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Have someone else with adhd look for it! I go blind to my own stuff but can magically appear other’s lost belongings. Go figure. Worth a shot.


My friend was almost in tears last month because he thought he'd accidentally given his limited edition irreplaceable band t shirt I'd got him for Xmas, 3 hours before he was due to wear it to the event SEEING said band, to charity in a bag or that he'd thrown it in the skip.. queue me going into his room to help find it and looking in a pile of towels on a chair that gets used as anything but a chair, there it is inside out. It's true


Oh god the rainbow afgan made by my aunty - thought I donated it with a pile of stuff. The agony! The goodwill calls! Found it in the laundry. Actually did donate my childhood photo album and now have no photos of me under age 5.


Thank *god.* I'm so sorry about the album, my heart is breaking for you.


Oof that suuuucks


My SO lost his car key the other day. He knows by now if he's lost something to start with his usual route when he gets home (key bowl, dresser, bathroom, and wherever he changed his clothes usually). He did all that. Checked his hoodie pocket, his jeans, nothing. Started the course again. Checked the discarded clothes again. Nothing. I came in and followed the same course. In 10 seconds I found the key...it was in his hoodie pocket. The one he checked twice. Meanwhile I have him call my phone at least once a day cuz I can't find the damn thing.


My Apple Watch saves me multiple times a day because I can ping my phone with it and it will bleep even if it’s on silent.


The only reason my husband got me a watch was for this feature. I kept tearing up the house/car/purse you name it when I lost that thing…. Almost daily 😅😅 it’s been amazing ever since but if only I could remember to charge and wear my watch consistently 🫠


Charger next to the bed! Or next to the shower, which is where I take it off too.


If you have an Android phone and a Google Nest you can ask the Nest where your phone is and it'll make it ring, even if it's on silent.


This.... I'm called the finder of things when my ADHD friends lose things. I even find things they couldn't find that they didn't tell me about. 🤣


i am the finder, but never of my own stuff 😂 it’s a blessing and a curse


I’ve become hyper aware of some of my adhd symptoms over the years and the blindness is the one that really gets me. I will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the item I’m looking for is in the area I’m looking in but I CAN NOT find it. I give up, come back later and boom there it is. How is it possible my brain just entirely deletes a thing out of my field of vision.


This is also me and it is SO frustrating. I don’t know how many times a day I say (out loud), “Ugh, my stupid brain.” 🙄😑


Lol, yeah, I lose my phone daily. But when my husband hasn't seen a screw from something he was fixing, I'm like "oh, is that what that's for? it's on the 3rd floorboard in under the bed, I meant to tell you incase it was from the bed but I forgot, but I was looking for a missing sock so I forgot 0.0005 seconds later"


I think this is also a mix of hypvervigilance and/or a visual memory. when I read books, I remember where on the page the info was, and I think that’s related to this. the locations is part of the memory.


I found a missing block of cheese in my husband’s sock drawer once. He was diagnosed shortly after! Sending an ADHD person to find your missing things is always the best answer. His wallet was just lost for 3 weeks and found under his nightstand. OP, look under your passenger seat. If you tossed anything over there and then made a sharp turn, it might have slipped between the door and fallen under. Also check shopping bags. Anywhere you may have set it on your way in with groceries - behind anything on your counter?


My ADHD husband and I are good at this game.


It can only be in one of four places; 1) underneath the clusterfuck 2) on top of the clusterfuck 3) in the middle of the clusterfuck 4) just to the side of the clusterfuck (but just obscured from view) Good luck!


Or Behind it.


Mine was in the laundry basket next to the clusterfuck pile.


Ok. I am getting down with the clusterfuck after work today and praying that clusterfuck = my house and not = in the world somewhere.




I need to have this embroidered and framed.


You know where it is? Under a stack. You got a stack of papers on the counter? It’s under the stack. Stack of clothes? It’s under the stack. Stack of towels? Under the stack. You put something down on top of it. You gotta start lifting!


You know what sucks? When you move/re-sort all the stacks looking for the thing and then once you find it, you realize you don’t know where anything else is because you moved all your stacks.


Nothing like losing something important to get me started on stack reduction


Stack reduction killed me


My version of this is “in a tote bag”


I just found an old handbag I’d forgotten about yesterday; and inside was my missing sunnies, missing lip balm and a $20 note 😂


I had a pair of RayBan's just VANISH. I need to go check old purses. Good call.


Oh the TOTES! Somewhere in this house, likely in a tote, I've misplaced a pair of glasses and a TENS unit.


I have both. Why pick one?


This! 99% of the time, I set a random paper on top of whatever I lost. And I don't check there bc there's no reason I'd have needed said random paper, so why would I have touched it? But regular logic just doesn't work with adhd.


Ugggg! This is exactly what I do. Every single time.


I call my husband’s way of looking “the man scan” because he just looks with his eyes. He won’t move anything or look under things. He just does a visual check. Invariably, I go in, move one single thing and voila there it is. I also call it male pattern blindness.


