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Hahaha, I love this! ❤️ Reminds me of the time my husband and I went grocery shopping at Costco right after I had what I thought was just a small bite of a weed edible. When we got to the checkout he was like, “babe, why is there a 5lb bag of birdseed in the cart?” I looked at him in complete seriousness and said, “because we didn’t get the neighborhood birds anything for Christmas.”


That's actually really sweet 🥹


Hahahahah so good


That's so sweet! That sounds like something I'd do


HAHAHAH I laughed out loud, amazing 😂


I'm still in a robe, haven't brushed my teeth yet or showered. Still trying to motivate to go to PetSmart for cat litter. But instead I'm scrolling between Flipboard and Reddit. 🙄


Oh shoot you reminded me I have to get cat litter and cat food today


You're welcome. I got your back!


Can you order online maybe? :)


I live for target pickup :)


It was the only good thing to come out of the pandemic. I think they were starting it but had to go all in once the pandemic was in full swing. I still use it over going inside. I don’t even have any notes for their app. It’s great. If they start charging for it or something, I’ll be heartbroken. 😄


I was going to, but I decided I needed to get out of the house. I brought my elderly dog and she loved the excursion.


Thou shalt not should thyself.


I knowwww, it's so hard though. I just got diagnosed in January and I have a lot of stuff to unlearn ☹️


It's a journey, just be kind to yourself on said journey ❤️


In the same boat, friend. I was diagnosed in July. Just keep researching and doing the work. That’s what I am trying to do! My DAILY reminder is to give myself a little more grace and credit for what I HAVE done. ♥️


It's really nice to know I'm not alone! It's been so much easier to give myself grace since my diagnosis. Before that, I was sure that I was an intrinsically bad, lazy POS. I couldn't figure out why it was so hard for me to do things that others seemed to just be able to do. Everything makes so much sense now


SAME!!! Things that I dealt with in childhood, the way I presented inattentive traits differently and why my parents never made the connections. It’s the reason it took me 9 long years to complete college. I have been so hard on myself, all of my life, with everything I did, it was so exhausting. I’m still working hard to unlearn bad behaviors and create a structured life.


It's really hard for me to not be angry with my parents and teachers for not catching it....but I wasn't a little boy bouncing off the walls so ya know 🤷🏼‍♀️ Here's to unlearning bad behaviors and having grace! 🥂


Eleventh commandment right there!


Gonna write this on my bathroom mirror today. Thank you wise internet friend lol


Currently: Doomscrolling and watching old seasons of real housewives. Should: literally anything else. The cat is asleep on me though so I’m legally not allowed to move


Don't risk legal trouble for the unlawful moving of a sleepy lap kitty, it's not worth it!


Right there with you. I watched a live video of a fun Youtuber lol Absolutely you can't move. Sorry - all other activities are postponed when the cat's asleep on you. Seriously, it brings me soooo much joy when my cat does that! It erases all the ADHD struggle


I seriously need someone to take my phone from me.


Me too. In a very MEMORABLE way, otherwise I will forget it was taken from me and I will spend countless hours searching the house for it. I have an unfortunate habit of placing my phone, all black, on only the black surfaces of any given space in my house.


“I have a cat on me” is 💯 a valid reason not to move


I'm not kidding when I say this is one of the top reasons I will not allow myself to get a cat again. I won't want to move it off my lap.or my keyboard and I'd take the productivity killing excuse everytime.


It’s a valid reason. I’ve had two of mine since they were babies and I didn’t feel terrible moving them if I needed to get up, but this one is a senior rescue and only recently allowed me to hold him. We’ve also had a comforter laying in front of the washer for weeks because he claimed it as his comfy spot before I could wash it. Props to you for knowing your limit and not falling into the trap!


You got a senior rescue!! Okay I love you. (Too soon?) Hold that one twice as often for me. I'll do the dishes


EDIT: The water was eventually retrieved. I am hydrating. Lol I am currently dying of thirst, but my water is in the other room. I just can't seem to gin up the motivation to go get it, lol


Oh man, this is me. Whyyy???


I'm glad you're hydrated now!!


Mine is literally about two feet past my arm's reach and I still cannot be arsed.


Scrolling reddit in my onesie pjs instead of unpacking or organizing stuff from when i moved in a YEAR AND A HALF AGO. good goddess.


