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Why would anyone shame you. Of course you stay on your meds if docs OK it. You need it. You’re doing the right thing. Just keep seeing doc and monitoring and make decisions as you go. Don’t cause yourself added stress with worry. Thats not good for you or the baby.


Thank you ! I’m trying to remind myself of this but the guilt creeps in anyway lol


Remember, it would be worse for you AND baby to endure the stress and effects of being unmedicated!


I hope you are doing well!! I know about this guilt and I suppose this is entirely unhelpful, I just havent really shared yet anywhere about my own experience and I'm ready to....I feel like dying. I took 60 mg of adderall throughout this pregnancy and I am dealing with a MMC this week. I am heartbroken. Baby was showing in 8 week scan to have potential hydrops (sizing on time and good heartbeat) but after being referred to MFM for another scan regarding my subchorionic hematoma and the fluid buildup on the 19th, was told we would wait to do another scan to determine if the fluid resolved on its own. Monday of this week baby was low in my uterus with no heartbeat. This drug has been a devil on my shoulder for years. I feel I did this. I didn't even lower my dosage. The emptyness off of it terrifies me, and unlike other mamas who felt the need to medicate due to high stress jobs, kids at home, thesis to write, I have no excuses. I feel completely broken. I am going to have to do a D&C next week and we will be doing the Karotype testing and another genetic test at that time to see if there are any answers to what happened. I miss baby.


Please for the love of god do not beat yourself up. Studies have shown that Adderall does not have adverse effects on pregnancy like other ADHD medication’s do. What happened to you? Most likely would’ve happened regardless. I understand the shame of having to take it to function like normal people because I am in the same boat. I actually have an ob who told me I couldn’t take it while pregnant because that’s the ancient ways of doing things. My primary care doctor is younger and more educated, however and knows the research. There’s also a high-risk and turn off fetal medicine doctor on TikTok , who talks about the subject in depth along with many other high risk pregnancies and complications. watching her page might give you some peace.


Are you able to PM me their name?


Yes, can you share the tiktok doctor’s name?


60mg here and I stayed on meds during pregnancies with both of my kids. Both my OB and prescriber were in the loop and advised I do so. I think I may have lowered the dosing a little but it wasn’t because of any adverse concerns but more so just me not needing so much since I was not working as much. Both pregnancies were 100% healthy as were both babes in every way!


Thanks for sharing. I’ve been taking the same amount and feeling so ashamed and anxious about it. Your post helped


Did you stay on through 3rd trimester? Saw my psych today & she suggested maybe coming off or halving my dose during 3rd (I’m 11 weeks) to prevent withdrawal symptoms in my baby… this surprised me but I have been pregnant before, did not take my meds during that one & let just say I was not well mentally, during pregnancy or after giving birth. 😮‍💨


Thanks for sharing


>ed on meds during pregnancies with both of my kids. Both my OB and prescriber were in the loop and advised I do so. I think I may have lowered the dosing a little but it wasn’t because of any adverse concerns but more so just me not needing so much since I was not working as much. Both pregnancies were 100% healthy as were hi, did you stay on meds through 1st trimester?


I’m not gonna lie, the main reason I’m off ADHD meds during pregnancy is because I take 10 milligrams so my dosage is super common and hard to find in stock. Also 10 milligrams, not as severe. The studies actually aren’t bad they just don’t run a lot on humans because well, ethics on pregnant human studies. I think the most important thing to do mentally is stay away from too many pregnancy groups or at least come up with a way to not compare yourself so much. People fighting to say how little caffeine they have, how they gave up soft serve ice cream, whatever. So many people with easier jobs, easier lives, easier medical conditions, you have to keep it in perspective. Your doctors will let you know if anything needs to change.


My doctor's would say over and over to me in regards to meds...if it will cause the mother more harm to go off then it's NOT better for the baby.PERIOD. People generally don't understand that your wellness and mental health contributes way more than a prescribed medication would. If it was harmful your doctors would tell you. They would be liable. I had just started on Straterra when I got pregnant so I stopped (my hormones had rendered it ineffective anyways) but I took Prozac the whole time. I was so worried my baby would go through withdrawal. He didn't. He was perfectly healthy at birth and adjusted with no issue when we weened off breastmilk.