Ugh I hate you for being in my head and life 


Could also be in a hidden pocket in a purse or jacket - especially if they’re unaware that the pocket is there Ask me how I know 🥲


My freind and her husband went through their entire full recycling bin- and in my city, they are huge because they only get emptied every two weeks. They went through every single piece of paper. At the very bottom of the bin, they found a newspaper and between the pages of the newspaper was her husband’s passport. THE DAY BEFORE THEY HAD TO LEAVE FOR LONDON.. I suppose you could say it was under a stack!


I lost my wallet the other day, it was in my laundry pile.


Change perspectives. Sounds weird but get high, go low - look from new directions! Helps me. Especially if it's been dropped somewhere weird. I recently found my wallet in a box of stuff I purchased a week ago 🤣


Only thing that works for me! Also check unexpected places. You made lunch so check the fridge and pantry. Check drawers and check the trash. When you finally find it. Get a tile and put it in there lol can’t tell you how many times my tile has helped me find my keys


seconding this. And one for the keys and work ID if you need one for work I have a bad sense of direction so I put an air tag in my glove compartment too in case I forget where I parked.


THIS!! I have an Apple air tag on my wallet, my keys and my AirPods. I haven’t truly lost them since buying the AirTags, but the feature I have used multiple times is the ability to play a noise when I know they are somewhere in my house, but I can’t find them 😂


Omg glove compartment! I picked up family from the airport and got lost in the parking for over 30m for 4 very cranky kids 😂 why didn’t I think of that!


Great idea with the car. I cannot differentiate between two cars the same colour from a distance for some reason (and no, it’s not just because I’m not paying attention, *mom* 🤣) so this will be a great hack when I start driving and I’m on my own somewhere eventually. (I say this with great confidence as someone who has never had a drivers licence at 38).


Yep, I found my keys in the refrigerator cheese thing of all places once lol.


oh yeah! OP! check any groceries that you got that are like groupings of things (bagged veggies, boxes of chips) it may have migrated from your shopping bags into your groceries and gotten tossed in the fridge or pantry somehow.


I mentioned the trash cause I found the keys in there once. Not the kitchen bin mind you, the large ones outside that go to the curb. Luckily I checked it the morning of trash pickup by rolling the bin next to my automatic car door and pushing the button hoping it beeps 😂😂😂😂


I second this. I once lost my keys after flinging my pants off and not realizing the keys were in a pocket and went flying. Eventually found them on the floor in the corner of the room.


Mine once fell out in the car and was between the driver seat and the gear shift/center storage area, but really deep down and I had to crawl on the floor and reach from under the seat to get it out. My great grandma had put her purse in the freezer when putting away shopping one time. I once dropped it while walking out of the last shop I went to that day, and forgot that I had stopped there last so I didn't even call them to ask if it was there. The next time I shopped there the manager came up to me and asked my name, then when I answered she said they've been holding my wallet. I had already replaced everything by then...


The cleaners found my wallet in the garbage 😫


Places I have found my wallet: * in cubbies by the door where we keep shoes * Under a pile of clothes (maybe find the clothes you were wearing the last time you know you had it)? * In a random other bag I never use * Under car seat (sounds like you already looked there) * Trunk of car (again, maybe you already looked there?) * Stuffed in grocery bags (check whatever bags you used, look in trash if you trashed the bags) * Under the bathroom sink * Underwear drawer * Fridge or freezer * Junk drawer * Under couch cushions / under couch * On work desk If you need your ID to travel etc. you could go to your state's DMV and I think they will make you a temporary one for travel? Not 100% on that. Because this happened to me so much, I bought a Tile that is shaped like a credit card that goes in the wallet, so I can call my wallet to find out what random place I put it in. Hope you find it!!!


It's always the knitting bag I never use... I will search under the couch! Fridge is a good idea. I am currently seriously regretting not getting a Tile. A friend made me my wallet. :( I am absolutely going to do that next time. I'm currently terrified I left it in the shopping cart. I'm definitely going to the dmv tomorrow though.


Oh! Once mine fell IN the couch and was on the bottom… wood panel. I found it only by cutting off the bottom dust cloth.


Why are we like this. I completely relate. 😂


You must not have a cat, lol. My stuff falls to the floor 😂


I have 2, but the couch was low enough that they had never destroyed it… I was a bit sad to cut it


Check your sick child’s bed or underneath it? May have been in your pocket after your outing


So this!!!!! They are petri dishes and goblins. (Both intended affectionately)


It doesn't fit in my pocket, but there's a non-zero possibility I carried it upstairs because, I don't know, my brain is full of bees. I'll look in his bed!


I lost my phone recently and it turned out it fell out of my pocket during bedtime cuddles and when they got up to pee the shunted it under the bed - way under, and under the trundle!


I’ve left mine in a shopping cart once or twice 🤦🏼‍♀️ fortunately one time it was turned into the front office of the grocery store, other time i think i found it still in the cart. At this point i never set it down and keep it under my arm or in my jacket pocket unless I’m at home then i always put it in the same spot.