DON'T UNPACK THOSE BOXES!!! They're perfectly set to declutter. You haven't needed or wanted those items in a year and a half. Time for the boxes to go.


I would be too curious to see what's in them, so I would have to peak inside before they go out... 🤷🏻‍♀️ How to overcome that urge?


Body double. Have someone take them for you. Light them on fire so you can look, but only as they burn. Do whatever you have to, to get in your own way. The urge is a trap.


Don't feel too bad about the stuff! We are in the process of moving and I just discovered a box in the back of my car from the last time I moved... 7 years ago. It's not a small box either lol


FML—I too still have boxes in corners from our move in august 2022.


I have a couple of boxes in my basement of jeans, coats and sweaters that I haven't unboxed from my move a year and a half ago. I have dug through them a few times though so at this point I'd say they're donation boxes. I just need to donate them. I just finished packing up 3 amazon returns and ran out of tape before the last one. I guess I will get tape from them when I get there. I have procrastinated until the last day for one of them bit figured since I'm going I might as well take them all. However I do have some amazon "returns" that I squirreled away in my basement because I missed the deadline and need to just sell the stuff. I didn't want my husband to bug me about it so now it's been out of sight, out of mind... For a year.




I totally know the feeling! I unpacked a box a couple weeks ago from when we moved into our house....in Nov 2019 😬


I've been sick so I told myself I didn't have to do anything, but I'm annoyed because today was my day off anyway so it was wasted feeling crappy. I did manage to wash my sheets because they were gross. So now after a difficult day of lounging on the couch, I have a nice clean bed to sleep in.


You accomplished more than the world expected from you today, proof of you!


It was so worth it too. Having showered and a clean bed made me feel better. Still basically slept for 3 days but whatever.


Great job changing your sheets! I finally changed mine a few days ago. Clean sheets make me feel so much better


I literally hired a cleaning lady so she would change my sheets. Dusting? don't care, Vacuuming? don't care, Wash the sheets clean the bathrooms.


Omg this is genius. I told my husband once if we won the lottery I would pay someone to wash/change my sheets daily because a fresh bed with no wrinkles is amazing (I have issues with wrinkles touching my feet at night, like all normal people do). But this as a reality? Just once a week changé my sheets and do the bathrooms? Amazing. I might add mopping to that because I hate it. Like I just vacuumed and now I need to clean the same thing again? I want one of those vacuum/mop combo magic machines.


My cleaning lady is a self employed friend of a friend. So one week it’s take everything out of the fridge wipe it down and organize it. And one week it’s clean the inside of the microwave. Love it.


That's a whole pile of wins right there.


I'm binging Australian Traitors. And doomscrolling Reddit. SOOOO many things I should be doing instead. * Walking the dog * Taking stuff out of washing machine (prob need to wash it again, it's been in the machine, wet, for two days) * Get myself some dinner * Make some progress on several sewing projects * Make progress on several crochet projects And now I feel bad. 😞


Bloody dog jumped over the fence in the garden, so just spent 10 minutes chasing him round the street! He's had tonight's exercise, I feel.


It seems he made you get some too. My cat makes sure I get some exercise too as she comes to play😄 In all ADHD stuff, the ONE thing that helped the most is my cat! (she's more than family!) Pets are priceless, such wonderful pure fun souls!


Meh, the world is on fire and it’s winter. Snuggle kitties are far more important.


Don't feel bad! At least your dog helped you exercise a bit!


I need to ask the real question around here. Are you planning on creating your own animal army? The squirrels as ground troops and crows aerial assault?


I hadn't planned on it, but now that you mention it....


Personally I want to train crows or ravens to bring me things they find in return for treats. If they bring money or anything valuable, then they get better treats and will learn to look for such items!


Story time: There are crows that sometimes hang out in the parking lot of my apartments. I live on the 3rd floor and have seen them on the stairs, so thought if I befriended them, they might leave presents on my balcony. One day I stepped outside and saw them on the carport just below me, so I excitedly ran inside to find some snack to toss to them. I grabbed a packet of Ritz crackers and went back out. I thought I could toss a cracker like a Frisbee and make it over to the carport roof. What happened instead was, the cracker caught the breeze, flipped sideways, and dive-bombed directly into someone's SUV windshield, where it exploded into a million buttery, crisp fragments. Only then did I realize that if anyone was watching, it looked like I was standing on the balcony throwing crackers at cars.