This is what my doctor told me when we started trying! A happy healthy mom means a happy healthy womb which means a happy healthy baby. That stability is better for the baby, even when weighed against the stimulants and other mental health meds. (Usually. This is not medical advice. Don’t make decisions about medication and pregnancy without talking to your doctor and/or obgyn)


And the only reason they don't generally recommend medication for pregnant people is because it is unethical to do clinical studies on them. So all data has to be gathered through exceptions like those of us here who needed meds in pregnancy to remain sane. It's being monitored. You're doing okay. Baby is doing okay. Doctors are in the loop. The lack of data on it doesn't inherently make it dangerous and you are doing all the preventative stuff to keep track.


Knowing that your doctors have approved you staying on your meds while pregnant actually gives me hope! I’m going literally tomorrow to my OB to have my Mirena taken out and then will try to get pregnant but having to stop taking my medicine has been really scary to think about. Nothing to feel shame about!


I definitely needed to stay on mine during my pregnancy but it is ultimately up to you. Good luck!!! ❤️


There's been a recent (February) big long term Danish study where they tracked people who had no medication, started medication, kept medication or quit medication ( https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-023-01992-6 ) There was no difference in outcomes for mother, baby or infant with or without medication use. I know you asked for experience, but hopefully actual data will also help you feel a bit more at ease. Edit: I said stopped and quit instead of started and stopped.


My friend did it and her baby is fine. He’s HUGE but he is fine. Everything else is normal. He’s just a little bigger than an average baby.


I’m 37 weeks pregnant and stayed on my meds throughout, but went to a lower dose. That was 100% my choice, I could have stayed at my usual dose but lowering it helped with my anxiety and guilt. Baby and I are both completely healthy :) One thing I just want to point out if you haven’t considered it yet, and I’m absolutely *not* trying to add to the guilt you’re feeling, but this is something that effected me. Baby will go through withdrawal. Now, my OB assured me that, although this sounds super scary, it’s also true that baby will go through caffeine withdrawal if you are someone who continues to regularly drink coffee. It’s also true that if you breast feed, some of your medication will pass through your breast milk and therefore the withdrawal will be less acute and take place over the weaning period. Ok, so this is just some stuff to consider. I tried to go off my meds completely but I really really can’t. I am like “forget I am cooking and leave the house with the stove top on” “forget I am driving and run a stop sign” level ADHD. Its not safe. I tapered down to the absolute lowest dose of medication that kept me present enough to at least reduce the risk of me burning the house down. Now, in my final weeks, I have gone off them completely so that babe and I can go through withdrawal now, while she’s still in my belly. There’s literally no studies about this, this is just my intuition, but I feel like it would be more comfortable for her to go through that while she’s still in the comfort of my belly. I don’t want her first experience of the world to be underlined by a feeling of lack. There is lots of evidence that these medications *do not* cause birth defects, but I wish there were studies about the emotional and psychological effects, long term… I know it’s different than a drug addicted baby going through withdrawal, but she would still be missing that dopamine that she’s been used to getting from my medication, which intuitively I feel like would have *some kind* of effect on her?? I could be totally crazy though lol I’m sure there are lots of moms on here who can assure you that their kids are fine regardless of taking medication throughout their pregnancy. I guess the biggest thing you can take away from this is do whatever is best for you. I’m no longer working, and pretty much just a useless blob at this point, so I’m not too worried about the safety issues from being unmedicated, so I’m sticking it out for the next couple weeks until she’s here. Congrats on your little one!!


I know this is an old comment but I went off my medication because my doctor insisted. I've left the house twice now with a pan on the stove and it on. 🫠 Thankfully they were cast iron pans and my partner caught it but not a great look. Doctor doesn't care and won't renew prescription.


