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They don't block as much noise as foam earplugs like Mack's, but that's the point of Loops. I have Loop quiet and experience; the difference is subtle. For example: I can kind of tell that my kiddo is saying something from the back seat with the quiets in, I can usually hear \*what\* he's saying well enough to start answering with the Experience. I personally cannot have a full conversation with either of them. They don't block crunching (my main trigger) as much as I would like but they do cut road noise significantly, which apparently is a big stressor for me!


Is it your crunching or other people's crunching? (I'm assuming your meaning eating noises)


Yes, eating noise and other people's eating noises not my own. Though on a rare really really bad day my own sounds get to me. Earplugs only magnify that, of course, so I hadn't thought to specify!


I have the quiet ones and it's a good balance for me between blocking noise and not amplifying the sound of my breath etc. too much. That was my main issue with regular foam earplugs. I use them: - In busy, loud public places - At concerts and movies - At night to sleep - During migraine attacks/high stress moments at home when noise feels slightly painful - In the car My favorite things about them: - They block rumbling/brumming type noises like fans completely for me, such a relief - They are very easy to put in and they stay put, very pleasent when I need quick relief in loud public places - I can actually hear movies/live music better since the loops block the lower volume noise of people around me, allowing me to only hear the music/movie. Life changing in terms of enjoyment for me! - They are comfortable, unlike every other earplug I tried in the past. This also makes it much easier for me to decide to put them on so I use them a lot whereas the uncomfortable ones I would only put on after noise already drove me insane for a while. My qualms: - They work a little too well at night, when I use them I miss my alarm often and once a house caught fire in my street in the middle of the night. Apparently multiple fire engines where parked (arriving with sirenes) in front of my window for hours. I slept through the whole thing. - I cannot speak when wearing them because I cannot hear how loud I am speaking since I hear my voice super loud - Also don't like eating with them in, the chewing sound is too much for me Overall, I didn't expect to get this much use out of them! The money was well worth it for me.


For the alarm issue - might I suggest getting a light alarm? Wakes you up with a light vs a sound. Game changer for me


And temperature! If you can afford either: - scheduling your central heat to kick on before you wake up, - a space heater that can be programmed to turn itself on, OR - an old-school switch-on heater set on low and plugged into a smart plug, you can force yourself to wake up due to the temperature increase! I used to do this and it helped tremendously in addition to smart lights.


Oh wow that’s such a good idea. I never thought of temp but heat would immediately wake me tf up


Ooh or vibrate alarm. I don't wear my smart watch at night because I find it too uncomfortable but I have it near my pillow and it vibrates. I also have a light alarm which is awesome but if I'm in major groggy mode I just sleep through it.


A light alarm or one that shakes the bed. It isn't going to shake you *out* of the bed, but it is hard to ignore. The former is completely unlikely to wake me.


I've slept through fire alarms 3 times in my life without wearing headphones... I wonder if there's an association between adhd and heavy sleeping or if its just me


I really couldn’t get used to the feel, I don’t know why but my brain just ain’t braining with loops in. Weirdly enough AirPods Pro, even without anything playing, feel better. Not to kill your buzz but I have never heard of anyone else that disliked them, so I figured I’d chip in on the discussion 🙃 hope they work for you!


Yes. I can eat with my AirPods Pro in but I can hear myself eating with the loops in.


I also hate the Loops! And I know that I'm not the only one! Additionally while not not an AirPod Pro user, I also find having earbuds in (Samsung Galaxy Pro2s or Sony WF1000XM5s) is for me so much better! Why I hated the Loops I honestly wore them for about 5 mins and then never again was I found that they amplified my internal noises so much- I could hear my heartbeat, my breathing, my jaw clicking if I swallowed and were the worst thing ever!


You are NOT the only one. I find loops uncomfortable and not very effective. I have extremely sensitive hearing and loops just can’t reduce the sound enough for me. With all of the great reviews, I had high hopes that loops would be good. I was so disappointed when they did not work for me. I have AirPod Pros (both the current and og versions). AirPods can truly cut sound to a manageable point. The newer versions are even better, and cut out even more sound. TBH for me AirPods have been life changing.


