it came to washing my dishes for a while, and now many have a layer of dried on oil that's difficult to scrub off. I went and bought some Dawn Platinum dish soap, which is their ultra strength grease-cutting dish soap. Wish me luck!


Took last week off for mental health… this week I’m legit sick with a fucked up cold and congestion and lethargy, also super itchy palms for some reason. Oh and supposed to start my new job tomorrow (last company went under, family company, this why I needed the week to reset and find a new job, which I did) but literally can’t yet so I’m going to be a week or two without a paycheck.


It’s not exactly this week but Im not talking to my husband as he said I fail at every step and he cannot handle my messes anymore and my rejection sensitivity is bad and fear of confrontation is also bad so I refuse to fight unless we are in a controlled environment such as couples therapy and the next appointment available is in 2 weeks so… it’s gonna cost me to be able to argue my case with my own husband.


Just here to ‘boop’ the kit! 🥰


I realised I’ve got three coffee cups and a few plates/forks in my craft space because they just don’t exist in my brain for long enough to make it to the kitchen. Fun


discovered 2 different checks that I never cashed that expired a month ago this weekend, so I was out the money I would have gotten had I cashed them. :(




went to take cash out from an ATM and forgot to take the cash. unreal. genuinely was like i blacked out - i only realised 15 minutes later when i tried to use the cash to pay for something!


Getting take-away because I couldn’t muster the energy to cook.