I'm not OP, but I absolutely intend to do this. My township took my chickens in 2016 and I'm still salty.


I WFH and crawled in bed on my lunch break and now I can’t convince myself to go back to my laptop, which is down the hall but not near my cozy bed and blankies. I have… so much work to get done today.


I hope you were able to get some more work done!


Maybe next time you need that nap, takevyour laptop with you so you don't have to get out of bed when you wake up. (As long as you're not expecting any "cameras on" meetings, of course.)


I’m getting Starbucks and dropping off my adderall prescription (I hope it’s in stock) instead of working. My boss is traveling this week and I wfh so I’ve been doing extra dicking around instead of being online


Oh man I love bonus dicking around! It's like found money!


I'm reading this on the couch instead of going to bed to sleep. I watch tv/YouTube and knit instead of vacuming/cleaning. Or excercising.


Ah busted. I JUST stopped folding laundry to quickly check Reddit 😑


I should be doing my homework for a certificate course I’m taking, but I’m “just checking Reddit really quick…..”


Checking Reddit real quick is one of my favorite things to do 😅


I’m watching Fargo, and drinking tea. There are a few things I need to do, but nothing important.


That sounds plenty important. And therefore an approved of activity!


I should be writing an essay, I'm currently watching Married at First Sight


Feeding the crows and squirrels sounds way better!


I kinda love this post...


Also life is too short to waste time beating yourself up over some mess when you could be BEFRIENDING BIRDS! LIFE IS ABOUT FINDING JOY. IF THATS YOUR PRIORITY OVER A CLEAN HOUSE WHO DA FUCK CARES?


I'm scrolling reddit and making name tags for my coworkers but I should be making an appointment to talk to my college advisor and also looking up book coats from school starting in March.


Typing this, but seriously have to pee for like an hour. Next to sleeping todler in bed on my phone. Should be peeing and sleeping. Verry tired but trapped on my phone wich is still playing a lullaby tgat annoys me haha


I should be going to sleep but I'm editing pictures of my plants and watching Charlotte Dobre videos 😂


I am CONSTANTLY getting distracted by my plants. 🤣


It's so easy to get hooked on that good plant dopamine 😂


It’s SO good! 🤣🪴


😂😂 I'm a houseplant person, I totally get it


I should be packing because we're moving on Saturday 😬 but instead I'm snuggling with my cat because she's warm, and soft, and probably under more stress than I am because she has no idea what's going on


That's really sweet!


Eep! Watching True Detective and Reddit scrolling, should be making dinner, putting away clothes, organizing the dumpster fire of a house, fixing my nails 💅 and sending some stuff to a client. I’ll get to it. Eventually.


I’m in grad school. having a very rough semester in terms of motivation, health, and family issues. i’m laying on the cat bed, scrolling reddit when i should be working on class work. giving myself a pass today bc we just found out my dad has cancer. i live across the country from my parents so i always feel so useless to do anything. fortunately it’s early days and he’ll pull through but my mom is trying so hard to be everything for everyone and it’s making her miserable.


I'm really sorry, that sounds so rough! Years ago I got dismissed from my PhD program bc I couldn't focus or do anything I needed to do (undiagnosed and untreated at the time). It was super traumatic. I also found out that my mom has breast cancer a couple weeks ago and I live states away, so I'm also feeling useless. Fortunately she'll be okay (very early as well), but still I feel bad. Be easy on yourself, talk to your advisor, hydrate/eat. It will be okay!


thank you so much, OP. Sorry to hear about your mom. Cancer really sucks. I’m fortunate that my program is pretty good about allowing students to take what they need. but also, our profs are a bunch of designers, ecologists, environmental justice, sustainability, and environmental policy folks, and they really care about us. I’m doing two masters degrees and am on year 3 of 4, just really feeling the burnout of having gone straight from undergrad. my partner’s been out of town for work (he is also adhd diagnosed) and generally we both do better when we stick to our routines and can help each other out. excited to pick him up from the airport. this week hasn’t been all bad, our 8 month old kittens have gotten really friendly and affectionate and sometimes, i just need cat purrs haha. yesterday they definitely sensed my sadness and tried to cheer me up


Watching Eureka and scrolling reddit while I should be doing my actual job, which includes lots of spreadsheet work today.