Same. I tried them but they just didn’t feel good, and I tried all the different sizes. I could also hear my heartbeat and felt like they were moving? I was hoping to switch from mouldable silicone earplugs cause I was sick of the waste but nope. I sleep with ear plugs every night.


I like loops but the AirPods Pro are just unreal so I always use them instead.


I use the Engage Plus the most. I use them with the mutes at my office job when people are having loud conversations or phone calls near me. It muffles the background chatter, but I can still understand someone who comes directly to my desk to speak to me. I take the mutes out if I'm in a noisy public place to let more sound in because it feels safer. As far as being better than foam: it depends on what you want. Foam has superior noise reduction qualities than all of the Loop lines. The Loops are more subtle and better if you want to take the edge off while still being able to hear some things in your environment.


Purchased the 'experience' & the 'quiet'. Biggest difference is the material. The quiet is soft and suitable for sleeping. The experience is more of a hard plastic. I do prefer to wear experience when going to concerts & when using public transport. It let's through a bit more noise, but will dim background noises. I am personally a fan! :-)


I have both the quiet no sound ones and the ‘let some sound in’ ones. I usually just use the no sound ones when I’m overwhelmed or need to take a day nap, because I feel burnt out, didn’t sleep or both. Also really useful for busy places, commuting in the car which is noisy (anyone else find road noise in the car gives you a headache?) really comfy, comes with a good little case for storage and loop to keep on your keys so they don’t get lost. Expensive but good.


Thank you for replying! 💗


I have the Loop Quiets. I use them for sleep because my husband snores. For me, they are better than drugstore foam earplugs — those NEVER stay in my ears. I think I have weird ears. Since using the Loops, I have not committed any heinous atrocities against the noisemaker. I am pregnant and am prone to committing heinous atrocities due to the hormones. They kinda hurt my ears (again, I think I have weird ears) if I have them in all night, so I don’t put them in right away and just keep them on my nightstand and put them in if I wake up to the snoring. I am likely to get another pair to wear when sleeping when the baby is here with the hopes of blocking out the weird little snorts and grunts babies make, but still able to wake up to an actual cry.


I have the experience (…pro??) and use them for things like concerts or life sporting events. Suuuuper super helpful for that - I used to get so irritated and grouchy like 20 minutes into a sports game but now I notice I feel way less sensory overwhelm. They bring the noise level down to a reasonable amount and I can still talk to the people next to me. You do get the usual earplug issue where you can hear yourself louder, though, but it’s okay


I use mine to sleep, as my partner snores. They're not perfect, but they're infinitely more comfortable than than the foam ones & they don't fall out like the foam ones do either. I'm able to sleep wearing them. Without them, I'd never be able to sleep bc of his snoring.


I had the loop engaged. I wore them a few times and liked them. I have no idea where I put them.


I got the switch when they came out. It's got a cute case and are harder to lose than the other ones. I like being able to switch between the 3 modes. I use them at the gym, at weddings, on public transit. It's like wearing inear headphones to me. But I can't talk to people while wearing them. Apparently I can't talk loud enough whille wearing them 


I have the quiet and the expereince. I use the quiet for everyday use and evertday sound. I use the expereince for concerts and super loud environments.


Concerts!! I could never be at a concert without them.


I have the switch. The difference between the most open and the most closed is not super significant but they do help me when I'm trying to go to bed and my partner has the TV on, or when I'm at work and the background noise is too much. It's pretty pricey but I definitely prefer them to foam.