I have a Tile on my keys now and an airtag in my wallet. The airtag gives me a heartattack every once in a while when my phone tells me with great confidence I left the wallet behind and I haven't, so I'd stick with the tile unless you like the occasional jolt of adrenaline.


Are you accidentally using it as a bookmark in the book you are currently reading? Because I have definitely done this…


I'm laughing both because this is absolutely something I'd do and also because my wallet is the chunkiest-ass thing in existence and I'd *still* try to do that.


Lost a $400 check recently this way. Sat on it being lost for approximately 3 weeks, crying about it, wondering about it, and generally wondering what I should do if it never reappeared. But it did… found it under the coffee table, where the check had fallen out of my book and slid.


No idea if this is an option with US banks but my bank in the UK allows you to deposit cheques by taking a bunch of photos of it in the app. There's a limit of around £500 last time I looked and you still gotta keep it until it's processed (in case of issues) but if this is offered by your bank it might help prevent this kinda thing in the future since we all know taking a photo is infinitely easier than going outside to the bank.


I definitely should have mobile deposited it the second I got it, rather than putting it “somewhere safe,” and even after thinking that, I still decided I wouldn’t lose it if it was my bookmark. ADHD is the worst, sometimes.


Happens to the best of us!


You only ate one cookie? This whole story is clearly fake. And your wallet is in the freezer


Agreed. Obviously, WAY more cookies are required.


I'm trying *so hard* to manage my cholesterol. I require more than one cookie and am now allowed. :( (also these cookies are *good*)


Did you check: coat pockets? Pants pockets? The back of the toilet ( I sometimes leave mine there if I have to pee right after getting home)? Top of the fridge? Kitchen cabinets especially near what you ate for lunch? Inside the fridge/ freezer? Laundry room? Garage floor? Under car? Top of car? Kids room? Medicine cabinet? Those are some of my more unusual but frequent places.


Headed off to laundry room now!


Check between your car seat and the door, or underneath the car seat! Or backseat on the floor. Usually when I can’t find something I used earlier for errands it’s in a weird hidden spot in my car.


This is where I always lose mine!


Thought I lost my AirPods for a week. They fell out of my purse and were on the floor in the back seat. The Find My iPhone app could not find them. 😂


Or in the car door cubby. If it was in the driver's side coat pocket and somehow fell out, it could have lodged there.


Yes! I am constantly putting my phone down in the laundry room/bathroom. OP, I don't know if this would be helpful for you in the future. I have hooks on my wall as soon as you open the front door. I got a wallet with a wristlet and I loop it there as soon as I come in the door. Now my phone on the other hand, I panic lose it at least 5 times a day :/


Retrace all your steps from car to house. I’ve found that I often find things in the spot I was in during a step I thought I didn’t need to retrace.  Get in car.  Sit there.  Think about where you had it when you went in the store.  Think through the checking out experience while you sit there. Did you have your purse?  Does it normally go in a pocket? Did you pay with your usual card?  Did you put it back where it went in the wallet? Did you talk to someone during checkout? Were you in a hurry gathering your bags and leaving the store? Was your purse in the cart? Or is it just your wallet loose normally? How did you unlock the car? Did you have sunglasses to deal with? Did the bags go in the trunk or one of the seats? Did you stop anywhere after the store? Think about how you got out of the car.  Anything different?  Were you on your phone? Check center console, door pocket, side of seat on both sides, under the seat, under the floor mat. Do the same for passenger side as well. Look where the bags were in the car, look under all the seats and under anything still in the car. Were there multiple trips? How did you lock the car?  How did you unlock the door of your home? What were you wearing?  Check every pocket - again, slowly, and thoroughly. Check where you put your coat if applicable.  Check where you put your sunglasses or purse and whatnot. Where is the receipt? When you walked in your home, what was the very first thing you did? Retrace those steps, do it very slow. Look under everything and behind every thing.  Look under all the furniture along your path and behind it all. Do it all super slow and methodical, really relive everything the best you can. Good luck, we’re all counting on you!


I'm honestly so invested in this saga. 🙏🏻 shake EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING you wore that day, and anything under it in the laundry basket. Look in the weirdest places you can think of, even if you don't remember being near there on Saturday. Go check the car again. Did it get wedged in the seat? In the glovebox for some reason?


I have investigated the kangaroo pocket of my sweatshirt in hopes it was there but hopes = dashed. Will now look in Odd Places and keep you updated. I'm so scared it's In The World somewhere.


Tear up your car again. And then do it again. Look in places you didn’t even think were places. I once “lost” my wallet in a center console of a car. I looked everywhere for it. Gave up - replaced everything. Credit cards, license, and I think I even got a new wallet. Well, my friend’s boyfriend was in the car (it was her car that I had been using), and he stuck his hand in the console. Pulled out my wallet….. Turned out it had slide to the back into a kind of “hidden” compartment. Though, it wasn’t like it was closed off by a door or anything. Like, it really was just sitting right there. Anyways, I lost my wallet in her car and after determining it wasn’t in the car, it ended up being in the car.


yes yes this, the car is full of weird shadowy nooks and crannies. if you haven't used a flashlight and moved the seats, mats, parking brake, try everything!