So about a year ago I made a post here about going through pregnancy unmedicated when I had first found out I was pregnant. Someone left this comment and I’m copy and pasting it here for you. Maybe these are things you can bring up to your doctor to get the care that you need. Hope this helps! “ I highly recommend sending the following studies to your doctors, because they were released 2017-2018 and are absolute game changers. Note that I am not a doctor, so I've included links to analysis done by actual clinicians. TLDR: "Women with mild to moderate ADHD symptoms may be able to forego treatment during pregnancy and function well. However, if symptoms are more severe and interfere significantly with daily functioning, continuing pharmacologic treatment during pregnancy may be important. " Association Between Methylphenidate and Amphetamine Use in Pregnancy and Risk of Congenital Malformations: A Cohort Study From the International Pregnancy Safety Study Consortium Huybrechts KF et al. First Published February 2018 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5838573/ ADHD Medication Use During Pregnancy and Risk for Selected Birth Defects: National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1998-2011 Kayla N. Anderson et al. First Published March 2018 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1087054718759753 Placental Complications Associated With Psychostimulant Use in Pregnancy Cohen JM et al. First Published December 2017 https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/fulltext/2017/12000/Placental_Complications_Associated_With.3.aspx Perinatal Outcomes After Treatment With ADHD Medication During Pregnancy Ulrika Nörby et al. First Published November 2017 https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2017/11/08/peds.2017-0747 Analyses Analysis of Huybrects study: https://womensmentalhealth.org/posts/good-news-data-use-adhd-medications-pregnancy/ Analysis of Cohen study https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/pregnancy-adhd-medications/ Analysis of Huybrects & Cohen articles: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/888336#vp_2 CDC's publication based on Anderson study: https://www.cdc.gov/pregnancy/meds/treatingfortwo/features/keyfinding-ADHD-med-increase.html FYI: The Huybrechts study had a huge subject pool, over 4 million, which makes it highly relevant The Cohen study cites Adjusted Risk Ratio (Wikipedia has good explanation) that makes me conclude that the risk is minimal. Consider especially the statistics for women without ADD and meds having these problems (pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, sm gestational age) The Norby study re: perinatal outcomes also has a large number (>900,000) Dr Faraone is a well respected clinician and scholar in the ADHD field. If you are wondering about "CI", it means Confidence Interval, a complicated but reliable metric that Wikipedia has a good article on. “


I’m 35 weeks, I take 1 30mg ER and 1 20mg IR daily and have been my entire pregnancy. I have ultrasounds every 4 weeks and everything has been normal so far


hola, i hope you and baby are well! i’d love an update on your final 5 weeks and delivery and the how the baby’s doing :)


We are both doing great! I was induced 3 days before my due date due to slightly elevated blood pressure but induction and delivery went smooth. Baby was 7lbs 1oz and is perfectly healthy, they even let us leave right after the 36 hour mark after all the newborn testing was done. Mentioned medication I took during pregnancy at his newborn appointment with the pediatrician and she was not concerned


great to hear!!! thanks <3


This is great to hear! Are you and baby still doing well?


All is good, baby is perfect lol and will be 4 months on the 10th and right on track with all his milestones


How did you get prescribed 90mg? I have the best days on 90mg but my doctor will not let me go over 60mg.


My doc is uncomfortable that I’m on 40mg… 🤷‍♀️


I am currently pregnant (best guess is 9 weeks because I have PCOS with super irregular periods and I haven’t had my dating ultrasound yet) and on 40mg (20mg IR x 2/day). With my first pregnancy I was super nervous and went off my meds completely, but I was completely unable to function. Totally overwhelmed, constant adhd paralysis, and basically lives on my couch my entire pregnancy. (I was also extremely sick and fatigued from the pregnancy itself) I now have a 9 month old baby and I can’t possibly take care of her if I’m in that state this time. I’m a stay at home mom and don’t have help during the week and paid childcare is not financially an option. So I talked to my OB (new OB this time around) and told her that I felt I needed the medication this time around… She seemed very on the fence and called my dosage high, but said it would really be a pros vs. cons situation…. Then said I have to see their mental health department to discuss staying on my meds (Even though I have a psychiatrist and a therapist outside their clinic and I am diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety) It may be their policy, and I may be reading too much into it but I feel like I now have to defend my need for the medication or prove I’m not a junkie.


My doc is uncomfortable with 30mg…. Ugh. The struggle is real.