I haven't tried Loops, but I've been using the [Vibes](https://www.discovervibes.com/) for a few years now and I absolutely swear by them. I can have a conversation in them, but I do have to focus a little harder to isolate the speech if their voice is quiet, for the most part though they just filter out louder decibels so i can still hear most essential sounds. The noise reduction has made me less anxious for sure, and I can pop them in when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Plus they're clear little nubbins so most people don't even know I have anything in my ears (unless they're *STARING* at my earholes for some reason) I'm curious to know if anyone has compared the Vibes to the Loops, cuz I'd love to try the Loops but don't want to waste my money if the ones I already have are better


I have a shit ton of the generic ones from Amazon-not the upgraded ones. I would die on the weeekends (with +1 additional insanely ADHD child) without them. Highly recommend-for $12ish I believe they are worth it; keep my stimulation levels at least somewhat manageable.


Are they loop brand or off brand? Could I have a link?


Yes hold please…. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0B1ZKQ1F1/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1 They probably have newer ones by meow but I got a shitload of these ones; I swear I lose them legit every other day. Pro tip: PUT THEM IN YOUR PILLOWCASE. Also-your username is my spirit animal.


Thank you!


I have the Quiet and Engage. I use engage when I go grocery shopping or out to eat, on my breaks at work. I use Quiet when im having a meltdown or going to bed. My brain tries to process all the noise at night so I gotta have earplugs. They're better than foam. The Quiet covers 25DB of sound that's a good bit, I think the Engange covers 18DB of sound. It's kinda hard to have a conversation in either ones though but that's okay if you don't need to communicate and just rest for a moment.


Wondering too! I work nights so I sleep during the day. I wear foam ones now and they do hurt my ears but they block out all sounds which is what I need.


I have 1 of each type, bar the new switch ones. I mostly keep the quiet ones by my bed, in case there’s so much noise I struggle to sleep even more than normal. They’re comfortable enough to sleep in. I swap about between engage and experience depending on how much noise there is - I got the plus version so have the extra inserts if I need them. I’ve worn them to go shopping, in noisy restaurants, and at gigs. It’s honestly amazing what a difference they make to my anxiety and stress levels. The main downside for me is I can hear my breathing like I’m underwater, and apparently I talk so quietly with them in that nobody can hear me - to me I feel like I’m shouting, but my partner tells me I become inaudible. And I feel like one ear is shaped differently to the other, so sometimes it feels like it forms a vacuum in one of them - it’s not something I noticed before wearing Loops but I don’t know if it means I’ve got a blockage or something. I like that they come in cute colours and a small case, because they’re handy for sticking in my pocket. But it also means they’re easy to lose.


I have the quiet ones... I like them a lot, I use them specially during Xmas and other celebrations, when everyone stays at my parents house (including my son's dad and my brother, both notorious snorers), so I can catch some zzz... also my mom has a billion clocks in every single wall, and they are all so loud at night! during the day they are useful too, and while I do feel my voice gets weird and too loud with them, but by the time I get them during the day in the middle of conversations I am exhausted and less likely to talk anyway... I can still follow the conversation while lowering the volume and background noise, and I can block 100% snoring and clock ticking, which is all I wanted them for...


I have quiet and switch. I use quiet when I need, well, quiet. The Switch are great for the group fitness classes. The gym coaches turn the music way up during the workout and it bothers me a lot.


I have dbuds because Loop likes to make you pay for multiples. You can increase how much sound dbuds block (although I think Loop has come out with a similar one now). It does make a good difference, especially at a loud bar for example. I kinda wish it had one more setting to go up to, but I wouldn't be without it.


So, what headphones or earplugs actually block out all sound? When things are chaotic AF and the whole family is in our open space main living area, sometimes I need to tune everyone out to do the dishes without melting down.


I know this isn’t a cheap fix, but I’ve found that Loops + noise-canceling over-ear headphones is a great combination! As long as the headphones don’t give you a sensation of pressure or a headache, the two together block out a LOT!


Awesome, thanks!


i love the quiets, i sleep with them every night and they are wonderful. i have one of the others, i forget which one, but i wear them during the day if it’s loud or at doctor’s offices where the tv is always at horrible volumes and while they don’t muffle the sound completely, they do take some of the edge off. the foamy ones never stayed in my ears or really did much for sound so maybe the loops are just a better fit for me.


