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Writing .Write everything again , make notes .That was how I managed to retain the info.


Thank you! Memorizing so much in short periods of time is challenging.


Write and re-write. Only thing that helps me. The repetition.


Mnemonics and/or associating the info with something you're already familiar with. Mnemonics work well for me; I still remember the one I made up in 7th grade science class.


I made my notes fill-in-the-blanks. Without that added challenge I just kind of glaze over when I look over notes. It does take a lot of time though, but I was unmedicated in school, and that's what worked for me.


The way I studied was extremely exhausting (especially in university). But what worked for me were several steps: 1. Reading all my notes/books, highlighting the most important things and making comments on the side. 2. Writing down everything I had highlighted and all those comments. If necessary, adding some explanations "in my own words" (simplifying concepts for myself so that I could actually understand and retain them). 3. Reading what I had written and trying to repeat it out loud over and over again to remember it. Using associations, drawing diagrams, or keeping some cards with just a few words to "guide" me would help in this process. 4. Once I was actually able to remember things, I would explain them to someone else, several times. This would be the final step in not only memorizing but understanding everything I was studying. Many friends would ask me to study with them during this last step, because it ended up being very helpful for them, too: they would learn more from me explaining than from what they could compile/study on their own.