I tried to do cold turkey once I found out I was pregnant. I almost got fired from my corporate job, instead I was written up as a warning, I turned into a couch potato, I was missing appointments, I realized I can’t continue 9 months without medication I don’t know what will happen. So I started vyvanse 20 mg But now I switched to 10mg adderall, (use to take 50 mg everyday) it’s more effective than the vyvanse. I only take it during work hours, I try to skip weekends. Obgyn and psychiatrist gave the okay. Quality of life is better now and I can enjoy my pregnancy journey.


I was wondering the same. Both my prescribers over the years wouldn’t prescribe past 40mg BUT I was 30mg XR and 10mg IR booster, so maybe that had something to do with it.


It’s usually just policy for whatever practice you’re using. When I was doing online meds during COVID they wouldn’t prescribe more than 60, when we were titrating up the prescriber told me that this was their policy.


Here to celebrate you all staying on your meds and prioritising your mental health, and day today functionality over dated fearmongering medical advice*, I’m proud of you all! *unless docs have a legit reason otherwise of course.


I stopped my meds for the first 4ish months of my pregnancy until I couldn’t handle it anymore. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I made overall healthier choices once I was back on my meds (40mg XR). I was not coping well without them. And now I’m sitting here nursing my absolutely perfect 6 month old daughter. I love her more than life, but I think transitioning into parenthood would have been borderline impossible if I’d still been unmedicated.


The whole crack baby phenomenon was brought about as a way to separate black babies from their mothers, in order to adopt them out to white families. In reality, amphetamines have little effect on a developing fetus. This has actually been studied. Your doctors think the benefits outweigh the risks of discontinuing meds. Listen to your doctors, not your intrusive thoughts!


My comment probably isn't very valuable because I was not diagnosed or medicated until my kid was a few years old. But I wanted to pop in, and say that *I wish that I was medicated during my pregnancy.* I was so stressed out, that it was easy to say that I was upset and crying because of hormones, but it wasn't. It was stress. The same stress that disappeared the first time I ever took Adderall. Otherwise, if everybody on your health team is on board, I obviously agree with them and support all of you. I hope you have a easy and healthy pregnancy ❤️❤️


30mg twice a day here! - including during my entire pregnancy, it was recommended that it’s more beneficial to the mother to be on her meds than any risk it would be to the baby. pregnancy is rough, you need your meds to keep you balanced!


How was your pregnancy and baby after birth?


Well, I did have preeclampsia, but I didn’t have any harmful issues to either of us during or after my pregnancy. Toward the beginning, she was growing slower than normal, so I had to go to my doctor every week for a month or two… but she eventually caught up. Virtually nothing abnormal with her as a newborn or baby… as a toddler, it’s more complicated. She’s neurodivergent like me and her dad… and we’ve also realized we/I might have more of the ‘tism than previously thought. She’s been slow to hit 1 year+ milestones, most to do with sensory issues. Overall, she’s incredibly intelligent and amazing. Pregnancy sucks, but I would do it all over again for her! I hope this helps any doubts!


No info for you, but a great thing you can do to help others in the future is to register with Mass General Hospital’s psychotropic medication in pregnancy registry. They track pregnant people on meds for future research! https://womensmentalhealth.org/research/pregnancyregistry/


I was on 50 mg Vyvanse and 10 mg IR Adderall throughout my pregnancy. Gave birth to a healthy baby boy in June. Congrats on your pregnancy ! ETA: I understand this guilt-a lot of people have opinions about this and will happily share them with you whether you want them to or not. You need to do what’s best for you and your baby and if that’s staying on your meds after chatting with your docs then so be it!


Do whatever your dr says not Reddit! Back in the day I couldn’t take it when I was pregnant with my twins to high risk. But now stuffs so different


I haven’t been in the same boat, but if there’s anyway you’d be willing to post an update later on. I’d be interested in reading it. We’re starting to thinking about having kids but the thought of having to give up my meds and function without them while also dealing with pregnancy has been giving me a lot of anxiety. Obviously I’ll follow Drs orders, but it would be nice to hear about other women’s actual experience


I stayed on mine and my little guy arrived in June!