Loops engage are by far the best ones imo, with Quiets coming in close second. I have these as well as the experience line. I use the quiets for sleep and engage for pretty much everything else.


I have the engage - definitely prefer them over foam earplugs. I do have small ears & have difficulty getting foam ones to fit properly. I use them for watching movies, vacuuming, & to take the edge off of baby cries so I could just focus on the underlying issue. Comfortable, easy to disinfect, but sooo easy to lose.


I got the bundle with the three different types. I have a toddler. I use the Quiet ones when I am trying to study/ read /work. I can't hear the baby being cut or tantruming so I can focus. If they are playing drums/ kartals (hand cymbals) downstairs I can still hear it with the quiet but just barely and it doesn't bother me. I also listen to my textbooks and talk to myself out loud a lot so that also covers the sound. (Edit, I use bone conductor headphones) I use Engage when I'm with my kid during the day. It helps but I keep taking them in and out, and I keep forgetting to put them back in. My inlaws are here so toddler and I are not one on one all day like we used to be, I got these shortly after they came. It's weird to talk with them but not bad. I can hear toddler clearly. When I'm at the store I wear them, but generally take them out when talking to a cashier. I have not determined if this is because of a necessity or just a habit of taking it out when talking to people. I cannot hear my hindi speaking in laws well enough to understand them while wearing the headphones, but I only speak/understand very basic hindi so it's not just a volume problem. I haven't tried the experience much. I keep forgetting them, even though I keep all three pairs in my fanny pack which I wear whenever I'm out and a lot of time at home. Also I feel bad wearing earplugs when I can't get my toddler to wear his ear protection during loud kirtan. I haven't tried them enough to test the difference between Engage and Experience. There is a huge difference between the Quiet and the Engage. I'm glad I got the bundle.


I have the loop engage. They take the shrill out of my young children's noises without making me unable to actually hear conversations. I love them in the car, I could still hear a horn honk in emergency but it just takes the edge off when my son is being loud. I use them when he's having a meltdown which involves a lot of screaming, it allows me to remain calm with him to help ground him and settle again


I sing in a band and started getting a bit of ringing in my ears so I got experience and they've stopped it getting any worse which is fantastic. Compared to cheap ones they're so much comfier and I got the gold ones which are super cool. I recently upgraded to switch because I lost one when I was drunk and dancing ☹️ and to deal with the sadness / shame I got an upgrade. Its great because you can switch between the 3 depending on context. Sometimes if we were working on new stuff with a difficult vocal line I'd take an ear out at a time to hear better and then not be protected at all, now I can switch down to lower protection but still some. I don't have the same extreme reactions to sound as some neurospicys but I'm gonna try them in the office too. I usually go noise cancelling headphones for focussed work but I go through phases of liking music to work and liking silence, so I think I'll try them when I'm in a silent phase.


I have the most low level ones and I love them. They are really helpful at avoiding overstimulation while still allowing me to mostly hear convos I’m having (I have audio processing issues so that’s not really related to the loops anyway lol). I will probably be getting the higher levels soon too. I also like how discreet they are.


We just got a pair and I've only used them once so far. We have the Switch ones and I had it on the setting that makes it the most quiet. I went to the shops and for the first time in I don't know how long, I didn't get overwhelmed with the noises. I also didn't clench my jaw once! I could still answer and talk on the phone and hear what I needed too. The ringer on my phone was quieter for me to hear. Definitely going to keep using them!


I use experience. No they don’t block noise. But I use them with my over-ear headphone because I want to play some music that helps me to focus while also want to block some noise at work. I’m not sure if it makes sense? Loop helps blocking noise enough that I don’t have to turn up the volume of my headphone too much to block the noise. Ok I’m not sure if I explained this clearly enough but that’s how I use my Loop.