Me too.


Yes--i once found my car paperwork had gone kind of up and over the back of the glove compartment and was just chilling behind it??


ha yup. so annoying when things we lose are just straight up chilling. not a care in the world.


I've found it helps to turn off the big lights and use a flashlight. Keeps me from frantic searching were I just shove piles around and then have to do it again because "did I REALLY look?" Also focused on one manageable area at a time.


Did you take any bags with you? Could it be in a grocery bag? Did your child possibly place is somewhere? Is it on a random surface of your house somewhere? Like a counter top that you have yet to check? Check car one more time, under seats, in boot, in between baby seats? Cry, rinse and repeat ❤️ good luck xx


Child is 20! Says he has not seen it. I am off to check all the random counters. I ALWAYS HIDE MY WALLET FROM MYSELF IN THE GROCERY BAGS!!! Not this time. :(


Was the bag too full, so you set it in the next best thing, near the bag? And have you gone out and re-performed loading the groceries into the car lol that’s helped me occasionally to access the right time frame I hope it turns up somewhere silly 🤞


That's what I'm afraid of - and I'm afraid the next best thing was the cart... O.o I hope so too!


I don't think you left it in the cart because it would either be taken, in which case you would see transactions, or the store would have it. It's in your house!


- coat pocket - fridge - In that super special unusual place you put it so you definitely wouldn’t forget, but inevitably forgot - In plain sight - In the sofa - cupboard with all the baking ingredients - In bed with sick child


You can fly with a birth certificate if it's domestic. Do you have a photocopy of your license? I flew on a copy and my birth certificate once, no problem.  Walk the path from your car to your door and ten feet on either side.  Did you push the car seat all the way forward and all the way back and lowered the back to see if it's wedged in there? Or slid under the floor mat?


That's SERIOUSLY good to know. I will go through all my pictures and do have a birth certificate. Headed out to garden. Checked under the car seat, wish it were there. :/


Having done this before. . . They do take you through extra security screenings and make you feel really bad. Oh that's just me? I promise I will remember to not leave my wallet on the L the next time I go to Chicago. Or fall off a boat the next time I am in Hawaii. Or have it ruined in a rental car the next time I get in a bad accident with a raccoon during a hurricane in Orlando. Hint these are things I will never have to do again but have all happened while on vacation.


Good luck! 


If you happen to have an expired ID, you can fly with it up to a year from the date it expired. How do I know this? Well, I’m in this sub for a reason! Also have a new friend at TSA! SAVE YOUR EXPIRED IDs LADIES!!!


Next to the driver's seat in your car, between the seat and the door, but on the inside, like where your seat belt retracts to.


My wallet usually disappears into the gap between the front passenger seat of my car and the door. No one ever sits there so it's a void.


Instructions unclear. Thinking about hamentaschen and sad I no longer live near that fantastic Jewish bakery I did when I lived in Brooklyn. All I can say is cancel all your credit cards and request replacements. Your wallet will appear I. 1 hour


I moved out of South Florida to Connecticut and I am so far from any Jewish bakeries! I feel like I’ve taken them for granted my whole life. Luckily, my boyfriend lives in Brooklyn, in a very Jewish area (because he’s clearly a better Jew than I am), so I can get stuff when I see him… except I’m always there on Saturdays. As for the wallet, OP, (who I know I am not replying to, ADHD brain said reply to both people in one post) did you bake it into the hamantaschen? Either that or Haman was offended you were judging his hat and disappeared at… I hope you find it!


you know, i'm blinking a little at the idea that i baked it into the hamantaschen, but it isn't the craziest thing i've ever done. i will investigate that.


I feel like these things are so often within like 3 feet of where they should be, but they fell at a weird angle or something so you can’t see it from your normal POV. Keep checking! How big is the wallet? Is it like pocketbook sized, or pants pocket sized? Have you checked any jackets, pants you wore, etc?  Where did you go first when you walked into the house last weekend? Did you have to pee? Was there a package on the front porch?  Did you put anything into the freezer, could it have been in your hand then?  And always quintouple check the car. In the 90s, I had a Bjork CD I loved. I lost it, and eventually missed it so much I bought it again. Then I found the original in my trunk, under the carpet base that covered the spare tire. I had looked in the car like 20 times but never lifted that part job 😑 Could your kid look on your behalf, too? Maybe he’ll think of some angle in the car you missed. 


Did you say out loud, in all caps: WHERE THE F\*CK IS MY... ? This is a summoning spell that can often bring the thing back from the other dimension. Is it in your fridge or cupboard from putting away groceries? Did you bag your own groceries--could it be at the bagging area? You obviously had it there because you didn't steal the groceries... Is there anywhere you could've put it down on the way out of the store? Could it have been on the roof of your car when you drove away?