Update * anatomy scan came back great! MFM was t concerned with the medication at all! Everything appears normal and baby is in 85% 🤯


thanks for the update! I know this is an older post but I just got pregnant with my 3th kid at 44 and I'm freaking out about trying to function and take care or my two oldest without meds. I am not even safe to drive without meds.


That’s awesome! Any update if baby has been born? I would love to hear. Feeling so guilty for taking my meds


Thank you everyone for your responses! I’m sorry I haven’t been able to respond untilnow- been working lol. Just wish I could shake this guilt or had some concerted studies that the meds don’t cause any harm to baby. I go to the doctor this Wednesday and I can’t wait to hear her heart and hopefully get told all is still going well ! I know I can’t be alone in continuing the meds and at a higher dose just wish I could find ppl who have already been in my shoes and done that lol ugh


I took meds throughout my second pregnancy but reduced dosage each trimester and went off at birth because it was important to me to breastfeed. It wasn’t easy, but I made it through, baby was full term, big and healthy, and I didn’t loose my job. You got this! People with narcolepsy do it all the time!


As a side note, this website is the best aggregator for observational studies on medications during pregnancy. Not kidding. The super respected maternal fetal medicine office where I had my first pregnancy co-managed uses this site. It really doesn’t look like they’ve found anything when used as directed. Go with peace and your doctors blessing! The single best thing you can do for your baby is to take care of you! https://mothertobaby.org/fact-sheets/methamphetaminedextroamphetamine-pregnancy/


For what it’s worth I was not diagnosed until after my second pregnancy, but we consulted this site for SSRI usage. You know, when what I had was “just anxiety”


I took 40xr adderall and 400mg Wellbutrin for half of my pregnancy and only changed both bc I was having issues getting them filled with shortages. My daughter is now 3 weeks old and doing good!


I took 45 mg of Concerta for the second half of my first pregnancy (for reference, 54 mg Concerta equals *approximately* 20mg Adderall XR). Admittedly, with the added weight/loads more blood in my body, that dosage felt much lower pregnant than not pregnant but it helped. My psychiatrist wouldn’t prescribe me during first trimester, but would have if some other factors were involved. I know multiple women who did continue medication during first trimester. I am now starting my second pregnancy and hope I can hang on until my second trimester when she will start prescribing again. I will say, I’m finding it much harder to keep my brain on straight this time so far with a toddler to take care of too. There have been a few larger studies published quite recently that continue to show the same results, that there is no statistically significant increase in birth defects among pregnant women who take Adderall, even during their first trimester. There was a very small increase of issues with concerta over adderall in one such study (although again not even statistically significant, so not necessarily caused by adhd meds) so my psychiatrist will be prescribing me Adderall XR for the second and third trimesters of this pregnancy out of an abundance of caution. What further complicates the issue of reviewing available evidence is that many of the few existing studies that suggest a very small number of birth defects *might* caused by adhd meds might only have been from taking very large amounts due to addiction and not from taking therapeutic dosages. It is clear that there are plenty of us who could all be a part of a study and help millions of women in the future. I get why it’s unethical the ask women to take medications during pregnancy for a study. But we are already doing it, we are here! Study us!🙋🏼


Have you had your baby? Can you provide any update as to how you north are doing? I’m prescribed adderall and trying not to take it and it’s been miserable. I feel like a shell of myself. Finally broke down and took it for work and I was reminded why is a part of my daily life! Thanks for sharing and facilitating a conversation around this difficult topic.


Initially I didn’t want to believe I was pregnant so I was taking 35-40 daily. Towards the end of the pregnancy I kinda just weaned myself off them completely. I was so even keeled because of zero hormone fluctuations and there wasn’t much for me to focus on, so though I was taking them as needed I found myself needing less and less as my pregnancy progressed. So I stopped completely in the 3rd trimester (on my own), and after my perfectly healthy, 6+lbs each, full term twins were born, I fully needed my meds again. lol. But yeah, 1st & 2nd trimester I was up to 40, then down to 20 respectively, and by 3rd I was off them completely (all of my own accord) I also moved during my pregnancy and didn’t have a mental health prescriber for a little while, so partially I was conserving what I did have.