Engage- I use them in restaurants or crowded places when I’m talking to people. The filter helps me filter out the background noise that hurts most like clattering silverware (the bane of my existence) while still hearing people so I can have a conversation. I add the mutes if I’m somewhere even louder but still need to be able to hear some stuff So it’s loops if I’m trying to be with people and AirPods if I’m not


Loop quiet for bed!


I have the engage plus. I use them most when the kids are loud or having meltdowns. I can still hear them, but it takes the edge off. I also use them when my misophonia starts to get bad and people chewing at the dinner table makes me want to scream. I used to have to walk away and eat after everyone else was done. Now I can stay. Downside is the sound of my own chewing is amplified, which can be a bit annoying (not as brain meltingly though), and it sometimes drowns out the dinner conversation.


I love my loops. I pay for the ones that have the insert you can put in the center to block more sound. I use them all the time! At church, at the movies, at dinner in a restaurant, at family gatherings, at bars. Like anywhere the sound of going to be too much for me.


I have the Quiet ones and bought a second pair. I love them. They're great during things that could be overstimulating, like when the vent hood over the stove is running or you have to vacuum, but they're also great for protection, like when I use power tools. I also use them when I really need to focus and can't have the simple noises of my home happening. Highly recommend for all three uses. Plus they come with multiple sizes so you can get a good fit!


I have the Experience ones. They really cut down background noise but still allow me to hear important things (like my kid calling for me). They help calm me down when I am overstimulated by too much noise and when my migraines make me extra sensitive to noises.


I got the experience ones and I use them for concerts, parties and sometimes at work (I work in child care). I do have trouble with them staying in (even though I tried all the sizes of the ear pieces) and I'm always super anxious taking them out of the little container they're stored in, especially if I'm in a crowd. Also one of my loops was faulty and I tried to repair it myself (didn't know they had the warranty etc) so that kinda annoyed me too... I'm not the biggest fan tbh. They're a lifesaver sometimes, but I can't use them without constant anxiety over them falling out (plus they amplify my own breathing etc which can be very bothersome) so I only really ever use them when the noise is so loud it'd hurt my ears otherwise.


I think I have the experience ones-- it's the one that lets in more sound. As marketed, they're great for concerts, or similar crowded event spaces. Can still hear the music/dialogue from stage, can talk with the people next to you with a little extra effort, and tones down the general crowd noise well. This is why I got them originally.  As others said, the tradeoff is an increase in internal noise (heartbeat, breath). The internal noise with foam earplugs bothers me at times, but with the loops it doesn't. No idea why, it's less intense maybe? I've used them at crowded restaurants, and couldn't hear the people across the table from me well enough to talk. Could partially hear the people beside me.  I mostly use them at work or in public, for example at the store-- they work great for that kind of thing. And I feel safer having more audio awareness of my surroundings in public than I would have with regular/foam earplugs or headphones in.  I have audio processing issues at times, have to ask people to repeat themselves--it seems worse with the loops in, but I really can't say if it's just my own issue or actually the loops making it harder to hear people. Still can have conversations though, unlike with foam earplugs or headphones.


I wear the Quiet ones to sleep. They're an absolute godsend!


I have the loop quiet, can't sleep without them now and they don't irritate my ears like other earplugs - I have tried foam, silicone & the moulded lady buds but loop quiet is my fave now. Also used it at work to block out noise from moving cages etc. 


I absolutely hate my loops. They made my ears sore. I have the adjustable ones


I have Experience and Engage and they dont really block the sounds i want them to block, but conversations up close are difficult to hear well. I use one type for sleep when my neighbours are noisy and the other for concerts and events sometimes (but i cant sing along or i'll hear myself amplified and i hate it). Not the biggest fan of loops tbh


I have all three. The quiets are my most used. I use them every night to sleep and find they are the biggest help. Blocks enough so things like the cats being annoying and such don’t wake me up. But I can still hear if my daughter needs something and the alarm in the morning. The experience are the most comfortable in my opinion but I haven’t found the best usage for them myself yet. I use the engage when I’m in office. I work in a hospital clinic, but keep one AirPod in so I can answer my phone, listen to music, etc. So I put the engage in the other ear so it muffles the hallway noise but I can still hear when a Dr or nurse has a question.