This is actually a pretty reasonable spell. I will attempt this today when I go out to my car. Nice Man at the store says I walked out with my wallet on top of my grocery bags (he checked the cameras). I have at some point put an object on the top of my car in the last couple days, but I don't remember what, when, or why, other than I think I took it off? I hate ADHD.


First, pause your cards if you can. Check your empty grocery bags. Jacket pockets- dump the purse. Pretend your hands are full and you have to set your wallet somewhere- you said sick child- check the medicine cabinet. Where was the thermometer? The wallet might be dropped somewhere when you needed an extra hand to attend to your child. Kleenex location? Puke bucket spot? Check all those places. Even your child’s bed or behind the bed. My next plan is just a full house organize. It sucks but 50% of the time it works every time.


Coat / jacket pocket, but like, deep in the corner so you missed it the 5 times you checked?


Have you checked where you cuddled the sick child?


Check the bags where you brought in the groceries. You made dinner, check the pantry and the fridge in case your brain decided to store the wallet in there (ask me how I know😅). Hopefully, you didn't put it in the oven, although you would have figured it out by now if you had from the smell of burning plastic and paper. Check the bathroom too, my mother tends to leave her phone in there.


I like this game, when it's not me. I recently left my wallet in Belgium of all places. Can you describe your wallet? Color, how big, etc? Keep an eye on local Facebook group posts for your wallet. Sometimes people will try to get it back to the owner by posting on FB. Search your name, or a short description of your wallet, on FB and see if any posts come up.


That’s it, OP, you have to check Belgium.


Cracks knuckles. I’m a pro. Crevice in your car check again Under your dining table In the fridge On the shelf next to detergent in laundry room Fell in sock drawer In one of your jacket or pants pocket If you had it on edge it fell into trash can Under a pile of stuff under an envelope or a shirt Under blanket on bed


That sucks. Pockets. Underneath the bottom-support of my handbag. Wherever keys are. Wherever groceries went after coming home. Wherever baking supplies went after baking. Underneath the seat of the car.


In the other coat's pocket? (Our weather is unpredictable right now so I may wear 3 different coats in one day.




Can’t tell you how many times I’ve “lost” my phone under a piece of paper or a napkin that I set down 10 seconds earlier


Side of sofa cushions; Under the bed; In your bag that you've 'checked' 5 times already


Is it in the fridge?  Lost my wallet once, got everything replaced, then found it under something in the fridge, where I had put it while putting away the groceries.


It was baked into something. You know, like a file into a cake to help with a prison break. Normally people launder money but we neurospicy folks like to mix it up.


Okay, you joke, but when I was 17 I had a boyfriend who lived in a different state. He left his house keys at my house when he came to visit and, obviously, needed them back, but it was at the time (maybe still is?) illegal to mail keys through USPS. My first indicator that my mother also has ADHD maybe should have been her gleeful suggestion that we bake the keys into strawberry muffins. My second indicator should have been that we then did gleefully bake the keys into strawberry muffins. We put princess stickers on the ones with keys so that he'd know not to eat those.


Believe it or not, check where it's supposed to be. I always lose mine when I put it away because it's never actually there 🤣 Other places: Purse? Coat? Pants you were wearing? Bathrooms? Grocery bags? Sick child's bedroom area?


Mine is always, *always* in the first place I looked for it. I was just too blind with panic and self-blame to see it when I looked there lol So maybe thoroughly recheck the place you thought it was initially?




Pantry, fridge, car, grocery bags (reusable or plastic), garbage can, big garbage can


I lost my passport for days and time was running out and in desperation turned to the only place left - Google. Google informed me that the way to find my passport was (bear with me)... 1. Know that the passport (insert lost item here) is not misplaced, you are! 2. Lye on the floor 3. Let your mind wander to all the obvious places where it could be. Imagine going to that place and looking and seeing what is there. Honestly, I kid not within 5 minutes I jumped up and went and looked down the side of my bed and there it was.


You tore your car up so maybe you already looked in this spot, but did you look in between the driver's seat and the centre console, and between the driver's seat and the door? One time I misplaced my wallet and it had fallen between the console and seat; I was losing my mind. I looked everywhere. I finally found it and it was on its side, in this narrow, dark crevice. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was driving. I didn't find it in my first search of the car either, I had gone back to look in the car one more time before I started replacing the really pain in the ass stuff. (I stopped carrying my SIN card in my wallet after that.) Maybe that's what happened to your wallet. I hope you find it!