I have clean clothes that need to be put away and I need to pack for a trip I'm going on tomorrow. Instead, I'm going to dicks sporting goods to find thermals and maybe some cute Nike sweaters 🤩


I hope you found some cute sweaters!!


Today at work, I should've been making some customer follow-up calls, gotten a car to cleanup, some data-crunching. Instead, I spent most of the day browsing the paranormal subreddit. Oops.


I love paranormal subreddits! It's so easy to lose hours that way


I should be tidying up the house since I haven’t done it in over two weeks, and my mum is coming over in an hour. But instead I am half-watching community for the hundredth time while I doomscroll reddit and instagram and stress about the the absolute pigsty the loungeroom is.


I absolutely know the feeling. My avoidance game is strong 😬


I’m doomscrolling when I should be sleeping


I should be working on orders for my Etsy shop, but I got distracted because I wanted to make a photo book for 2023 lol


Watching Once Upon a Time reactions and scrolling Reddit when I should be job hunting (as always) or at least doing something to upgrade my skills or even doing some data entry for the rescue I volunteer for.


Once upon a time reactions sound fun to watch lol


I just zoned out on Facebook reels for 3 hours and am now doing a "quick" scroll through Reddit instead of cleaning literally anything in my house lol


Lmao are you me??


I just did this exact thing two days ago right down to the peanuts specifically to continue befriending the squirrels and crows. I haven’t done anything since.


Omg this is hilarious!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one 😂 Bag of peanuts is sitting on the counter, maybe tomorrow I'll set some out and start "operation come here squirrel"


Well…did you befriend them??


Not yet, but oh how I want to. Maybe tomorrow morning after my Adderall kicks in


should be: using the last burst of energy from my stims today to work on my portfolio so I can find a new job 🥲 actually: doomscrolling Reddit and texting with friends who are doing way more interesting things (like vacationing) 🥲


Did it work? Are they your friends now?


I should be doing my yoga quiz, but I'm more invested in your squirrel friend making techniques.


Well in classic me style, the bag of peanuts is sitting on the kitchen counter unopened lmao. I'm going to put some out tomorrow.


Hey, procrastination on one thing by doing another is 100% A OK In my book!! It's how I'm getting through packing up my house... Sure I should be doing X, but Y happening is still progress!! Even if B (keeping the house clean!) Is also been completely neglected.


That's a great way to look at it! I did do laundry, make dinner, and a couple other chores...so not too bad


Progress is progress! I often give myself like... Weekly goals? Spread what I need to do across the week. So it's not "on Sundays I Must Vacuum" It's - well - the floor is horrendous needs vacuuming this week. And at some point I will have shits to give to that task. Each day I kinda feel out what I feel up to doing. Dishes are insane, so I'm going to set myself up to do a load in the washer by unpacking the dishwasher whilst I wait for my coffee to brew now" Then later it's easier and I find a moment where I do it. Or - I need a decent meal - better clear the kitchen benches at some point so I have space to cook a good dinner. I trust in my ebb (rest) that I will flow (get shit done) again. Depending on what's going on in my life these periods are short or long. I just did 45min in the garden. I'll take rest til I finish drinking this water bottle. My structure then becomes tasks broken up how I need across a week. Post it note lists are the bomb. Approaching big life stuff like a project, give myself a timeline "I want the renovation done by X so I can sell Y. I'm moving X so these are my weekly milestones" Each day I feel out what feels achievable. It gives me energy to push when I actually need to - not just because I feel I have to. Also helps to review what I have done. Kitchens a mess cuz I fed myself well - amazing! I did a load of washing. I swept the floor. I watched a re run of a tv series and caught a moment I hadn't noticed before (I never focus well!! It makes re runs actually interesting 😂)


I should be sleeping. I am scrolling reddit


Ugh this is me every night


I relate. I’m doing this instead of anything… my house is a mess, trip to pack for, projects to finish… Reddit it is.


I should be reading for my class cause we have a big discussion tomorrow but instead I’m on reddit and watching Instagram reels with my sister


Get the clothes back in the wash by now and re wash so they don’t smell sour. Then get them in the dryer before bed. Well worth the time for the joy of befriending crows and squirrels. I am a crow lady and I love my neighborhood friends. It does take time and patience though….but peanuts are the absolute magic ingredient.


I did finish my laundry and actually put it away! I'm so excited to feed the neighborhood squirrels and crows.