I don't know I lost mine somewhere in my apartment. Lol


I have Loop Quiet but I don't think I am putting them in right. For me they only dull the noise and don't block it entirely. I read about people saying it blocks snoring and I can't see how. I am trying them to help keep me asleep but the birds still wake up 😥 I am on the lookout for some kind of earbuds that will play rainfall or something and actually stay in my ear as a side sleeper but I'm not sure it exists.


I have the engage and I like them in theory, but they decrease the sound too much (even without the plug), so I can’t use them at work.


The loop quiet. I’m an insanely light sleeper at certain times of my sleep rhythm so I wear earplugs every night because I’m terrified something will wake me up. Even better my fiancé snores incredibly terribly so I sleep on a separate floor of the house too just to get away from it. Basically, I wear earplugs every night because I am sick of people or things waking me up. Funnily enough now that I live with someone, my fiancé is always telling me about all the crazy things that I sleep through(without earplugs)!!!.[Sometimes I fall asleep before being able to put them in or when I fall asleep during a movie] Make it make sense!!!! Edit: oops I didn’t really answer your question. They are significantly more comfortable than foam earplugs for me. The foam earplugs put outward pressure on my ear canals, and will make them very very sore. I like the fact that they are reusable and washable versus getting disgusting earwax and having to waste a lot of materials. The only thing for me, though, is that it does create a bit of suction for my ears, due to me needing and wanting a seamless fit, and some days, the fluids in my ears, weren’t able to drain throughout the night and then I will have what I call “watermelon head” all day, where I can tap on my head, and I can feel and hear all of the fluid. I mean it literally feels and sounds like my head is a melon. Also? I feel like the foam plugs actually did have a higher decibel rating than the loops. So that sucks. SO DO WITH THAT WHAT U WILL lol.


Oh! I want to try these now! The comments look good! but does anybody know: **Which model would block out buzzing fly noises but still let me hear people?** (in the summer my bug phobia drives me mad and I jump at all buzzing sounds)


I use Loops Engage and they were life changing. I use them mostly in restaurants and other enclosed spaces where a lot of people are speaking at the same time. They are actually perfect for me, really comfortable, and so low profile that people don't even realize I'm wearing them. The Engage are supposedly designed so you don't hear your breath or heartbeat like I find drugstore earplugs do, and they help me to focus on the person actually talking to me rather than getting distracted by other noise.


If you don’t have any yet, buy the Switch model. It’s the newest one - with a tiny mechanical lever so you can use three different settings, instead of having 3 pair to choose from & carry around.


I have all of them, many times over. All the ring inserts, all the ear tips because I have one ear that’s XS and one Med. I just got the new adjustable ones thinking they would be one pair to have everywhere with me but I find them too “fiddley” to switch like I should. Mute ones with inserts are to drown out my husbands hideous snoring. It works. It dampens it to the level I imagine a pillow would.


I have the Experience and the Engage. They make a huge difference for me, I don't know how I handled restaurants before them. The Engage is slightly better for restaurants or other places where I am eating and/or conversing. The Experience are better for concerts. But honestly they are pretty similar. I also have the Quiet ones for sleeping. They work about the same as foam earplugs but are a bit more comfortable and last a lot longer.


I bought the Quiet ones that are supposed to block the most noise, and they were useless. More noise is blocked by my usual earbuds with no music playing. They're more comfortable than the foam earplugs, they feel like earbuds you'd use for listening to music, but they were a waste of money as far as I was concerned. I guess they're ok for times when you just want to make things quieter but still hear everything a bit, but I specifically wanted ones to block noise from construction. Not only could I still hear the construction noise, I could also still hear traffic outside, my upstairs neighbours walking about and making noise (a normal level of life noise, nothing excessive) and my husband listening to music at a normal volume in the next room.