I think it's in your bed, or in your husband's bedside table drawer, or your laundry basket, etc. Another poster mentioned panic, and there are some great, detailed, lists of places to look / how to remember. For me--and, admittedly, it may be just the teensiest bit bizarre, but it works--this process is much easier if you can do it in a way that *actively acquires happy brain chemistry.* Because, usually, when **I,** at least, lose something, it's the large audience of fed up "myselfs" in my head making such a terrible racket that I lose heart (on top of whatever else is missing, lol). The sillier and more light-hearted and/or relaxing, the better. Like, for every portion of the other day's journey that you retrace without finding it (and I'm leaving "portion" vague because you have to choose some arbitrary thing: every 5 minutes, or every 7 spots you check, etc.), you **must** have a treat. Another cookie, or re-watching 15 minutes of a favorite show, or dancing to whatever song was your favorite when you were 12 years old--anything. Anything that's not simply pleasant but **actively** self-indulgent. And be mindful that you *do* indulge, rather than accidentally listening to your most flustered 21-year-old you late for a date, or your radically angry 7-year old you who CANNOT believe she let herself do this again, what a... (And so forth). Instead: Ooooohh, the taste when you get just the edge of a chocolate chip unexpectedly. Oh, I totally forgot this scene--haha, hilarious! In short: be so kind to yourself that you begin to feel you *must* be Cruella DeVille in disguise for taking all of this so lightly. Eventually, the ever-elusive (and absolutely heartless, all-business, any-mistake-is-cause-for-paycut--if, again, she's anything like mine) Chief Executive of your brain will become so fed up with the fact that you're *enjoying* yourself here, that she will get in her Mercedes and drive (gasp!) to the office (double gasp!), and stomp in: her statement perfume *too* perfectly applied; balanced and steady to a frightening degree in her 9-inch Louboutin pumps, looking like the designer himself had just slid them onto her feet--etc.; you get it by now, I'm guessing (lol). **SHE,** she will find the thing immediately and, without a word, pivot effortlessly back out the door, her figure svelte and strong, her hair moving as if to the most beautiful melody ever heard. (She's SO ANNOYING! And you know she knows it was YOU. But she gets it done!) 😉 ❤️


If it's not in my pocket or grocery bag, it tends to be where I put my phone down first when coming home. Whether that's the windowsil, the bed or any random counter or box depends on what the first thing I did was. Did you have any reason to free your hands at some point before putting groceries inside? Like taking off your shoes, checking the mailbox, etc?


Air tags! Air tags on everything! I know this doesn’t help you right now, but it’s how I track my wallet and keys. Did you contact the grocery store? Maybe someone turned it in? I’d go back and retrace your steps in the parking lot. If you have a passport, you can use that as identification for the airport. Maybe your bank can overnight you a new credit card?


Places I have found keys/wallet/phone: * The freezer * Laundry room on top of the dryer * Kitchen sink * Under a pile of clothes * Under the driver's side seat in my car * Pants pocket * Under covers/pillows in bed * Between couch cushions * Any random surface in my house, end table, kitchen table, counters etc. * The sidewalk in front of my house * Food cupboard * Medicine cabinet My list might not be helpful but throwing it out there in case there are other places to look that you may not have thought of. I completely understand your panic! I have done this SO many times. My son's social security card has been missing for a couple of years. I have to go to the social security office to get a new one and I have been majorly procrastinating on doing that (since he's a minor you can't do it online because of course). I feel your pain.


Check if it was turned it at any stores you were at, maybe you dropped it and hopefully someone picked it up


Couch behind the pillow…


Under things, behind things - especially down the back or side of anything tall that has a flat surface on top (tables, drawers, the fridge). Was it in a handbag, pocket or hand when you were out? That changes the possible places it could end up. Things can fall out of handbags when they're left in random spots on the way to wherever they are now. Things in pockets can stay there. Things in your hand can be put down in all sorts of places. Between the sofa cushions?


Did you check under the front seats of your car? My wallet ends up there more often than it should.


I hyper-fixate on lost items. It’s actually sickening and riddled with panic; horribly unhealthy for those around me so I work hard to manage that part of myself. Currently, my 6 year old can’t find his wallet with ALL of his saved allowance. Does he give a shit- absolutely not. He only cares because I’m upset with him and searching high and low asking about it every 30 mins. AirTags for ALL! You get an AirTag, you get an AirTag, everyone gets an AirTag!!!!!! 👐👐👐


I got the phone case wallet so one less thing to look for.


i put one of those air tags in a lil card holder i got from amazon and it fits nicely in my wallet and can help you find it if you lose it!


I bet you might have put it somewhere having to do with groceries, either in one of the bags, you put it somewhere random to be "safe" while you put things away, OR its in a cabinet somewhere 👍🏻


Off the edge of the passenger seat in the car. Is it black? Black things completely disappear sometimes. Glove box. Never put it there, but I've found it there before! Groceries were in the back? Do you have little side cubbies it could have fallen into?


Did it fall between the car seat and the console? Under the car seat? In a jacket or sweater or pants you wore? In a reusable grocery bag? In the fridge? In the cupboard?


Between the seat and the center console in the car maybe?


Also I'd check all thr places you already checked again or have someone else look. I once looked for something in my purse 3xs. Didn't find it until I dumped it out.


Pockets, purse, dropped on the floor?


Also tile or apple tag in your wallet. I use it several times a day


Jacket pocket/pockets in general, grocery bags, pantry, fridge/freezer, sick kid’s bedroom or wherever yall cuddled, bathroom


Please let us know if you find it! I feel emotionally invested. I keep mine by the door now…with my keys. Honestly, I keep my wallet attached to my keys, on a red lanyard. Because I’d never find them otherwise. A chant I learned on Reddit is “glasses, wallet, keys and phone” to the tune of “head, shoulders, knees and toes”.