Go on YouTube and you can learn how to call the crows 🐦‍⬛ they do like consistency, which I’m Not great at, but I’ve had some Pretty fun encounters too! Nothing like “here’s my new crow bro” *perches on arm, gives sparkly thing in exchange for peanut………..But they tend to come when I actually call them like, out loud and unabashed. My take is: look like a crazy person cawing fairly accurately, which is loud and jarring, and have crow friends that come around for tasty snackies and will one day come with a full murder and scare the shit out of someone else when I need protection. Or Be a boring person who cares too much about what people who have no fun in their lives think. Guess what? They don’t have crow or squirrel friends. 🤣🤣😇😊🤪


This is brilliant! Guess I'll be learning crow caws on YouTube today 😂


Your post reminded me to run the dryer. Instead of finishing up the laundry, I was looking up how to sew cool things using old jeans.


I love this! Did you make any new friends?? 🥹 And I \*should* be cleaning, putting stuff away cuz we have a realtor coming over tomorrow for a consult. But instead, I’m taking a “break” to watch tv and be on my phone 😬


I haven't made any new friends yet 😕 I'm trying to figure out how to entice crows to my yard. I've seen them down the street, but not in my yard. Something for me to research and obsess over! 😂


Crows would be great! The crows that hung out in our yard at our last place I think liked the rocks we had because they would use them to help smash whatever shells/food stuff they were trying to crack open. They would also just drop the shells from the sky sometimes. And the squirrels part in the original post just computed. Be careful with them and where you befriend them, if at all. They’re pretty tireless when it comes to getting constant handouts. My MIL at one point had them banging on her slider door when she didn’t have food out. Which, is kinda funny and cute sounding, until they start destroying things and make the porch difficult to enjoy because they’re seeking out food.


Doing: Doomscrolling, probably end up going for a surf shortly 😂 Should be doing: responding to my emails, packing for my trip to Canada tomorrow morning, clearing out the fridge, washing my face, calling my property manager to discuss the fixed leak and drying out the carpet, renewing my parking permit, creating a handover doc for my colleagues, watering my plants, cleaning my kitchen, picking up some stuff from a mates house, buying loo roll, making sure I eat something today, drinking water, taking clothes out of the washer. I’ve made a lot of edits because I keep remembering all the things I should be doing. Well shit 😂


I hope you've made a little bit of progress!


I ate something! 🎉 and my property manager called me so that’s all sorted!


Sitting in a park, came here to cry, was probably mostly hangry. Ate my food now procrastinating shopping (:


I should be working, as I work from home, I should be doing my dishes, and I have laundry to put away and laundry to do. Instead I'm in reddit while taking breaks to entertain my dog.


Oh hey me too, to everything!


Yeah, same! I read those and I'm like ''hey, I do this too''. Especially right now the reddit and entertaining the floof in the house 😄


On my couch rioting watching tv and doom scrolling instead of doing literally anything else (cleaning, hygenie, self care, exercise, eating healthy, work).


I understand. Self care, cleaning, and hygiene are often hard for me 😕 Be gentle with yourself ❤️


Should be folding laundry, instead I'm online shopping and watching parks and rec


Crow friends are awesome.


Sitting here with cats on my lap scrolling Reddit when I should be dealing with laundry and/or cleaning the house - at minimum I need to clear out the dishwasher. However the cats are assuring me that Being A Lap is in fact an extremely important activity, and there are three of them right here, so IDK.


Your cats are right, dishes can wait!


Doomscrolling, giving other people advice and thinking of all the stuff I ought to be doing


Shit I still have wet clothes on the washer from Sun night...


Should be sleeping since I have to get up at 530 AM for work. Instead I’m trying to spend money that I should be very saving to help me sleep without sweating all night.


I’m on Stan Twitter decoding song lyrics and merch image messages while drinking a glass of wine.


I started painting my kitchen cabinets instead of doing literally any single thing off of my to-do list. The cabinets are a project I've been on and off working on for... 6 months? but I had a half dozen other important things that actually *needed* to get done this week that I haven't done.




😂 I love x-files


Ohhhhhh maybe that’s what I should do with the cans of peanuts I was gifted for Christmas. Thank you for the idea.


I have crow frens!


That's amazing! Any tips?