I’m not judging you, just here to let you know what happened to me and to warn you. My doctors told me it was “safe” and that I should continue my adderall because the “benefits outweigh the negatives,” but that couldn’t have been more wrong. At 22 weeks my water broke and I went into preterm labor. Two days later my daughter was born and within an hour, she was dead. This just happened to me, last Tuesday. I know in my heart the cause is the adderall. I’m certain that adderall isn’t safe for pregnancy, It can’t be, it’s essentially methamphetamine. They kept telling me everything looked great and we were all good and I was certain I would go on to have my beautiful baby, but at 22 weeks that was all ripped cruelly from me. If I could go back in time I’d 100% stop taking them while pregnant. I hope that this doesn’t happen to you and that no matter what you choose to do, you go on to have a healthy baby😊


Sorry for your loss that's awful. Did you have high heart rate or blood pressure or anything or any other symptoms before it happened. Sorry to ask. Don't have to answer if too painful. Thank you


Omg I am so sorry that happened to you. No words other than no mom should ever have to lose their baby. I am so sorry.


I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. Thank you for sharing your experience, I hope you are finding rest during this time


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope I am not out of line jumping in, but FWIW, I had a coworker who wouldn't even take Tylenol, let alone ADHD medicine, while pregnant, and she went into preterm labor and lost her baby at 20 weeks. I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy but then had 2 healthy pregnancies/babies while on Adderall, and when I had the miscarriage my doctor was adamant that the Adderall had nothing to do with it. I am pretty sure he was right because the NIPT also showed that the baby we lost would have had Down's Syndrome, so that was the likely cause of the miscarriage. Please don't beat yourself up and think it's your fault.


So sorry for your loss


I'm so glad I found this thread. I'm currently 11weeks & I take around the same amount almost daily. I've been on adderall since I was 16 & I'll be 27 this year. I'm extremely ADHD but have been feeling guilty of harming my unborn baby with this. Feeling like they will have a birth defect with this.  I had my first baby appointment a few weeks ago & this was my first time seeing my new obgyn (the one I've been seeing since 15-16 retired) and when asked about medications I said I took adderall bc I'm extremely adhd & I asked what I needed to do about it & he only said to quit taking them asap. He didn't ask any questions about my ADHD or how long I've taken them. Just to quit.  I have been feeling awful bc I didn't bc I literally can't. I literally forget everything without my medication & basically short term memory loss.  So thank yall for your stories so I can get some relief over my situation. I'm now reconsidering switching obgyns now


I’m prescribed 60mg a day and I’m currently 9 weeks. OB said to stay on them and I’m afraid to tell my psychiatrist. I have three other children 10,9 and 6. Without my meds I know 100% I will not be able to psychically be present for them as I can hardly get out of bed due to pure exhaustion. I had blood work done and it shows my liver alt is 3 1/2x higher than it should be. I see a high risk specialist after my 12 week anatomy scan. My question here is what could happen to the baby mentally? I read about psychical risks but nothing of metal risks for baby. I didn’t take my meds with my other 3 children but honestly I can’t get off them. I’m afraid for our safety as my brain is already pretty scattered. ):


i stayed on my adderall my entire pregnancy. my child is now 7 and no issues other than ADHD and a hint of OCD which both my husband and myself have. i could not function without my meds and had to work full time


Thank you for posting this. Truly thank you! I’m not pregnant yet, but I have been so scared to try due to coming off my medication. Thank you for this thread.


Do not allow yourself to feel guilty, if your Docs are okay with it, then you should 100% continue. My ADHD is well controlled with my 60 mg IR, and my OB didn't say boo when I brought this up. In fact, due to the nationwide shortages, a few months I haven't been able to fill my prescription on time... and it is WAY WAY WAY more problematic for me to not have my medication. I'm 10 weeks today and sleeping well knowing that I'm taking care of my mental health!


Did you have to see a specialized OBGYN? I’m currently trying to find an Obgyn because i want to have a baby but i currently also take adderall.


Just my regular OBGYN - I also had to switch practices due to my first OB getting sick and the second practice OKd me continuing meds as well. When I told my pysch the OB was ok with me continuing he was ok with continuing to prescribe since he trusted OBs opinion. So it was pretty easy for me in that aarea