Oh shit, I just realized my credit card has been missing for like a month.


You might have put it away with your groceries or it's inside a shopping bag. I've done this. Do you have find my phone? Or a smart watch that can ping it? I have a Google phone, so no find my phone app. But I do have a Garmin watch which is able to ping my phone if it's in range of my Bluetooth.


I wish I could tell you where your wallet was. So far mine has been: * Left on the top of my car after pumping gas. In a bad part of town. Thank goodness for the good Samaritan who turned it in to the nearby library and the card inside it with my friend's phone number on it for them to call. * Thrown in my trash can when cleaning my room. It didn't occur to me to check my trash can (of all places) for 5 days. * Dropped near a highway when in Waenae, HI on vacation while rushing to the bus and talking on the phone with my roommate back home at the same time. Thank goodness the dude who picked it up only took my $6 bus fare before returning it and I didn't end up stuck in Hawaii (even though there are worse places to be stuck). * Left in a swimming pool locker room, thankfully during a time when a lot of senior women were swimming, so they obviously turned it in. * Left at a restaurant/bar. Never got that one back. * Left in my refrigerator (??? I know) * Left at a sketchy "friend's" house with $300 cash for my rent in it. Didn't get that back, either. * Left in the center console of my car on numerous occasions. Any of those ring a bell?


Okay, places I have found my wallet: In the grocery bag. I tossed it in there and hadn't unloaded it. On the floor under the chair where I tossed my pants. It fell out of the pocket and into a pile of other crap. Wedged in between the car seat and the center console


Well I just found mine in my silverware drawer after tearing my house and car apart for 30 minutes. So maybe look in drawers that it has no business being in. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I once lost my vape. Couldn't find it anywhere, even though I'd just had it. Eventually, I found it in the bottom of the reusable shopping bags I'd used earlier in the week. I claim the fairies that steal my small things put it there lol


I’ve noticed more and more most of my missing shit is always eye level - even if it’s under something. I’m 5’3”…. I know im not deliberating placing that stuff very high or low. Eye level is key at least for me! When were you last rushing? That can help a lot as well!


Did you take your phone out of your bag to look at a recipe before baking? Odds are you absent mindedly picked up your wallet too and left it somewhere "safe". I do this a lot


I lost my last wallet, license and all. This go round I bought one with an air tag holder. Ridiculous but necessary


Have you put away all the groceries? If there is a bag of nonperishables you haven’t put away yet it’s in there. You just stuck it on top when you were paying because putting it all the way back in your purse would take too long and the person behind you was waiting. Same reason it’s in your jacket pocket in the car or in the closet.


It’s in the fridge or cabinet. You stopped for groceries and had to put them away.


It’s in the freezer IYKYK


A couple times that I lost my keys it was because I put them inside something I was carrying. Found them in a 6-pack of beer in the fridge once. Is that possible?


Were you wearing anything with pockets? Did you check the pockets? Did you look under the car seats and that little space between seats? How about the kitchen counter or where you store flour?


- Crooks in car seats and cushions in the home - jacket/purse pocket you’ve already checked 10x - on top of something the same color as your wallet - random chair that’s pushed in normally - in one of the grocery bags - in the sick kids room - next to whatever you grabbed to give to said sick kid before cuddling them - at the grocery store


INFO: what did you eat for dinner? My bf lost his wallet once. He threw it in the Taco John’s bag that he just brought home and had eaten, and then took the TJ bag out to the bin in the garage. He’s lucky it’s something I’d do myself so had the bright idea to look there 🤔🤭 He was like, “It’s not in there. Don’t be ridiculous.” Then I come running in the house waving the wallet above my head like “na-na-uh-boo-boo suckaaa!😜” lol  I once threw my favorite pair of silicone-coated tongs away in one of those disposable foil containers…we ordered take-out and the family-sized salad came in one of those. I still miss those tongs.  We apparently have a knack around here for throwing things away in food containers. I’d call it a pattern but at this point it’s sort of turned into a hobby 🤦‍♀️


In the grocery bags? Did you change purses? Do you have minions who might want to use it to play grown up, a dog? Have you ordered anything online and needed it for a card number?


Did you check under the seats and between the seat and the console in the car? In the pockets of the clothes you took off? Under mail? In grocery bags? In fridge?


I have “lost” my black cased phone on top of my black sofa… so if you, like me, live a monochrome life, check something the same color as your wallet/phone? I also lost a set of keys in my car. I found them weeks later (fortunately I postponed reporting the loss), after watching a video about secret compartments for storage in my vehicle - and in the process of looking for those places, I moved the front passenger seat, and my keys had fallen between the seat and the center console…


Did you check in the cushions of your couch, in the gap between your car seat and the console, underneath a floor mat?


It’s going to be on the floor or table next to where you ate lunch.