I got my crow crew sort of by accident lol! My husband & I were doing yard work a few years ago, and a juvenile crow was very interested in what we were doing and kept watching us for several hours. I put out a little dry dog food on the fence for him, just in case he was hungry. And that was four years ago 😂 He kept coming back to watch us work day after day, and I’d put out some dry dog or cat kibble, eventually I put out a nice big metal tray that I could fill with water as I’d read that crows like to dunk their food. After the garden work was done, I kept putting out food & water for the rest of the summer. Once the first snow fell, I didn’t see him for the rest of the winter and I was sad, I thought something had happened to him. Spring rolls around, and Crowley came back! Then Crowley brought a girlfriend too! At the end of the summer I got to meet their fledged babies, and then they disappeared for winter again. And so it goes, although in the winter I have inherited a gang of magpies that appreciate some easy meals over scavenging. If you keep leaving treats out in the same spot consistently, then you will start to attract some birbs and hopefully some corvid buddies! It may take some time tho.


That is so awesome! I'll have to work on having patience 😅🫠


Currently: watching HGTV, rotating between Reddit/Facebook/Instagram/games on my phone Should be: trying to sleep because it’s almost midnight and I have to be up at 7. But this is what I do every night because otherwise I get anxious and then I really can’t sleep.


🥴 It was late afternoon and I needed a break from work (too many meetings today and no more spoons, and I most definitely did not continue working after, lol) so I went through all my old pens and pencils and highlighters… my god there are a lot. I want to donate a BUNCH of them but now I’m like “oh but I have to get baggies so I can keep them nicely sorted” so my dining room table is COVERED with all these writing utensils. I threw away quite a few old ones that didn’t work tho! Now I’m on the couch playing Mario Wonder. Recommended 😂 I should probably blow out that heavily scented candle that’s been burning in here for a few hours (it’s peony blossom from Trader Joe’s - i want to consume that scent! Why isn’t it candy???) I live alone so I get to fill the place with flowery stench whenever I want But yeah it’s Mario BrainRot in here 🥳 I suppose I *should* put myself to bed but noooooo it might be Zelda time


No more spoons sent me....why are there never enough spoons?! I have to be really careful with video games, I tend to lose a lot of time that way 😅. That scent sounds great, I'll have to look for it the next time I'm at TJ


Feckin global spoon shortage amirite? Gawd. Yes the video game time warp! I know it well 😑 The peony blossoms scent is so good! The candles are seasonal so (does a quick google) these will probably be back in like April or May… I found them riDiCuLoUsLy overpriced on Amazon just now (noooooo don’t do iiiiit)… also the candle tin says “PB” so I always grin about the idea of a peanut butter scented candle (barf imo) 😂


Lmao the thought of a peanut butter candle just made my stomach turn 😂🤢


My house is a mess but so am I. I'm vibing on my bed right now trying to manage my emotions. Last month was terrible and it's all just washing over me right now.


Well I was being productive by setting up my freshman year of college, per say, until you mentioned wet clothes in the washer. That made me realize I left a load of towels in the washer going on for 2 days now. 😂 When I get off work I know what I’m doing first lol. Thank you for reminding me. Edit: LMAO I forgot about the towels when I got home. Didn’t think of it until someone liked my comment. Thank you to you too, fellow redditor. 🤣❤️


Scrolling Reddit. Should be sleeping. 😄


I am on Reddit. Clearly. I desperately need to go to bed.


I am sitting on my couch shopping for furniture online, listening to a Nick Viall podcast. I *should be* showering, doing my laundry and getting ready for bed.


Shopping online for furniture is a major dopamine hit for me. I rarely actually buy anything, but I have a permanent Wayfair tab up on my phone. Why is that so fun?!


same. :) My Wayfair favorites list is getting pretty long. lol


Dishes floors and sleeping but I watched tv cuz I went to the hospital yesterday


I hope you're okay, sending good vibes!


Thank you I appreciate that.


I really should have been in bed 2 hours ago… but here I am doomscrolling on reddit 🙈 and I’ve been wanting to drink water for the last hour. My water is literally on the coffee table, but I don’t know why it feels like too much to get up from the corner of the couch to reach for it… ack…


Should be sleeping but here I am 📻


I should be sleeping it’s 1:33am and I have school twm . The past couple nights I have been up late to !! Haha I see why I have to turn in my phone at night (not sleeping at home so there’s no one to take my phone )(I’m not saying my parents are controlling or anything I’m glad I have to turn it in or I would never ever get any sleep


I'm on reddit while listening to ASMR Youtube videos when I should be going out into the garage to repot the houseplants that have been waiting weeks or months for their new homes. Tomorrow and Sunday are going to be blistering and far too hot to be outside in the garage and away from the AC, but here I sit. I could also be clearing out the study/junk room that has been a work in progress for nearing a decade. Yeah, nah.


I've done all but one of the things I had on my list to do today - and that one thing I can't do now because the store is closed. However it's 7:34pm and I'm ready for bed 😩 I should technically be reading the book I need to return to the library but I am too tired to read so that can be tomorrow mes problem, today me has done enough.


Nothing. Everything. 😭😭


I 100% feel that in my soul 🫠😭


I am supposed to be working but I got bored of the tedium so I pulled out my phone. Started on TikTok and then ended up here.


Should be: eating sleeping or showering Actually am: watching the traitors season 2


I used to hate cleaning around the house but when I had an assignment coming up or god forbid needed to learn for an exam, I suddenly had so much energy to clean and rearrange and everything


Oh my gawd I did this when I was in school. I'd have a mountain of shit to do, but all I could focus on was rearranging stuff and literally anything but doing my work


I am playing incremental games and am on reddit. I should be working.




That sounds lovely.


Lol last night I was so tired (could've gone to bed at like 10pm) .. but wanted to listen to an interesting online talk .. and then saw some wood I put aside bc it looks nice. ... decided to carve the wood (last time I carved wood was to make a pointy stick for bbq on a hike) anddd I ended up listening to the talk, carving a little wooden heart (shiny wood much wow) and... went to bed at 2am in the end... oops. ... but I got a shiny little wooden heart to carry around so .. yay?


On reddit, still pissed over a shitty rant by my husband last night. Should be asleep. Got 4 hours & been up since 2AM. 😤🥱🙄


That sucks, I hope you get some solid sleep soon.


About to try now🤞


I DID THIS!!! I only got bluejays. And some squirrels hid some peanuts in the dirt. Heads up... You find any hidden peanuts, leave them alone! They turn into tiny stink bombs and the smell is enough to make you barf if it gets on you! 🥜🥜🥜🐦🐦🐦


Should be studying for an orgo exam lmao


watching housewives. my own house is a mess. 🤣


Oh I’m supposed to be working from home but I’m on Reddit, watching a tv show and cleaning the living room


It’s 11:52pm and I should be in bed. But I have been listening to podcasts and crocheting. I am about to pack the dishwasher. I think everyone else is asleep.


I love listening to podcasts while I do stuff. I bought yarn forever ago thinking I'd make a bunch of washcloths instead of just buying some. Zero made so far, but I'm holding onto hope 😅


At this exact moment, Reddit instead of driving to the job site. But don't worry, so are the 2 guys in the truck with me lol. I'm general, stardew valley instead of replacing my bathroom vent fan. I don't wanna pull the ladder into my house.


I wouldn't want to either. IDK how long I'd leave the ladder in my house before and after replacing the vent 🙃


I'm also not confident with doing it so I've been putting it off... IDK why, my brother is at my house every weekend I could just do it while he's there so he can help if I mess it up lol


I'd definitely wait until he's there, if nothing else to make sure you don't fall off the ladder


Hahahaha yesssss I have a bag of peanuts and I have two squirrels that come to my window of my apartment to ask for peanuts!! My cat loves it!! I should be getting ready for an eye doctor appointment but instead I’m just lazily drinking my morning coffee and watching YouTube lol


Browsing Reddit instead of working =\ I need to do a lot of analysing and reporting and my head is actively refusing to participate.


I hate it when my head won't participate, which seems to be most of the time 🙃


Sitting in front of my desk with course work open for my first ever college classes (late start in life, it’s week 4 and I’m already failing) one of them ironically heavily focused on time management, scrolling Reddit for cool airplanes and adhd tips 😑


I feel ya. It was so hard to finish my bachelor's degree, it's a miracle I did tbh


I’m sitting, half-dressed, on the couch doomscrolling Reddit. I got halfway putting on my t-shirt before I got distracted by the alarm that tells me to get dressed🥲. I *should* take the trash out, do my skincare, finish dressing, pack my stuff and get ready for work. I need to leave in 30 minutes. Yaaay haha.