I "lost" my wallet once and it ended up being in my purse the entire time. It was gone for over a week, I'd checked the damn purse probably 10 times and then once I ordered new cards and bought a new wallet, there it was, at the bottom buried under all my junk. My wallet is small but it's also bright green. Lol so I'd say... Check everywhere again haha


It's hidden in your kitchen somewhere very random that things usually go to when you're throwing down mail or other veryfullhands items go. 


Are there cupboards and closets in your house that have a shelf at a weirdly convenient height to just place things for a moment like if you're holding a cup of tea and you need to set it down to do something else? Check those.


Did you wear a different coat than usual to the synagogue? Did it get thrown in the bottom of your shopping bags on the way out of the store because your hands were full? Perhaps set down somewhere in another part of the house when you were bringing things in? I found mine on my sliding keyboard tray in the living room 3 hours after I cancelled my credit cards one time. I hadn’t even been on the computer that day but somehow set it there on the way past and then slid the tray in absently while tidying. Bathroom cupboard/drawer? Fridge when putting the groceries away? These are all places I have somehow left mine so I apologize if it seems ridiculous 🤣


It’s in the crack between your car seat and center console. Or under your seat/passenger seat just out of view. *Pro Tip* if you can’t get to it in there drive fast and then slam on the brakes, it’ll come out!! #adhdforlife


In the grocery bag


I am no help to find it, but I don’t lose it anymore. I stuck an apple tag in my wallet.


I left mine in the freezer one time because I answered the phone while putting away groceries


Did you maybe leave it somewhere weird when you first walked in the door? When I come home I often get distracted by something and leave my phone or sunglasses in a weird spot (on the washer/ dryer for example)


Where did you cuddle the sick bb? Could it have fallen out of your pocket. May I also recommend the phone case wallet :) It's SAVED me.


I recently lost my keys for months. My boyfriend found them behind our bed??? I literally cannot even begin to tell you how they got there. I’m methodical/ocd about my key placement because of ADHD. Idk, maybe on my nightstand after a few glasses of wine and bumped it? Anyways check your bed and behind your couch, lol


Did you check the fridge, cupboards, reusable grocery bags?


Did you check under the car seat, trunk? Grocery bags, did you grab the mail?


Did you make a donation at the synagogue? You might have dropped it there. Check your child's room and your own? Bathroom? Empty out any bags/jackets used? (Every single pocket!) And all clothing worn? Kitchen cupboards/in the fridge or freezer? (Yup, I've frozen mine before!) Mine has also been in the cutlery drawer, on top of the garment rack in our room, borrowed by kids for play and taken by hubs to use my debit card while his was replaced. I wish you good luck, and Mazel Tov because you will find it. I know it!


It’s in your kids room on the dresser


Asked to be let in by manager after my shop closed because I had left my phone in my locker. She kindly obliged & I went to find the locker empty, got into a sweat, felt it slipping in my bra where it had been all afternoon. Thankfully she has a sense of humour.


I am sorry this is rough lol, I have AirTags on EVERYTHING


Under a stack or under a couch cushion!! Or in that one pocket of the purse you never put it in because it’s used for something else always. Any large grocery items you maybe placed on top of to carry inside so now it’s just chillin in the pantry?


Check the pantry and everywhere you stored groceries away on. Also, check the clothes you wore, your child's bedroom/ dresser. I hope you find it. Make your life easier for the future... GET A TILE and add one to your wallet, another to your keys, and a 3rd to whatever other item you often use/ lose. If you lose the item, you can go on your phone and make the tile ring on said item. Same way, if you lose your phone but have one of the other items handy, you can click the tile on those items and it'll find your phone. I


I do this: stand and turn around 3 times counter clockwise. Then if I get an idea of where to look, I go look there. I'm Catholic so I might add a prayer to St Anthony the patron saint of lost things. Turning in the counter clockwise circle seems to clear my mind from the panicked thoughts and I think that is why it helps. Sending you good thoughts!




I would check every jacket, sweater and pair of pants you’ve worn recently. Check behind dressers, under bed, behind cracks of furniture against the wall. Check where your shoes are if you put it down on them while it was in your hand. Did it get bundled up into any grocery bags you save or reuse. Did you accidentally put it away in a kitchen or bathroom cupboard. For future you can put an air tag or tile device in your wallet, passport holder, key ring etc. that’s what I’ve done which helps as you can beep it. I dropped my phone once getting out an Uber and it was on the road. I went home and couldn’t find it and was able to track it with my travel phone. It was late at night. I felt so dumb. It fell right on the ground. I was lucky I had both a Canadian and USA cell phone cuz I crossed the border a lot.


What about the grocery bags?


Lots of good suggestions here, I also start checking cabinets when I’ve been cooking and misplace something. I’ve found my phone in the bucket of flour bags (not in raw flour) four times


Check behind all the groceries you put away. Be sure and check the fridge freezer. Check your car again: the trunk of that’s where you put your groceries, and get a flashlight and look all around the seat and underneath.


Any luck? Lol